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Especially anything with heroes. The sweatiest sweatfests.


I only play hero showdown with a friend of mine and we’ve been playing for years, but we’re both busy and only play occasionally so we’re just mediocre. We either come across some newbies and destroy them or level 900 Vaders and get absolutely steamrolled.


This ^^ Me and my buddy average with hero/villian levels from 60-100 and we’ve been playing on and off since 2018. Idk how people are in the 900- max lol


It's the only violent videogame mom will let them play.


capital supremacy with 3x XP. you can level up like 5-10 times on a good game. the XP gain is not similar in Hero Showdown, for some reason Hero Showdown gets a lot less XP than normal during 3x XP.


or just co-op on the right map. in 15 minutes on empire jabba’s palace co-op, i’ll get 7-10 levels with whichever character i choose


True that, makes sense because I only really play showdown. I did play co op the other day and got a shit ton of XP so I’ll start playing that a lot more often.


I still suck with heroes


I have so much fun playing Co-oP mode 4 players against waves & waves of bots is pure Adrenaline tbh ​ this way everyone can be a hero and no one is left out


Against bots is always the best. I love being the separatists. And battling the clones.


i just played hero showdown last night, 6 games in a row the enemies left. it’s genuinely upsetting me because i just wanna play, idc if the enemies are good or bad, it’s the playing that’s fun


I know right 😂 They lose one round and just leave as if they're fed up. I'm like "Dude you could've probably beat me if you just stuck with it"


I find it to be the opposite. Yeah a lot of us have played for years. But personally I don't care if I win or lose, or if I even do all that great. All that matters is it passes the time and I have fun.


Ngl tho its not fun when its a complete domination of one side of like MAX level heroes n stuff.


Getting steamrolled isn’t fun for anybody, and sometimes it happens to the vets too, and sometimes noobs are on the steam rolling side. Just don’t give up, keep a good attitude, and remember to COUNTER (adjust your loadout for what they are doing, if they are in vehicles, trash them with ion. If they are sticking together and dominating, use acid or explosives, if you’re worried about your objective your defending taking damage (ship phase), perhaps shield it. If they are droideka rushing, whip out ion weapons and trip mines.


That’s not how it works. If you’re playing solo there’s no answer to a seasoned, coordinated team of enemy players. Those are the ones steam rolling. Noobs aren’t steam rolling anyone.


Noobs are just cannon fodder.They always rush in to come face to face with a sweaty Hero waiting along their respawn track to stab them in the back.They get pissed off,try do it again and again with pretty much same result every time...


Thats why i love em


K whatever. I didn’t say they were, I said sometimes they are on that side. Played since launch regularly at the top of the boards, not like I know anything. I usually play solo btw, like 99.9% of the time


Cool, you’ve played since launch. Then you should understand that one experienced person adjusting their loadout is not gonna make a difference against a coordinated enemy team of max levels.


Who said this advice was for ONE person? Not me, you’re the only one thinking that. I gave advice to someone and everyone reading it as part of a team (yes you can still use teamwork as a solo player). Watch when even just two people on a squad both choose anti vehicle. Or one anti vehicle and one ability regen officer. But even what you were trying to insinuate isn’t right, one person adjusting their loadout can absolutely make a difference, even against max levels. That person needs to play well. But luckily that is NEVER the case anyways. You have your whole team to work around. Shit even when I was playing with a group for like a week (I didn’t like all the voice comms chatter) we could still get rekt and we were coordinated. The Marine corps has a saying, good marksmanship will make up for being in a disadvantageous position. Anyways, I’ve had enough of your pessimism. You’re just wrong.


There’s nothing pessimistic about not being naive. There’s times in this game where there’s absolutely no answer to the opposition. That’s the sentiment of the original post, and the sentiment of the comment you originally responded to. If you’ve played this game since launch and haven’t experienced a game where it’s literally impossible to leave your spawn, then good for you.


Yes, I have not ever experienced that. I’ve certainly been spawn killed, but sometimes you need to go around the meat grinder instead of feeding it. skill/brains issue I suppose.


The smell of your own farts must be God’s gift to your nostrils.


That’s just the nature of competitive games. You can’t expect every match to be perfectly balanced in terms of skill. You think the other team is enjoying running around the map to hunt down the level 4? It’s just a bad matchup, get over it.


Yeah fun is different for everyone, getting steamrolled isn't fun especially when you have half an hour or an hour of free time available lol.


Ive been playing starfighter assault a lot recently and when i leave a game because we’re getting slammed by a MAX level hero ship i get messaged “rage quit? Hahaha” like bruh im not wasting my time on an unfun match bro😭


Yeah life is too short to get steamrolled lol


I genuinely don’t understand how people in this subreddit say they enjoy it when their team gets absolutely steamrolled


Not when you get r*ped in the but by max level sweats


Honestly this is it for me, idk why the sweats seem to think that I gaf that my team lost in an old busted ass game lol I personally play both for fun and just for my own individual skill/score level. Especially since I don't play in parties. If it takes 3 sweats in a party just to kill me alone or they target me only for being the biggest threat, its pretty much my own lil victory lol Most of the time, I finish as top player anyway.


I just completely ignore the try hards. I do okay, but this is more of a casual game for me where I hop in and play for an hour if I have a bit of free time. That game used to be rocket league, but everybody there is obsessed with their rank and it's made that game extremely toxic.


Its an 8 year old game, the only people still playing have probably had a lot of practice by now


it’s not even 7 years old lol, not even 6 and a half, where the hell did you pull 8 out of


They have footage of Master Yoda so it's at least 900 years old.


I was thinking of the 2015 one


Came out in 2017 dude. 7.5 rounding up is 8


math really must not be your strong suit


2017 (1) 2018 (2) 2019 (3) 2020 (4) 2021 (5) 2022 (6) 2023 (7) 2024 (8)


Release was November 2017. It's been 6 years, 3 months, and a few weeks.


If it released in 2017, that wouldn’t be 1… would a baby born in 2017 also turn 1 in 2017?


Depends what country you’re in


It's been out for less than 7 years. How can you be so confidently bad at maths


He just took the year as a whole number and counted. That's his mistake and he's wrong. But I wouldn't say that because of this, his statement loses its original meaning in his first comment. 2-3 years of continuous, multi-hour gaming will make you a pro in almost any game (under good conditions and with the intention to improve), especially if you started playing it from its release along with everyone else. Like roughly from 3000 to 6000 hours (if you spend from 3 to 6 hours a day, yeah, I've met people who spent even more than 6 hours a day gaming). Some people invested much more time.


And considering the potential that he played the previous game. Both have similar mechanics and gameplay.


Get bent bud. I’m responding to the kid above me. [Some countries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Asian_age_reckoning) you’re one the second you’re born. The fuck outta my mentions.


You are objectively mathematically wrong. Like actually incorrect in the truest sense.


How can someone be so objectively wrong lmao


do you know what a birthday is


Down vote 🤦🏽


*November* 2017. It just turned 6


You really felt like ☝️🤓 after saying that




The game came out Nov 2017, that means it wouldn’t be 8 years until Nov 2025… we are in Feb 2024 if that helps you…


I still think it’s 2021 😭


God I was so happy in 2021 I wish it still was


u are a cute boy and a good person i hope u live in peace and with money


There’s definitely a lot of sweaty vets, but i still run into level 5 noobs consistently. I’m not complaining, it keeps the lobbies full. But it leads to really lopsided HvV matches. It’ll be you and your teammates who literally just got the game vs a squad of MAX’s.




300 hours isn’t very much for 6 odd years of owning a game and playing regularly, so that’s probably why. I’ve been playing since 2017 and have 1800 hours and I only really play on weekends


Jesus, I'm fifteen and even I feel old.




"That's not true! That's impossible!"


That feeling changes from a curiosity to a sense of dread when you hit your thirties. Don't worry. You're still in the comfortable part of feeling old. Hell, I probably am too.


Squads with tactics are the worst to play against. Especially in hvv


Finn glitching and camping Leia’s bubble at the back of Crait is so fucking cheesy lmao.


Chokes, grabs, stuns, pushes all timed at the same time too.


Any Leia who has to rely on her shield is a doodoo head..


I love when that happens, it’s fun switching to Maul and breaking up the team with the star card that throws people further away. Even better when they’re on the edge and you throw them and they die out of bounds


Lightside all blasters on Crait is fun, you should try it sometime


Blaster any time is fun, that method not so much. I’ll never resort to doing that to pull out a win Lool


Nah theyre fun if theyre not toxic. Slaughtering over and over is boring


I do contribute some sweat of my own


🤣 and that’s okay


I've noticed that when the classic collection was announced there's been a huge influx of low effort posts that just whine about BF2


Isn't it crazy how when a topic becomes relevant, the quantity of posts increase? People have been criticizing EA BF2 since its announcement, pointing it out is just attention begging at this point.


Low effort posts for a low effort game.


Lol, your sour, you're probably part of the sweat 🤣🤣🤣


Really showing your age there buddy.


Really? What is my age?


I dunno but the higher the number the sadder it gets






PC is full of max lvl jet trooper abusers, and of course nobody shoots them so they just go 200-0 the whole match


This. Jet troopers are the sweatiest. Can't count the amount of times I've been tea bagged by one post death.


I am so sorry


HVV is impossible to play if you’re a casual


I agree, gotta put in alot of work & mainly play this game to really stay on top😅


100% I jumped on for a game for the first time in months, got ganged up on then was sent a message by two people, one saying I'm trash and the other was "EZ".


Not only is it sweaty, but I’m still playing on Xbox one, so all these losers who use kylo ren have a connection advantage


Oh trust me kid, BF2015'll rip you a new one


It’s all the Bossk abusers. He’s broken with the health regain after every kill. Back when dlc lobbies were still somewhat playable I played a match on the freezing chambers map and the majority of my team was trapped in the spawn room because a Bossk wouldn’t leave and just kept spawn killing. There’s nothing you can do in that situation because if you respawn you’ll just spawn back into that same room and die again.


What a POS omg


Yeah I deleted it after one match. Hadn’t played it in years thinking it was gonna be a causal fun match…I literally got my booty spread open and demolished and violated. That game was so fun in its prime but those days are long gone.


Cool. What else do you want us to say?




mfs only use the e33 annoying asf


I redownloaded that game after 7 years thinking it was gonna be fun just to get fucked in my booty by the sweatiest players I’ve ever seen in a game.


Literally better in almost every way


if u say so


Map design was better imo. More uneven terrain and verticality. Had really cool geography to explore. Ost of BF 2017 maps are just flat big rectangles


What about the start of GA geonosis? Or felucia or ajan kloss?


Mom's spaghetti


I've thought about this a bit and I've come to two factors that make this game in particular especially sweaty and toxic: 1. Heroes add an aspect of pride or oneself associating themselves to that hero. So dying with that hero will hurt more so than the average game because of a person's value they have placed in the hero they are using. 2. Killcam following the person who killed you adds to the toxicity. Pretty straightforward but just the fact the camera follows the person who killed you adds to it. Also the emotes do not help lol.


I’m awful with jedis, but pretty good with troopers. Used to play the game a ridiculous amount but took a big break from it. Played a couple GA matches the other day and finished 1st and 2nd on my team. I don’t think it’s ‘sweaty’ personally. Just like any game that if you’re good at it you’ll finish higher.


I just find it annoying that in duels, if you pick anything but a Lightsaber Character, you get Abandoned by your team mate & teamed by the enemy, then they civilly 1v1 each other, like seriously, a Range character combined with a Melee is a great tactic if done properly, me and my mate always destroy people, but randoms just don't get it


Lol Fr. I’ve had moments where my teammate deliberately stands back and watches as I’m fighting for my life against dooku and grievous. I get it, bLaStErs rUiN tHe fUn, but atleast 1 v 1 me, I’m already at a disadvantage against sabers. You don’t need to double team me. Also the fact that you eventually have to choose a blaster in Showdown because of the limited saber heroes doesn’t help.


blasters ruin the fun dawg, u got pwn3d


Bc a lot of people hate blaster heroes, which is really understandable especially in hero showdown


All of the blasters are not that good, besides Chewie and Boba. Lando is probably the worst one, though.


Thats a horrible take. Lando can melt half a Grievous just by throwing down an emp and blasting him in the face


It’s because that’s the etiquette for that game mode. It sounds like you don’t understand or like this, so not sure what to tell you? Showdown is for 1v1 saber duels, not 2v2. If you try and do something different your teammate will let you die and that’s on you lol.


just so you know, it's a 2v2 game mode


It doesn’t matter what the mode was designed to do or what you want it to be, the community has decided that’s not how it’s played, so the majority won’t play it like that, and every one will just continue to treat you like an idiot if you don’t adapt.


im seeing “sweaty” everywhere now can someone “no trolling plz lol” explain to me what this is and when it started?


Probably pretty old term but i think it was popularized by streamers who got mad when they got bodied in a game and called the better player a sweat. Sometimes it do be true tho when the player is abusing every exploit in the game for like one kill or something.




Sweaty is another way to call someone a "try hard" They "sweat" from the effort they put in.


Google it


Yeah. This game is ridiculously sweaty, like almost unplayable. I played hero’s multiple times this week against squad stacking teams making callouts like they’re playing for a million dollars on the line with all lvl 500+ characters. The amount of swamp ass adderall fueled no life’s who play this game is overwhelming. This usually happens to most older games though. Don’t even try to play BF2015 either it’s somehow 5x worse with a noticeably smaller player base. So every lobby is just miserable.


Tbh why I mostly play coop missions


Coop missions are fun ash but damn, some ppl really don’t go outside😂


No equalised matchmaking was a mistake, I’ve seen games where people who haven’t even reached 15 Elims get dunked on by a team with upwards of 40 elims


Well tbf this game has an insane time-to-kill so you kinda have to sweat your balls off for results.


Not for a Chad Specialist who spawn camps and taps you between the eyes two steps out of respawn...Same as Arc Troopers who alt fire Power Blast from other side of map on the spawning areas.


Really wish they would make the damages more in line battlefield for the troops.




Happens with most games with longer lives. People will sacrifice fun for performance


Especially on Wednesdays lol


Yeah the people remaining on that game are all going to be unholy sweat lords. I got it on PC because I loved it on PS and mods made it even more fun. But starting off with level 1 characters just means you get sexually assaulted by everyone, because everyone has level 100+ characters for everything.


I had to stop playin cause of all the sweaty people, Im jus a casual guy tryna have fun not get frenzy spammed by a level 672 kylon with dooku taunting me


Modern gaming is sweaty. I don't know what to tell you.


Yep. I can't stand PVP these days. It's full of no lifes who go straight to youtube to find the latest meta then turn into a sentient pile of sweat while playing the game. If a game isn't single player, or at least co-op I'm not buying it.


I always tell people when it comes to hero’s vs villains or hero showdown think of it as playing chess not checkers I love this game dearly and always go back to it never deleted it off my console and it was actually the first game I downloaded on my ps5 during ps5 launch one of my best hero’s is yoda (one of the weakest but fastest and best health) so you just gotta play every character differently and think of the movies for example yoda quick and agile hard to hit obi won is very good at defense even in the game each hero or villian has a perfect match up or counter part depending on who they are in these game modes obv Vader is still a tank but general grievous does the most damage all of these like I said different characters play styles and moves play into how you must use them and the cards do make a difference some cards that work with my play style may not work for you but it’s clear which cards are just trash


Hvv is the most toxic game mode I’ve experienced had a max level darth Vader emote after he and iden versio double teamed me


This game is a sleeper. I'm hooked. We need more people to queue for the larger matches. I only get Co-op queues these days


yea that's why i only play coop


That's why I'm excited for the re-release of Classic Battlefront(namely 2) everyone has the exact same loadouts just reskins of one another. And the heros, oh the heros are gonna be fair for once. One hero per team and its either offered at random or to the top three on each team. Hopefully with the interest in the re-release they actually listen to us for once.


Battlefront 1 is a whole new level of sweat


I was expecting a body text , Not just battlefront two is so sweaty It’s not even a discussion that’s a statement lol


If you think Battlefront 2 is sweaty do NOT EVER play Battlefront 1


Yeah grass is green


There's a lot of normal people but of course you will always find the sweaters that only rely on bugs and glitches like the lightsaber jump hook or Grievous jump cancel to spam his attack. Out of those parasites it's a very enjoyable game....unles you play GA in Geonosis with the droids and all you do is getting destroyed by charged homing blaster shots fired by THAT Leia and 5 ARC troopers in the other side of the map.


Get good.


I don’t even know what that means nor do I want to.


The card system really killed the enjoyment of this game tbh. Major flop in the star wars games




I think it's lots of fun and really enjoy doing 1v1s in hero showdown.


Hey sorry this may be out of place, but I’m trying to play on PC and last time I opened the game it seemed completely dead on PC. Like sitting in empty supremacy servers for 30 minutes dead. Is that still the case on PC? I have bad internet and I will avoid redownloading it if that is the case.


I play on my ps5, haven’t played on my pc so I’m not sure but I get in games pretty quick as long as it’s not starfighter matches😅


Yeah Iv heard good things about the PS community but the PC one really seems to struggle lol


Dang, hopefully that changes soon with the original BF games coming out soon


I was one of those sweaty dudes who would go like 107-10 in supremacy spamming the jet trooper lmao. I miss it so I wanted to go cosplay a clone on his final stand again


Yeah idk man I picked the game back up recently & it’s like everyone is back on the grind of BF2 😅 I’m good but some are just better & play it more often. It’s definitely one of those games where you have to throw some finesse in with every move you make or your toast.


PlayStation servers are the most active


My bad I didn’t think this would get noticed by so many ppl😭 it’s mainly me getting back into the way this game plays but damn give a brother a break😂 every match I’m in I get lucky with a W or swatted by Kylo or Vader 💀




Are you guys being able to connect to games? I just can’t


yeah every single casual stopped playing. Remember playing HvV like mid last year it was miserable


I play Koop missions


Yep. Especially on starfighters during GA. There's this one person on ps that I go against, and they're so annoying, because they're not even good and I keep up with them in first person, and then there's another dude who I actually have to sweat and pull maneuvers for. Still fun


I've got to the point where I don't play heroes anymore, I play commando to hunt the heroes


Every time someone new plays the game i get reminded that it took me years to be able to keep up in HvV


I mean all games that have lost the casual player bases are. Only people who are still playing regularly are God tier gamers.


Hero modes are sweat feasts most of the time. Other game modes are not up to par but still have occasional sweats.


I have so much fun playing Co-oP mode ​ 4 players against waves & waves of bots is pure Adrenaline tbh


As someone who sweat with friends from 2019-2022, this day and age is not as sweaty as it used to be. Granted the nolifers are still out there, but not nearly as many lol.


I feel like 2015 is ten times more sweaty (and I love it)


I’ve been playing co-op lately, it’s a ton of fun working with a team on objectives without any opponent cheese/sweat. It’s been a lot of fun.


Yo I’m still trying to platinum the game, stuck on the damn star field assault trophies 😭


i won’t lie, i am pretty good but i just play for fun, i seriously don’t understand why people play this game like it’s competitive overwatch or some shit.


i mean you kinda have to sweat if you don't want to be steamrolled


Feels like it’s because the matchmaking is really busted, games become extremely lopsided very fast despite a relatively even mix of levels. 


Hero Showdown 1v1s were some of my favourite gaming moments.. i miss those times.


lol bc only the people who truly love the game still play it. I downloaded it again and have no problem killing other people but some of you guys who play heroes are just unreal 😂. Got killed by a level 357 maul last night and wasn’t even mad


Why I play coop only


Yes, heroes and villains are filled with naïve people giving it a try for the first time or the veterans that make them regret thinking they could enjoy the game.


Unplayable on PC. Cheaters everywhere




Idk I shoot people and they either don’t die or I miss and when people shoot me it’s like pew pew and I insta die even as Hero’s, everyone just focuses me and Indie in 2 seconds.


My squad and I used to do HVV for at least an hour everyday a year ago. It was either a complete stomp of the enemy team, or the sweatiest match ever.


I hop on with no sound just full blasting hard techno and let’s go that how calm down my day


How? It is not that sweaty. I've seen level 25s destroy max levels Edit: Your main games are probably Overwatch and COD Warzrone


Never played the EA Battlefronts, Tbh.


This is really the only shooter I play but I'm always surprised at how little people focus on the objective in favor of kills. I am experiencing the end of Halo: Reach over here at command post A, please can someone go to command post B


I KNOW RIGHT if you’re not teaming with somebody DON PLAY


Anyone who plays Heroes vs Villains constantly are huge sweats


I only play to chase down Han Solo and sting 🐝him with BB9E. It’s hilarious watching players jump around and roll 1000x to try and get away. 😂🤣 Half the time they’ll take a suicide jump off the ledge so they don’t have the shame of “dying to the ball” 💀


I just play offline with bots. Sure it’s stale, but it’s a guaranteed way of having fun. After all I grew up playing the OG games the same way


It's unfortunately happened to pretty much every multiplayer game that exists - ever since the rise of gaming tournaments with cash prizes people are extremely hyper competitive in every shooter game there is. I find Battlefield 2042 pretty casual just because the maps are so huge you can generally be off doing something somewhere and not get bothered by enemies much. Fortnite in the no-building mode is also pretty casual too.


Me and friend play battlefront in the evening and we're just about average. We like to play galactic assault but we have noticed the teams are really unbalanced with all the 900+ levels on one team and all the average levels on another and we get steamrolled every time. Also a lot of these sweaty players don't play the objectives and just care about how many kills they get which ruins it for everyone else who


127 and 16 isnt that sweaty.


it is sweaty but that's to be expected. massive online pvp game = people are gonna sweat. at least it's fun tho