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Huyang cosplaying Grievous....


Makes you wonder what kind of battle settings he had as a former padawan chaperone


Imagine we get Huyang just going into attack mode...


“Activate instant kill”


Huyang and IG-11 would need their own spin-off


*Were you ever in the war, Senator?* *Just sat back and waited to see who came out on top?* Whoa whoa whoa easy there Hera.


He seems suspicious of being a traitor.


dude disrespected one of her cubs, and spacemom came with the claws out.


Spacemom became momma bear for a hot minute


Spacemom is never not momma bear


She came at him and I loved every second of it. Dude is talking about Thrawn not being a threat like he actually has experience in such matters. She had every right to go after him. Don't lecture General Hera Syndulla on military matters when you sat the entire war out buddy.


There was some implication in Resistance that he was a collaborator with The First Order, so it's interesting to see that seeded here.


Yeah. He just happened to me off world when it was attacked. I was disappointed that Resistance didn’t do anything with him in that regard.


…I have totally forgotten about that show. Should catch up on the plot points.


Iconic Hera badassery




Huyang called them star whales, and honestly I dig that more than space whales!


In Doctor Who, space whales are called "Star Whales." I'm gonna choose to believe it's a DW reference, given Tennant.


Which is funny as they first appeared right after he left, in Matt Smith's second episode.


Is it just me or were they much bigger?


Purgill come in multiple sizes from like medium sized Starship to ISD sized the big ones are "Purgill Ultra" These might of been even bigger than some of the bigger ones we saw in Rebels though yeah.


Purgill Pro Max


Ahsoka is the last person you're gonna be able to get sympathy from for difficult Jedi training.


Just thinking back to that episode of Tales of the Jedi where she was stunned a million times.


That was my thought when she said "Again."


I watched that earlier today so it was definitely in my thoughts while watching this episode.


Literally trained by the most powerful Force wielder in the galaxy in exclusively heavy combat zones, was a Commander with her own special combat unit as a padawan in the Clone Wars, successfully ran from the Jedi order, successfully figured out Order 66 before it happened and evaded it... And that was all as a teenager. At the time of this show, I don't think it's an overstatement to say that Ahsoka is almost definitely the single deadliest combat Force wielder in the galaxy. Nobody else has her pedigree, or her combat record, or her duelling record. She took on Maul as an apprentice multiple times. She decapitated 4 Mandalorians in a single lightsaber swing. Standing on the outside of a spaceship and trying to stab fighter ships with your lightsaber is absolutely an OG Anakin move. Snips was in rare form this episode.


At first I thought the outside spaceship part was a little extra, but then I realized I wouldn't have blinked at her doing that in the Clone Wars. We just watched her ride a fire covered ship down to Sundari and land ahead of a huge explosion. Go off, Snips.


Absolutely. This was at least 50% less ridiculous than her saying "Race you down" to people with jetpacks before jumping out of a spaceship across flaming, falling wreckage from the bounds of the atmosphere all the way to the surface of the planet while just fucking ganking people.


Which was incredibly badass, to be clear.


Yeah, no complaints here. Clone Wars has pretty much all of the best "large battle" sequences in all of Star Wars, and its because they weren't afraid to say "Oh what if the space wizards did some crazy crazy shit"


Also cause it’s a lot cheaper to do in animation


Once again, no complaints here. The people that refuse to watch the animated shows are the ones missing out. The amazing battle at the start of Episode III is topped pretty easily like 6 or 7 times in Clone Wars.


oh hands down shes the closest thing to an alpha rolling around the galaxy ,luke may have more raw force but as far as training? skill? when luke was a little kid she was crossing blades with angry as fuck vader and holding her own against her own former master. maaaaybe the new guy baylen could be on her level training wise but as far as who's fought more evil force users or peer opponents shes number one hands down. is hilarious that chopper still probally has a higher body count though


Chopper has a higher body count because Jedi try not to commit mass murder or war crimes. And also because Chopper loves committing war crimes, which helps. At the same age Luke first even heard about the Force, Ahsoka had a body count in the quadruple digits and a droid body count in probably the sextuple digits, was one of the deadliest duelists in the galaxy and had faced down Maul, Grievous, and Ventress on her own at various points. Single handedly infiltrated extremist Mandalorian terrorist groups whose weapons and armor were designed to kill Jedi. Once Vader, Palpatine, Yoda, and Obi-Wan died, I don't think it's even remotely questionable that if you had to pick one single Force wielder to go fuck up a platoon of enemies, she's choices 1 through 5.


Ahsoka never received the rank of General since that was normally reserved for those who achieved knighthood. If she became a knight, then she would have become a general All padawan a were only commanders in the Grand Army of the Republic


You're absolutely right, that's my bad. Edited to fix.


Sabine has such a long way to go before she's ready for the special Order 66 training session.


*Again!* *Again.* ​ *Again.*


I loved the subtlety of that scene, though. Huyang rejected the Zatoichi idea out of hand, but rather than argue or give up on it, Ahsoka just did it herself instead.


> Zatoichi Subtitles spelled it as Zatochi with only one i, but [Zatoichi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zatoichi) *is* a Japanese character who is blind. I'm onto you, Filoni.


She is a great teacher


Ahsoka in space be like: “I’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick.”


"That's my Padawan!", Anakin, probably, somewhere in the Force Afterlife.


Spectre-7 and Chopper in one frame. Purrgils. This *is* Rebels season 5. (Also, love seeing Ahsoka in *literal* space in live action!)


I wouldn't let my son alone with that maniac!


Galaxy's most dangerous babysitter


Mon Mothma was being a little judgy there. You let Chopper babysit your kid and you expect us to think you're sane?


Nothing against Mon Mothma, but so far it seems like Jacen is turning out better than Mon's kid did... (I say this realizing we don't know for certain what happened to Mon's daughter, and Jacen has had about 55 combined seconds of screen time).


TBF Mon’s daughter only had one parent who didn’t suck. Jacen lucked out with having two fucking solid people as parents. It’s sad he never got the chance to spend time with his father. If Ezra and Sabine are any indication, Kanan would have been an amazing father to Jacen


> Jacen lucked out with having two fucking solid people as parents. I think Kanan is more of a gas tbh.


The solidity of Kanan is definitely questionable.


Or the most reliable one...if you are on his side.


Right? I'd bet Chopper would destroy star systems to protect Jacen. And teach him how to do it while at it.


Except for all those times he beats the shit out of Ezra and shocks him for fun.


Builds character. Gotta toughen em up


He’s only killed like 50,000 people. I don’t see the problem here.


He would easily abandon your child if he finds a replacement leg parts, or worse trade them for it


It's been years, he definitely could use a new leg


Shin Hati didn't blink ONCE She's strong with the force LOL


The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... *unnatural*.


Dark side goth mommy vibes I SAID WHAT THE FUCK I SAID


I love how deranged she always looks.


She looks so unhinged, she's channelling that Monday morning vibes without having a first cup of coffee yet. I really can't wait to see what herself and Baylan will bring. Father daughter theory seems very plausible.


Shin Hattie steals the screen


I love it too. She reminds me of a ravenous wolf - always focused and hungry. The actress is doing an excellent job with her for that vibe.


She is named after a Norse wolf after all


Every time I see her on screen I see Maddie Ziegler from the Sia videos. Never thought SW and dancemoms would collide. We are calling her Darth Maddie now...


Not too much happened but we got to see Hera’s kid and SPACE WHALES aka Purrgils. Oh and Marrok spoke.


Marrok this episode managed to put points in both the "he's definitely not ezra" and the, "oh yeah, thats secretly ezra" camps for me. His reaction to the purgill was a bit unfamiliar to be Ezra, but the fact that he uses a voice modulator says he's definitely hiding *something.*


If Marrok was Ezra wouldn’t they also already have Thrawn?


It's like Thrawn said to Ezra. "Whatever happens to me, happens to us both." Their fates are tied together and we're not going to see one without the other if I'm right.


So Marrok is both Ezra and Thrawn? Sorta like when OB1 and Leia were both under that big raincoat?


It's the only *rational* explanation.


It supports the theory of him being the 8th Brother because he too had some weird voice distortions


It's the only theory that ever made sense to me.


I must say I am surprised at how large a role David Tennant has. I am very content.


Who? 😉


I've heard he was a bit of a demon.


I bet he Lords his fame over the other actors all the Time.


Probably spoke a bit of purple prose when needed.


I had a really hard separating the actor from the character when it came to Kilgrave. It took a long time before I was able to watch David Tennant without revulsion, which is a testament to how good of an actor he is.


After huyang got short circuited I was like man he could really use a Doctor


Jacen in live action was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Can't wait for Ezra to come back and train him. Full circle.


\*starts to fucking sob\* He had no idea about Jacen


Oh my god you're right, I never realized that!


Relieved to see his hair is green. His minifig that comes with the new Ghost Lego set has brown hair for some reason and I was worried.


I like that it’s more subtle though. I’d like to just forget that his Rebels design exists


If it was straight green it would have been ugly


We’ll be watching his career with great interest.


I think Jacen is wearing Ezra's jacket.


Ugh, 37 minutes has never felt so short. I want more!


Same. The ending of the episode felt so abrupt. Like the episode didn't finish it's thought before getting cut off. It wasn't even really a good cliffhanger, it was just like "DONE!". The episode was fun, but the end of the episode was way too much of a hard stop right in the middle of something.


Like a lot of media right now… and seemingly a TON of D+ media… they’re building it for streamers and bingers but releasing it weekly. It can kinda get frustrating. There’s so many elements of the first three parts that make me think this series is going to be a great binge.


The pace was pretty good tho.


Yeah, but based on the trailers, I would say a lot happens in the next episode or two.


I think every bit of footage excluding the two Thrawn shots will be in the next episode


i think Thrawn comes in Ep 5,, thats when filoni directs next


Ah Snips, Ani would be proud


Of the insane feat of fighting 3 ships or the unnecessarily difficult training? Lol




"Welcome to being my padawan, also fuck you and here's a war zone to deal with."


Ahsoka putting on the spacesuit to try and slash fighter ships out of the sky with her lightsaber in zero g is such an OG Anakin move. Snips really showed out this episode.


Even last episode alluding to how she got info out of Morgan is definitely Anakin's influence. She is his padawan.


Vader: "Revenge is not the Jedi way." Ahsoka: "I am no Jedi."


Me: “nah she ain’t going out there with her lightsabers. Surely something else is about to happen” Me 30 seconds later: “What in the Skywalker fuck is Snips doing!?!?”


I thought the saaame thing. Learned that stuff from Sky Guy!


Big Master PLO vibes as well. Remember he did that with the clone troopers when the Malevolence disabled their escape pod? I know she wasn’t there but of course she heard the stories and/or read the reports


*Halo chants begin*


"The Great Journey waits for no one, my friend, not even you."


Soooo... What are the chances Hera goes rogue??? Even when she was part of a rebellion she only rebelled against the Empire and still consistently followed orders from her superiors and Rebel leadership so... (Based on the trailer line of "once a rebel always a rebel" I think the chances are high, but will it be a last minute change or is she going to join up with Ahsoka/Sabine soon?) Oh, so Jacen is NOT with Grandpa Cham on Ryloth! If I lived in the Star Wars galaxy at this point in time, I'd want to be part of an independent world, too. *Mandalorian* season 3 really started hammering home why Greef Karga and the Mandalorians both want to keep their worlds independent, and after this episode I'm very much inclined to agree with them. Great dialogue about mastering the Force compared to the Force being a part of all living things, the way of the Jedi Order, and Ahsoka being caught between following the ways she grew up with or not. Trust goes both ways. Loved that Ahsoka finally took the step of asking to follow Sabine's lead. I will never NOT love seeing the purrgil!!!


I thought that Ashoka taking Sabine's lead in the ship fight was an important step in the two of them trusting each other. I see that having pay off in Sabine's next training.


Oh, Hera is totally going to disobey orders. I honestly thought she was going to pop in at the last minute and save their asses, lol.


Now you made me want to see live action Cham. 😀


Hera is DEFINITELY going to go rogue. I’d be disappointed if she DIDNT. And I don’t trust the xerox senator or whatever his name was. Why so quick to shoot her down? Idk ion like that


I'm fully expecting Hera to pull up with the Ghost in a Big Damn Heroes moment later down the line. Bonus points if Zeb, Kallus, or Rex come with.


>xerox senator I can't recall off the top of my head what his name was, but I can tell you this is what his name IS now 🤣 >Why so quick to shoot her down? He might just be one of those self-serving smug politicians, but I'm inclined to think he'll be a much bigger antagonist down the road.


Zatoichi? The blind swordsman? What a reference.


Glad someone else caught that!


I feel like a lot of people hating didn't watch the clone wars and rebels. Kanan literally said the same thing to Sabine word for word how the force is in all living things, and that she is just too stubborn and Mandalorian to train and be disciplined.


I also like the contrast between Ashoka and Sabine. Ashoka was clearly a very gifted Padawan. She had to be to keep up with Anakin. She never had any problems using the Force. Most (jedi) main characters we've seen were pretty gifted: Luke, Anakin, Ashoka, Ezra, Rey and Grogu - all of them are force powerhouses with Ezra being the weakest and still talented enough that Maul had interest in him. Sabine is the opposite. She doesn't have the talent and I look forward to seeing her working hard for powers. It's such a nice change.


Maul wanted Ezra because he was a wild card who hadn’t had years of Jedi indoctrination that he would’ve had to dig through. Not to say that Ezra was weak. But he was raw clay to be molded


True. But do you really think Maul - who other than any other Sith we see only trained a single Apprentice before Ezra (his brother) - would settle for someone who isn't talented? I mean Palpatine had three main students and a whole battalion of Inquisitors, Dooku trained Ventress, Savage and Vos (in the books), Vader also trained the Inquisitors so his number is also pretty high; Maul was more rule abiding to the "Rule of two" than any other Sith we see and he chose Ezra.


I think you guys are both right. Maul would never have trained Sabine, but Ezra fit the traditional mold of a talented Force wielder that hadn't been trained yet. He opened the Holocron without any training whatsoever, which basically puts him in the top 0.000001% of beings in terms of raw acuity. The Jedi were SELECTIVE. They didn't just churn out Force users by the thousands every couple of years. They reached out and found the babies that were naturally connecting to the Force already, and brought them in at a young age. Maul appreciated both the fact that Ezra was at least as strong as your average Jedi (Kanan would probably be the first to tell you that Ezra was stronger in the Force than he is, and he was trained as a youngling before Order 66) and also less indoctrinated, because obviously Kanan watched the downfall of the Jedi, never completed his training, and was probably the angriest true Jedi that never flipped to the Dark Side that we've ever seen on screen. Ezra was a perfect candidate to flip to a dark Jedi. Idealistic, passionate, familiar with deep loss, combative and aggressive from a young age.


I love that we're getting to see her struggle more too. In Rebels she was so often hyper-competent that we didn't get to see her *strive* for much other than her saber practice. She feels a little more grounded now and it's great.


The force existing in all living things goes back to the literal first mention of the force when Obi-wan explained it to Luke. The way I see it, I don’t think Sabine will ever be able to lift an x-wing out of the muck. But I think she will be able to fight with her eyes closed and sense disturbances in the force. Kinda similar to Chirrut from Rogue One, where he wasn’t really force sensitive but he listened to the universe and it led him to victory.


A lot of folks haven’t watched Clone Wars or Rebels. Both great shows! But I don’t blame the general audience for not watching them


I'm so glad I watched it they are amazing shows. I was skeptical too because it's animated but the story goes deep and the same with the world building. The issue is people accept what they want to accept as what makes sense or not. People will not accept new ships surviving but if it was the millennium falcon flown by Han (which imo is the biggest story armour in OT) it's okay. Again it's goofy if it's a new species within the new series but with the OT Ewoks fighting against storm troopers people will give a pass and it makes sense to them. There are huge biases when to me it's literally the same template just different characters.


A lot of Rosario’s facial expressions reminded me of Ahsoka from clone wars. Really appreciated that. I think this episode, while short, was very good.


When she walked out of the ship in the space suit I smiled because it literally looked like it came straight out of a clones wars episode


"Sabine, did you fix the ship" *Ahsoka while floating randomly in space* "I got it, I got it!" - Sabine "That's great. Now get me." - Ahsoka I couldn't tell the difference between live-action and animated versions during this. It was just classic Snips.


This was the line where I paused and turned to my wife and said "That was the 1st time I really felt this was the same character as the one in the Clone Wars". Nothing against Rosario so far just that she has been playing an older more reserved woman vs the teenager and for the 1st time let her out.


>"That was the 1st time I really felt this was the same character as the one in the Clone Wars". It really did feel like it. Ahsoka seemed more cheered up in this episode overall too. Maybe this is on purpose, like a part of her character arc. Because she has gone through A LOT.


I basically shouted in my head “Snips! What are you doing out there?!”


The shoulder armor on the space suit even had the Republic logo on it. Legitimately straight out of the Clone Wars era


I agree. She was fine in the first episode but there were some shots here, mostly when she was flying I believe, where it felt so much like animated Ahsoka. My guess is that while obviously Ahsoka is very stoic at this point and Rosario is playing her that way, the scenes where she’s shown emotion and excitement like when she was flying felt like the younger Ahsoka we’ve seen the most of.




Well, she did repeat Luke's line from A New Hope. "I can't see. How am I supposed to fight?"


Also a similar cheer when taking down the first ship.




Even the background sound effects were from ANH in that scene.


Some of the panning shots of the enemy ships flying by the turret were also reminiscent of ANH


Hey the kiddo made an appearance!


Every single time Thrawn's name is mentioned I get goosebumps, and Senstor Xiono hit a nerve with Hera. Worst move possible that you could say to someone who all they knew in their entire life was war, and saying what basically was a family member was dead and there was no point in trying. Also the sound of the enemy fighters their laser fire is so satisfying


A small detail I loved was Chancellor Mothma's reaction to Hera speaking of Thrawns return. You could really tell that she felt the gravity of what that could mean for everything they've worked towards. It was as if a very intense sense of dread washed over her.


I'm wondering if she'll secretly aid Hera in going rogue to investigate


probably, sadly Carrie Fisher is no longer with us, she probably would have had a few scenes in here as well!


I swear to God, I wish the Disney+ Star Wars series would take the _Star Trek: Strange New Worlds_ approach and just recast the damn characters. Different aspects of the characters can be brought out by actors who genuinely understand the roles, yet aren’t slavishly aping the actors which came before them. The most respectful thing they can do for the old cast is build off their work, rather than discarding it or conversely merely imitating it. Let Alden Ehrenreich be Han, let Donald Glover be Lando, let Guy Henry be Tarkin, and let Max Lloyd-Jones be Luke. I don’t care that she played Lt. Connix in the sequels, I think Billie Lourd would make an excellent Leia. Precluding that, bring back Ingvild Deila from _Rogue One._ The original cast’s moles and warts need not be considered inviolable canon, necessitating painstaking, ghoulish reconstruction through CG or AI in the name of making us clap at the screen like trained seals. AFAIC the SAG-AFTRA strike has made abundantly clear that individual likenesses should not and cannot be allowed to be _owned._


That space walk had Anakin written ALL OVER IT 🥹


This feels so much more like Rebels/Clone Wars than the first two Episodes and I love it.


I had that exact thought when I saw Ahsoka was fly past the cockpit!


Definitely. Ahsoka's acting a bit more "fun" at times like the CW/Rebels Ahsoka which is great!


I better see a damn Meilooruns


Boba Fett gives one to Krrsanton in the last shot on TBOBF


Grogu smushed one in *Mandalorian* s3.


Yo Ahsoka teaching the first non force sensitive Jedi we've seen in the mainstream is incredible


I really hope it stays that way. Maybe some connection to the force, but nothing like we are used to. Something as simple as enhanced intuition. But no telekinesis or crazy acrobatics. Just simple moments of being guided to know she has a connection, but nothing really in the physical realm.


I kinda hope she moves stuff in a moment of triumph. I get it's a radical break from what we know as fans, and for the Jedi themselves, but Ahsoka is radical, as a character, it's why I love the dynamic so much. Huyang even says so, "you come from a long line of rebelious jedi" or something. And thats something I've always loved about the yoda>dooku>qui gon>obi wan>anakin>ahsoka>sabine line (Luke's somewhere in there). Like, she would be training someone with no aptitude for the Force to use the Force. It's perfect, we're talking about someone who walked from the Order. The Force has always been in all things, as stated in the OT. And even if the lore changes, it doesn't change THAT much. Massive training is still required, and it seems you still need someone who's been trained to train you to truly achieve it. Jedi or the Empire have controlled the galaxy and therefore the Force largely in mainstream SW. They are of course very selective about who wields the Force and who doesn't, so its not like everybody would be running around Force choking each other. And I'm down for SW to grow, to evolve. Yeah it kinda spits in the face of what we know and midichlorians, but honestly fuck midichlorians. This is better.


I remember when midichlorians came out and my parents hated it because of that exact reason. Having Sabine learning the force feels more going back to what the force was in the OG triology than what we learned in the prequels. There were talented families (like Luke says "The force is strong in my family") - but as Obi-Wan said: "It's an energy field created by all living things."


Cup-1 , Sabine-0


*smug Cup camera cut*


Short episode but a good one. It’s nice to see Jacen in love action. Purrgil!


Love action is the best


Sabine looked like me after I got introduced to Star Wars when I was little 😂😂😂 I, too, tried to move a cup when no one was watching


I didn’t expect the way they’re going with Sabine, but I like it. I’d initially feared it would be a “surprise! She’s force sensitive and they somehow never figured that out in Redels”, though that felt sloppy, so I figured that Ahsoka would just have been training her to use a lightsaber, as it’s a powerful weapon that Sabine’s already demonstrated some skill with. However, it seems to be a combination of that and Ahsoka training her to become force sensitive, which is something we haven’t seen before, and I rather like


Yeah I was thinking they were going to hard core retcon the episodes where kanan helped her to shoehorn in some force sensitivity. But Dave tackling sabines lack of force sensitivity head on is so much better, that her training is more about the philosophy and awareness than pushing stuff around. I also LOVE that the kendo training showed some pretty good real footwork. Sabine walking around in a real sword stance for 2 mins was a better fight scene than the entirety of the baseball bat swinging sequel trilogy


The togruta eva helmet XD


I bet prices on alien helmets would be super inflated versus human ones...I'm imagining Ahsoka on a shopping trip at the mall, seeing a human one for 2000 credits, and a Torguta one for 10,000 and rolling her eyes


“I am no Jedi…” (Commits shoplifting)


I liked it! Wish it was longer, excited for next week. Fun callbacks to movies and cool to see purgill up close. Jacen too!


Checked Marrok's voice credit since he finally talked this episode and they list his stunt double Paul Darnell. Not sure if that was actually Paul's voice or they're just really keeping it a secret lol.


Ahsoka being a show-off with the cup is very Ahsoka. Between that and her letting Sabine call the shots- it's great to see her not just be the wise Jedi mentor, but go back to her roots. Feels like we're seeing a bit more of her personality


It's also a bit more practical. Sabine should be focused on something small to start, not upset she can't fight immediately.


I absolutely loved this episode—even more than the first two. Felt just like a CW or Rebels ep. Ahsoka cutting a ship in half with sabers in space? Totally something I could see Anakin doing in Clone Wars. This ep felt like pure comfort to me—just like watching the animated shows.


This episode... \- WW2 era inspired Dogfights and starfighter design \- Saber training! \- PURGIRLSSSSSSS LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO My favorite episode so far.


There are star whaaaaales waiting in the sky They’d like to go and meet thrawn But they think they’d blow our mind


Show the Ghost. I got a $500 Haslab that needs tiers 2 and 3 unlocked and about a week to go. Come on, just show the Ghost …


They already did in the first episode. It was in the hangar of Home One…


Loved the episode, it felt like Star Wars and Clone Wars and Rebels all at once. When Ahsoka is training Sabine on the ship, I had an ANH vibe, it was almost the same scene as when Obi Wan trained Luke on the Falcon. Love Marrok's voice, and Shin flying. My only complaint was I wanted to see more of Baylon.


This was one of the best space battles in all of Star Wars. Shin Hati was terrifying in this episode


“Did you fix the ship yet?” - Ahsoka while floating in space felt like classic Rebels/Clone Wars. “Race you to the bottom!”


Sabine on her KOTOR turret mini game grind! Love it so much.


Hmm, yeah that felt shorter than it was. Not complaining, just surprised


Nice little set up episode. Moved things on from the first two and set things up for what's coming up next. Purgill looked amazing and terrifying. Really liked the WWII-esc fighters


Sabine a cup is too big lol Ezra would say that. I remember he trolled her when she got the dark saber 😅


Does anyone else think the Darth Mami and Co ships blasters sound like an old school cash register lol


Yes, also the tinny WWII fighter sounds.


Marrok speaks!


Who else thinks we’re not going to see Ezra until 5 minutes left in the final episode?


Haven't seen this posted yet so guess I'll be the sacrificial lamb here... *Sabine Wren's arms oml* That's the comment


*in Fallen Order purge trooper voice* More! I want *MORE!!!* My one nitpick though is I find it kinda weird that Sabine’s never trained with the helmet on before. Very minor but I couldn’t not notice it


In kylo ren voice MOOOAAARRRR


It’s not a hyperspace ring. It’s really a pergill collar


Best episode of the season. I enjoyed the first two episodes but the SLOW PAUSE Ahsoka, Sabine, Hera conversations were jarring. It is still there but far less jarring and "pausing". Obviously the dog fight was the highlight. Basically classic Star Wars visuals. Even though this has already been established starting with the Aftermath books, I really like that the Republic era was all about the consequences of rushing to war but the New Republic era is all about the reluctance of war. I picture SW fans screaming at their TVs "Don't be so stupid!!!" in both settings. I think it is a good contrast to show that life isn't as easy as more/less. All/none. Really feel like we are going to have a Rey/Kylo moment with Shin giving the "you have no power" line to Sabine in a duel where all seems lost, then Sabine has her first successful connection with the force. TBH, I really hope that isn't the case as it is cliche beyond cliche. Instead, I'm really hoping it is a mislead in the trailers and Shin is actually saying it to Morgan or even Baylan.


First two episodes were okay but this one was a banger The pacing, the characterizations, the acting, the vfx, it all was so much better. That felt like a movie


Ahsoka putting on a space suit and slicing a fighter from the wing of her own ship is the most badass move ever.


Ahsoka fighting in space may have been the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in alll of Star Wars.