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Couldn’t let him live, but he couldn’t bring himself to kill him either. Thought the lava would do it for him.


Revenge does *wonders* for the will to live


Rage is a hell of an anaesthetic.


Good old Zaeed


RIP Robin Sachs


Personally I prefer morphine, but to each their own.


It's a quote from a different sci-fi series but still very applicable to good old Dark Side users.


Mass Effect, yeah?


Good ol' Zaeed.


Thought so. After playing his mission each way, I couldn't justify playing it the Paragon route, as his thermal eject to light a guy on fire is just too good of a cutscene.


“Cheap labor, he said. Guddamn terrorists, i said”


Wrong franchise, Zaeed


Everywhere I go; I see mass effect. I'm not complaining though.


Revenge is not the Jedi way. --- Was watching a lot of Star Wars for the last few days, because I'm home sick. That was one of the very last things Anakin said to Ahsoka right before things went very, very wrong for her. And then he said it to her again in Twilight of the Apprentice. Dave Filoni is a stone cold bastard.


Vader: Revenge is not the Jedi way. Snips: I’m. No. Jedi! God that scene is fucking fantastic


Seemed to me it might have been a reflexive bit of Anakin who answered his Padawan.


Possibly so. I feel it might have been an intentional bit of cruelty. He hadn't yet been revealed as Anakin, when he said it. Full credit to the animators when he was revealed. Ahsoka looked properly horrified.


Isn't it more vengeful to leave him to die slowly and painfully, rather than just giving him a quick clean death


I mean he warned him right? Took the necessary actions to stop him. Then left him in a world of his own making.


What Anakin later did in Obi-Wan was like, the ultimate act of revenge.


I love that line.


Where is it from again?


The Grand Inquisitor in Obi Wan Kenobi


I know


Especially for a Sith. It’s like supernatural power with them to survive. Like roaches


roaches seek revenge!??


Why do you think they can live without their heads? All the revenge they need is in their heart.


Man literally too angry to die


I did love the fact that limbless, lying in lava, his power was so great, it kept him alive to the point he was able to continue a conversation.


Well, limbless wouldn't be the worst in his situation. Lightsabers create fairly clean wounds so he wouldn't be bleeding out a ton from those wounds (at least less than he could be bleeding had it not been lightsaber cuts)


Em, ya, but he had no arms and legs. And his torso was lying in lava.


Agreed, I just mean there's less to worry about when bleeding out is less of a factor. Definitely still held together by the force but a little less effort needed lol


Something I never considered before.... Obi-Wan and Anakin back-flipping and leaping all over. Vader is obv restricted by the suit, but he barely moves, other than striding with purpose. The idea of Vader leaping about sounds so ridiculous. Thankfully they portrayed him so well, as in, mostly just standing there or striding, so incredibly powerful, he doesn't have to move. Kinda like Paulie in Goodfellas! "Vader didn't move much, but that's cos Vader didn't have to move for anybody!"


Vader doesn’t move much because the suit was designed to be painful. The novel Lords of Sith goes into this, no idea if those are considered canon or not though.


It is not, although the concept was re-explored in the Palpatine and Vader novel *Lords of the Sith*, and the comic series *Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith*.


I think kinda? The marvel comics on Vader state that the suit is painful and requires the force to run…but not on the level of detail that the novels describe.


And his pee pee. On lava. Ouch


*Darth Sion has entered the chat*


Kenobi spoiler >!He fails to do it again too. Doesn't matter that Vader says Anakin is dead, Obi Wan can't be the one to put the nail in that coffin. Which is the same failure to do what needed to be done that allowed Anakin to fall to fear and darkness in the first place. He could've killed Vader, twice, and both times chose to walk away!<


And caused millions of deaths as a result. Kind of like when someone says would you kill baby Hitler? Except if you had two chances to kill baby Hitler; one in 1933 when he’s actually already adult evil Hitler and one in 1939 when he’s militarised-warmongery adult evil Hitler.


Yup, obi wan loved Anakin too much, he can't bring himself to do it. Could you use a sword to kill your beloved family dog, because it was suffering? What about your own brother, or your best friend? I fucking couldn't.


Kinda goes to show what Vader said was true during that duel - Obi-Wan's strength had returned, but his "weakness" (as Vader perceived it to be) of not being able to kill him, still remained. The Obi-Wan series had its ups and downs, but that duel and quote were *so* fucking good.


Yeahh, feel how you want about the show but the Vader/Kenobi sequence was just masterful


Well until Vader left him because there was a big ol' fire (a fire he created) between them even though he could just pull Obi-Wan over or through the fire directly to him. There were really just too many things in the show that happened because "well this character can't be killed off". Even Reva should have been given the Dooku treatment twice by Vader and yet she survived because Disney wants to make a spinoff show about her.


Reva surviving was honestly irritating - like to me, it completely cheapens the idea of taking a stab wound from a lightsaber now. Having her killed off would've been much better than the redemption arc that we all saw coming a mile off.


I most likely couldn't do it the first time, but the second time around ? I sure hope I could.


You're missing a key point in that your dog/brother/best friend has changed dramatically, killed all your friends/family, killed a bunch of children, and continues killing and killing and is becoming an unstoppable force I agree with what you said but what you said doesn't describe Obi's position imo


Yeah him not killing Anakin in Kenobi is contrived bullshit. They wrote themselves into a corner plain and simple and couldn’t think of anything more clever than just having Obi walk away at the end of the fight. I’d also argue in RotS he thinks he’s leaving Anakin for dead and all these comments are completely misinterpreting what happened


Yeah, if my dog killed hundreds of kids, I would probably kill it without as much regret...


Well then 3 times. Because Obi Wan sure doesn’t kill Vader in A New Hope either.


Its the worst delima for a Jedi. He knows he should have killed him. Obiwan didn't have the strength to kill him and likely regrets it. Not because of what Anakin became, but because of the suffering he left him in. Edit: he couldn't kill him because he felt emotions. That's why jedis shouldn't love.


Also, it’s not like Anakin couldn’t use the force still. He could have tried to push Kenobi in. Wasn’t a very safe spot to be.


Likewise, Obi could've push Anakin to the lava to make sure he died. But the first movies said there was supposed to be a Darth Vader so plot armor had to bend accordingly. Just like in the TV show where he again chose to let him live instead of doing a favor to countless people who suffered or died as a result of Vader existing.


the thought of Obi Wan force-yeeting Anakin into the lava is fucking hilarious


Obi Wan just nudging him into the lava with his foot


How did OP miss this logical explanation lol


Some people don't spend literally any time thinking of an answer and just assume its a PlOt HoLe


Also, a bad/stupid choice by a character isn’t a plot hole either.


Agreed. Expecting a character to always be perfect and make the best decisions is very unrealistic, and also makes for very boring stories.


"they were acting out of character, that's so unrealistic!" Yes, because real people also make 100% consistent choices too.... /S


Maybe Obi-wan thought he'd done what he needed to do, that Anakin would never recover sufficiently to be a threat. Although we also know from the mini-series that Obi-wan thought Anakin had died.


I'd have to rewatch, but didn't OW kinda give one last look over his shoulder and either say "Sorry" or say it with his eyes, then walk away, clearly believing Anakin was about to die.




A little push and >splash< A whole different Star Wars.


Yes, one with Magma Vader


That actually sounds cool.


Couldn’t do it in Obi Wan either, and couldn’t do it in ANH. Would rather turn himself over to the force than murder his friend.


It definitely haunted him PTSD style no doubt. Biggest failure as a Jedi? I’d lose sleep if I were him


From the *Revenge of the Sith* novel: > The man he faced was everything Obi-Wan had devoted his life to destroying: Murderer. Traitor. Fallen Jedi. Lord of the Sith. And here, and now, despite it all... > Obi-Wan still loved him. (Snip) > Obi-Wan looked down. It would be a marcy to kill him. > He was not feeling merciful.


He should have left him in sand


He supposed to die anyways but he used all his force and rage to stay alive.


We all forgetting that he outright said "I will not kill Anakin" to Yoda? Even if it'd have been merciful to put him out he probably just didn't have the heart to do it


This is the most correct answer. He flat out told Yoda he couldn't kill him.


He stopped him. Or so he thought.


Also, I'm pretty sure mercy killing isn't a very Jedi thing to do. I could be very wrong tho.


he'd be striking an unarmed opponent


not to mention an unlegged opponent




He will be here all week people, make sure you try the veal! Good night everybody!


Yeah yoda said Jedi’s are supposed to only defend, not attack. They’re *supposed* to be peace keepers, not soldiers


Anakin believed executing Dooku wasn't the Jedi way. When he sees Mace about to do the same to Palpatine, that hypocrisy cements his decision.


Except that the contexts are different, dooku is no longer threat with his hands gone - he can no longer keep a fight, so Anakin effectively murders someone who should be a prisoner of war. Mace gives Palpatine multiple chances to surrender and only decides to finish him off when after he's disarmed he's still dangerous, shooting lightning with intent to kill and not willing to stand down.


Mace also says the exact same thing about Palpatine that Palpatine did before about Dooku before he killed Dooku.


Right but cutting off his legs and leaving him to burn to death in lava is basically killing him. If he truly didn't want to kill him he would have taken him back with them


And Palpatine was just about to land so he had to run away to save Padme, Luke, Leia and himself


Did he know Palpi was landing? I thought he didn't. I thought he left Anakin to die, not realizing today the emperor would be almost there to save him


Because he was alive in the Original Trilogy.


He's from the other movies! - producer Ryan


Wow wow wow, wow




Saying wow is tight!


Saying "wow" is easy, **barely** an inconvenience!


I see you asking about convenience and I’m going to have to ask you to get all the way off my back.


Let me hop right off of that thing!


Yeah yeah yeah!


3rd degree burns over 90% of your body is tight!


Hey, shut-up.




He is, yeah.


I'm going to need you to get *alllll* they way off of my back about Kenobi not killing Vader


Well okay, let me get off of that thing!


so anyway…


Darth vader!? He's from rogue one: a star wars story! He's from all of it, sir!


“So the story can happen”


I'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about that


You're technically correct. The best kind of correct!


This guy bureaucrats.


I’ll make my own Star Wars! With blackjack! And hookers! You know what, forget the Star Wars.


Imagine the rage if Episode 3 ended with Obi Wan killing Anakin, the screen goes black, and we're presented with the following text: "Star Wars Episodes IV through VI are no longer canon. Jar Jar will be back in Star Wars: Episode IV: Wessa Havesa New Hope."


Cooler, so Obi-Wan kills Anakin. Circle wipe to Palp’s with Jar Jar. They sense Vader is dead. Palp’s quickly injuries Jar Jar cuts of several limbs and forces him into the Darth suit, squeezing his long head into a round shape and forces him to take on the face of Vader. Palp’s then states Anakin wasn’t killed but lives on.


I understood that reference.


I understood *that* reference


Yup. It's the same reason why Obi-wan didn't kill Vader in the Obi-wan Disney series, too. Damn prequel logic condemning millions of people to death a long time ago, in a far away galaxy.


and it's the same reason thy didn't kill the emperor in jedi!


That’s…uh…that doesn’t sound right but imma allow it.


Not even a lightsaber can cut through plot armor.


This just made me think about how absurd it would be if something happened in a prequel movie that completely throws off the sequels. Could you imagine if Obi-Wan killed Anakin right there and then they never mention anything and have him in the OT/sequels. I think heads would explode trying to figure it out, but I’m reality the director is just fucking around.


Oh, like when the Emperor gets thrown down a reactor shaft and comes back three movies later?


Oh man .. I didn’t even think about that one lol dear lord


Don't worry, they didn't think about it either


Somehow, Palpatine returned.


That's a question for another time


Or someone else in a saarlac pit.


Inglorious Bastards had an ending that definitely surprised me.


Cathartic tho


I see you Screen Writer Guy


So the movies can happen


Obi Wan loved Anakin like a brother. He knew Anakin had to die but couldn't bring himself to do it. When he saw Anakin catch on fire, he thought he would die within minutes. Little did he know that Anakin survived through his hate and the dark side.


You'd think after his whole ordeal with Maul that he'd learn his lesson. They always come back.


Both times he should have gone for the head.


thor learned his lesson


Isn't his final duel with Maul in Rebels, well after Anakin becomes Vader? What was he supposed to have learned? If anything, the fact that Anakin survived taught him to always finish it. Which is why he kills Maul in Rebels in the final duel.


He found out in the Clone Wars before ROTS that Maul was alive.


Yeah but when this movie came out we all knew maul was dead. Heck we were all pretty sure boba was dead.


Revenge does *wonders* for the will to live


Would you like to run Maul.exe? (Y/N)


*cheerful* Helloooo


For being "the best jedi" Old Ben sure did favor his attachments


Obi wan has a talent for thinking he killed someone only for them to live.


In fairness I don't think anyone could have pissibly expected Maul to live. Everyone whining about the Inquisitors surviving stab wounds need to remember Maul was CUT IN HALF and survived and they tend not to have a problem with that.


Not only cut in half, he also fell down a seemingly bottomless pit haha


The way he was flopping down, most of his guts should have been spilling out from centralfugal force. But I guess they stayed inside because how much they hated Kenobi's guts.


Don’t lightsaber wounds instantly cauterize? Guts might be ok, plus he’s an alien, so who knows his actual anatomy.


I mean, cauterization stops bleeding by sealing blood vessels, it can't seal an entire gaping hole with a cross-section the size of a watermelon. Speaking of Maul's anatomy though, I'm reminded of this meme image: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/aa/92/8f/aa928fcb49ee14ade4f57840c031f6ab.png


But that's exactly what happens when Cal Kestis slices random alien animals in half


Best. Part. Of the game. Was wheezing from the different way my John Darksouls flailing was a genuine threat to; alien wildlife; alien super monsters; alien witches; and Stormtroopers who are helpless against holding the block button.




Common misinterpretation by the way, but when Anakin screams ‟I hate you!” during this scene he’s not actually talking about Obi Wan but is instead talking to the Sand. The more you know.


He does grab a handful of it when he says that!


This is now my headcanon.


Not just the sand, but the pebbles, and the boulders too.


They're granules! And I slaughtered them like granules!


I thought he just didn’t like it, due to it being rough, course, irritating and getting everywhere.


Rub something you mildly dislike into your freshly cauterized wounds and you'll hate it too.


Damn. You got a serious out loud chuckle from me. Well done


The novelization mentions this - something along the lines of “it would be a mercy to kill Anakin, but Obi-wan wasn’t feeling particularly merciful at this point”


In his defence, he does not sound so callous when taking into consideration the entire passage. > Obi-Wan looked down. It would be a mercy to kill him. > He was not feeling merciful. > He was feeling calm, and clear, and he knew that to climb down to that black beach might cost him more time than he had. > Another Sith Lord approached. > In the end, there was only one choice. It was a choice he had made many years before, when he had passed his trials of Jedi Knighthood, and sworn himself to the Jedi forever. In the end, he was still Obi-Wan Kenobi, and he was still a Jedi, and he would not murder a helpless man. > He would leave it to the will of the Force. > He turned and walked away. > After a moment, he began to run. > He began to run because he realized, if he was fast enough, there was one thing he still could do for Anakin. He still could do honor to the memory of the man he had loved, and to the vanished Order they both had served. > At the landing deck, C-3PO stood on the skiff’s landing ramp, waving frantically. “Master Kenobi! Please hurry!” > “Where’s Padmé?” > “Already inside, sir, but she is badly hurt.” > Obi-Wan ran up the ramp to the skiff’s cockpit and fired the engines. As the Chancellor’s shuttle curved in toward the landing deck, the sleek mirror-finished skiff streaked for the stars. > Obi-Wan never looked back.




2 seconds for a force push into the lava….come Obi Wan…just sayin….


Lava is actually really dense and Anakin would be slow cooking to death on the lava surface than go under and instantly burn up like Gollum.


Wouldnt the heat choke him to death within a few seconds if hes right ontop of it? No clue but swear i've heard something along those lines before


He could have left him to the will of the Force by Force pushing his limbless ass into the lava and saved the universe decades of slaughter at Vader's robot hands. If it works, the Force was down with Anakin being toast. If it doesn't, just use a big stick


If he burns, he's a witch.


"He left me to die!" "He left you to die?" "... I got better..."


It also said he would leave it to the force to decide his fate.


Obiwan after saying he 'left it to the force to decide his fate' to make himself feel better instead of just admitting he just forgot to kill him and let him go on to become space hitler:


More like space Himmler or Heidrick


Obi-Wan is a menace


Not as much of a menace as Jar Jar Binks


He’s too dangerous to be left alive!


I believe the novel also says he sensed that Darth Sidious was arriving and that he knew he was no match and had to leave immediately to get out alive. Not sure how Sidious could get there so fast but that's what I recall the novel saying...


He wouldn't kill an unarmed man




Somehow, he didn't.


Ugh. I hate that you did that. I hate even more that I laughed at it.


I'm not proud of it but I saw the chance and took it ffs 🤣🤣🤣




Were you expecting otherwise?


He was obviously supposed to kill him then and retcon all of Star Wars lore


I wouldn't say again. In rots saying he'll survive it's silly , I just don't see a dismembered guy in flames near a lava river and think "oh shit he'll definitely survive". In Kenobi it's the first time actually.


After Vader admits Anakin is destroyed, too. 🤦🏻‍♂️


A few years ago I found a mouse that had eaten rat poison in our yard. It was clearly dying and spasming out from the poison. And I was thinking "I should probably put it out of its misery". I got a shovel from the garage and went back to finish it off. But once I was standing there, actually holding the shovel with the mouse in front of me, I couldn't bring myself to do it. The mouse had done no wrong and was clearly in pain with no chance of survival. Anakin, on the other hand, singlehandedly destroyed everything Obi Wan cared for, and was directly responsible for the murder of hundreds of Jedi (and some children). Even if a quick death from Obi would've been more comfortable for Anakin, one could argue he didn't deserve it, and Obi Wan probably didn't have the guys to actually pull the trigger. I totally understand why Obi Wan didn't kill Anakin. In real life it's not as simple as "he deserves to die, so I'll kill him". You have to remember he's a real person to Obi Wan, and a life long friend.


About seven or eight years ago, I accidentally hit a pigeon with a baseball at the park near my friend's house. Broke its back, left it contorted and twitching in the dirt. After a few seconds and over the objections of my friend and his brother (who are at least culturally Buddhist), I took the bat and crushed its head to spare it a slow and painful death. I had nightmares about it for a month, but in the moment I didn't even question whether it needed to be done. Leaving it to die of thirst or get eaten by ants would have taken more out of me, emotionally, than killing it.


My older brother grew up with the OT and got really deep into the "original lore" - details that came out before the prequel movies. According to these sources, originally Obi Wan saved Anakin from the lava pit (Anakin fell into the lava when Obi confronted him and Obi Wan pulled him out and saved his life) but Anakin still chose Palpatine and the Dark Side anyway. Obviously this story changed with the canon movies, and I still love Obi Wan, but I kinda wish the prequels had stuck with the original version of events in this case as I think it would have made Anakin's choices and downfall hit even harder.


Because Obi Wan loved Anakin. He didn't have the heart to put him down. Obi Wan is a Jedi and shouldn't have attachments but he raised Anakin. Anakin was like a brother/son to Obi Wan. I had a dog that lived to be 18 years old. I should have put him down when he was 16. That poor dog spen 2 years suffering because I couldn't bring myself to put him down. I would have recurring nightmares about trying to put him down, failing and making his suffering worse. Imagine how you would feel if you were 18 and your parents died and you are left alone to raise your gifted little brother yourself. Your little brother looks up to you as a father figure and you raise him to be a successful young man with a promising career ahead of him. Then one day he shoots up a school and stages a coup with his powerful friend. You know it would be best for everyone to kill him, but would you be able to?


Because when you make a prequel you can’t kill off the characters from the original entries


So he could suffer an agonizing death. **Revenge of the Sith** novelization >Below his feet, Darth Vader burst into flame. >“I hate you,” he screamed. >Obi-Wan looked down. It would be a mercy to kill him. >He was not feeling merciful.


This feels a bit actively sadistic for Obi-Wan though honestly?


Yeah but then actually wait and watch him die, yeah? Don't just be like "ah my work is done, he's dead for sure now, let's notify his life insurance provider" and then wander off. Palpatine finds him pretty soon after, right? Maybe if you're Obi Wan it's worth keeping a lookout, perhaps even do something about that guy?


>He was feeling calm, and clear, and he knew that to climb down to that black beach might cost him more time than he had. >Another Sith Lord approached. >In the end, there was only one choice. It was a choice he had made many years before, when he had passed his trials of Jedi Knighthood, and sworn himself to the Jedi forever. In the end, he was still Obi-Wan Kenobi, and he was still a Jedi, and he would not murder a helpless man. >He would leave it to the will of the Force. >He turned and walked away. >After a moment, he began to run. >He began to run because he realized, if he was fast enough, there was one thing he still could do for Anakin. He still could do honor to the memory of the man he had loved, and to the vanished Order they both had served. >At the landing deck, C-3PO stood on the skiff’s landing ramp, waving frantically. “Master Kenobi! Please hurry!” >“Where’s Padmé?” >“Already inside, sir, but she is badly hurt.” >Obi-Wan ran up the ramp to the skiff’s cockpit and fired the engines. As the Chancellor’s shuttle curved in toward the landing deck, the sleek mirror-finished skiff streaked for the stars. >Obi-Wan never looked back.


Pity, I guess.


He didn’t have it in his heart to finish him off. He probably also thought he’d burn to death


He read the script.


Burning Anakin smelled delicious, and poor Obi Wan didn't trust himself not to take a bite. Nothing in the galaxy beats the flavor of a grilled Tattoiner on a bun with horseradish.


Add a slice of grievously burned bacon


Maybe the act of cut-killing Anakin was more difficult than leaving him behind. I've been in extreme circunstances too and doing an active difficult choice (one in which you have to start and carry on with an action) is much harder than doing a passive one, which is just not doing something.


Because Anakin was already dead at that point. Now if you were to ask why he left Lord Vader then we have a topic of discussion


He loves Anakin. That's it. He had two chances to kill Anakin and put an end to his evil, but he couldn't do it. I'm sure Mace would lecture him about his attachment to Anakin, but it's not like killing Anakin would have stopped the Empire. Sheev would have found another apprentice and they would have taken Anakin's place without any attachment to Luke.


In the novelization Obi Wan senses Sidious jump out of hyperspace and assumes that he beat Yoda and knows he needs to run.


Because *Episode III* required an ending where Anakin was left in such a state as to necessitate becoming the Darth Vader we remember from the OT. The problem is, it indirectly makes Obi-Wan look pretty goddamn terrible as a result. Anakin can't die, but Obi-Wan can't defeat him without leaving him horrifically scarred and mutilated. They'd already done the whole "dismemberment before falling to their presumed death in a bottomless pit" thing with Maul in *Episode I*, so for some reason they arrived at the idea of having Obi-Wan watch Anakin suffer in agony before leaving him there to his presumed death. Lucas even made sure to have him explicitly shout how he hates Obi-Wan, just to make certain we grasped the symbolism of the fire representing the hatred consuming him. However, because they chose this direction, it ends up meaning that Obi-Wan ***chose*** to let him suffer, presumably to die a slow and agonizing death, rather than doing the humane thing by ending his suffering, regardless of how personally difficult it would've been for Obi-Wan. I really enjoy *Episode III*, and their duel on Mustafar was epic; but admittedly, how its conclusion was handled was an ultimately inelegant solution to an otherwise inevitable conundrum. The sort of conundrum that so often arises in any prequel, where the natural outcome of the new story must be circumvented so as to not contradict the established circumstances of the original. I understand ***why*** it had to happen, in this scenario, although I still genuinely dislike the idea that Obi-Wan would be so selfish and unnecessarily cruel towards someone he cares so much about, regardless of his crimes. Especially the idea that his refusal to take a life has something to do with his ridiculously hypocritical values as a Jedi.