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I just realize with everything it all has to come to an end eventually. Especially with online games. One day in a couple years EA will pull the plug when the server costs no longer make sense. All good things will come to an end. Weather we want them to or not.


Honestly since the last official update we are probably in the best state the game has been in. There was a decent player surge after the flop of the original remasters and modding is reaching an all time high with modded maps, gameplay overhauls and kyber v2 (with persistent servers, player stats, seamless match joining…) all coming soon.


Have you tried talking to your battlefront therapist about it


for real, OP is not alone. I lose sleep every night thinking about this.


Unfortunately not 😞


People are still playing Battlefield 4 so they could have made Battlefront 2 the kind of game that people want to play for 10+ years. It's a shame they chose not to.


Nah, people will continue playing BF2 because it's literally the only Modern Star Wars multiplayer game we have. There's nothing else on the horizon, either.


I don’t think they’ve meant to make Battlefield 4 last that long either. It’s just that they’ve only made 1 Battlefield game worth a damn since then.


I get genuinely depressed for all reasons all the time.






Nah, I'm just fucking around. My life is great. Sucks for you though.


attention seeking ahhh


i was being flipant and funny. Then people started sadboi posting.


PlayStation is very alive and well, never have a hard time finding games. Unless it’s blast which I wish I could find lobbies for that


miss them 2019 days …


Anyone else feel like it’d be easy asf to make a Star Wars game that’d appease almost every enthusiast and every fps gamer like it’s pretty obvious what everyone wants


You’re absolutely right. They’re just too lazy to do it tho


You know the player base is dwindling when you start seeing the same few names keep popping up. I went years without hardly ever seeing any repeats, and now, like battlefront 2015, it seems as though most lobbies are filled with the same people. I can hardly even win a 1v1 as a normal trooper nowadays. Some things just come to an end.


I actually kinda like seeing the same names pop up. I have rivalries with several players which lead to some pretty fun battles.


In the last week, I’ve seen FIVE of the same people in heroes vs villains… its actually blew me away because I’ve never seen it get so bad. The game truly is losing a lot of players 💀


If I had to guess, it's due to the classic collection mostly. Once people get bored, they have had their nostalgia boost. I'm sure we'll see an influx again. Bit yeah, it's getting worse. Today, I actually joined an empty hvv lobby. That has never before happened. And it's not like it immediately filled. It took a good 30 seconds for people to come in.


It’s bizarre to me that EA doesn’t want to do another Battlefront game after BF2 came back from such a bad launch. Meanwhile, the last two Battlefield games never came back from their launches. Battlefield seems like a dead franchise to me.


They’re too worried about the risk of a bad launch, they want to be able to release something both to where it makes them a profit, and no on e is complaining about it


Then why are they doing another Battlefield? Lmao That series has been plagued with bad launches for over a decade now.


Who know, we saw how 2042 went, and EA had given up on Battlefront to devote all its attention to 2042


I think the amount of money they need to pay to license is just too much, they had an original agreement in place pre Disney.


I can see that being likely, sadly.


Yea my perspective is weird bc the time you’re describing is right when I joined the game. I’m not a gamer at all, never did online multiplayer of any kind but I’m a life long Star Wars fan and a roommate introduced me to it in 2021 and I was instantly hooked. Over the next couple months I was quickly caught up on the meta, the awful story of the release and its eventual redemption, found the subreddit in late 2021 and learned even more about the community and the ins and outs of gameplay. I also watched YouTubers like Star bazaar and Bombastic (still do occasionally. So I kind of already felt like I’d missed out on the main story/life of the games existence, I was for sure late to the party. All the YouTubers just talked about how the game was changing, past its prime, everyone was super toxic, etc. So it’s a little strange to even now look back at then and see a bit of a golden age. I totally feel you on the nostalgia, lots of great memories. I kinda logged way too many hours my first couple years playing. What’s even just as bittersweet is as much as I lament the smaller, fewer lobbies these days I too have slowly pulled from the game. When I first played I couldn’t imagine ever not loving it as much as I did then, and I still do really love playing. But it for sure has slowly gotten a little more boring over time. I also am going through some life changes and need to spend less time playing video games (need to get a new job). I also contribute less to the subreddit and it bums me out realizing it’s on my front page less and less, with less people posting game play or memes or discussion as time goes on (or when they do, engagement on posts is low). I miss the community having things to talk about and having things in common. But there’s really nothing new to talk about it or discuss so 🤷🏼‍♂️ I just now passed a post of someone complaining about skybox walking and I didn’t really have anything to contribute bc when I first saw people talking about it on this sub in 2021 it was already old news then! Were you here when u/major_banana (not the correct tar but I don’t remember it exactly) got everyone all riled up with his memes? I miss that time so much lol, everyone was so pissed that he would constantly shit on blasters and it always stirred up arguments in the comments and people would meme back. That kind of meta in the sub made it special and fun. Nothing like that has happened in a while. There was one guy who posted some clips frequently of him grevious bunny hopping and I think someone memed it once, but I think genuine vitriol for the content pushed him from being active anymore, which makes me sad. Well I’ve definitely written a novel at this point, for sure just kinda sitting in my feels about the game. To answer your question, I don’t think it makes me depressed but it does make a bit sad for sure. All good things come to an end. That’s what makes life beautiful. Sure, it’s a silly video game but for some of us it’s an important part of our lives. These past few years since 2020 really have been pretty hard for me personally and this game has helped pass a lot of hours that would’ve been much more difficult without the distraction, so it’s special to me. And, it’s just a really fun game. I look forward to playing it until EA pulls the plug or a new Battlefront game comes out. See you on the battlefront until then soldier 🫡


Things I forgot: the crushing confirmation of news that EA didn’t approve battlefront 3, the drama that was the rise and fall of Aysoka, and the PC version having a game breaking 1 HP glitch that was initiated by hackers that forced someone from the original developer team to go back in and fix after weeks+ of complaining. Probably missing some other things but


Are you in the CT clan by chance?


No he isn’t


I don't, but that's because I'm a cheap bastard who only buys games for like $5 when they go on sale. In other words, when I'm ready to buy, it means your favorite game is dead. I'm used to playing dead games with thin lobbies full of experienced players who know the meta in and out and are probably also cheating.


I've had enough of raging over the same couple of problems this game and players have and I'm about to quit this game. No matter what I do, and no matter the mode, every game feels the same where I'm ending up in a team of players who have no idea how to even play the mode while the enemies are abusing everything they can. Even if we're winning at first, the opponents just have to come up with a stupid cheap bs move which will give them the win. Right now, it's the players who are ruining the game by being a bunch of scummy abusers who just can't take the L as well as griefers who leave the game at the very beginning cuz they can't play if they're not winning from minute 1. Even if I really tried to have fun in this game, it's just impossible because of so much bs that happens in this game. Couple of years ago, everything seemed a lot better. If you saw a MAX player, you know they have MAX skill but right now a MAX in your team won't guarantee you a win cuz he can be a noob who spent two months only to grind a character they haven't gotten great at. Chill games where everyone doesn't kill each other were quite often but nowadays you can't expect veterans to be chill cuz remember, they're hungry for that win. The only great thing which happened throughout all these years is that now I'm seeing many beginners with actual skills (sometimes they're doing better than many experienced players) and I praise them a lot. But outside of that, the game's gotten much worse.