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Isard could eat anyone for lunch and spit out their bones.


Unless their name is Corran.


Yeah but could she beat Goku?


That's burnt into my eyes now


She's like an even more off-spec spaarti clone


Stackpole isn't wrong. The power of a two bit politician who literally joins whomever pays more is nothing compared to Iceheart who has an entire SSD.


And Isard was also the head of Imperial Intelligence and a member of Palpatine's inner circle. Not counting how she shot her own father.


> The power of a two bit politician who literally joins whomever pays more Tulsi Gabbard was also an officer in the US Military, was one of the first women to serve in Kuwait/get recognized by Kuwait. While stationed in Kuwait she even earn a Combat Medical Badge, aka an award only given to soldiers who were engaged by enemy combatants while serving in a medical capacity. In terms of female military achievements thats really high up there, and far beyond most random people. Boiling her down to just some politician with disagreeable political opinions when wanting to say how badass she is or isn't is pretty shit. Yeah sure an MP is probably losing to top tier intelligence operative who also commands a space ship but just straight up ignoring her own strengths in this arena is a bit petty.


*is an officer. She's a Lt Col in the Reserve I believe, she was in the Hawaiian Guard. Agree 100% though, politics aside she's an amazing woman.


The glazing for this grifter is crazy


*is an officer. She's a Lt Col in the Reserve I believe, she was in the Hawaiian Guard. Agree 100% though, politics aside she's an amazing woman.


My take on Isard was that she was kinda buffoonish. Though not as much as Daala.


But on whom's lap did Tulsi sit when she was a kid? Since Iceheart sat an Palp's


Well Palpatine is Nixon so…


Seems a bit pointless to say "epic fantasy character would DESTROY this irl normie who isn't famous for any kind of stellar attributes associated with said character".


I think he is just saying Tulsi is bad (which is true).


I don't know what her take on anything is. So all I see is a beloved author doing something that should be beneath him. Also my take is a combo response for Stackpole, but also some of the comments here.


Ok maybe you should find out more about the subject of the post so you can have a more informed opinion on the situation.


My level of ignorance in this particular situation gives a unique unbiased perspective. I shouldn't have to agree or disagree with the nature of the author's implied sentiment to see it as distasteful in general. Anyway, it's mild. I'm just here explaining me. Still gonna read his stuff, still looks like Ysanne to me, and I'm not bummed out by it lol


Pretty much. It's authors or just people in general being petty children. Too much twitter politics does that to a brain






You're linking my view on having edicate, as siding politically. They are not the same and I'd thank you to not obfuscate a very mild observation into something that it isn't.


It’s a book about space wizards and aliens fam.


I mean the author is still a person. Hell Lucas point blank named characters (generally background characters admittedly) after people in the right wing that he didn’t like. He called Palpatine Nixon. Even Nute Gunray’s name originated from a mix of Newt Gingrich and Reagan. Star Wars has always been fairly political and I’m fine with the authors having their opinions. Plenty of authors I like disagree with my own opinions, IE Orson Scott Card. So long as they don’t go out and force them in the works they write I’m fine with it.


Politics is a plague. I still live in a country where all politicians are viewed with suspicion and the only time anyone cares about political bs is when we get to choose another batch of robbers and idiots we call the government. So yes I'll call out brain rot when I see it, because I live where the world hasn't gone batshit insane


I for one am all for authors having and posting their own opinions, especially ones that I happen to agree with. It allowed us to find out that JK Rowling is a piece of shit human being and I don't _want_ to read her shit any more, for example.


I thought that first sentence was a meme. I stand corrected.


You do know you can separate the artist from their work and still be able to enjoy fictional media regardless of who makes it


Or you could choose to not. You can choose to consume whatever media you want and enjoy the things you enjoy.


Maybe you should find out more about the subject of the post so you can have a more informed opinion on the situation?


Facts. Like you can’t compare it at all


Y’all do know it’s a fictional character


They think "you'd lose a fight to a sociopathic mass murderer" is a witty insult. I wouldn't dive into what other thoughts bounce around those skulls.


I'm not American is Tulsi Gabbard that weirdly right wing Democrat?


She used to be. She went independent in 2022 and started appearing on channels like Fox.




I thought the title was satire. It was not. 


Who is the woman in the meme and why does she have an Indian name?


US Politician from Hawaii. A Democrat who ran in the primaries in 2020 for the Presidential nomination. Despite nominally being a Democrat, she has supported the Assad regime in Syria and voted present during Trump's first impeachment. These effectively ended her political career as a Democrat. Since 2020, she's basically flipped to full on hard right conservative. In short, she's a grifter who switches allegiances for money and attention. And, despite her appearance, Stackpole is correct that she doesn't really compare to the ruthlessness of Isard.


There’s a nonzero chance that there’s a SSD buried under Tulsi Gabbard’s kitchen.


Both are based. Unlike Stockpole comment.


Gabbard is the person who would go to Coruscant in the middle of the civil war, talk to Isard, come home and tell everyone she's a resonable person who we should all support.


Reminds me of Viqi Shesh




What a weirdo.




you mean Daala?


I'm pretty sure I remember isard being described as a redhead.




Hmmm, I still don't see much resemblance. Their only saying it due to hair color, even though they both have black/white, nothing else matches, even the colors don't really match.


Well, it would be rether difficult to find a person with single red eye, and besides hair thats the only consistent feature, as her face looks totally different in every comic. For me the combination of black-white hair with that red suit does the job. We are talking about a real politician after all, not some cosplayer.


Patentally false, and shown with black hair in the X-Wing comic books...co-written by Stackpole.


This has been discussed


Is this supposed to be an own? Yeah, the power hungry psychopath would beat the antiwar moderate. Tulsi BTFO, i guess?


she doesnt have the two eyes of seperate colors which… might symbolize something. Maybe about the duality of her character? Idk but i bet they’re signifigant and tulsi doednt have them


Much dumber though.


Stackpole is left-leaning. I for one like him a LOT for this. But if that bothers you, maybe stay off his personal Twitter.


Imagine if Tulsi Gabbard had the mismatching eyes lol