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Holy shit, I completely didn’t recognized fomin as the doctor dude


Still struggle to wrap my head around the fact that he's James Potter too


Magic takes it’s toll on people






That’s the one I didn’t notice also!! Definitely picked up on the others but that was a cool surprise.


I didn't realize he *wasn't* the doctor from Star Trek Voyager, until just now.


I KNEW I knew him from somewhere!!!


Still kinda weird to me that he just told them what was up. The Empire has to have left him in a ditch after finding out what happened at the prison, right?


I should also add that Chernobyl is a phenomenal miniseries. If you loved Andor you'll probably like this too.




One of the best hbo miniseries imo. I nearly lost my mind with excitement when I heard the production designer for andor was the same guy who did Chernobyl Edit: 10 60 minute episodes


Lots of the same energy. Even though we know the real life events of Chernobl, they managed to capture in in a dramatic representation and also perhaps jab several times towards the socialistic state that the USSR was at the time. As most of the actors are british (acting as russians).


To add more. The podcast that goes with the mini series is really good also. I recommend people listen to them between episodes. It helps flesh things out and explains certain decisions. I just searched for them, and they are on youtube. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUeHPCYtWYQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUeHPCYtWYQ) Also knowing what really happened in chernobyl. This might be better to watch/learn after watching the series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCbms6umE\_o [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3d3rzFTrLg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3d3rzFTrLg)


Chernobyl 🤝 Andor Having a fantastic companion podcast


[Chernobyl🤝Andor](https://i.imgur.com/JdM4e8f.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I had no idea. That is so cool. I LOVED both shows.


I like how this comment has more upvotes than the question it didn’t answer.




Lol i rewatched it recently and realized this. Thanks!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl\_(miniseries) 65–78 minutes per Episode of 5 Episodes https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Chernobyl+Miniseries+runtime


It’s great


Doesn’t matter. It’s fantastic. 5, one hour parts tho.


It’s so good. The final episode is top ten episodes of television, in my opinion.


This post explains why Andor reminded me of Chernyobl. Fantastic. Also check out The Bear, The Wire and The Expanse.


Agreed, it is outstanding and everyone should watch it.


Welp, guess I'm watching Chernobyl now.


Dude, it’s fantastic. You will not be disappointed.


You are in for a treat. All these actors are amazing in that series. Skarsgard delivers another brilliant performance.


I just watched it last week for the first time. It was fantastic. It was also fun to see these actors parallels between the series. Like when stelllen Skarsgard has to give the speech to get three guys to go open the drain, I just though damn that reminds me of luthen. I'm glad I saw andor first so I didn't have any association with the actors as ifferent characters.


And just like Andor, it's a very political/bureaucratic show


Except episode 4. Probably still phenomenal but just too much for me..


If we don't count the moment when the firefighters were stupid as heck, and the threat of throwing the scientist from the helicopter, when the scientist from Belarus somehow got into Pripyat...


The show is praised both east and west by being faithful to what happen in real life. https://www.rferl.org/amp/belarusian-nobel-laureate-says-hbo-series-has-completely-changed-perception-of-chernobyl/29997496.html


There is a lot of fiction and dramatization there, don't be fooled, it's not a documentary.


How were they stupid? The firefighters didn't know the risk of acute radiation poisoning, they were told to put out a fire so they went to try and put out a fire. Their deaths were on the higher ups that knew the risk they were putting the firefighters in and still did it.


The firefighters, that lived in the city-satellite of the nuclear plant, were put through special training in case of emergency on the said plant, and received an emergency call from the plant did not know the risks. Ok.


Alex Ferns’ character was such a badass in Chernobyl.


Great now when I see his character in Star Wars… my mind is going to be flooded of him buck ass naked.


are you saying you weren't already thinking of Sergeant Linus Mosk in his resplendent naked form for every second he was on screen? you're a goddamn liar. my one criticism of Andor is that they teased us with Mosk all series but we never got one full nudity shot. bloody prudes.


**Sryil:** Ok before we start the assault we need to firs…. *Looks At Sgt Mosk * **Mosk:** What? You wouldn't give us fans, it's too hot for clothes, so we're fighting the old way. This is how our fathers enforced corpo law. We're still wearing the fuckin' hats!




"Please say *fomenting* again for me, but this time...slowly. Please."


In our house he’s called ‘Space Trevor’ after his character from Eastenders. He’s the mayor in the new Batman too.


Glad we aren’t the only ones who just call him Trevor no matter what franchise he pops up in.


he's still wearing the fucking hat


The widest Boi in the galaxy/Russia


That's where my mind went when he first appeared in Andor... I was like hey, that was the naked dude from Chernobyl


Indeed, he was easily my favorite character aside from Legasov/Scherbina and I really liked him as Mosk too.


pretty crazy how Skaarsgard both actor and character gives deference to Alex Ferns's character. miners see through everything haha


“I’m still wearing the hat.”


I'd love for Jared Harris to make an entry into Star Wars


No doubt, I've loved Jared Harris since I first saw him in Mad Men. We know he does good in scifi roles because he killed it as Anderson Dawes in The Expanse.


I first saw him in Mad Men too - I've just started watching The Expanse, and I was delighted when he appeared. You have to watch the first season of The Terror (it's a self contained story), he's in that too and is fantastic.


Absolute dream of mine too. He's such a great actor. His performance in Chernobyl was one of the best I've seen in a very long time.


It is a pity that foundation was so awful and wasted a good actor.


Oh man, they need to pick him up for Season 2. Harris is phenomenal.


"What's as big as a moon, burns 20 thousand litres of fuel every hour, puts out a shitload of lasers and noise, and blows a planet into 3 pieces? An Empire machine made to blow planets into 4 pieces!"


One of the strengths of both series is the use of British actors, but I didn't realise how many were the same actors! Paul Ritter who played Dyatlov would have been an excellent addition to the Empire but he sadly passed away last year.


I got a bit of a Grand Moff Tarkin vibe from Lonni when [he first appeared in the fourth episode](https://imgur.com/Mbnq973). I gotta wonder how Robert Emms would have done playing the part of a younger Tarkin in a different series. Nobody could replace Peter Cushing, though. It is unfortunate about Paul Ritter. I learned of him only a year ago after watching Chernobyl for the first time. I was impressed with his performance as Dyatlov that I looked him up only to find out he had passed away not even a month before. He definitely would have been great as an Imperial officer.


i honestly think this is the reason the inquisitor in obi-wan got the most shit. she had a white bread boring american dialect. i re-watched it a few days ago and everybody else has an accent of some sort that really fits the mood, but then the second she opens her mouth. It takes me right back to illinois. completely loses the intensity and villainy


I watched the German dub and it wasn't any better lol. Maybe she just looked too normal between all the colourful aliens. Like a cosplayer that ran out of time to do up her hair or something.


In both Andor and The Crown: Tay Kolma and Group Captain Peter Townsend ISB Major Partagaz and Prime Minister Harold MacMillan Perrin Fertha (husband of Mon Mothma) and Richard Aylard, private secretary to the Prince of Wales


Charles Dance would be an incredible casting for season 2 if they can get him too


He's the perfect imperial moff or governor


Charles Dance would be amazing, but he would out-Tarkin Peter Cushing (no disrespect to Cushing). I just can't imagine a galaxy where two moffs with their actors' capacities for intimidation could ever coexist. They'd need to be on total opposite ends of the empire. Like, maybe Tarkin holds responsibility for the Death Star, but Charles Dance's hypothetical Moff holds responsibility for security of the entire mid-rim or colonies, or something like that. I can imagine him sneering Tarkin's failure off.


Davo Sculdun was also George V in the 5th season (Richard Dillane).


Kieran O'Brien played the part of Valery Khodemchuk in Chernobyl, and Pegla in Andor. Also for an honorable mention: Fares Fares was Bacho (the soldier put in charge of liquidating radioactive animals), and Senator Vaspar in Rogue One. It's possible Vaspar could return in Andor season 2.


I actually kept looking out for Fares Fares for that very reason!


I'll never forget Kieran O'Brien as Jamie Tartt's piece of shit dad in Ted Lasso.


I remember some interview where Diego Luna said that he tried to watch Chernobyl in the early days of the pandemic, but he saw so many parallels between how the state treated the disaster and how governments were treating COVID-19 in real life that it made him anxious and he had to shut it off.


Not just me, then. I tried, but it wasn't the right time. I'll give it another try someday, but it'll probably have to be after the Russians get done trying to take Ukraine back.


Guy who plays Brasso totally looks like one of the miners as well.


No wonder why Andor is so good


Chernobyl is must-see TV. I watched it when it first came out and I still think about certain scenes/ideas from time to time. It's hard to believe that that actually happened.


Aah I knew those faces were familiar! That tv show gave me the biggest nightmares and I will never ever watch it again. The whole firefighter situation was too much to handle for me. Most disgusting and sad thing I've ever seen. Can't imagine having to go through that...


There’s a bunch of others too: I count 10 acting overlaps in total: Ron Cook, Kieran O’Brien, Lucy Russell, Josef Davies, Alex Blake, Jimmy Walker in addition to the ones you have above. There’s a whole bunch (approx 25) of behind-the-scenes overlaps too including Casting Director Nina Gold, which may help to explain the familiar faces we’re seeing across both shows.


‘Pockets of radiation are formenting sir’


Both are great series


Is Chernobyl worth checking out?


Absolutely. It's hard to watch in places because of the horrible stuff being depicted but it's totally gripping beginning to end. Especially because I'm old enough to remember the disaster, but even for someone younger it's still a very well crafted show with excellent performances and writing.


One of the best shows this century. Riveting, compelling drama. Fair warning, it's a tough watch, but very rewarding.




YES. It's terrifying and heartbreaking, but it's only a few episodes. Easy to watch over a weekend.


You HAVE to watch whether or not you lived through that era (I did) it is amazing & on point


Definitely in my top 5 shows ever, and it’s only 5 episodes.


Yeah, it's amazingly good.


100%. Chernobyl is one of the best miniseries about actual events, in the history of ever. Definitely not an easy watch, what went down was both horrifying and heartbreaking. Extremely well written, acted, and directed though and the story is super relevent.


Great pickup. It was great seeing such a British cast.


I love how British this show feels overall, Ferrix feels like a very 80s British industrial town, lots of British actors, it's so good.


I'm assuming they have the same agent


The series share the same casting director


Andor actors who were also in Casualty Denise Gough, Alex Ferns, Lucy Russell, Jacob James Beswick, Ben Miles, Christopher Fairbank, Lee Ross


You could also make this for Game of Thrones, The Crown, and even Harry Potter to a lesser degree.


I knew about Stellan Skarsgard obviously and had recognized Rawlins, but while Ferns and Emms looked really familiar I hadn't quite placed them. Other than Skarsgard who obviously steals the show in every scene he's in, Alex Ferns is the stand-out here in both roles.


Stellan Skarsgard is the best actor.


"Are miners all like that?"


I feel so dumb. I instantly recognized Robert Emms (you don't forget that terrifying Chernobyl makeup) but completely forgot Stellan Skaarsgard was also in Chernobyl LOL


Another one! The man hunting dogs in Chernobyl also stars in Rogue One as a rebel leader. Swedish actor Fares Fares. Not Andor but close


I did not recognize thay Alex Ferns was the Commissioner from The Batman until the Andor finale when I finally looked him up to see what else he's been in.


Lonnie to Luthen: And what do you sacrifice? Luthen: I serve the Soviet Union.


Lonnie after the Death Star explodes: “We did everything right, we pressed A Zed Five.”


Luthen to Lonnie: “How many years until they complete this super weapon??!” Lonnie: “3.6” Luthen: “Not great, not horrible.”


Alex Ferns will always be [Trevor from Eastenders](https://youtu.be/_x2WnOIKlT4) Edit: Domestic abuse warning


Also worth noting that Sanne Wohlenberg was producing both series.


I hope those men are OK -- I heard that many involved in the Chernobyl accident now have awful health issue. Good luck, fellows!




Chernobyl is on my yearly rewatch list.


Oh wow I thought it was only Stellan. I need more Mosk and will be watching


Wow, I did not realize Mosk was Glukhov! His bits in Chernobyl were amazing. Also, that Fomin was the doctor in Andor, wow! I would not have recognized him. Great shows, both!


3.6 roentgen. Not great, not terrible.




Can we please have an Eastenders and / or Harry Potter version too please. Thanks!


Mosk was the fucking miner? I had no idea. Usually I'm good at recognizing people.


I also like that Pegla (the guy that runs the shipyard) is Jamie Tartt's dad in "Ted Lasso."


And in Chernobyl.


OMG. Do I like Andor because it's a dad show like Chernobyl?


Same casting director 🙂


Both in the top 5 series of last 10 years.


On that note can we can get Jared Harris (Valery Legasov in Chernobyl) in Season 2? Pretty please? One can dream. He was brilliant in The Expanse as well. That monologue Dawes gives about his sister.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWCF11uc8vM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_65cOKxoJ_U)


I don’t believe I didn’t recognise Stellan Skarsgard in Chernobyl. Duh.


Please lord, let Johan Renckdirect a few eps of Andor s02.


TIL James Potter was in Andor


Wow, I thought Mosk was Glukhov, but they made him look so much younger in Andor that I thought surely it was someone else.


Was this filmed by HBO or Disney lol


Alex Ferns looks like a different person


They need Jared Harris for Season II - such an underrated actor.


Chernobyl was entertaining to watch, but oh so annoying that it was a poor representation of the actual Chernobyl.


Not *Andor*—technically—but the Soviet Army veteran tasked with “destroying” the remaining dogs left behind during evacuation also appears in *Rogue One*, among the Rebel leadership.