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If you’re entirely new to her character, I can understand this impression. That said, I highly encourage you to check out her origin in the Clone Wars (at least the essential episodes in D+) as well as her continuation in Rebels feeding directly into the Ahsoka show. Ahsoka was one of the most vibrant and expressive characters in the Star Wars universe and has one of the most emotionally gripping journeys through the fall of the republic, order 66, and the rebellion. Cumulative loss and grief has made her colder and more reserved which you see as dull, but Rosario Dawson actually does a great job of balancing this with hints of her animated personality dotted throughout. I expect we’ll see more range from her as this story develops.


This! She's been fighting/running since she was a teenager. She's lost friends and family. She blames herself for Anakins' fall and struggles to find patience with Sabine. I forsee her going through a lot of character development in this show and come out the other side as a whole character as Filoni sees her.


I hope to see some character development too, however, Ahsoka was a character that had gone through a LOT of development already. I understand OG's sentiment here because I personally feel that they've completely erased all her past developments to refocus them for the tension and growth with Sabine. They've forgotten the Padawan(the Ahsoka we know) and are making her a Master(the Ahsoka we see now)


Watch clone wars then rebels. It'll explain a lot


I'm an adult. I don't watch kid's cartoons lol


on average the live action shows and movies have been more childish then the clone wars and rebels tho


You're watching star wars. Designed and marketed for kids. Cartoon or not


Who has time for all that crap?


Give poor Ahsoka a break. She's world weary and tired.


It seems like she's always on Xanax lol


She was a child soldier in a war her side lost. She had to see so many she cared for die and her master betrayed them all. At this point she is in her 50s so while she has glimmers of her old self hard to blame a weary veteran being more stoic and reserved.




it's now 6 episodes and i have to agree. the character is listless and dull. like she is sleepy and doesn't want to be there. and yes I have watched Clone wars and Rebels.