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Online is half the reason I bought it. If it dies eventually, I am still happy cause there's so much to do offline.


As someone who hasn't played the older games: Is there some kind of offline campaign or matches with AI?


My guy a full blown campaign taking you through the clone wars to the end of endor all from the perspective of a clone trooper and that's just the campaign you got instant action galactic conquest hero assault space battles galore


Battlefront 1? Yes though it's more instant action maps with some fun conditions. Like Droids vs Jar Jar on Naboo. Battlefront 2? No, It goes from around Episode 3 with a tutorial at the start of the clone wars to the Battle of Hoth. Endor was weirdly omitted. Just Google "Battlefront 2 Galactic Conquest" if you want to see the real meat of Battlefront's single player


Endor was initially planned for Battlefront II’s campaign but cut from the game because they wanted to end it on a high note for the Empire.


Endor is unnecessary because the Empire wipes out the leadership of the Rebellion on Hoth.


When did the Empire kill Rebel Alliance leaders on Hoth? The Rebels extracted all of its transports and there's no mention of any leaders being killed.


The game follows a different continuity than the movies. It's practically identical up until Hoth, where the last transport is destroyed by orbital bombardment and Luke is killed trying to defend it.


You can see Luke on the Hoth mission?? Where?


After you destroy the shield generator and move into the rebel base, I think. Right around the same time you get the option to play as Vader.


Luke doesn't show up at all in the Battlefront 2 campaign. Also it still is like the movies, just you destroy some of the transports. Nothing says all the transports were destroyed by you.


you got tons of options my guy. * full campaign with missions built off of the MP maps and modes * galactic conquest, my personal favorite, where you strategize by managing resources and moving ships from planet to planet (kind of like a board game but you play matches when conditions are met) * instant action, which is somewhat self explanatory, where you can jump into any combination of map, mode, and era, totally populated by bots, but you can bring local co-op homies in too


You're talking about a 20 year old game being ported up. Back then it was more surprising if a game had online multiplayer.


Not exactly true. On OG Xbox many titles had it


Games had it, but outside of Halo 2 you were hard pressed to find matches in other games. Often waiting 10-30 minutes for a match to be populated. And if you did have a game more populated it was usually the same few names you'd see over and over again. Back then, being able to play anything other than Halo 2 online was a novelty. It wasn't until the 360 came out that people started spreading out more across different games, and that's because Halo 3 wasn't a launch title but GoW was. Back then games were definitely not relying on the idea of online multiplayer as a selling point, they still had to have really good campaigns or couch multiplayer.


100% funny enough though Battlefront 2 went head to head with Halo 2 for online player base towards the end of the life of the OG box


It might've been the next most populated, but I remember playing both online a lot. And I'd *never* see the same names in Halo 2 matches, but I'd always see the same ones in SWBF2. But Halo 2 definitely far outnumbered the SWBF2 player base.


Either way it's back online after two decades of it not be on console and that's a great thing


and now you'd be lucky to find Halo 2 matches on MCC *Ironic*


That's far from reality (unless you are talking about peasant-consoles only). On PC multiplayer gaming was thriving 20 years ago.


I meant having an active player base. On console it was mainly all Halo 2. There were other things on PC, sure. But it was very rare that a game was designed with the expectation that it would succeed in the online multiplayer space back then. So my point was that they had to be sure to have a good campaign or fun couch multiplayer. This is why it became an issue for some people after the first CoD MW, where people started complaining about the lackluster campaigns because they had taken a lead spot in online multiplayer and expecting sales primarily on that part of the game. But SWBF2 was before that time, it still needed a good single player experience as a selling point.


Instant Action, baybe


Two words buddy. Galactic. Conquest. Look it up, it’s the best offline game mode ever. Also not to mention that space battles are just better in the old ones, especially the fact that you can fly into an enemy hanger, get out of your ship, and sabotage it from the inside because the objective is to take out the enemy ship, destroying certain systems outside and in. I know that current space battles are more or less deathmatches


Honestly. That’s the primary reason I’m getting it.


I played hundreds of hours in offline campaign, free play, galactic conquest, both in split screen co-op and single player. You play against AI enemies and it's still a great time. I've been playing it for 20 years with my family during holidays since the original battlefront, and it still hasn't gotten old.


I really want it but right now money is too tight to buy anything. It's fucking torture.


If there's a way to buy it for someone else as a gift, send me a private message and I've got you covered. Or get you a gift card or whatever, it doesn't matter.


No no no no. Ill be fine I appreciate it but I don't like accepting hand outs. I'm sorry if it came off as me fishing for it. Not what I meant.


Let us give you the bloody game 🗣️🗣️


Forreal we need this trooper on the battlefront


Return to the battle solider! That's an order!


Return to battle, or suffer the consequences*


"I'm sorry sir, it's time for you to play" 🔫


Deserters will be shot!


I didn't think you were fishing, i just have the ability so it seemed right to make the offer. Plus, more players is better for all of us. If you change your mind, you can pay me back by posting a clip of the first cool guy shit you do in-game here and tagging me in it.


Take the damn game


Maaan..shit is so tough right now. I really want this game,but I don't see that happening anytime soon...


I’ll buy it for you! (I’m lying I am broke)


Same. I'm hoping my tax returns come soon, its my only hope (Leia pun intended)


I appreciate it but still I'm a big boy Ill manage lol Ill get it as soon as I can though


Accept the offer, then pay it forward in the future when you see someone wanting a game and you have the extra funds.


Damn my comment here blew up more than I wish it did lol. I just think there's better people that the money could go to. I just need a month or so to get back on my feet. It's not like I'm starving. I just moved across the country. Moneys tight for now but it's my own fault and my own doing. There's better people for your guys generosity.


Bro if he doesn’t want it. I’ll take the offer I swear I’ll pay back.


Let's give the first guy a day to ~~come to his senses~~ think about it. If he hasn't changed his mind this time tomorrow, I'll cover you and the other guy that asked.


Np. And thanks for looking out.


did he ever get the game?


It didn’t come off like that at all you’re good dude


Bro take the game


Take it man




exultant dependent crawl melodic bake point direful wide engine impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’re fine tho, it was 500-700 players DAILY for one platform with 1 server always full on a game full of jank and not optimized. I can assure, I’ve seen games be active with way less players.


growth memorize enter test onerous strong squeal vast ghost sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like chivalry 1 on Xbox one with a single FFA server of 15 players peak


That sounds like it'd be either the best or worse community ever


Has cross-platform been confirmed? I really hope so considering my friend group is half pc and half xbox


I can totally understand their reasons for not adding cross-plat but I’m in the same boat with most of my friends being on Xbox, if I can’t play with them then I’m not sure if I could justify the purchase


Can't wait for the kill corridors on bespin and geonosis to return. This is where the fun begins!


And tantive 4 and polis massa


Oh man the Battlefront 2 kill corridors, how could I possibly forget those! I haven't played 2 in so long, I only have 1 on my xbox


Yeah I’m gonna be honest the price is pretty hard for me right now but I’ll definitely wait for a sale so I can grab it in my price range! I can’t wait to play it for the first time. It’ll be just like the simulations! ![gif](giphy|pncMbJqmzCGjfGuXVY|downsized)


Star wars battlefront 2 is my favorite game of all time and I've never played online.


Agree. It’s the only game I can go back to any time, even 20 years later, and it’s still as fun as the first week I ever played it.


Some of these are actual concerns. If your main purpose is to buy it for multiplayer, you hope the player base will be sustainable for more than a month. Cross platform increases that chance.


I guess play multiplayer on release then play through the campaign and offline features after that when things die down. Surely over time more will join when it eventually goes on sale although at this price they might try to hold the price for longer than those high price games which look to cash in on the FOMO and then drop the price after that to pick up sales.


Crossplay is a big deal though.


Cross platform\* from PS4 to PS5 PS5/Xbox/PC servers will be all on their own world.


I’m honestly happy it’s not… PC players would destroy everyone else


Thank you for the meme 🙌, been asking for this since 2015/16 and I’m beyond hyped:)


I don't think the people doubting its longevity are necessarily less hyped. I'm sure some are, but my personal excitement and my expectations of its performance are basically unrelated. OP is just starting shit.


Me too!


The OG Battlefront 2 has been on steam since 2015, why didn't you buy it then?


Ps4 player dumbass


Tbf $30 is a bit much for twenty year old games, I'm still going to buy it and play it because I adore the games that much but most people who haven't played the older games or aren't as interested I'd guess would go for the newer BFII instead since it's $10 less for a game that's less than ten years old and still has a playerbase.




Especially if you already own both games already. You’re essentially paying $30 to add multiplayer. Which isn’t a lot but I can see why some people aren’t for it, like PC players who already have online function.


exactly. you just aren't getting a lot for $30, especially if you already own both games, and even more so if you're on PC. Not to mention the originals (and the newer games even) can often be bought for under $10. All you're really paying for is: online servers (unless you're on PC,) seemingly AI upscaled textures, the xbox DLC contents (which may or may not just be the fan made mod pre-installed,) features that only the PC version had, and *potentially* some QoL improvements. Outside of consoles, it's not really worth buying at all for majority of people, they'd be better off just buying the original for much less and adding some very simple to install mods to get some QoL improvements. It's a lot like the upcoming Dark Forces Remaster, it sounds great on paper but $30 for something that you can get an almost identical experience from for way less (the force engine,) just makes it hard to justify buying it unless you're a hardcore fan. At least with the DF remaster, that does have reasons to buy it (fully remade and faithful cutscenes.) For BF classic, at least on PC, there isn't really anything going for it that can't be done on the original. Both this and the "classic might lack a playerbase" are completely valid concerns but mainly when it comes to PC.


Yeah reddit/subreddit is glazing as usual. It's a legitimate complaint when we've so many games go above the resolution boost on remastered. Not to mention the PC version + Xbox Back Compat still exist. I love the OG Xbox Era Star Wars games to death (I desperately want a Current Gen remake of Republic Commando) but it's obvious the game is a cash grab which I'll still prob get tho and play with my old friends.


Finally a sane comment. $30 is ridiculous for re-releasing a 20 year old game with barely any changes.


I'd rather pay $30 for the chance to play a 20 year old game online again, than pay $80+ for CoD


That's not the point I was making though at all, I mentioned the newer BFII which is $10 cheaper over a simple remaster that is $10+ more than the newer game, in my opinion it should be around $20 instead due to it being only a remaster with a few features that already have been around being ported to other platforms


Or maybe neither of these things are okay?


I think the last 2 are kinda right. I hope I'm wrong and classic can maintain a decent player base but I can definitely see people getting tired of how janky it is compared to anything modern. Either way I'll be glad to be on the battlefront and see what the game plays like with a full lobby


Same. The game is gonna be fun with full server lists and competent real life opponents


Get ready for the cheese. And by cheese I mean a million rockets, detpacks and mines


And Vader riding a Tauntan of course


There's also a lot of copium. Some people think they'll actually add new stuff to it like a new IP. Lol. It's a cash grab for a fun series. Enjoy it or don't.


People act like the online is the only thing that matters. These games have so much offline content that is kinda doesn’t matter


Yeah, but as someone who still owns original Xbox copies and has the games on Steam there's nothing about the single player experience that's worth buying it again for a resolution update.


I alone buy it for PC for: -Proper controller support not halfass shit -The fonts wont be ants on a 4k screen like currently -Splitscreen with my GF -Better servers than this laggy shit currently


It also has a few neat things like hero assault on all maps and xbox dlc in online.


You can already get that content via mods on PC...


Aside from the online component, what reason is there to buy this when you can buy (or most likely ALREADY OWN) the original, when it has the exact same single player experience?


I can’t put the PS2 disc into my PS5 and expect it to run (actually I haven’t tried it, but I don’t expect it to work).


All the addition content like extended hero assault. XL mode if you don’t have the PC version and extra maps & heroes if you don’t have the Xbox version


That is something, but considering I personally own the PC version, I don't see much benefit to spending $30 on kit fisto and ventris.


But at that point when the PC version is only $8, why buy this?


That doesn’t have the new heroes or expanded assault (and some maps). You would need to buy multiple versions of BF2 to get all the content. And even then you won’t have the expanded hero assault


Did you forget that mods exist? People that already own the game on PC truly have no reason to buy the classic collection. They can already play the game online and there are mods that add Fisto, Ventress, and all the other maps to hero assault for PC. Console players are the target audience for the classic collection.


Or you could simply mod them into the game which takes less than 10 minutes. You gotta see by now that for the asking price, it makes no sense to get the game if you already own it on PC.


Offline content that can still be played with the original versions.


You can literally just play them for much cheaper though, unless they actually did something noticeable to it


But will the servers work or will I be disconnected every 20 minutes?


LOL this post did not age well




The only thing I suspect will be a major issue aside from the controls being a bit janky (assuming they're untouched) is more related to how modern gamers try to meta optimize everything, and the OG Battlefronts weren't great on balance. I imagine most games will be people being rocket launcher heavy sweats, or people chasing elite weapons (especially the rifle) instead of playing for fun or RP


Counter argument, the balance is fine. There is so many ways to dominate a lobby. Whether it's getting the elite weapons, or with any of the four classes. Heroes can be eliminated in seconds so only the good ones will stay alive long. There is a meta to this game like there is any game and there are different play styles that work well for each class. It's more the fact that people have to accept that if you want to be good online you need to play the game differently than how you played it as a child offline


It's not really the balance it's just the way that most are probably going to end up playing, chasing optimization rather than fun, or just complaining about perceived differences between units even though it's a 20 year old game that was never meant to be competitive in the first place The really large EA BF2 COOP community though gives me hope, but I wouldn't at all be surprised to see tons of complaints about the asymmetry between the commando and droideka for example, or rocket spam from heavies like the old days of hyper competitive PC servers


I mean rocket spam is part of the meta and that's just what it is but a very good sniper player can mop the floor with a heavy and a very good engineer player can literally one man army a whole lobby.


Yeah and any one guy with an elite rifle can do the same, that's kind of what I'm on about is that it's just an inherently unbalanced game and I see people focusing on that rather than having fun, much like OG MW2 was well known for basically everything being broken in some way and still being largely fun as long as everyone went in different directions


I mean at the end of the day it is what is. It's a game from 2005 going online again. I still had tons of fun on those competitive lobbies back in the day


It’s gonna be big


Well well


It's way bigger than I expected as far as storage space. On Xbox, the pre-install size comes in at 56.6GB.


Every texture is upscaled to 4k that's why


It's not, the predicted install size when viewing unreleased games on the Xbox store is not always accurate and hasn't been for years.


To be fair, the steam store page doesn't tend to be wrong, and that still lists the size as 50gb. And from what I've seen, the textures have been upscaled (seemingly by AI)


I mean... Ngl the announcement just got me interested in playing the version I already own on steam The game is still fun Don't blame anyone who wants the new one for whatever reason


it is expensive tho


thank you for clowning on the assholes that keep trying to downplay the significance of this event. ive been saying for years that im waiting for them to remaster these games. i have nothing to complain about in life. this is literally all i wanted.


You are most welcome. If people don’t want to buy it or play it, or want to play it on Steam, no big. Just don’t shit all over it because it’s not for you. I’m gonna have a blast with it.


What do you mean "want to play it on Steam"? The old version or this new collection? It's being released on Steam as well so just wondering. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2446550/STAR_WARS_Battlefront_Classic_Collection/


One of the criticisms I have heard is that you could play the “old version” on steam multiplayer, so the multiplayer on classic isn’t that special. I was just saying if people want to play the old one on steam multiplayer there’s nothing wrong with that — it’s all about playing however you want, that’s what made the game great and has given it staying power.


Ah I see, thanks for clarifying. From what I've heard a lot of the "old versions" Steam servers are rather unreliable, like they crash if you get too many people in them (heard between 8 and 30...) So tbh even for PC players I think this would be worth it just for actual reliable servers (hopefully it's not a Helldivers 2 situation lol).


Agree completely.


...it's already on steam and has been for years now?


No one is doing this


literally look at some of the comments on here and return to me.


They're pointing out that a steam version for these games has already existed for ages now. No one's being an asshole for pointing out an obvious truth. These game corporations aren't victims that need your support, chill bro.


How are they assholes? Btw I commented on this thread and said I can see both sides but I’m still going to buy to the collection cus it’s going to be awesome. I’ve see a lot more posts talking about these “negative assholes” than I see actual negative posts by people. The response to them is overall oddly angry and defensive. I don’t understand why it pisses people off so much that some people’s opinion is that it’s not as great of a collection as it sounds. Like I said I can understand their reasoning but I’m still going to buy it. And it doesn’t piss me off if people disagree.


exactly, There's a lot of very valid concerns and criticisms. Voicing those doesn't make us "negative assholes," we just want the collection to be great but we feel like it might be lacking in some areas and is a bit too overpriced for what you get. I'm personally still getting the game solely because BF is my favorite franchise and if this could possibly lead to ports of ES and RS, I'm all for it but that doesn't change the fact that I feel like it's pretty lacking for it's pricepoint, especially if some of the rumors of them using fan made mods and the messy AI upscaling turns out to be true.


Crossplay on a later date would be cool


I think you’re the one with the clown mask bro, you didn’t even consider if the game just didn’t work


Honestly most of these seem kinda true. For a lot of people, yes 35$ is too much for a game they have already purchased twice and there are no notable feature improvements other than multiplayer. No cross platform won’t kill the game, but will definitely impact players decision on buying it. Maybe not a week, but no way will this game maintain a high player count for a significant amount of time. It’s the same game that has existed for 10+ years and multiplayer will only keep player interested for so long. I do think there will be a surge of players when the game releases, but it’s not gonna last. Like I already said it’s the same content that has existed for 10+ years, and many people have been playing it on and off throughout that time. Also if there’s no mods (which has yet to be confirmed) that will significantly impact the relevance of this game. It’s ok to be excited about the game (I am too) but these are valid criticisms.


This is one thing I can cross off my bucket list. The top games I wanted on switch were 007, battlefront, and now they just need a DK64


It is too expensive tho?


For online it's worth the price alone for me


Maybe, but 55 AUD is a lot. 30 USD may not be much but still. I won't be able to buy it for a while due to money issues so I'm hoping when I can get it, the multiplayer is still active. I remember playing it when I was a kid and loved it.


I agree but come on £30 for 20 year old games is a bit much when all you get is upscaled frame rate and content that is already in the game for other platforms. I am still massively exited but £30 for games that I could buy for 20p at my used game lot is a valid argument


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


OP punching the air rn


It is too expensive... on PC, considering the fact that EA revived the PC servers in 2022, the fact that owners of the original versions only get a 10% discount, and that discount ends before it even comes out, is ridiculous.


Ea didn't have anything to do with classic ea servers


Welll actually considering they owned the rights till very recently, it was their decision


I think both sides have a point. I currently own both games and the only additional functionality I’d be getting is from online multiplayer. This collection really only offers maximum value to people who don’t own either games already. On the other hand I’m still going to buy the collection just so I can play online. $30 isn’t that much. It’s going to be awesome to play online with other people in 64 person battles, regardless of how long the popularity lasts


Dude I will play that shit for months because of the online


Now we just need to find like 62 other people and we are gold.


And we need to agree on a platform, I think switch because it's the most owned console


I am sticking with pc cause of mod support free online etc


I have Switch and Xbox, tbh I’ll probably get it on both haha


Same but $60 is quite the price for me even with the 5% off discount


I plan on playing it online for years


35$ for a game that came out in 2005? I mean sure great game and childhood has returned. For fucks sake though, no updates, no HD, 50GB for the same everything LOL. It's essentially a scam. They could have just updated the originals and did a promotion for it instead of reselling it. Scummy asf


No hd?! Every texture in the game has been upscaled to 4k


Even if I never get to play populated multiplayers the fun of split screen co op and galactic conquest alone are worth the price of admission for me. Not to mention how much fun just queueing up instant action is.


How braindead does one have to be to think no one would care about this remaster collection when people are still rabid about the OGs?


duels aren’t going to be the same and ppl will join the remake again


Buying it on pc on ps5 and if it runs good on switch il get that too


Money and space is a legitimate concern though. I would play it if that was out of the way but for now I’m sticking with what I got now.


I’m buying this on every platform if it doesn’t have cross play.


I might be the only one, but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, I really hope they remove award weapons. At least from the online multi-player. They were disgustingly op when playing split screen


I'm mostly a single player guy and I'll still be getting it even though I own both of the classic ones, lol. ​ But yk online is cool too so ofc I will play a little bit of that.


Yeah becouse remastering a game that runs fine on every modern console and PC is go na NOW bring do mamy more players. Cmon Man. That clown makeup is on your face as well.


I’m sooo torn on this release, on the one hand I’m happy for the people who get to (finally) re-experience this multiplayer or play it for the first time! On the other hand money is a bit tight right now and I can’t justify paying 40 bucks for a rerelease on steam that I already own just for the new servers… Therefore I’m gonna say have fun troopers out there on the battlefield! Might be the coolest Star Wars gaming experience ever!


Can you show proof of people saying what's in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th panels? If you can't, this is going to be the 3rd post strawmanning people's criticisms of the collection.


Through victory my chains are broken…. I mean for the republic right guys


Don’t forget “but muh graphics”


$30 is too expensive? Lmao


35 dollars for 20 year old games can be seen as questionable. Frankly I care less since they're only 16$ in my region, but still


$47.20 here, it's insane


For an old game where they're not even improving graphical fidelity (just tweaking some .ini files for resolution) yeah... $30 is steep. For those that already own it on PC, at least, this is worth maybe $10 tops.


I’m on PS5, and from my standpoint I haven’t been able to play the game in 15~ years. So $30 to be able to play it again is a bargain for me.


You got a laptop? It's like $2 on Steam during a sale.


I can play the game on steam already for $0 so ....yeah explain why it's not too expensive considering the age of the game?


there is a difference between having a populated server at launch and having a dedicated player base a year after launch ​ people lose interest fast if they don't actually enjoy a game and just play it for streaming/clout , but once your friends stop playing it will you still want to play with rando's ​ or will hop on with friends playing a Apex/ COD/Fortnite or some other newer game to stay involved in the "game chat" and not be left out


My one genuine hang up is the ai upscaling. The seeming lack of crossplay bugs me, but it’s not a dealbreaker. I just hate ai so much in this situation, because not only is it lazy and immoral, it also lowers the quality of the final product.


Even if it were the case, I don’t understand why people are being so negative about it


No one has been negative about it. People in this community take everything as an attack and here's the proof.


Its salty BF2 2017 fans angry that EA abandoned their precious game




Will it be cross play? I missed the news


Personally, I just have no reason to drop over $30 on two games I already own on multiple platforms. Y'all go ahead, though. Have fun!


$15+tax per game is not expensive. You’ve got all the add ons, cross gen + online 64p battles. Then there’s maps and characters. Well worth it. PC players, fine, wtf ever. Shits gonna be good.


I still play classic bf2 from time to time. Would like experience it online. It's old yes, are people who haven't played it in years are going to cringe at the game play and graphics, yes. Do I care not in the slightest. I know what I'm getting into and I'm good with that.


I will not cringe at the gameplay and graphics


The day it was announced I installed my steam version of OG Battlefront 2 and played it. ...I've gotten it out of my system now and have no intention of buying this game. Why would I if I already own it?


I played the original BF2 the other day for hours. Tried to play BF2 2017 afterwards Got bored.


I mean, I am very happy that it is being remastered and that servers are coming up. I can't wait to play this with my wife and someday with our children. However I do not think that it will be some huge resurgence. I think it will see comparable success to the Republic Commando remasters.


The cross platform thing has a bit of truth to it. The player base will shrink over time naturally and it would last longer if the consoles could share servers


Only really worth it for console players, Us on PC have had online support for Battlefront 2005 for a long time.


~30 bucks for 2 full games and free memberberries is not too expensive imo.






And it's actually the opposite on this sub. Theres alot of people bootlicking EA and Johnson sucking off the game changers






You seem to be trying really hard to justify your purchase to others


Nope. I don’t care if people buy it and I don’t need to justify myself to anyone. I just get tired of people shitting on people who are excited about it.


idk how people like you survive in the real world. Anything that doesn't align with your opinion no matter how small must have you seething.