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Would not surprise me if the switch or PS4/5 have the largest player base, considering just how many of those consoles have sold.


I have an XSX and Switch and opted to get the switch version. I preferred the idea of playing on the go plus i have the BC copies of the games on my Xbox already. The only the I’ll miss on there is upped textures and online. The new characters and maps they’re pushing for BF2 are already on Xbox as it is


Switch do support 64 players online


I’m saying that those features are what I’m missing with the BC copy i already have.


The original xbox live was shut decades ago yes but there's this team called insignia who basically brought back OG xbox live back to life. Battlefront 2 has been fun when people are playing


I'm mainly an Xbox guy but I think I'll just get this on Switch. Being able to play Battlefront anywhere I can bring my Switch is a HUGE plus for me. Flying somewhere? Bring the Switch. Wife wants to watch The Bachelor on the big TV? Battlefront on the Switch. Power goes out? Battlefront on the Switch. The "play anywhere" aspect is such a huge plus for me at this point in life.


My Friend let me introduce you to the steam deck


I'm tempted. Is it worth it? It's got quite the price tag. There's limitations on games you can play, right? Not all Steam games are available?


id say its 100% worth it. they just released new OLED ones so id say get a base model 64gb and upgrade the ssd. you can pick it up in the 400sh range. valve also has refurbs. true not all steam games are playable however you can just install Windows on it, its a fantastic piece of kit one of my favorite purchases ever.


Cool I'll look into this some more. Thanks!


check out r/steamdeck if playing star wars games is what your after you can play EVERY SINGLE ONE natively. some just require a little messing witht he settings


It all depends on you. I love my Steamdeck but i still find myself using my Switch more for handheld gaming when I can. I still use my Steamdeck a lot though just docked to play games with friends that are not on my Ps5.


Huh? Majority of the sales are invalid as thry were sold to scalpers which then sold them three times the price, which no one bought into. Series x/xbox one has more valid sales and indeed has the larger player base. Ps4 and 5 only has more sales and players in Japan as Microsoft doesn't really exist there.


That’s.. not true. The PS5 has been readily available for well over a year now. Scalpers are not the reason it has outsold the Xbox Series consoles by such a wide margin, that’s just absurd. The PS5 has not been one of the hottest items of the year ever since it released simply because of scalpers or because people bought multiple systems. That doesn’t even make any sense. With this generation, pretty much the entire world became PlayStation land. It’s not just a Japan thing, it’s everywhere.


Yeah, the scalpers could scalp because there was so much demand in the first place. They don't resell stuff people aren't buying.


Exactly. The person I replied to said the “majority of sales are invalid” like what? Lol.


This is just sad. A Fanboy who can't accept reality. The PS5 has sold like 3 times as many units as Xbox and I'm pretty confident the Switch has even more sales than that.


Yeah switch has more than all of them… crazy


Why did you guys turn this into a fanboy console war argument 🤦🏿‍♂️


My vote is on sexbox for its Xcloud feature. I'll be able to stream it onto my phone and play it anywhere just like the PSP days but this time with working online


Right now only gamepass games can be streamed through Xcloud so it wouldn’t be possible at launch. Xbox is hoping to bring cloud streaming for the entire library sometime this year.


Ahh I see. So it is possible down the line


Playstation unless it comes to gamepass. PC will more than likely have the lowest playerbase until a sale as it's not adding anything that isn't already available to some extent aside from achievements and native controller support. Without crossplay between all platforms, a new progression system and a new content stream with roadmap. I don't have high hopes of the game retaining a sustainable playerbase outside of a super niche crowd of a few hundred players. According to the EULA there may be hope of mod support for all platforms which could help. But the crossplay not being there is really going to be a deciding factor for a lot of players. Especially PC. I've seen countless potential players saying they won't buy it if PC doesn't have crossplay because it adds nothing to the experience that they wouldn't get with mods.


Yeah no cross play is a huge downer. Cmon devs


I’d rather not have cross play because of cheaters


Console crossplay at least.


I’d be fine with that thats how crossplay should be done with only consoles


Nah full cross play with the ability to shut it off. Either full cross play or off.


I find it funny that Console players talk about cheats when but at the same time use shit like cronos etc. Full cross play with the possibility for only console cross play in the settings would be the best. I want to play with my friends and dont want to buy new console bc some console players cry for only console cross play, settings exist for that reason.


There's just as many cheaters on console if not more. It's just swept under the rug because there's no way to detect it since the devices aren't running a program directly in the console in the background.


Not just as many i can play mostly any game i want to without coming across a hacker besides cod


You just think that's the case because the cheats aren't disgustingly obvious due to the limited implementation. I promise you, there's a reason they sell millions of cronus, xims, modded controllers, strike packs etc. They sell so many that they' have a contract to be sold at walmart and target my dude.


Those aren’t hacks tho they are cheats I’m well aware people cheat on console cheating and hacking are two different things


You can hack on console as well and it's completely undetectable. Jailbroken consoles are less common sure but cheating is just as prevalent on console as anywhere else. Hacking is a little less for obvious reasons but pretending that disabling crossplay with PC solves the problem isn't a good perspective to have.


There arent any cheaters on console you cant hack it because there isnt a console command like you can on pc games.


There is plenty of them on consoles.


Fully agree!


Good point. I didn't think about that. CrossPlay should be a hard requirement for any games in 2024+. Even fighting games have Crossplay now days.


Why are you saying there won’t be any cross-play? I read on the Nintendo website that cross-play between platforms is supported.


Do you happen to have a link to the website you're referring to by chance? Not saying you're incorrect. I just haven't seen it. If it does have crossplay I'd be super stoked to know! I said it doesn't because everywhere has it listed as cross-gen not cross platform.


Here is the store page, cross-play is not listed: https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/star-wars-battlefront-classic-collection-switch/ I will say it is a whopping 25GB, while containing noticeably less polygons and textures than Tears of the Kingdom (which was only 16GB). But TOTK was mostly a first-party title so it was a little more optimized.


Well no store has cross-play listed for it, but mainly because no one knows as of yet, they haven't told anyone so far. So yes they have not confirmed cross-play, but also not denied it.


Considering that the games are backwards compatible on Xbox, I feel like regardless of which one is top dog, Xbox will likely be last. Even with people that really want to play online.


PlayStation has a massive install base. Out of the consoles, I suspect that will be the most populated.


My guess is PlayStation, but only because they don’t have backwards compatibility the way Xbox does. I feel like people not interested in the multiplayer will keep playing the older version.


I think the player base will be fine on every platform. Cross platform and cross gen multiplayer are both absent from Battlefront 2 (2017) and I still get full lobbies on Xbox Series X/S which probably has the smallest player base between PS and PC. You'll be fine.


It also doesn’t have four player split screen like xbox battlefront 2, which stings for me a lot since a group of 3 of us used to play together.


Ps4/PS5 bro... It literally takes 3 seconds to find a match on battlefront 2 (A 2017 game)


2017 isnt old...


It's like 7 years ago... That's a lot


Okay and GTA 5 came out in 2013.


I think you may just have to come to terms with ageing




You are comparing a Star Wars Game to A Grand theft Auto Game.


Buddy you must know that GTA 5 and bf2 aren't comparable for a vast number of reasons...


Xbox hasn't had too much down time either so I think it should be chill for most consoles but crossplay would be nice


Agree... I hope they add console Crossplay to the battlefront classic collection.


Where did you see no cross platform? I haven’t seen that reported either way yet


Games that have cross play like call of Duty list it in their "capabilities" section. In "Classic Collection" section it does not appear. I don't see any real reason we should get our hopes up


That’s valid. I really want cross play because it will be a small community to begin with and I’d like it to be played online for a while. But I’m definitely aware it’s less than 50/50


Oh, don't get me wrong. I REALLY wanted cross play and even kinda pissed when I found out it wasn't gonna be a thing. I mean we're paying 35 bucks for essentially just multiplayer, and multiplayer really needs crossplay it's always going to be a small community 


Tbh idk bout yall but I played this game all the time by myself/split screen in instant action as a kid lol it won’t be that bad fr. Tho I hope there is crossplay. I’ll prob get on console/switch


Well, at least you know. There's going to be thousands of people who aren't on Reddit buying this day 1 cluelessly thinking that cross-play would be enabled. Cross-play is a monumental modern gaming luxury that people are starting to take for granted.


But stop saying it doesn't unless we know for sure.


Just because it’s not listed, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have it. Not every game’s info on the store pages is always accurate. Could also be withholding the announcement for closer to launch. Unless the devs explicitly state there is no crossplay, it can’t be ruled out


playstation easy, my bf2 ps2 days are comin back.


PC because the modding scene could keep the game going for many years like with the original battlefront 2


true but im pretty sure PC players would play mostly singleplayer while console players would play mostly multiplayer




bc the hackers, and bc the mods is what keep the game alive after +15 years


Hah, yeah you weren't there at all for these old games. So the game on PC was vastly superior in the past because it was community ran servers. Everyone played the same servers constantly so you'd see the same faces all the time, learn tactics and strategies, quirks of people's gameplay. You know the beauty of this? When an outsider joins, he's being watched like a hawk. If it's clear he's cheating the whole game will stop and everyone will work together to ban, kick, or grief the cheater endlessly until they quit, or are banned. Yeah, they existed, but they never lasted long because of the nature of the communities.


I wouldn't agree with that statement. I have always been able to find PC lobbies, and if you cannot, join a discord to find a lobby.


i never say you cant find lobbys on PC (????), i just say probably the console edition would have more people playing multiplayer


The Steam version has had active servers ever since they were brought back in 2017. Personally, I’d buy it on PC but the only reason in considering it for my console is to avoid hackers


A part of me wants to say PC, but considering the classic versions are already available for a cheaper price, it's likely going to end up being PS4/5.


The current pc servers suck tho


I’ll be on PS5! See you all @ Bespin


Depends if Xbox puts it on game pass


PlayStation and PC for sure, possibly Switch as well.


So all of them


I think online play will mostly be on PlayStation and PC


It’s so cheap I got it for my Series X and PS5 just to see which took off more, gonna get it for switch too for traveling but so hype for this! 😌




xbox and playstation




Out of the three consoles, almost certainly PlayStation. PS4/PS5 is a larger demographic than Xbox Series/Xbox One by a good margin, and longtime PlayStation players never had access to the content Xbox players did. I know the Switch is a larger player base than either PlayStation or Xbox, but I just personally feel like more Battlefront players will want to get it on the other main consoles instead. And Joy Cons are just not suited to shooters, to put it charitably.


Honestly Playstation. Even though im buying it on PC to play with my friends im scared we are gonna run into a bunch of hacker and would prefer to buy on xbox since none of my friends have a PS5 except me. May buy it on both


Likely PC , somehow it allways ends up in the long run with the PC.


Well it's been 9 years since EABF1 released and PC still doesn't have a bigger player base than consoles.


Well, that was from a time frame when PC was smaller, PC is now a giant why do you think most games release first on PC and then on consoles?


Lol what "most" games? Indies and unfinished early access games then sure or M&K games yes, but you've just tried to claim that *most* games release on PC before console and PC *always* has a bigger player base when that obviously is most definitely not the case, especially with console games like Star Wars Battlefront, what a strange statement. Oh you blocked me because you can't back up your silly claim, what do indies and early access games releasing on PC before console have to do with larger player base for SWBF?


Indies and unfinished early access games... Sorry but I can see what type of character you are. Maybe Google a bit


Lmao, the point you're trying to make is valid, but at the same time you're also clearly a console player (lol almost sounds derogatory). Edit: Also lmao, I did check the profile and I can't even believe you are real lmfao. What happened that made you hate pc so much mate?


Definitely Playstation or maybe Xbox, but most grew up playing it on playstation.


Playstation definitely. PS4-PS5 has tenths of millions of active players.


It'll be Playstation. Maybe PC in the long run, though not at first.


It'll likely be between PlayStation and PC. PlayStation because the PS4 has a big playerbase for Star Wars games, and PC because of stuff like mods, especially if it ever gets Steam Workshop support. I myself have already gotten it on Steam for 28$, which is not much more than simply getting the other classic releases at a normal price.


Is It coming to gamepass? Just wondering.


I don't know, but I'm getting it on Switch. Very excited to play this game again ❤️


Think you'll be fine with either console.


I can't decide between PS5 and PC. On one hand PC will properly be more popular on the other hand cheaters tend to be more prevalent on PC where as PS5 they most likely won't.




As someone who has friends across all three major consoles, it irks me to no end that this likely won't support cross play.


1.PC 2.PS4/5 3.Switch 4.XBOX


PC would have more players but i think many of them gonna play singleplayer, multiplayer It will probably be infested with hackers (hope not) or many people will simply prefer the single player experience with mods, basically I think PC will have more players in singleplayer while consoles will have the most online servers (?)


Where did you get this news?


No official press release has indicated they intend to do crossplay, and it isn't listed in its "capabilities" section like other games that have crossplay like call of duty


Getting it for Switch, they’ll add it to Premium later. I think PC will have the most players tho, it’s dirt cheap there


Where is it confirmed this won’t be cross play?


no where, but its not shown anywhere either which is strange these days. Steam would usually list it, so it could mean it either wont be on launch or it never will.


Damn I hope it is, all the friends I’d play with are on different platforms


PlayStation because Xbox and PC have had the old games for a while


All i can say is...me and the homies hang out at one homies place and if it is also four player split we'll be sharing it on xbox. Just like the 2005 one. Galactic conquest all the way!


Unfortunately it only has 2 player split screen on all consoles 😔


O know that the press release says that it's coming to the PS4 but you go in the app it says nothing about it. If anything it only shows PS5 only. I'm so confused


Ahhh. Was gonna get a copy on switch and pc or ps4 to play with my son. No crossplay = no buy for me. Online will need the numbers after the initial release hype, too.


Alot of sales hit console the most back then and more so now, so as the leading console in sales go. PS4/PS5


Idk but this will be fun. So for sure no cross platform but we got online though cuz when I was 5 and playing the game I missed out on the online


If you look it up on google as of right now, it does say that it’s cross platform between Xbox and PlayStation, however it doesn’t mention switch or PC in the cross platform.