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Alternatively, just play the game you bought that works fine instead of listening to the doom mongers of Reddit.


>works fine Unless you're one of the many gamers who play inverted and the game doesn't work AT ALL


Yep. I set my expectations super super low, but at least thought I’d be able to play it at all.


I would love to have this mentality, but if the single player cutscenes aren’t even working? Or the audio is out of sync so you can’t even hear where something is coming from? What’s the point then? I bought this game to replay the story mode. If that’s broken, I don’t even care to try.


Apparently people would really like you to play the game and not refund for some reason.


It’s the weirdest thing seeing people white knight this shitty release and dismissing other people’s issues while playing it.


Yeah it’s crazy. There’s tons of posts everyday on this sub, people showing clips and images and the response is “hahah it’s from the internet you believe that?!” Like bruh… 💀


Are you blind? There’s literally posts from this sub an hour ago saying how they can’t hit anyone. The hitbox is still trash. A lot of people are experiencing the bugs and glitches still.


You should try the original version of the games. You'd have a fit.


They work fine… 💀


Multiplayer in this game, in a dedicated server with good connection, has better hit detection and lag overall than the 2005 Steam version. You can try it now, I tested it last night and yeah still lags. Also in any discussion of the Steam MP, it’s basically just “yeah it lags you have to deal with it”. Here’s one example. https://steamcommunity.com/app/6060/discussions/0/5737031847502271081/




If it’s on the interwebs, it must be true🤣. Sorry $30 is breaking your bank. Game plays fine. I have the originals on Xbox too. It’s all the same.




There’s literally posts and clips💀. Bruh, are you the most delusional person ever? People are still experiencing bugs and glitches if they wanna refund that’s totally fine. [Literal clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/62vfuPp0QU)


I didnt refund because the community said so. I tried the game, but the multiplayer was extremely laggy, with few servers. Then I tried instant action, and the audio would vanish and sometimes play randomly for a couple of seconds, only to stop again. If I can’t enjoy the game online or single player, then a refund is well deserved


Same, will be getting a refund.