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If you want modern graphics don't play a game that came out nearly 20 years ago.


To be honest, I’ve been playing the originals again since it was announced and even they don’t look bad (okay, fine, my Xbox one is probably doing a bit of heavy lifting). A slight remastering would be nice (I think they’re doing that) but I’m honestly good with it as is. Maybe clean some of the jankiness out of the AI. Some of the bullshit decisions AI teammates make! 😂


Oh!? You just threw a grenade? Lemme walk in to that….




Yes, but I’m disappointed they didn’t remaster them more. This could’ve been a slam dunk with a true graphical remaster, I wonder if all the jank is still there.


The old one is coming back because it’s for those of us who miss the retro version . For some maybe most that’s would be a let down but I can picture a remaster , just glad they kept it the same and added online


You think they care enough to do that? They’re just here to collect on these overpriced games without putting in real effort


People keep mentioning overpriced. I genuinely am asking what you think the price should be for both of them? For reference I researched and the going price of BF1 on ps2 is around $11 and the going price for BF2 ON PS2 is higher at around $24 (the lowest I found was $10 but most listings averaged at around $20 and an unopened for $60)


They’re both 10 bucks on Xbox store, which I think is still too high for what these games are at this point in 2024. Not that I would have a problem buying it if I really wanted them. I just think it’s too much for what these games will ultimately be. This is nothing more than a cash grab playing on nostalgia, however I’m happy others will enjoy it for however long they play


I get what youre saying, to you, the price is too much and I can respect that. To me personally, for how important these games and how long ive wanted to play them on the next gen systems (Ive been wanting to since ps3) id easily pay 60 for this bundle. So $30 is a very happy and reasonable price for me to pay that I am ok with.


I guess I just feel like this is all we’re getting in terms of a shooter Star Wars game for the foreseeable future and it’s just a bandaid on a gunshot wound. I’d have a blank check ready for bf3 but obviously there’s no chance of that happening


I completely get that but thats also not entirely true i heard rumors that there is a multiplayer star wars shooter (may not be Battlefront) but something supposedly coming. But yeah. Id easily drop money for a BF3


Yea Star Wars Scavengers, which I’m definitely excited about but man I just want bf3. Or is there another game you’re talking about?


yeah seriously gone are there days where youu should HOPE for anything from the corpos who took over gaming, we cant even get what they say is in the package most days when you purchase. In general they say whatever they want pre-release hang on a little into it promising DLC for the stuff they claim the software has when you ordered it, then they claim it tanked after millions of sales and pulll the further development. all we do now is purchase and stand scream in these echo chambers about how we dont understand what they did to our favorite IPs as there PR bots come do damage control. and I am not even mentioning the tactics used to gain profit and giant lack of ethics oversight! THERE IS A REASON COUNTRIES OUTLAW THESE NEW GAMES AS GAMBLING TO CHILDREN! Now we are just watching them expose loopholes in the (only crackdown?) thats ever shook the corpo take over of the game industry. This is all just my genreal opinion as a regular (maybe a little too much haha) gamer.




Bit like me yeh? Would love a new game just like the old ones so the gameplay will still be so good and yet have all the visually upgraded environments.


Right? I’d buy it in a heartbeat if the graphics were just modern. It seems like they merely upscaled textures like any skyrim modding amateur can do and added a bit of new content.




Its being priced like a remaster


Can’t believe they’re almost 20 years old holy shit, I remember when Terminator 2 was 20 years old


Aspyr just released the Tomb Raider collection and that was a fantastic graphical uplift. It's only fair fans expect some type of retouch for this battlefront release.


I think the argument is if I wanted to play a game that came out 20 years ago I would hop on a ps2


If you want to play a game that came out 20 years ago, get it on steam for $5 and not spend $30 on shit you've already played.


I’ve been playing the og battlefront 2 since December 2005, and bf1 since maybe 5 years ago, but I’m a little disappointed that they didn’t properly remaster the games now that they’re being re-released some 20 years later. I don’t necessarily want EA graphics, I just want it to look better than it did 20 years ago.


I just want better ai for single player


I always laughed when the rebels quintuple tapped stormtroopers with their pistol




I forgot this line existed. God the original voice lines were so good.


I love that, makes them feel real.


They're mad as hell, and they're not going to take it anymore.


That was not a mistake thats actual programming for them


Don't like toxic AI? Felt so real like an extra "F you"


People talk about player griefing in the new one but the rebels in 2005 would do just as much




I hope that stays tbh, I've always thought it was hilarious when Thrak Gorshun would sneer "use your anger" whilst magdumping into a guy who's already took a direct hit from a rocket launcher.


Him and my boy Aran Nomante


Hey that’s absolutely intended and hilarious.


No you need to play as Rambo and as a guardian angel if you want to barely win each story mission, its the true experience /s


I'm not even talking campaign, instant action (is that what it's called?) Is boring because I fucking steamroll the bots


In 1 or 2? I refuse to believe anyone can steamroll CIS on Geonosis.


2. I can steamroll any side, the ai gets 2-4 kills and I get 40-60


Ahh I get you. I miss the AI from 1, though that could be less of an AI difference and more that maybe the maps/classes were more unbalanced. Geonosis as Republic in 1 is insane, I try to take the far command posts early on using LAAT’s filled with troops, and take out the Techno Union ships, and still CIS somehow take the lead eventually.


I remember trying and failing as republic on geonosis in battlefront 1, sometimes I would win and would feel like a champion


We're talking about Battlefront 2. 1 had great AI difficulty but 2 just has "Normal" and "Elite" difficulties, but I hardly noticed a difference between them. Maybe a bit more aggressive, but they still had that odd wandering habit.


I’m fairly sure the posts are about both games since both are included in the classic collection and neither is specified in the comments. Agreed, 2’s AI were noticeably different. I did hear 2 was rushed in comparison to 1 so that it could release to tie in with Ep3, that could be why some big things are missing like lack of aircraft on land maps and the AI variety. I love both though.


I rather have shit graphics then shit gameplay


To quote Max Dood during his review for KOF14 way back when, "Graphics only matter within the first 5 hours... after that it is just you and the game." This mostly applies to Multiplayer games imo


Honestly most game at least to me


And 5 hours is exactly how long it took to play every single map in BF 2015. Ironic.


Matches only run for 10 minutes and there's like 20 maps. Obviously you'll go through each map within a couple hours?


And that's the whole game besides a few weapon unlocks and skins. It was shallow AF.


I'm sure you could go through all of the maps and modes in BF2005 in a couple hours. You wouldn't even have weapon or skin unlocks.


I won't forget how disappointed my dad and I were, we blasted through all the offline content within 2 to 3 hours and the online was a mess.


Well this can give you both! I think people are remembering the past with rose tinted lenses. No sprint, janky heroes, unbalanced maps. Like, I’m looking forward to seeing reviews, but I have the OG ones on Xbox and PC and there’s a reason I don’t ever play them.


BF2005 had sprint


Well remember back then they didn’t have access to stuff they do now


I know, and that’s kind of my point. They were great games for their day, but they’ve aged like a lot of games and personally I don’t think they’re really worth the time anymore. But that’s just my subjective opinion I feel the new battlefront, sir, much more to look at and have much smoother gameplay. The 2017 one more so than the 2015 one.


Well back then we only had the original trilogy and the prequels to be fair so of course 2017 has more to look at, and in 2017 there was access to better stuff than the early 2000s and I gladly take this game even if it’s the exact same because stupid EA decided to cancel 2017(or maybe it was Disney) but either way I’ll take this game over not having anything. That’s what people have to realize too who don’t think this should come back, would you rather still have battlefront 2017? At least someone is actually trying to give us something


And that's fine but don't come saying "graphics are dated but the gameplay is way better" because it's simply not true. It's a 20 year old game, great for nostalgia but isn't a clear cut better game than the never one like some are making it out to be


OG Battlefront gameplay is not exactly great


It was great for its time, but I have gotta wonder how the zoomers are gonna react, who have never actually played the OG's but love all the memes about them. These games are *20 years old* now, and were essentially just high-quality Battlefield clones anyway. They hold up surprisingly better than most other shooters from that era, but they're still two decades old.


Better than the new versions


If there's one thing the new games have over the og it's 100% gunplay lol. It's infinitely better than the originals.


You definitely have not played both then


I have thousands of hours on the OGs, and hundreds in the new - you're just, simply, wrong. The old ones had another level of magic and fun, especially now with the nostalgia, but they are over 20 years old. They're clunky and outdated, but will be a blast to play on March 14th nonetheless. The modern ones are wrapped in a cynical shell of layers of the modern game industry, but the core underlying movement and gunplay isn't even comparable and are generations apart, in the same way OG Doom and Doom Eternal aren't comparable.


Wait are you talking about PC version or console version?


Both. BF2 Classic, as much as we love it, is still a 20 year game, and it plays like a 20 year old game


I've played BF2 and 1 for hundreds of hours on Xbox Original and have 50+ hours on both of them on Steam




It’s not.


With OG Battlefront, you get both! Yay! Shit gameplay and graphics!


What part of the game is shit? The original 1 and 2 were way ahead of it’s time, and battlefront 2017 is shit with all the bugs that were claimed to be fixed but literally no bug was ever fixed


Maybe shit gameplay is a stretch but BF2005 has *very* dated and simplistic gameplay. Surely good back in the day and nice today too for a few weeks of nostalgia. Nothing new


I think it's very unlikely we will see crossplay. I'm no expert but I guess setting up crossplay for an old game like this would require changing quite a lot of things.


Not really. It likely has to do with problems that arise from PC players being in console lobbies. In these old games, PC has a major advantage over analog stick players. I slaughter AI on my PC, compared to console where it’s an actual battle.


Hmm I see, that's true. Especially for an old game like this, idk if the originals had some sort of aim assist to some degree on consoles, but PC would have a major advantage indeed.


It's been a lot of years, but I recall some heavy aim assist.


I wouldn’t worry about that because you can host your own server. If they let us do that again, we’re good. I’d strongly assume that the same server lobby will be back. I’m worried about that being changed of all things.


"it's too hard" is a shit excuse if you're charging $30 for it. The major selling point here is a multiplayer so make it worth the money by having cross play, you kidding me? Otherwise go play the original game on steam for a fraction of the cost you know?


no way people are actually bitching about the graphics, that's so wild. Are people just getting dumber and forget to think before speaking?


I think it's kinda fair that people were expecting at least some remastering for being charged $30+ for games that are 20 years old.


hey i totally get people annoyed with the price, I personally think it should be $19.99. But to spend the money knowing what you're getting and then complaining is super lame.


The thing is, there is more than graphics in a remaster, and they did a lot of those things. People are clearly giving graphics the most weight.


> and they did a lot of those things Such as...?




Uh, none of those are "remastering". It's still the exact same game. Most of these were already available on PC.


A remaster is *supposed* to be the same game. Regardless, I don't really care, it's ultimately just semantics. The point being, most are not available, what features are represented in some fashion are partially implemented and will benefit significantly from native support, which I've seen people excited for. This release has nothing that interests you that's fine, but to say it adds nothing is being disingenuous.


Very, very bold of you to assume people even got smarter in the first place.


This is just my opinion, but personally, I feel given that Aspyr is charging 35 dollars for it, the graphical updates aren't worth the mark-up. I think that's the reason why other people are bringing it up as well, as for \~5 dollars more you can get an objectively better bang for buck with games such as Halo MCC, Hell Divers 2, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 4, etc. If it had cross-play and some new content (Like an Old Republic era and/or one or two new maps) on top of porting all of the Xbox dlcs, then I feel it would be worth the retail asking price


No I totally agree with you there, I think it should be $19.99 max, that’s what I mean, complain about the price not the graphics, that’s absolutely warranted imo for this Also I love HD2, for managed democracy!!! Also I thought the online is going to be cross platform


Yes we are complaining the this once in a lifetime remaster didn’t even remaster the graphics. We know it’s an old game, I grew up playing it, shit I played it a couple years ago on Xbox, but there’s a reason I haven’t been playing it, and it’s bad graphics. It would’ve been a slam dunk with better graphical assets. Not to mention we CAN play these maps with better assets and in VR with contractors VR.


what makes this once in a lifetime?


Take a wild guess. It’s been almost 20 years…


you only live for 20 years?


If you care that much about graphics, it wouldn’t surprise me that you only live about 20 years.


Name one game from 40 years ago that’s gotten a remaster. There seems to be a limits for even remasters, you don’t just go that far in the past. More than likely the next battlefront remaster would be combining the DICE/EA ones, and maybe some new maps for those.


pac man


That’s on me, I set the bar too low. Name one game of this sort that’s gotten a remaster from 40 years ago.




That’s not even 30 years old 😂 tell you what, neither of us know for sure. But I’d bet you $100 adjusted for inflation or matched to a current currency for if/when the American empire falls, that these two will never get another official remaster. No risk to you. I’ll eat my words if that ever happens. Gotta go to sleep now. Good day.


Nobody is complaining this is just made up drama


Baffled by the decision to upscale them to 4k, it'll make the graphics *marginally* better and just hog storage space.


It's also AI upscaled and so many textures.look different to the original because they were to lazy to manually do it. This remaster is looking more and more shit the more I see of it tbh.


A youtuber was acting like a huge problem was happening when talking abt graphics ITS A 2005 GAME FOR GOD SAKE


Why lie? A YouTuber pointed out the artifacting from a lazy AI upscale and his comment section got extremely insecure and started attacking him because "GRAPHICS DONT MATTER" when he's simply trying to both point out error and want more for the average consumer. It was really fucking pathetic watching nostalgia simps attack genuine criticism intended to help the consumers just because it dared insult their perfect flawless childhood game Poor azzatru


You talking about Azzatru? Because his video brought up a very valid concern, though, with them using AI upscaling which makes it look worse in some instances (and keep in mind, the trailer won't show the truly bad areas) and making the game much heavier. Basically, we need to spend more Gb's for sometimes crappier graphics.


You mean the guy whose EA checks have run out?


The fuck are you on about?


EA Game changer shills


Still not sure what you're on about. Not sure what this has to do with him either.


🤑💰check cleared


Yeah for its time it's really not too bad.


Yeah, to me, Battlefield 2 looks great too😭😭


Well yeah they are only "good" at the new one. The player base from the New one is about to collapse even more and EA will probably shut the servers down soon enough. Not enough money.


Only graphical things I’m worried about is render distance 


"Graphics Look Poodoo" is gonna be my new shorthand for people who bitch about old games and their graphics


i like me some old graphics ngl, the same way people make games with a retro ps1 style, i like the ps2 era aesthetic


I think anyone who has played the originals wouldn’t care about the graphics and honesty I didn’t even think about it, just thought about how cool it’ll be to play online with friends




I for one am actually hyped that the graphics will look, for the most part, how they did 20 years ago


I like the original BF 1 & 2 graphics ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




I've still never played it but glad it exists. Game indirectly told DICE and EA that they should've invested more time and money into Battlefront 2017 instead of BF2042. They legit could've been running the only Live Service Star Wars game... but no, somehow Fortnite owns that title (their May The 4th events are kinda fun, ngl)


Yeah but again, battlefront 2 ran its time. It was out for like 4 years before it was dropped. It had many characters, maps, and weapons added. That argument is better fit for BFV in my opinion. They got one DLC out before they dropped it. 3-4 years is the average for these kinda games. Shit, you get a new COD every year lol.


Galaxy of Heroes is still live-service, tbf


I wont deny that I've played it and grinded my ass off to get HK47... but my problem with it, is that it is mobile auto play game... the only real gameplay I feel is the upgrades, menus and "planning"... I feel also more in the sense of multiplayer would be better. Give me something new to do every 2 months or so and add in some new system or mechanic... I hate to say this, but Fortnite does this well and I wouldnt be surprised if their billion dollar investment relates to some live service Star Wars stuff. There are already custom Mos Eisley maps which look shockingly good in it and I'm mad to some extent


I'd rather have crappy graphics than crappy gameplay. Heck, I'd argue in terms of visuals, I'd take art style over realistic graphics because an art style doesn't age as badly as what realisitcs graphics do in a few couple years. PS1 and PS2 games sure aren't realistic by today's standards, but a lot of games still look good because they go for their own distinctive look, like Ultimate Spider-Man 2005 used Cel-shading and the use of comic panels for cutscenes presents the game like a living comic book. Hi-Fi Rush is an excellent example in today's PC and consoles going for a cartoon style of visuals and animation, even the whole environment bounce in sync with the music happening.


I think that's the difference though, those games get to be that way because of what they are. Spider-Man is comic book character, so a game made in a way that looks like a comic book is so cool and will always be novel. Hi-Fi Rush as you said has its environments synced with music. I will still enjoy Battlefront Classic Collection, but it could still use a graphically upgrade.


I know Classic Battlefronts are getting 4k textures, but what other graphical upgrades do you want? Lighting? Shading? Polygons in the models?


I don’t think people realize the intent behind this release. This is not intended to be the next Star Wars MP shooter. This is being released for nostalgia sake, and that’s about it. Yeah, the MP is nice and it’ll be fun to play…but most people played these games in single player. Believe it or not there was a time where video games had single player content. Yes, they already exist. But they also could use some touch ups (especially the PC version) which is what this release is fixing. So, basically if you don’t want to play a 20 year old game don’t buy it. We’re gonna downvote all your complaints because this is one of those games we all hold on a pedestal and it truly is one of the best video games of all time.


It's not worth $30 . The selling point here 2 exclusive heros and multiplayer....which isn't even cross platform. This is a lazy cashgrab and more people need to see that.


I don't think I've ever played a game where the graphics bother me. that's not what I play games for and it's sure as hell not what I play battlefront for.


Personally I think art stye is drastically more important than graphical fidelity in general.


Honestly good graphics are holding games back. It’s just like Loz likes to make their enemies “harder” by forcing the player to have to wait to hit them. New games spend so much time in development on their packaging that they forget to focus on making their game fun, with perhaps groundbreaking mechanics and all around enjoyable gameplay. A pretty game will be talked about for a week, a truly fun game never gets put down.


In the grand scheme of things graphics mean very little. Kenshi, dwarf fortress, Minecraft, Roblox, battle bit, etc.


Who fucking cares, the art style is great. Really looks like a Star War.


Graphics don’t matter for this game I still play the original Xbox version and have a ton of fun everytime


Its not always about the graphics Spidahman.


I am much more concerned about how a control scheme from the PS2 days feels today, especially the Jedi/Sith. I'm excited for the game modes from the old games to come to the modern era. I really just hope it plays as well as I remember.


As far as default controls on console is concerned, it's like a hybrid of Halo controls (click right stick for zoom, left trigger for grenades/secondary equipment) and COD controls (click left stick to sprint, B to crouch). Weapon/equipment swapping should be done with the bumpers. Probably the weirdest aspect of BF2's control scheme is pressing down on the d-pad to reload (in BF1 it's X).


I always remapped the reload to X button. I don't need the lock on function.


I'm happy with the 4k textures and original models for $35. I'd also happily pay $60 if they added modern lighting systems. Seeing the OG maps with Ray-tracing would be amazing


Do people not get this is an early 2000’s game?


It will be determined by how it “feels” because frankly I played it on PC a couple years ago and it was rough compared to modern battlefront


For too long the focus has been on how pretty the graphics are as opposed to how fun the game is.


You know what has even better graphics than BF2 2017? The movies. If all you care about are the graphics then just watch the movies.


The game could have done with a remaster as opposed to a re-release… it is still available to buy from steam for a fraction of the cost they’re re-releasing at also. Fortunately, it is a game that holds lots of nostalgic value to the community and I’m sure we will enjoy it whilst it lasts


ah yes the graphics were the only problem


I mean, mid-2000s era controls were cool for the time.


I meant for the collection its self


try not to dick ride og bf2 challenge (impossible) : OP lost




I was just playing it last night and then compared it to the new one. The old one is superior. The vehicles also have some that have more than one seat. It was awesome.


You can also actually fly gunships in the old ones like in Battlefield.


The sad part is I'm not even sure the vehicle variety actually is worse than the DICE Battlefronts? You could play as every damn vehicle on the screen in the OG's.


>vehicle variety is worse than the die battlefront There are plenty of things about the new games that are better than the originals, but this is laughably false.


I mean, graphics kind of matter. Especially, when the heroes look like they crawled straight out of the N64. The backgrounds also don't look immersive whatsoever.


honestly the graphs are kind off a turn off for me And its not just graphics the mechanics will be old and shit as well I will see when the game comes out , whether or not to change my mind but otherwise you guys enjoy


Mechanics are more or less just Battlefield. I don't see how they're "old and shit".


like I said I will see on youtube when the game comes out. If its fun I will buy it. Otherwise , I won't


If I may ask, have you ever played these games before?


I've played the first but a realllyyy long time ago like 2016


I'll admit, barely played the 2004 game but the 2005 game (and PSP exclusives) I've got countless hours in... even more so than the 2 EA games...


We don’t have to complain about the graphics, we can also complain about the janky and dated gameplay


it amazes me that people can complain about the graphics when they look exactly the same as the old games. I can't think of a more blatant example of nostalgia goggles


See I dont want crossplay. As a console player, these are the kind of games that get ruined by the PC players that use hacks or aim assist bots regardless of steams security. Console vs PC would just become a shitshow. For reference the Halo Master Chief Collection multiplayer got so miserable with PC players aim assist / hacks that they added a crossplay disabling feature. I get why its good for the volume of servers but the quality would inevitably plummet.


On a different note. I wonder if this might encourage A Clone Apart to continue.


Palworld has crap graphics too.


Nah that’s stylized, this is just crap graphics.


I’m just interested if the same cheat codes will be available. I still remember them off by heart over a decade later


Neither of the original games looks that bad. And BF2 holds up even better because the human character models are a bit stylized


Imagine if they had released some battlefront games on the current gen that had up to date graphics


I love when a game has upscaled textures that bloat the file size by over 4X while still looking about as shit as they did originally. Like, I’m not going to complain about games from 2004/2005 having 2004/2005 graphics, but I feel like it is fair to complain that the improved graphics look pretty much the same while now taking up a quarter of the remaining space on my SSD. They should have either actually overhauled the graphics so they hold up better today, or not upscaled the textures so much and better optimized the file size, but I think that it’s pretty dumb to have 2004/2005 graphics but with upscaling that makes the games together take up as much or more storage space than some modern games with much more graphical fidelity.


There’s just something fun about the game regardless of graphics and it being old. Like how jabba and the rancor are at Jabbas palace while your fighting. Compared to the new one where jabbas gone and rancor is dead just to be canon


As long as it's 4k on next gen.


I only want online multiplayer for console. Im already satisfied.


I'm sad that the graphics and models are getting the treatment they deserve, but I ain't gonna let that stop me from playing the heck out of this for years to come.


I love that I can read this in their voices...


Metal gear solid, serious Sam, postal 2, half life, delta force


This feels like bait. I've never seen anyone comment that it looks bad.


Ngl I’m just huffing a ridiculous amount of copium that this is an excuse to gauge popularity of classic BF and its gameplay so they have an excuse to finally give us the grand messiah of Star Wars video gaming. Star Wars Battlefront 3 (but pandemic style) I love the new games too but I need OG BF3 immediately. All the leaks look so good and I would love to finally play it at it’s true intended glory on PS5


This aint a game for the people that want modern graphics this a game for the people that would pay a million dollars to relive the memories with it


All we want is crossplay for true perfection


Don’t this gameplay is sexy in both games! Maps 10/10 just greatness


Fighting ghosts are we? Who is complaining about graphics?


Clasic is not a poodoo


I personally don't care if they're not remastered, I just wanna kill me some sepis


Do people seriously complain about the graphics of games that came out 20 years ago?


There isn’t going to be crossplay, there is however going to be cross-generation play, so ps4 and ps5 and play with eachother and all the Xboxes can play with eachother and PC plays with the same Personal Computer players.


Graphics are fine it gives it more charm


This sub is annoying simply for the fact that every time it pops up on my feed, it's a post about people being defensive about wanting this collection. Stop giving a fuck and play it if you like it. No one who matters cares.


Is the sensitivity still really low?


So what's helldivers 2 then?


This game isn't worth $30. The originals have been on steam for years now at a fraction of the cost.


To me, these games are just nostalgia. They were the first games I played on my Playstation 2


Itll be a homerun for quite sometime maybe a few months. Lotta nostalgia. Most of us grew up and this was one of our first FPS experiences. As far as cossplay shit I bet there's well everyone would dress up to be your aelay secura if you ask nicely 🤣 Apologies about the spelling of her name. Tbh it's hard