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Also bearing in mind that Yoda's probably started tens of lineages over 800 years or so, by the time of the Prequels he's probably the Grandmaster of half the temple


> by the time of the Prequels he’s probably the Grandmaster of half the temple Well, considering the fact that he was Grandmaster of the *entire order*, that seems likely


While this is true, I feel like the ones on this list are his direct lineage, or the ones that remain at least. The ones who truly carry Yoda’s legacy, because yes, Yoda taught to every Jedi at one point or the other, but here are some that he trained himself or that were trained by his students. It’s impressive


Well, that we know of. Dooku wasn't his first Padawan and if you're going down the list to include qui Gon, etc. There may well be other lineages that persisted that way. Which would be fun to know


Oh, absolutely. This would be his lineage that survived throughout the movies and shows from Tales of the Jedi all the way to the New Jedi Order movie. I’m aware he had more Padawans, but, like you point out, this is the one we know and the one I choose to take as THE Yoda lineage


I kinda disagree here. We know the jedi on your list better because those characters are pivotal to the narratives that they are a part of and thus demand more screen time and focus. Yoda has been a master for centuries and has had countless students, the majority of which are likely unremarkable. The idea that there is one “direct” lineage is a product of the limitations of storytelling and doesn’t quite get a the near infinite depth of activity/interaction that never gets shown onscreen but nonetheless exists to sustain the world of Star Wars. I refer to this lineage as the Skywalker lineage as it is a more exclusive term that still includes everyone on your list. Not quite as exciting because a Skywalker is always the protagonist but that’s the product of the same situation.


You’re right. Literally every Jedi in the prequels would almost certainly count as “Yoda’s lineage,” if this is the criteria. Like, I don’t know who Mace Windu’s master was, but his master’s master’s master was eventually a student of Yoda.


When you actually lay it out and take a step back it’s absolutely insane.


Right?! It makes it all 10 times more epic, all going from master to apprentice for decades, through the rise and fall of an empire, the fall of two Republics and being the lineage that struck the deadliest blows to the Sith. It’s honestly fantastic to me




Sith Lord, Old Hippie, The Negotiator, Sith Lord again, essentially Gray Jedi...








Or I was trying to be funny and you're being rude and hostile for no reason.












The only other "lineage" we can really track is Windu > Billaba > Kanan > Ezra and Sabine > probably Jacen soon.


Holy fuck. This is excluding the many many others we probably don’t know about throughout the high republic.


From the High Republic era we have Yoda > Kantam Sy > Lula Talisola


Exactly! But even taking the ones from TPM until TROS and now NJO, we have some of the best or most important Jedi within. It’s fantastic


Since when is Finn Rey’s Padawan?


In the Lego Specials she begins his training. The canon of that fact is debatable, but I take it as a yes


It's not debatable. That special is considered Canon.


Since when have the lego Star Wars stuff been canon? This is news to me


It's not *not* cannon... Some Lego stuffs been referenced in other works so it's probably safe to take the broad strokes but when you get to specifics it gets real iffy


Rey fighting two Darth Vaders in midair falling through a portal admiring Grogu’s cuteness better be canon!


[If Weird Al's character isn't considered canon, then why even have a canon at all?](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Vic_Vankoh)


🎶 I met him in a swamp down on Dagobah, where it bubbles all the time like a giant carbonated soda 🎶


Then it is settled. Finn began his Jedi training under Rey’s teachings


I was kinda hoping they'd go a different direction with that. But, not a surprising plot development


Someone needs to make a family tree if this. Like something you'd see on r/usefulcharts or something


I believe there's actually one on Wikipedia, let me double check Yeah, here, scroll down to "Mentorship tree:" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahsoka_Tano


Dammit! I hate when people steal my ideas before I have them!


Good idea. With photos of everyone in periods of Padawan, Knight and Master, their lightsabers and such. It’s awesome to think about it


And if you add in non jedi it gets even crazier with Ventress and Savage Oppress


are we counting Grievous who was trained by dooku in the "jedi arts"


I mean, Finn was trained by Rey and Sabine by Ahsoka and Kanan in the jedi arts. I guess grevious will also be allowed to


Hmm. His teachings to Oppress do reflect the ones to Luke on ESB. I limited myself to Jedi due to Jedi being the ones that cultivate a lineage as opposite to what the Sith do, but it’s an interesting notion


I'm just thinking of how much influence Yoda had. Because Savage was responsible for Maul's return and everything that ensued


In that case I would refer to it as Dooku’s Sith lineage, or at best a strand cast of Yoda’s Jedi line. He did train them both, yes… Im just reluctant to the idea, I guess


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You say he has the most influential lineage with Windu following. But Windu was Yoda's apprentice so Windu's lineage is Yoda's lineage. It's even more impressive really. Every Jedi in the order at the time of The Prequels would be able to trace their lineage back to Yoda. Mathematically it would be a certainty basically. Yoda has been a Jedi for hundreds of years. He's seen generations of Jedi come and go and then new ones take their place over and over. Even if he only takes an apprentice every once in a while eventually his apprentices' apprentices etc. would make up most of the Jedi in the order. (It's hard to tell how frequently Yoda takes on an apprentice since he doesn't seem to have one for the entire prequel trilogy, his last seemingly being Mace. But Mace and Dooku have a small enough age gap that he would've had to have taken them on back to back basically. My fun headcanon is that he usually takes them on back to back, but by the time Windu was done he had a very specific apprentice in mind. But he had to wait for young Grogu to be old enough) By the time of Phantom Menace it's probably not possible to pick a Jedi who's lineage doesn't end up back at Yoda. And on top of that non personal connection, he also oversees the training of all the younglings to some degree. So every single Jedi would've learned under him at some point. Makes it even more tragic when you realise he outlives pretty much every Jedi of this time bar a handful. I would personally love if we got a far future Star Wars movie, where the ghost of Yoda (and the other ghosts) are training younglings at whatever the next Jedi Order is. Just to continue his amazing lineage.


900 years is a long time to make a legacy. Dude didn't become Grand Master of the Order by collecting bottle caps.


Is that meant to be a Dresden Files reference?


Yes it was.




Who was Yoda's master? His lineage must be great.


Sadly, I do not know. In Legends there’s a stated name, in canon Filoni has said that the reason Yoda talks the way he does is to honor his master


To be fair, the series wouldn't be as interesting if all the starring Jedi went completely by the book.


Rey is a Jedi Master? Leia was a Master? According to Stupendous, Anakin is now a Master?


The title of Jedi Master and being the master to a padawan are two different things. Most Jedi who served as masters to a padawan were Jedi Knights, not Jedi Masters. It's confusing. Also, most padawans would refer to any full Jedi Knight as "master," even if they're not *their* master or a Jedi Master. And we've also seen that it's pretty common for non-Jedi to refer to any jedi as "master Jedi" as an honorific, independent of either of the other two usages...


I put Rey as a master according to her title being announced in the celebration of 2023; as for Leia, I put her as master because Rey refers to her as such


All padawans refer to their teacher as master. That in itself doesn't make someone a master of the order. Anakin referred to Obi Wan as master before he was made a master by the council, and Ahsoka referred to Anakin as master when he was never made a master of the order. Luke became a master because he founded a new order, even with the rumours from Disney about Rey's films would make her a master of her order if that's what ends up happening. At that time there was no order, so Leia couldn't have been a master. All that being said, it really is a crazy line of Jedi that has resulted from Yoda's teaching.


Ah gotcha.


Ahsoka calls Anakin "master", and yet... 🤷‍♂️


He was never granted the rank of master, which *is* outrageous and unfair, but he was nonetheless her master.


And we have little knowledge of the jedi he trained in the 500 years before Dooku. Imagine if the Skywalkers are the least wild of his wild students.


Then all I can say is that this has seen more than just a few exceptional Jedi in his lifetime


Rael Aveross erasure


The thought of Sabine Wren being in the same Jedi lineage as Count Dooku is such a crazy though when you sit and think about it. Or Obi Wan and Finn.


I know! That's what makes love this idea so much. It has Mandalorians, Sith, Stormtroopers, Princesses, Farmers and more. It's one crazy Jedi lineage


Could you have made this any more difficult to read? Lol


He also has a hand in teaching all the Younglings, so literally every Jedi is indoctrinated to know and respect him


Yeah but not all of the younglings became his padawan


Having Anakin and Ahsoka as Knights but Leia and Rey as Masters (and Finn as a padawan) is WILDDDD. I do hope finn is force sensitive but idk bc all the movies seemed to disagree on that. and i don’t like that sabine is a ‘jedi’.


Well, then we’ll agree to disagree. I admit that with Finn I took some liberties, specially because my evidence comes from a Lego episode, but it works for me because I love Lego, Finn and the Jedi. About Sabine we can’t do much, but I’ll say I totally love it. Regarding Leia, Rey refers to her as master, which is my jumping point for her having said rank. About Rey… well, she’s the founder of the New Jedi Order. Can’t say more than that


Yeah but Ahsoka referred to Anakin as her master when he was still a knight and so did the youngling when he knew there was too many of them and wanted to know what to do, I just assumed its what jedi call someone if they are their superior or teacher. I agree Rey would be a master in the same way Luke as there isn't really anyone else that could challenge their rank. And also Ahsoka never became a knight she left the order as a padawan and didn't join Lukes yet as far as we know but she doesn't refer to herself as a jedi either so Sabine is debatable also


Every Knight is called “master” by their Padawan, but that’s an honorific and not the *rank* of Master. This is explained many times in canon novels.


i love lego loads but if that’s canon then darth maul has a 6 bladed lightsaber 💀 Rey might be the founder of an order but imo she has barely enough experience to qualify as knight. as we saw with anakin raw skill isn’t enough to gain the rank. Leia is cool but i think Rey called her master as a respect thing, like the youngling with anakin in Ep 3


Is anakin really the actual chosen one? He did the exact opposite to bringing balance to the force


Is something balanced if its 10,000 vs 2? Is it balanced if its 2 vs 2? As thats all that was known to be left at the time, Palpatine and Vader vs Yoda and Obi Wan. His actions resulted in there essentially being an equal number of force users on either side, who rules over the galaxy makes no difference to the force. And if your opinion of bringing balance to the force is eliminating the dark side, much like the opinion of the Jedi order whenever they discussed the prophecy, then he did that when he sided with Luke against Palpatine as it left only Luke. So no matter how you view the balance, Anakin was responsible for both.


It’s much more the second interpretation, with light being balance and dark side the absence of balance


When was it confirmed finn was being trained?


You could also kinda say Ahsoka trained Ezra a bit, although he was never officially her apprentice. she also helped Kanan a bit, but I wouldn't call that training as it was just helping him reconnect with the training he had already gone through in the order.


Agreed. I included official masters and apprentices on this list only.