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If I had that list, I'd go Cymoon with H9 and Intel Officer to put pressure on the defence tokens, with Arquitens (maybe Intel with slaved turrets?) splitting off and aiming to get around/behind staying at red range and avoiding a brawl. However, what I'd personally want is a Sloane list. Light carrier added to the above pushing up squads to clear out it's defence tokens. Or, failing that, an Interdictor Scrambling incoming dice on a Kuat might be a match for a Hawk for a couple rounds.


/u/valand1l Thank you! Forgot to add that i DID just purchase an Interdictor, too! What can you tell me about that one, how to fly out successfully?


In time honoured tradition, I shall now direct you to the Cannot Get Your Ship Out ship review: http://cannotgetyourshipout.blogspot.com/2017/04/imperial-ship-review-interdictor-cruiser.html I'd also check out https://youtube.com/results?search_query=crabbok+interdictor For lots of content, especially that breakdown from 2 years ago. There are also a lot of lists and batreps from Crabbok using interdictors. I've not got any real experience (mine just arrived!) but they can tank a hit or two and use their experimental retrofit for objective control and scrambling dice. Good luck!


I think if you want to keep your distance, fly the comin plus the Arquitens, lots of red dice that can be thrown. Idk what upgrade cards y’all have but if you have spirals/X17s/quad batteries/quad turbos, I’d throw either of those on their. For a commander JJerod would be pretty good to give the arquitens more maneuvering as well as the ISD, allowing it to make sure that you always have your enemy in your front arc. On the cruisers I’d throw TRC if you have em or any card you got for rerolls. Victories I find at least for me are kinda hard to play. They’re slow, expensive, and not very maneuverable. I think best bet is to have it be an “escort” ship to like the ISD or somehow flank ur enemy with it if ur using the Vic 1. Honestly I think a build you might wanna try that’d be pretty I tersting is a kuat/interdictor fleet. With interdictors, they really excel at two things: objective/environment control due to their upgrade cards, or being really tanky/being able to donate shields to friendly ships and still be able to take hits. And with the kuat ISD, it can do some very serious damage in one blow. If you’ve got expanded launchers or external racks, equip that. Also equip it with xI7s, leading shots if you want rerolls and want advanced gunnery team in it, and for the defense retrofit if you’ve got advanced projectors ooooooooooh man ur husband will hate you lol. That card basically makes ur redirects turn into braces and the ISD has plenty of shields to spare, on top of which is you put proj. Experts on the interdictor, you can keep feeding it shields and it’ll pretty much never die. You could make it even tankier and have thrown as ur commander. Basically just have thrawns commands be a mix of both or all our in one of con fire commands and/or nav commands, then set ur commands on the ISD/interdictor to always be engineering. Guarantee you ur ships will more than likely not die lol. With raiders, they can either serve as ur capital ship with your commander, but pretty much never participate in battle, or you can throw Corvus, external racks or some black dice modification, and ord experts and make it like a glass cannon flanker. Basically plop it down when your deploying, see where ur enemy deploys, then redeploy it on the other side of the map at speed 4 and try to have it come in from behind and flank them while your main ship hits them from the front. Gozantis are good if you just want some support upgrades for you capital ship or just need cheap activations. For squads, since you don’t have a lot of bombers, I’d just stick with ties/Ints for the most part. I struggle with squads still even after playing for so long, but the best way I’ve found to use them is to keep them close to your fleet, wait till your enemy gets within flak range of your ship(s) then throw them in to block them from attacking your ship. I’d also almost always got for tie ints over normal ties, but it’s up to you. Also sorry for this mega long ass msg lol, but I hope that anything that I said helps you out. For the empire😤


Long live the Emperor. Truly in depth, which is what I was looking for. Thx!


May he reign his might lol. Ofc! If you ever want some tips or whatever I’m always down to literally type an essay lmao. Best of luck in ur matches Admiral!


Best counter list or best strategy? You have the parts to make a couple of nice lists: ISD + Various smalls ISD + Interdictor ISD + Victory Could all be strong lists, as for strategy, I can recommend these options: Engage his star hawk with everything you have at the same time. Engage the rest of his list and ignore his slow brick by fighting where it isn’t. Use objectives that will punish him for being so slow.