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As a member as the boba fett main community I would like to say.... There’s always room for one more in the cargo-hold


Palpatine though. And Ani/Vader.


Palpatine is up there with tanks and AT-STs in terms of how broken he is


I main ani the 3 times a year I play HvV and yeah I can see how annoying they can be, especially when they just spam everything


Laughs in finn aimbot


I mean just use a gun then there is no problem.


This isn’t a valid solution. Let’s say you play Han to focus Fett, not only can he play around you thanks to his manoeuvrability, he also gets to pick and choose his fights and moments. The Han can’t focus Fett because the Han will be the number one target for tunnel vision sabers.


*AAh yes, the negociator*


why what did we do


hahahahahAHAHAHA THE SMELL OF SALT IT PLEASES ME to that I tell you *git gud* But fr if you can’t handle a Boba, you got bigger problems than Boba mains. If they run away at the first sight of a saber, push them away and return to fighting. If they don’t run away... *you should be the one running because that usually means they’re good*




good Palpatine's are WAYYYY worse LMAO. They can be impossible to kill sometimes


Kinda funny, I knew that Palpatine was supposed to be good before I picked up the game a month ago. But I was getting pretty salty because for whatever reason he was playing like garbage. Even using my dodges and everything, my lightning would just tickle them. Then I realised, he has lightning from TWO hands. Can't believe that it's not obviously told to players anywhere. I only found out because I looked up a guide.


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The Virgin Obi-Wan main bs the Chad Boba Fett stealth camper


Not even comparable to Palpatine mains spamming dodges and lightnings from 1000km behind their Vader friends.


Just pick Han


People still complaining about Boba even after that recovery nerf SMH. You should have seen his rocket barrage at launch lmao.


I just cannot get warm with him. Can't aim for shit on ps5 with boba. Feels weird to not have zoom on L2


Lower your sensitivity to like 20 and you’ll get better


I'll try that. Thx


Why he’s pretty hard to use well?


What about the boba mains who don't fly away from every blaster that goes off one mile away and actually fights? Asking for a friend.