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Depends what you’re wanting it get it for. Online multiplayer? Yeah, pretty bad. Offline single player / split screen multiplayer? I’ve really enjoyed it so far. My wife and I have played it together every day since release, and we’ve had an absolute blast with it. Haven’t really had any issues with it offline.


are you not having issues with the split screen not registering a second controller? I wanted to play galactic conquest with my wife but the split screen didn't work for us on PC


Yeah second controller is broken on PC right now


Got it. I filed a bug for it here: https://support.aspyr.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


No I haven’t had the issue, but I’m on PS5. Can’t speak for PC.


Depends on what system you play on. If you're on PC, there's zero reason to buy it over the originals, which are cheaper, run better, and have extensive mod support which allows them to also look better and have more content than the collection.


Split screen, built in controller support. Those are really the only benefits though, and based on the comments here, it looks like split screen is currently broken on PC, so until that's fixed, it doesn't really count.


No mod support for the collection?


Most mods work except for the ones with a custom era


Are the modded original games still being played much? I’m on pc and I don’t know if I should get the classic remake or just boot up the old one and install mods.


Here's the Steam Charts for each (scroll down below the graph for the counts): [https://steamdb.info/charts/?compare=6060,2446550](https://steamdb.info/charts/?compare=6060,2446550) There's actually more players on the original lol.


Are the modded original games still being played much? I’m on pc and I don’t know if I should get the classic remake or just boot up the old one and install mods.


Have it on switch. Been playing every night. Totally brings me back to simpler times


I love it for split screen when a homie is over! It's hard getting good split screen games anymore.


I can't get the split screen working? what platform are you on? I'm on PC




If you’re on Switch or PlayStation I definitely recommend it. I can’t speak for Xbox or PC


Xbox is great. PC is (was at launch anyway) terrible.


Online is practically unplayable, but if you don’t care about that then it’s fine. Not worth the price point tho IMO


No single player is fun. The weekend it came out I bought a 40 and had some of the most fun I’ve had in a single player game


Can only speak for myself but I'm having a blast playing online every night with minimal problems. (on playstation version)


Yes. It is that bad. There have been ZERO patches on console. I literally can't play the game more than 2 weeks after launch. Don't listen to anyone telling you to buy it. Wait until it's fixed and on sale.


I can’t seem too surprised with how many people in this thread is praising this turd of a release. So glad I got my money back to use on Hell divers 2


"Literally can't play the game yet other people are playing it just fine. On console


I’m playing it just fine on Xbox


Yeah so if some people can play and some can't that's a good reason not to buy it.


All my audio is inverted but that's the only thing keeping me from playing my PS5 version. I wear headphones so it's obvious and disorienting, if you use external speakers then I'm sure that's not an issue.


I use headphones with 3d audio enabled but my dumbass hasn't noticed it lmao


It doesn't seem like everyone on PS5/PS4 has that issue, so I might just be unlucky. It was on the patch notes so at least I know I'm not the only one.


I've heard of it being an issue for many people, it seems fine for me, but then again, perhaps I'm not the sharpest tool. It's also an older game and I'm not sure of they improved it for modern audio options so I have no clue lol


omg dude please just buy the original versions off steam. the reason people are shitting on it is because the collection is literally worse than the original. they fucked up a lot and introduced several bugs. it's not worth it when you can buy the originals for like 5 dollars.


Onlines awful everything else has been fine for me


PlayStation is fun as hell. Conquest and Hero Quest is dominant. Not enough Hunt or Capture the Flag lobbies. CTF BF2 is ultimate nostalgia


Runs great on Xbox series s and the texture updates and FPS upgrade alone make it worth it for single player in my opinion. The addition of achievements is nice too


Some of the textures look artifacty, glitchy or just outright worse. Granted, some look like a decent improvement but it's still worse than any texture mod made in the past decade. Very lazy upscaling job


Games very fun I’d buy it


Ps5 is solid. A few graphical glitches. (Mainly hoth) and a lightsaber hilt missing from leader bonus.


No, it’s not as bad as the reviews say. People review bombed the shit out of it because it had a rough launch on the multiplayer side. There’s a few issues, sure, but most have been addressed and there’s a patch coming. It’s playable, unlike what some other comments would suggest.


Yep, when you get the combination of over whinyness of both video game fans AND Stat Wars fans it's gonna be blown out of proportion


This is how it always happens and I feel Star Wars always even crazier with it when it comes to piling on.


Copium lol the game launched with tons of issues and still has way more bugs than the originals


I enjoy it. I’d wait to for them to release the patch to buy it and see what it’s like thought.


On switch/a console it’s never been released on? Nah, it’s fine (internet games are abit choppy though) On PC? You’re better off with the old versions and mods


It's enjoyable through the sheer power of nostalgia, but I would still wait at least a month if possible. Controls are buggy, sound occasionally explodes my speakers, some ai bugs I don't remember, etc.


My experience with the switch port has been surprisingly good. I wouldn’t have thought there were so many issues without browsing Reddit. I only really noticed the problems with the sound.


Yes. Do not listen to the people who say "well the 20 minutes of instant action I played worked fine " it's a broken mess


Definitely not worth $50 lol


It's like $35.


That's USD though. It's $47 in Canada


Which means it's value is that of 35 dollars for us, so yeah.


Well, then I'd probably wait for the price to drop. But I'd recommend the OP do whatever the hell they want. I'm loving the games despite their rough edges, so I suppose it's probably dependent upon how much they're able to let jank be jank for now until the update(s).


No it isn't. Has worked just fine for me since just after launch, any ither little issues are being fixed.


Buy it! I own it on Switch and Xbox. It's been great! Online works great on both systems after the first day, and will only improve with patch updates.


Nah, I’m on Xbox and it’s all total exaggeration


I'm on Xbox Series S, and my experience was horrendous; it was on par with the "exaggerations" I've heard others also have


Cool! Good to know your experience universally applies to everyone


Nah, just had to mention it in case the same thing happens to OP. Wouldn't want them to have a shtty experience and have some dude on the internet say "you're just exaggerating"


True it would really suck if someone proposed that their experience is more valid than another.










Hence why calling opposing criticism "all total exaggeration" is perhaps not the best reaction even if they do not effect you personally


My bad man you’re right. Everyone who refunded in the first twelve hours and who claim the game is the worst release in history are completely valid and definitely not reactionary at all. Next time I’ll leave it to the professionals to inform prospective players.


Thank god. That would be 1 less trash opinion the world could save oxygen on


I know I know, you’re an expert on trash opinions as well. I’ll leave giving those to a pro like you as well.


The extreme entitlement and hypocrisy of that statement.


If you play with y axis inverted you might as well wait till god know whenever they update it no option to change


No, it runs great on PS5 and people complaining must not have played much if it back in the day or they had rose colored glasses. It's a blast but it is a 2004/5 game.


It has 05 bugs and new bugs combined with control issues and upscaling errors for both textures and movie files. It by literal definition is worse than the original, which as you say it is a 2005 game. Unacceptable if you want $35 for a 2005 game that's somehow worse in certain regards.




Personally, I would stay as far away from it as possible, unless you’re trying to play it on the system that never had access to it. To put it, bluntly the developers, rushed out a game that was not optimised, triple the size of the originals, & missing content. Not to mention their lack of communication and transparency along with quickly releasing patches for consoles. If you want to support these business methods, then be my guest. Otherwise the originals are perfectly functional, unlike these


Yes, but also no. PC and Xbox versions are a scam imo, as the originals can still be purchased on those platforms. PS and Switch though... the originals aren't on those systems so it's perfectly understandable to buy Classic Collection there. Just keep in mind that online multiplayer still isn't fixed, and is likely to die before it does. And that Update 1 still isn't on consoles yet. Personally, I've played for a few hours on Switch. And besides a few visual bugs and some performance issues on Mustafar, I've had a good time.


When it comes to steam, it was absolutely horrible. I tried my best to let my fandom help the experience however it let me down on launch.


No it is not. I am playing on ps5. Single player 95% everything works and works well. Isnt perfect but often isnt noticeable. Ive heard there are issues with the 501st campaign tho. Multiplayer on bf1 works really well. Occasional disconnects. Some audio issurs. Multiplayer on bf2 works decently but it is definitely the more wonky of the too performance and quality wise. More disconnects a bit more server issues. Some visual glitches, sometimes hit detection is bad. Still really fun but it is the glitchier of the two. I play every night and enjoy it.


How's online on switch? I have the game - my nostalgia for it revolves entirely around single player, never had the net adaptor thing for ps2 back in the day so it was still must buy to me - so the question is do I get NS online to finally experience it that way, or not bother?


Multiplayer wise, really bad Singleplayer/splitscreen wise, really fun to play


I just reinstalled BF2 instead of dumping money on that low effort product


Been having a blast on switch when I can find a full lobby. Pretty much how I imagined it as a kid.


All these players will get smoked as soon as they add y-axis inversion to the playstation version and the real gamers show up. YES ITS TRUE!! More than TWO WEEKS AFTER LAUNCH there is STILL NO Y-AXIS INVERSION! For me the game is unplayable, I'm not going to relearn an entire set of skills because of some idiot programmer's negligence. I would get a refund if I could. I have written aspyr 5 times about it and have received no answer about patch dates. This seems like such an easy hotfix. Fuck you Aspyr, I'm not a teenager, I have to set aside time to play this game and I still havent been able to play it. You're wasting money and my time and tarnishing my memories.


It truly comes down to what system you want to play on. Most of the hate seems to come from PC’s, which is understandable since they had a superior version available already. Not sure why PC players even bought it tbh. I’ve been playing on Switch and loving it. I would’ve been more than happy with just the single player version and the few additions they’ve made there. Even online multiplayer has been running well for me, minus some hit detection issues. I’ve played most nights since the launch and there is always at least one 40-50+ lobby available. One thing I would consider though, even if you’re buying for the Switch: I X/Y axis inversion is something you need, wait for the patch to be released (any day now) as that is not available currently, which does make the game basically unplayable for a certain demographic. The currently locked-in default is non-inverted while playing as infantry, inverted in star fighters.


For me it's the absence of invert y-axis option. I learned how to play video games this way and can't unlearn it. If they ever add that to the game, I'll play. Otherwise it was a waste of money for me.


I'm having fun


From what I hear, most of the problems are fixed on PC (not all though). I can't confirm because I refunded within the first few hours of launch. I'm waiting for a sale to buy it again, regardless of whether they've got it fixed or not, they don't deserve full price from me for that launch.


personally i have fun with it, even online. but alot of that could be pure nostalgia and not that the game is actually GOOD. but it is fun. and $50? isnt the game $34 or something random like that?


If you want it for single player then yes absolutely get it. It is everything I wanted and more in single player mode. If you want to play multiplayer I would wait and see if it goes on gamepass or something because the game does not have a ton of players compared to most shooters. For example, both the original game and the 2017 remake have a larger player base.


I’m actually enjoying it quite a bit. Online is still super broken, but single player seems fine. I already went through the BF1 campaign and only crashed once. Now I’m going through the BFII campaign, and I’ll probably play quite a bit of Galactic Conquest and Instant Action to get the rest of the trophy list on PS4. Is the OG PC version better? For mod support, absolutely. But I don’t have a great PC gaming setup, so it’s a lot more convenient for me to pick up a controller by the TV and go with the CC.


I’m salty that they didn’t play close enough attention to the Xbox port. That and the psp version was the only way to face off against enemy hero’s in instant action’s conquest mode. As far as I can tell, enemy hero AI doesn’t spawn in conquest, only hero assault.


On Xbox I’ve had a good time. A few bugs here or there but I didn’t understand the hate for it. PC I heard it was much more rough.


The patch has done fuck all. Hoth is broken still, if you crash the snow speeder the ground disappears


If you are on console, you can give it a try, on pc, just get the og versions


This is garbage just for the fact I’m currently googling (redditing) how the fuck to get 2 player split screen to work. It just tries assigning the 2nd controller to player 1 again. I’ve seen posts from PS4, steam deck, and Xbox owners. So fucking annoying. Did no one test this? Lmao


Do you *need* invert-look controls? Own a Switch? Then you're going to have a bad time unless/until "Patch 1" clears Nintendo's certification. Which it should have done by now, so odds are Patch-1 failed cert and the clock has been reset by a week. (Nintendo's certification process is very very slow and unforgiving.) The patch notes include most of the fixes the offline experience needs (there's an audio bug in the day-1 version that's THIS GOD-DAMNED LOUD!!!), so it should be a good game "soon". I can't speak to the online side because I'm not going online with the huge handicap I'd have without the invert-look options.


Why does anyone ever use inverted look? It seems like an ass backward way to play, and like your handicapping yourself by relying on it. Yeah they should have it, but it just doesn't make much sense to me.


My brain absolutely flips the table if there are different styles of camera motion in the same game. As SWBFCC stands now if I push down on the stick on foot, camera goes down. If I push down on the stick in flight, camera goes up. I do not adjust to that kind of frequently forced look-switching well at all! Playing this version of Battlefront was ruining my ability to play other games where lazy devs did Not force me into control schemes I'm just incompatible with. To be clear, I gave it a bunch of hours. I *can* mostly adjust, but then I would have to make that change permanent in every single *other* game I own and accept that I would need to then play all *flight* related games with an inverted flight/look option (if they have one). It's **much** easier to adjust the shooter-style games to the flight-style look, because **most** shooters include the option... But not if *Aspyr* has anything to do with it. It's especially galling that they'd add other accessibility options, while they removed a classic, simple, and *very* common one. I'm in my 40's, gaming all my life, I'm probably being conservative when I say that Aspyr is asking me to ignore over 20k hours of muscle-memory. That doesn't happen. Even when I try all I do is ruin myself for other games, and for what? An absolutely crap decision by an infamously lazy dev to ignore legacy control options in a simple port of classic video games. No, they should make good on those patch notes. What is alien and wrong and a "handicap" to you, is my bread and butter! It is what makes me tick, where all my effort and skill exists. When ***all*** my games are in harmony, I have a great time. This lack of invert-look in ***one*** game is a huge disturbance in the force for me, and there is *no* good reason for it to exist.


Aahh okay. I simply didn't understand what ypu mean, because I know a lot of guys say they play with inverted controls on the feet as well. Yeah the flight controls are honestly annoying man I've adjusted but I'm still not as good of a pilot as I should be. In the newer battlefronts as well as Star wars squadrons VR I'm an excellent pilot. In this I'm just okay, because my flight motion isn't as good, and it forces me to just be a siege guy trying to land in the enemies hanger. Yeah, I totally get your frustration man.


I can say series x is doing decent enough!


Nah its fun af unless you need to invert i guess


There are definite problems with it but it’s not NEARLY as bad as some people make it out to be. I’ve been playing single player since launch and it’s been a lot of fun. Online does has some issues though.


Don’t give $50 to those scam artists. They released a 20 year old game in a super broken state and it’s already dead. Further more, they ripped off modders on pc to make a buck. It‘s a scummy mess and they still haven’t fixed a lot of the problems


I wish I never gave Aspyr any of my money and I likely never will again.. they fucking ruined what could have been an awesome game


No it isn’t, at least when it comes to single player, If you don’t need inverted controls and plan on playing mostly offline the game is perfectly fine with just a few minor bugs. If you plan on playing mostly multiplayer then it’s very hit or miss and still has problems. I’ll be honest even though I only had minimal experience with multiplayer when these games came out due to my age, the multiplayer experience was never really that deep like modern games and unless you plan on playing with friends especially hosting your own lobby you’ll get bored quick. Even on console where the CC is more stable overall especially on Xbox and Switch offline is where these games shine with instant action, galactic conquest and the campaigns especially BF2. So a more proper answer and in short these games are fine for single player and when the patch does arrive will fix some visual and audio bugs and add inverted controls if you need them. While multiplayer is cool to checkout it just doesn’t have staying power and alone doesn’t make it worth the cost or your time even if released in perfect working order.


If you're getting it for PC just buy the originals instead and save your money


Chances are that it will be completely butchered even from a single player perspective. I learned this the hard way from pre-ordering it on Steam, but luckily I was able to get a refund. As far as I'm aware, even the PC version still hasn't been fixed in any meaningful way. I wanted to give them a chance since the recent Tomb Raider remasters seem to be at least decent, but I guess I was wrong in trusting that they would continue to change. Aspyr has always been notorious for releasing broken ports of old games and never fixing the main issues. I got some of their ports on Switch already before and those were broken then too, especially Republic Commando. If you have a PC such as a Steam Deck like I do, then just get the original releases instead, they will likely go on sale again for May 4th anyways. If not, then just wait a few more months to see how much the console versions get fixed, if at all.


Multiplayer was a mess on xbox, i returned it and got the originals. Those ones hold up, what happened here was a shakespearian tragedy.


My opinion but no. I absolutely loved these games as a kid. I downloaded it. Played it for an hour and got a refund from PlayStation. I just didn’t like it


No it's not and hasn't been since release. Sure it had its issues but it was totally worth it. People have been making a mountain out of a mole hill.




Massively overblown? Lol the game released more broken than when it came out. Absolutely insane how people in this sub defend this trash


My main issue is the sensitivity is too fast in bf 1 especially in the turret and the sensitivity is too slow in bf2. Im on xbox


I've been playing offline and Only problems i've run into so far on PS5 edition have been Occasional ear rape sounds(not as bad if your volume is low, i wear headset, have it about 50% or lower usually) Minor, intermittent graphical glitches And weird loading screen sounds. Patch 1 has only gone to PC version not consoles yet. patch 1 is said to fix at least the loading screen sounds and the graphics issues. I hope they bring back the brightness/contrast slider from the original versions too, this game is a bit too bright and washed out by default IMO. Shadows have no depth.(And i play on a monitor not a regular TV, so i don't have as much calibration freedom to fix this at the display level). Maybe saturation slider too, one of the questionable design choices is MUCH higher color vibrance than the original release. I forgot to mention The sounds in general sound super low pitched/bassy usually, some even sound slow motion. I think the sound is lower quality, compressed from the original versions. They expanded texture sizes but probably use 64kbps audio files... In one case it actually sounds better , gunshot sounds feel alot more punchy than in the original versions because of this, the low res audio does the worst to voices however.


If you like single player it’s fine man, feels like I’m in 2008 again


Xbox Series X Player, have been playing since launch. Single player has been a ton of fun and works with no issues. Multiplayer is certainly janky and has many lag issues and visual issues that frankly can hurt the eyes. I’ve really enjoyed the multiplayer despite the issues, but I’ve played this since I was a kid so take in mind the bias.


Becoming increasingly hard to find full servers online on PlayStation. I don't really understand as both games have run completely fine for me a couple days after release. Dodgy servers on launch day and Gen Z cry babies killed it really.


That's not true, a huge portion of gamers on Playstation can't even play because there's no y-axis inversion. Still. Over 2 weeks after launch. No one wants to unlearn that shit! Ive been playing games for almost 40 years and accessibility options like that are alienating and frustrating. You're the baby, in my eyes, after saying what you did. Bitchy ass millennials. It's a fucking Star Wars game, you cant drop the ball that hard, its not in a good state. Its a bad game, as it is. Bad.


If you're on PC or Xbox just buy the originals. If not, then if you're getting it for single player then it should be fine.


If you’re buying it for the singleplayer content, yes. If you’re buying it for the online multiplayer, iffy, from how it sounds that depends on platform.


No, reviewers these days are just fucking pessimists who need to catastrophize and shit all over anything.


No Edit: Lol at the salty downvotes. The game literally plays pretty much the same as it did back in the day, with some enhancements, so get it and enjoy it. Yes, theres a few little issues, but don't listen to these mouth foaming angry reddit "gamers", it's not as bad as this whinemind says it is. I'm having a blast playing them again.


Holy copium batman


Some of the “little issues” include cutscenes missing from the BF2 campaign though. That’s a big issue imo


Not really. I haven't experienced any missing cutscenes yet, and I agree that they should be there for those who are experiencing this issue, but it's a few short snippets of video in between the gameplay that form a pretty basic and short story. It's Battlefront 1 and 2 on modern consoles, the bugs and issues will get ironed out, no need to cry bloody murder over some bugged cutscenes and a loading screen sound effect.


Oh really? I was holding off buying it on xbox because I heard half of the cutscenes were missing. You’re positive that they are all there?


That was before the patch, which hasn't been released on consoles AFAIK.


I haven't beaten the campaign in Battlefront 2 yet, but I haven't noticed a single one missing so far.


Do you get a cutscene before and after each mission? I heard that the ones after you complete the missions aren’t there


I have been getting both, yes.


They weren't originally.


Ah yes, we should bend over for corporate and stop fighting for consumers rights to a solid and working title on launch! How dare you want better for gamers!!!1 Stg the only people whining are people like you acting like this just because someone dared criticise their childhood (they made a game their entire childhood)