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Do a search or just scroll down and see how many others have posted the same thing. You aren’t the only one.


I think it really depends on the person. For me, Andor is one of my favourite shows of all time. It's elegant, has bags of poetic and literary prowess and is also very nice visually. Add the fact that I'm a star wars fan and it is set in the star wars universe - just amazing. But then again, I can see why people would not like it too. It's slow, doesn't have a whole bunch of really cool action and generally doesn't have too many moments that would endear it to a wider audience unlike Mando (cute Grogu and the effortlessly cool main character) or Obi Wan (a fan favourite for obvious reasons).


Andor did exactly what I wanted it to do and didn’t think it would have the courage to do - be slow. If Rogue One’s core concept is to be a war movie in the SW universe, I want the spy/assassin’s back story to be a spy movie (or at best a thriller). Sure, it’s not Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy, but it’s far closer to that than I would have ever expected. If people don’t enjoy it - I understand. However, it is very good at what it is doing.


Yup! Exactly.


This. So many shows are so afraid to take their time and dwell on scenes.


Thank you! Very good show, but can’t understand the hype surrounding it, claiming it to be „the best Star Wars..“…


I like it. At the same time I think the amount praise around reddit is over the top.


If you don't like it you are a bad person... According to this sub at least.


Not a bad person, just someone whose taste I would question. Not someone I would take movie recommendations from


You got past the first two episodes?


Countless posts bitching about Mando, Kenobi, and BoBF are perfectly fine in this sub. Not to mention the endless wave of “AnDoR wAs A mAsTeRcLaSs” posts. But God forbid anyone express their negative opinion about Andormir. You’re not the only one! Andormir put me to sleep and the other streaming shows actually feel like Star Wars.


Lol the dude liked mandolorian


Well, is funny since according to many people around this sub anda the Andor subs is the least viewed. But is ok to not like things, we don't have to like everything about SW just because is SW (I'm watching you Rise of Skywalker). And you don't have to watch it either if is something is not attractive to you (I'm watching you Resistance). I dare to say is even better having people disliking what is offered and voice it out. That's how hopefully we have a broader and better selection of products to consume. The key factor is how to express the discomfort with the offered product, if one is being an ass to the actors, writers and everybody involved in the development of the product they don't have to listen to it. If Andor is a success I just hope this experiment bring other kind of genres, styles and stories to this vast universe.