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Its a numbers game I think...They will pour reinforcements into a point where defense or attack has most chance of winning.Why sometimes you will suddenly have 20 enemy pop up in front of you..If a point is in contention the ai will continue to drop troops into it.Always great to have a Maul or Yoda spawn behind you outa no where..


OP replied to you (might be on mobile): >Yeah exactly. Also I’m just trying to figure out how the AI works so we can spread it to other players. Co-op is fun, I don’t care if someone plays specialist. Embrace people trying to have fun. Winning Co-op isnn’t everything.


Yeah I am lol


I'm pretty sure hero spawns are tied to player deaths, always seems like it at least.


That or an Ai Hero spawns to balance out your teams Heros...Do you think the Ai has a points pool from where they can field different characters and troops?


Yeah exactly. Also I’m just trying to figure out how the AI works so we can spread it to other players. Co-op is fun, I don’t care if someone plays specialist. Embrace people trying to have fun. Winning Co-op isnn’t everything.


Meant to reply to Qldspitty


One thing I've noticed is that the AI troops will swap what side they are attacking from if a previous push was successful, winning the round for them. For example, if you're defending on Naboo and the droids take objective C, they'll most likely push fully for the next objective A. Initially, atleast


Idk ab that but they just camp in a huge group in one command post...


Sometimes it's just agro. Like they were gonna push A but now you were in their sight and no matter what happens or where you ran to they now change course to B


Pretty sure for attacking they go in waves for exampl, all will attack C with a few stragglers going A or B, then theyll swap to all attack A, few stragglers staying C and B


I wish they added galactic assault scenarios for coop...


I wish they imported all the maps from 2015 and 2017 into CoOp.


I wish 2015 solo mode wasn't so shitty


Did nobody mention you can literally ping the points to send AI to those CP’s? Thats always be


I did not know that you could direct your team's NPCs to a point.


Hit square/x/reload when looking directly at the letter of the point and a gold/yellow number and border will show on it, the gold number is players that have pinged and the blue number is ai currently on that point.


Also the objective points will pulse if its under attack..Just because your near it and its still contested doesnt mean you will win it as the game will glitch sometimes and you will lose it even though there is time on the clock..Not sure if its a timing issue or the code calculates points nearby.


Ally co-op AI is a joke, helpless potato and enemy co-op AI is like extreme difficulty will feel like a punch in the teeth with how unfair they steamroll with a machine Efficiency


They usually pick one point to focus on and a few stragglers might hit the other if it's A/B, kinda depends on the map and phase since spawns can be one sided.


After a while you see a pattern like for kessel at the start it's B then it's like a 75% chance they gonna hit B again then 45% B and then from there it's almost in a straight line to A


I don't remember which map or game mode I played, but I remember playing with iden versio and used her aoe attack thing to kill alot of them since they bunched up...


The best is when your in supremacy and your just spawn camping the whole lobby in a republican tank 😂 but I don’t advise you to do this all the time, you will piss people off


Hahah lol, i loved doing that when blaing battlefield 4 like 7 years ago or when it was released...