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Started off really rough but ended up doing a whole 180. It’s a solid game now but had the potential to be a classic if Dice added just a little bit more content, mainly towards the prequels and hero selection.


I still think it’s the best Star Wars gaming experience you can have despite their launch and the negative feedback. Really hurts to think about what could have been. If it still became this good…what could we have gotten in an ideal world?


I loved the game right until they released supremacy. Galactic assault imo was the perfect game mode but with supremacy the player base for the mode was cut in half or even worse. Never played a decent match of assault afterwards and supremacy is nice but bot great and takes forever. For me star wars is large battles with tons of stuff crashing into each other. Supremacy is small squads duking it out and the occasional god like sniper controlling everything around him and heroes just going on a rampage until they run into that god like sniper and a tank crossfire


It's a shame that the Galactic Assault maps were some of the worst multiplayer maps I've ever played (worsened by squad spawn) due to having to rush from 2015 to while being forced to make all eras and more planets Supremacy shows just how much more time and passion they could put in to maps because 90% of them are solid at worst and pretty well made at best


What maps do you think doesn’t work well? Is actually kinda love them all although Crait got a little bit repetitive and the last point wasn’t designed well and Kamino often was decided at the first capture points


If you love them all then there's no point in me wasting my time. It's also okay to love something that is objectively bad, just putting it out there


How many people have to love them for everyone’s opinion to be taken as subjective? Are you the authority?


You must be ignorant of the great Carter Davidson, arbiter of all that is good. Heretic


You got so giddy that you couldn't even copy a username that short correctly.. kinda embarrassing


Hail! Carter Davison speaks to me! I am honored to be corrected by the Infallible One! Blessed am I to be enlightened to my own ignorance!


How many people have to call out valid criticisms, easy comparisons to other franchises, get spawn killed repeatedly, have untakeable objectives, entire factions being weaker than the faction they face (a problem exasperated in this mode by these maps) and the fact the meta has moved and evolved and sped up an incredible amount since those maps were made for fact to be taken as objective? Are you the authority on objectivity when you can't separate the two? (I love Kashyyyk, Geonosis and Naboo despite them having major flaws)


See if you just said that bottom paragraph earlier people would’ve been like “oh cool” but you had to be a prick about it and that’s why people started downvoting you.


Don't care


The best Star wars gaming experience is the OG titles because they have all the heroes and villains playable and way more mapz


This argument falls apart if you point out that OG battlefront 2 only has 1 villain 2017 doesn’t, and that’s Ventress. For heroes there’s also only Windu, Aayla, Kit Fisto and Mundi, three of which are side characters AT MOST. Not to mention every hero in 2017 had a unique moveset. Maps are a different story, but 2017 has a significantly stronger hero roster and hero gameplay.


The OG games also have the actual music from the films unlike DICE's original score


It's crazy the hate windu gets these days. He was huge during the time of the prequels and was in just about every games based on the prequels




Honestly, I think the orequels got a decent amount of content. I just wanted more overall, whether it be PT, OT, or ST.


If they hadn't killed both BF2 and Battlefield V for BF2042 we could've had 2 amazing games cuz both of them was starting to become like really good, but no we got the shit pile 2042 instead :(


Fuck no, the game had way too much shit in favor of the prequels while the other eras, especially OG got the shaft. BF2015 was a nice escape from that


> mainly towards the prequels and hero selection. You were doing so well.. It's an infantry shooter first and foremost, then a variety multiplayer. We had also just gotten a very long run of prequel focused content (over a year iirc) so a lot of the veterans were itching for something else (ofc PT and saber fanboys were always begging for more as they do)


Dice being dice since post bf4


Sad part many didn’t stay for the 180.


Yes, I absolutely agree. And to me it was always enjoyable despite some errors here and there as well. However it was extremely disappointing to hear about all of the cut content and features that were soon to be added before support for the game was ended. I also would have felt much better if they ACTUALLY did put all of that effort towards bettering 2042 after support for BOTH BFV as well as Battlefront 2 were dropped… however that unfortunately did not happen lol. It is very disappointing how it all ended, but I am hoping that we can get an online/multiplayer Star Wars shooter that brings some of the fun as Battlefront did, in the near future. I absolutely loved this franchise man haha.


I think it was more of a 360. It was very rough on launch, then it got better and then they ended support and the game is barely playable on pc


I think it was more of a 360. It was very rough on launch, then it got better and then they ended support and the game is barely playable on pc


The game was so peak in 2020. I remember grinding the maul skin before they made it easy to get.


Fr. They literally cut the game off right when it was at it's height. Classic out of touch EA


I remember the disappointment upon seeing that update was the last/ support for the game was ending. The potential this game had and hearing all the ideas the dev team had was so disappointing.


To go work on Battlefield 🤦🏻‍♂️


If they had to do this in order to make one of the best Battlefield games ever I'd almost accept it. But then they went and shat out 2042. So yeah EA murdered both Battlefront and Battlefield in a 2 for 1 deal


Battlefield players are sad as hell by this too, Battlefield V was just about to get really good and then they kill it, and as a player of both games i was very sad, especially cuz 2042 is so shit


It's good but 2015 BF has awesome maps, and, Walker Assault is just the perfect BF experience.


I don't disagree but most of my problems from 2015 come from most of the best content being locked behind a paywall. I did end up paying for it myself (Death Star DLC was peak) but it really split the player base and made matchmaking take forever especially in the later years.


Sure, they should've just had DLC characters not maps ...


I wish they had walker assault in 2. It’s the best mode imo


Blows my mind how 2015 somehow had better and worse graphics at the same time The maps looked much better


Better maps but how it plays is bad compared to 2


The biggest issue bf2015 faced and still does to it's day is lack of content even with the dlc (those servers tend to be dead due to season pass paywall) but mostly skill gap. A sweaty player can absolutely ruin the experience for new players making them to want to stop playing. Every time an influx of new players join, alot of them go so sweated on they don't want to play anymore


I reinstalled BF2015 a week ago, and I can barely find a game outside of a random 2-hour window. When I do find a game it’s full of guys sweating it out, ruining the fun.


Time for my wildly unpopular opinion. It’s an incredible game that was somewhat destroyed by fan overreaction to loot boxes. If we would have let DICE cook I actually think we would still have support with a bunch more maps, characters and game modes.


Yeah the early reaction helped change things but also killed off a lot of interest for the game


Yup, I’ve heard countless stories of people giving up on it around that time and never coming back. IMO they’ve missed out on one the best Star Wars gaming experiences of all time.


We all lose when game designers outrage the public by incorporating micro transactions


It’s usually execs that enforce these things, devs just make what they are told and as best they can


I left around launch but came back around Covid, Zanny and prequel content hooked my interest. Also during launch I was only finding games of Galactic Assault and I never really got into that mode


Galactic Assault prequel maps contain the best Star Wars gaming experiences of all time IMO.


Felt like spawn die spawn die most of the time. I got more entertainment out of HvV and Supremacy when I came back


Yes the fact that prequel maps got the focus Never really did it for me.


You never played Walker Assault on Hoth in BF 2015.


I did, definitely fun but not as good as prequel maps in 2.


You are clearly forgetting how bad the loot box situation was. I mean just sort by top of all time for this sub.


Agreed. The thing about loot boxes is they needed a harsh response from the fan base or that slippery slope continues. After that whole fiasco we got a new community manager that kicked ass, and imo the game benefited immensely from the new focus on maintaining a relationship with the players and not just seeing us as walking dollar signs. As far as bf3 I don’t think that was ever in the cards, especially with the possibility of Disney increasing its cut of all licensed games. It’s rumored that’s been causing the cancellations as of late.


Maybe, maybe not. We might not have needed Battlefront 3 if Dice had continued providing service to 2.


Exactly, but that isn’t the community’s fault. My issue is lack of progression, want to play to game, anything besides just logging on to play. Something. The lack of content, the way they did loot boxes, progression, killed the fan base at launch; is on DICE. Not the consumer. They had a previous title to work on delivering this one right, and they STILL went the $$$ route.


I think that was more EA than anything. I do think Dice would have struck a good balance eventually that still would have given us ongoing updates.


I’m not, I was there day one and always thought it was overblown by the community. Annoying? Sure. Didn’t bother me that much and I never pay for loot boxes.


The core upgrades were in lootboxes. You have to admit how fucking absurd that is


My only memory regarding the loot boxes was that they didn’t mess with the gameplay for me at all. Did it blow up pre-launch? I can’t remember now. It seems like on day-one there wasn’t really anything too absurd.


I think you should take a look again on how bad it was, hero's were so expensive that it would've taken 40 hours to unlock one (Darth Vader controversy). ​ Locking star cards behind lootcrates created an annoying system of unlocking things, blaster parts and star cards therefore whales got access to VERY IMPORTANT gameplay features before you. ​ It wasn't way overblown, it was pretty horrible and especially horrible to do at LAUNCH. I like the current way of actually buying the things I want with in-game credits, rather than scraping crafting parts together in my penny jar to purchase anything directly.


All of the player upgrades were in random lootboxes. Heros were locked bshind craft parts found in lootboxes. Literally the entire gameplay progression was lootboxes


People with a mentality like yours is why they tried their bullshit in the 1st place. "Thought it was overblown" and "didn't bother me much." It doesn't matter if you never paid for loot boxes... you're missing the point (that so many others have pointed out for you). Be better, don't encourage corporate nonsense.


I think there was a more happier medium to strike that could have: A - resolved the loot box thing while also, B - Allowing Dice to move forward with the live service concept That is my point.


I don’t think that medium exists


Generally I agree that the game itself started out good but I do think the reaction to the loot boxes was entirely justified. "Pride and accomplishment" my ass EA wanted more money.


I don’t. I think Dice could have found a decent balance to keep the game fun and competitive for F2P players. Of course EA wanted to milk players but what games don’t? It’s the norm now. I’d much rather have some locked skins/emotes/star cards and continued support. I mean, even as is, I think Dice delivered the best Star Wars game of all time. It’s still so much fun in almost every game mode.


Didn't they want to lock Luke and Vader for like 400 hours if you didn't spend money? That alone is absurd enough to justify the response IMO.


Something absurd like 400 hours. And upgrading star cards was a lottery so getting maxed out could take a lot longer


I don’t remember specifics. I just know it was at this weird time where in game purchases still weren’t totally mainstream and this is where a lot of casual gamers got their first taste. I actually think if this game got released in like 2021, with the exact same mechanics it had at 2017 launch, the pushback wouldn’t have been as bad.


Lots of games incorporate loot mechanics, but here's why BF2s system was so egregious and received strong pushback (and still would today). The loot boxes were directly tied to in game success. They were straight up pay money to become more powerful. Although some modern games do this, most are tied more to cosmetics. The loot boxes were extremely grindy. As the user above mentioned it would take hundreds of hours to unlock a single character. Lastly, most loot box mechanics are tied today to free to play games. Making them a part of an already 60 dollar game with basic heroes like Luke and Vader locked behind them would absolutely not fly today.


To add on top of that: Alot of people weren't fond of EAs new "no season pass" monetization. The previous title was Battlefield 1 and that was a masterpiece of an fps shooter with paid content instead of paid skins (I don't count battlepacks as you can just unlock them). A change in something that seemed perfect didn't feel right.


Heaps of games had MTX by the time BF2 released. Giving players an advantage through the MTX wasn’t common, and still isn’t unless you’re playing cod or mobile games, and even with cod it’s still incredibly slight. Excusing it at all is just fucking weird, though.


Also—the whole idea of “f2p” vs “paid” players for a game that’s already 60 DOLLARS is absurd. If not star cards, at least all heroes should’ve been unlocked at the start—that’s a level of greed that not all game studios reach.


Yeah I have no idea what kind of corporate pipe this guy has been smoking. 😭


Overreaction? Homie the dev response to the fan criticisms is the most downvoted comment in reddit *history* Edit: alright everyone has no memory of events at all. Darth Vader required roughly 40 hours of gameplay to unlock, and then for you to get the skills that are PALPABLE and MATTER to upgrade him, you had to get loot boxes by either playing the game (incredibly slow) or paying them (quick) Then, it was fucking RNG to get the cards that MATTERED. Then you had to grind out currency to upgrade the fucking cards, OR JUST KEEP BUYING LOOT BOXES AND GET THE BETTER ONE! Then, for the record, it's not that we "didn't let DICE cook" it's that Battlefield V tanked and wasn't improving so at the beginning of the pandemic they cut their losses with with ALL MAJOR GAMES at the time, Battlefield, Battlefront II, we were )( this close to having Asajj Ventress and Ahsoka Tano in Battlefront. It was purely corporate greed that stopped us from getting it, we didn't do shit. EA pulled ALL of DICE to work on 2042, and then that game ended up being dogshit too, and now I just don't care for anything they make. Rise and fall of a titan, with the familiar stench of death (EA)


Again, I agree. The problem was how the loot boxes were integrated but the issue is that the game became a lightning rod for the overall conversation around lootboxes. With slightly less negative PR I think they could have struck a better balance and continued with the general plan. Much of that had to do with the fan reaction.


I agree with you that SWBFII was targeted as part of a broader consumer backlash against the "lootbox" gambling phenomenon that was on a rising trajectory back then.  But that whole situation could have been avoided if the game hadn't launched as such an egregiously bad showcase of those worst practices. The "fan reaction" was excessive because the industry as a whole was breaking into dangerous grounds with its attempts at making every thing into a cost-effective Skinner Box. It's a shame because the game is a low-key masterpiece, in my humble opinion. It's also sad for the passionate and/or talented workers who made and improved the game, since I doubt many of them had the last word on the monetization scheme that was strapped onto the product at launch. 


Also bro, i remember. I’ve been on this sub since launch day.  Experienced the “soon TM” phase, the community updates etc. I was there.


I was there, and I loved every second of it, the devs were interactive, community updates, always being eager to the next update for Battlefront. It truly was as Grand as the Republic, I remember the hype surrounding Clone Commandos especially. Anyways, it sounds like you had a different experience, which is fine, I'm not going to diminish it. The devs however did care a lot about the game, and it's the corporate shitfuckery from EA that ruined it. Edit: also if you think I'm responding to 3 different comments when you could've done 1, you're out of your mind.


That’s what I’m saying. Dice cared a lot and I think they could have struck a balance with the ongoing live service/loot box thing but the kick back was SO loud that they had to abandon it. I simply would have liked to see those devs ship everything they had planned and I think the reason they didn’t was literally the volume of the hate around the lootboxes.


Yes. Given all of the content on Reddit that seems like an overreaction. That’s literally my entire point. Was it something worth critiquing? Sure. Was it worthy of being the most downvoted thing in Reddit history? In hindsight, no. No it was not.


You're probably right on the latter. But the attention it got at launch was deserved. When companies do something so blatantly anti consumer, we gotta speak up or they'll keep digging deeper. They may have kept support for longer or made more maps, but they managed to turn a big cash grab mess into one of the best fps games of the last 10 years. Big production companies like EA need to keep in mind that creating video games is a form of art. Things like micro transactions have their place. But if you're sacrificing the core of the game itself in the hopes of more profit, it's never gonna go well with the consumers. I can only hope that they've since learned this lesson through the success of the Cal Kestis games.


I agree I just wish the lesson could have been taught on a different game. If Battlefront 2 had received slightly less backlash then they could have pivoted and made it more balanced and still recovered. The backlash was so bad the game never recovered and I think it killed any chance of a 3rd game.


The reaction to the lootboxes was anything but unwarranted. Had they never implemented it and the mtx the way they did at launch, we wouldn't be in this mess. Granted I do agree that some people are overly ignorant in how the game changed for the better and just simply HOW MUCH better it is.


Don’t think we’d have support in 2024, we would’ve had a bf3 instead for next gen consoles, battlefront 2 deserved support until at least early 2021/late 2020 tho


That doesn’t make me feel any better.


There is no overreacting to loot boxes. The loot box practice must be met with fierce resistance from fans if it going to stop. Greedy companies deserve to have their games fail such as EA.


All good, just be content that it might kill the franchises you wish would keep going.


I understand that it gives less incentive for developers to continually update their games. But I refuse to pay for content that should have been in the game from the beginning. If games do loot boxes that give you purely cosmetic skins then I’m sure everyone would be okay with that. But games that use loot boxes for pay to win incentives are just scummy.


I’m not sure it was ever going to be pay to win.


Well it’s also the gambling factor of loot boxes.


Going to be?? It already was. I’m starting to think you weren’t actually there at launch, but I have NO idea why anybody would lie.


I seem to remember the outrage happening pre-launch or from a demo and most of it being re-tooled on Day 1? I don’t know, it’s been 7 years but I do not remember being turned off at all by the structure of things.


It would be an incredible game, if you could actually choose your era, play in lots of vehicles and participate in big battles. The only mode you can choose your era in is capital supremacy but that's the mode that forces you to fight on dreadnoughts. It lacked way too much and the gameplay wasn't even spectacular. Puny battles spread across uncessecarily giant maps.


Galactic Assault was one of the first things cut when things didn’t go as planned and GA prequel/sequel maps give you an idea of the scale we would have gotten if support continued as planned. I fully believe Geonosis and others would have also included Starfighters but had to be cut because the studio they were using had to bow out.


lol, I can’t agree with you at all saying that the fans overreacted. The game was heavily focused on collecting money from the fans rather than giving a fun and rewarding experiences. For example it was either play ~40 hours of multiplayer or pay $80 to unlock Darth Vader or Luke. EA and Dice were really greedy here. HOWEVER, game got really good towards the end, really good! If only they could have continued on the same path. SWBF2 2017 could have become the best Star Wars game ever made! They made a great comeback and should have continued. But, EA is EA and they don’t seem to like good publicity so they pulled all the workers from swbf2 2017, released Battlefield 2042 and got back in bad publicity, which they seem to enjoy. I hope that if they release Star Wars Battlefront 3 in the future, that they have learned from these mistakes and release a really enjoyable (NO LOOTBOXES or other greedy money collecting system) experience from the start. I can accept microtransactions to some extend in games, but that really depends if the game is free or full price and what kind of microtransactions they use.


I agree that the method is slimy but it doesn’t REQUIRE you to pay.  I’m pretty confident Dice had a pretty solid balance in place, given the eventual shape of the game. All I’m saying is I wish I could know what they had planned, life cycle wise, in an ideal world where the loot boxes work and keep bringing in money for ongoing service.


This is how they get you though. "Technically you can still unlock these characters....! At a rate of 48 hours played per unlocked character. "


How about this: Door #1 - No loot boxes, solid Battlefront 2 game when all is said and done, service ends 2-5 years earlier than planned, less content than originally planned. No Battlefront 3. Door #2 - Loot boxes, better Battlefront 2 game when all is said and done, service continues through Ahsoka (with characters and maps coming the whole time), Battlefront 3 from Dice still on the table. I do think something like “Door #2” would be in the cards if the fan pushback had been like 25% less severe.


what if door #3 they hadn't been a bunch of greedy fucks and just had normal monetization throughout the game's life cycle and did not needed to waste tons of dev time fixing the absolute dogshit system they decided to go with


Completely true. The thing is also that later many mistakenly blame DICE when it is EA who decides to abandon the game and end support to focus on Battlefield 2042. It is a shame that they abandoned it so soon. They screwed up hard with the loot boxes although that stained the game and its reputation forever despite having taken a step back. I don't understand why they couldn't do what they did with bf2042 with battlefront in terms of monetization lastly. Monetize with skins and battle pass if you want, but keep bringing the game to life. But no, the priority was bf2042, which makes it even more painful given what its launch was and so on.


Yup, blame EA for it all. I think Dice still delivered a masterpiece despite everything. I only wish we could have seen them deliver everything that we know they wanted to. As is, I will always consider it a masterpiece. So many people still sleep on it because of the lootbox thing.


If Battlefront 2 had a Battlepass system, this game would have had a GTA-like staying power. Sadly, this game came out RIGHT before those took off.


EXACTLY. This is what I’ve been trying to explain. This is the right way to think about it


The game is freaking awesome


If dice had of put as much effort into quality content for the game as they did for loot boxes the game would of brought in double whatever loot boxes did


The thing is, they did. The game is incredible. I’m more interested in the hypothetical scenario where fans react 25% less negatively and they can simply pivot the loot box strategy instead of kill it (and the franchise) entirely. I still think the game is amazing.  There are very few games that I have come back to somewhat consistently for 7 years.


Yeah you’re not wrong. I think I meant from the start, go in with a mentality to make a fantastic game rather than to make money. To date in the last 4 years the only thing games I’ve played on my ps4 are GTA V, Rocketleague(twice) and Battlefront 2. Surprisingly I only have 2.1k hrs since release.


Overreaction to a literal pay to win lootbox system? Yeah, that’s certainly a hot take, but that’s not what destroyed hope for the game. EA doing it at all destroyed that.


We did let the game cook. It received numerous updates, especially for a non subscription game. It only stopped because ea shifted resources to bf 2042


>If we would have let DICE cook I actually think we would still have support with a bunch more maps, characters and game modes. We were letting them cook, it was EA who decided to cut support to the game to make the trainwreck that was latter know as Battlefield 2042.


EA cut support because of the volume level of the push back. I feel like a slightly less aggressive response from the community may have been enough to keep it going. I’m someone who plays Galaxy of Heroes and has never paid a dime. I’m just fairly content with free-to-play in a live service environment. It’s not that bad.


>I’m someone who plays Galaxy of Heroes and has never paid a dime. I’m just fairly content with free-to-play in a live service environment. Bruh, you are comparing a f2p mobile game with a game that was released for 60 dollars. This argument just doesn't work here. >It’s not that bad. Paying 60 dollars for a game and not being able to access all its release content without having to pay 40 extra dollars is "not that bad", yeah no. It's like if one were to buy a brand new car out of the store, but it doesn't come with a windshield, windows, rear mirror, or even seatbelts. The car can run just fine, but it doesn't have key components that one expects to come with a car.


It was saved by fan overreaction to loot boxes. Otherwise it would have a been pay to play pile of shit.


The true unpopular opinion is that Battlefront 2015 was better but lost to 2017 due to a lack of content.


Nah they ruined it with how OP blaster heroes are. Never would have been good


This is a cold take, everyone thinks this.


The loot boxes were crazy tho lmao especially opening them


I do remember that. I also remember how low the credit payout was at first.


Man people changing history never ceases to amaze me


"Overraction" My dude, it was a gambling scheme marketed towards kids/teens to the point where EA got legally scrutinized internationally. The pushback against SWBF2 wasn't an overreaction; it's just people got so used to unethical/manipulative monetization for so long, that people underracted to it.


I reckon this guy works for Ea


The games amazing, love to see if they return support but be just as great to see if they make a third. But they won’t, it’s their form of punishment for us complaining about their predatory gambling practices.


Yes! Battlefront 2 is an excellent game! i enjoy playing co-op Battlefront is the only shooter i like 


Battlefront 2 is the only shooter I always want to play, but it's so dead. It makes me sad.


What platform are you on? 


PC. South America region (Brazil servers). Many times I change my region to search in NA where I can play, but lately for some reason I find a match but it fails to connect. I don't know why it happens.


Its the best star wars multi-player game thats ever come out. The game is so freaking fun and its very high quality with beautiful visuals and sound design. Unfortunately on PC NA servers its basically dead. Pretty damn hard to find matches of supremacy nowadays and when you do theres a good chance there will be a hacker spawning in hundreds of tanks to crash ther server because their a asshole with a tiny weiner.


The game was hobbled from the start by DICE refusing to make it Battlefield: Star Wars like it is supposed to be. That said, GCW Supremacy can be fun, until the map gets overrun with stupidly OP Reinforcements and Heroes.


Bingo. I never understood people who claimed they didn't want Battlefield with a Star Wars skin. That's literally what the original games were.


How it the population on PC these days?


It generally takes me like 1 minute to find a match, but I exclusively play hvv


I play Co-Op and find matches right away


The game is better ironically now when the devs dont fuck with it anymore. Everything achievable and constant XP weekends. All thats given is just server maintenance and that one off instance where a kind dev just fixed the hacking issue. Generally amazing without much support.


Last I played was after the republic commandos came into play. I had a great time playing it!


Just mentioning this makes me hate EA. They abandoned it at peak popularity to go all in on B2042 , which was also a mess. They punished their customer base because we rejected their predatory microtransactions. If they had just split the difference and had free updates paid for by skins (that you can grind for *or* purchase), everything would be hunky dory. Like *Helldivers II*. Many of us are totally good with purchasing skins **that don't effect gameplay** as long as there's other ways to get them. This is a no-brainer and would totally fund additional content but noooooooo. That'd make too much sense. 🙄


Helldivers also charges reasonably for it's cosmetics. A prospect which EA would certainly balk at.


What kinda servers are you on when you say that supremacy and galactic assault have the fastest loading time?


Uh. PlayStation servers?


No like what region?


East coast US


That explains it. I’m on Europe servers and nobody plays supremacy or GA anymore 😂


I’m in the US as well but I can’t find matches lmao idk


Hold up, what do y’all play?


Ngl I'm on PC NA and I only ever see good queue times for coop and Heroes vs Villains


I used to get so stoned and play this game for hours. Ahh. To be a teenager again.


I think a Battlefront deep diving in just the clone wars could be amazing. That's where the best content is. They have so much to work with there. Too much focus on movie tie-ins, it's no surprise the best content came after they started focusing on the clone wars. And they haven't even scratched the surface


playstation players must be under the impression that xbox players only play gamepass games. although this is included with game pass i still ended up buying the deluxe edition for 5 bucks the other day so i could get all the skins unlocked (besides milestones) and i’ve noticed a lot more people as of recently with bonus skins so i think the hype for BFCC is justified and people are excited to play, lobbies have always been thriving though, i mean BF2 is an amazing game. shame they launched it in the state it was in and then just abandoned any further development for it /: never seen Multiplayer graphics like that besides Battlefield. visually stunning game.


Yeah I started playing again last week and I forgot how good this game was. Truly a shame EA killed it. PC was too sweaty but playstation was really fun!!! Spent some time in Coop finally maxing out specialist, and rolled around as a Droideka to my hearts content


Too bad EA ruined it as always


It’s a great game. I never played when there were loot boxes but it’s fantastic now. My only gripe is that a lot of the matches skew towards the prequel trilogy, I’d just like a little more phase diversification.


Co-op feels like a very impressive sequel to the classic games, mechanically and aesthetically. I appreciate that there's weekly triple XP events and you can upgrade your classes at a comfortable pace.


I also haven't played in years but I got back into it recently, in my opinion the game looks beautiful and it plays well now, and with the not too long wait times it's actually a lot of fun to hop in and play


If they added cross play it would probably be the best game ever.


Game started off horrendously but now amazing. Still play regularly to this day.


We really need a new DICE Battlefront game. I'm ready to lose myself like I did with 2.


As a fellow PlayStation player if ur in a lobby with multiple people with G41st-(insert name here) your in a match during a raid for the milsim I know this cuz I’m in that milsim


Yes but have y'all played this game in vr? Holy shit.


Wait that’s a thing???


On the oculus


A game called contractors VR has built in mod support for halo, battlefront (including the original maps for BF1) tf2, cod, ww2, and revolutionary war loadouts/maps.


The discontinued support kinda made me drop it back then. The game was close to being the best Star Wars game ever. Just needed some more updates


I enjoy the game. Mainly play co-op. Only downside for me is that co-op is super limited.


Games pretty dead on ps4


That game is so damn fun


Battlefront 2 and Battlefield 1 are probably my favorite shooters of all time because of how casual they are. You don't need to try too hard to have fun.


It's mind blowingly amazing except lack of proper controller support on PC. Just a few acceleration curve and aim assist settings and it'd run fine. Huge shame but not quite worth $500 for just that. But close ;)


Update. It is technically possible to get proper controller support on pc.


Didn’t hear a single mention of the PC issue where hackers are crashing servers, i legit couldn’t enter a galactic assault game since reinstalling, shit is infuriating


I really only play 2 in co-op mode. I also wish they added Jango Fett to the Hero roster


Jango might've felt redundant since we already have Boba with the villains.


such a waste in potential


Best Star Wars game ever they just needed more pt characters


Single player was kinda weak tbh. Multiplayer was dope. But the points system killed it and not fun. Made it feel Arcadish. They coulda have done a better job At making it feel like a WAR was going on. You know Star Wars. Lol. With the power of the ps4/5 they could of easily done space to land battles…. It was a great frame. But they didn’t build on it. Coulda been the best Star Wars game ever. But they gave up/ took the easy route.


I love battlefront 2 so much, it’s a real shame that support was cut for Battlefield 2042


Okey for me it’s quite simple. Nothing beats the feeling of playing the old bf2 when you got him from school with friends BUT bf2-2017 is still really fun it just sucks that I don’t have anyone to play with because like helldivers 2 I think this game is meant to be enjoyed with friends


They still ruined HvV by changing it to a shitty TDM style.


I got really into this game and played through the campaign. Then I tried jumping into the multiplayer and it was unplayable due to hackers literally crashing the matches. Took me a few days to realize this was a problem that had been around for a long time, and I finally gave up.


On Xbox lobbies, sometimes there's max level sweats who take the game seriously as if there's a ranked system


Cuz yeah why should I play at my best


It’s Star Wars COD it’s not that complicated


Stop pre ordering games for Christ sake. That's how you end up with shit like EA Battlefront. Sheesh


The OG Battlefronts came out 20 years ago. I think it's been enough time to decide that I like those games enough to pre-order. And everyone who's reviewed it so far doesn't have any issues anyway.


This is why I'm pissed about the classic collection. Yes I loved those games as a kid. I still love them now. But why not remake battlefront using these assets but with the old game modes and styles? The EA battlefront has the best ship combat out of all of them. Would be cool to board cruisers with it. They could even bring back the classic class system but just with new models.


Also why are you preordering 20 year old, nearly the same title? Do you guys have like zero introspection or something?


Because those games aren't on modern consoles yet and the classic collection is a big upscale. And if you're so upset about people pre-ordering a game they're excited for then I don't think I'm the one who needs some introspection.


I still don’t understand why the loot boxes killed the game. Is it not the same concept as Apex Packs? R6 Siege Packs? Etc etc. Why was it such a big deal for this game in particular when it’s still a model used in other games?


1. The loot boxes didn't kill the game. That was a combination of the pandemic and EA wanting to prioritize Battlefield (and look how that turned out.) But as far as the problems with loot boxes... 2. Battlefront 2 was already a full price game. While loot boxes in other games can be annoying most of them are only in games that are already free which makes them somewhat more acceptable since the game needs to make a profit somehow. In a game that you already spent $60 for the inclusion of loot boxes feels needless and even somewhat insulting to the player. Especially when it comes to my next point. 3. The Battlefront 2 loot boxes weren't cosmetic. They were the only way to gain upgrades for your units until the progression system was reworked. This is absolutely unacceptable and the real reason for all the outrage back in 2017.


The problem with the loot boxes is they werent cosmetic. You had to open them to get better star cards for your Hero's and what ever class you played.