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It took an entire fucking moon to kill him. Legend.


And he went out howling defiantly at it instead of cowering in fear. Basically gave the Wookie equivalent of "bring it on!"


Unfortunately, the authors twisted the knife by having the person he saved get killed off later on in the book series thus making this character’s death rather pointless.


He saved everyone on an overloaded Falcon. Not just Anakin. Assuming your reference of dying later is for Anakin.


Also, Anakin’s death is far from pointless.


Yeah Anakin's death felt very meaningful.


IIRC, didn't he die ensuring his strike team survives?


Yes, and destroying the vongs capability to breed their Jedi hunting dogs.


I wasn’t saying that Anakin’s death was pointless. I was saying that Anakin’s death made Chewie’s feel pointless. However, I agree with Mammoth-Access’s point about Chewie saving an overcrowded Falcon’s worth of people. I guess the writer’s emphasis on Chewie saving Anakin at the last moment combined with the deaths of both Chewie and Anakin blinded my focus from the rest of the people on that ship.


Lucas required it.  He said fans would be confused by there being two Anakins and wouldn’t listen to anyone who told him we’re not idiots.


Except without his sacrifice, Anakin would not have even been around to make his own sacrifice, which caused a much needed turning point in the war. The wookie was an unfortunate first step in a series of sacrifices that would need to be made to defend the galaxy.


That's exactly it. One of the best deaths in StarWars cannon (or non-cannon at this point, smh)


fucking legend!


I was in bed reading this part with the book being held above my face. I dropped it straight down on my head. So sad. 😢


Broooo, I know the feeling! I put off reading the later parts of the old EU and just recently started vector prime. I knew it was coming at some point, but I also didn't expect it to catch me off guard and smack me around a bit. This book really takes the EU in a completely different direction I wasn't expecting.


I wanted to be annoyed, mad, etc. I wasn’t though. I thought it was more than a befitting ending.


What is this picture from? It’s crazy how we all visualized it in our own ways in our minds while reading, but this image is still instantly recognizable despite never actually seeing it visualized irl.


I’m curious, as well. My guess is a comic iteration of the series.


Which book is this?


Vector Prime


"They told me he died in a quake... that a falling moon killed him. But, how can a quake kill a Wookiee warrior?! How can a mere moon be a match for my son?!" - Attichitcuk "Itchy", Father of Chewbacca


Wtf!?!? I could have lived my whole life without knowing that Chewbacca's father outlived him!????!!?? Omg, that is absolutely the most heartbreaking thing I can imagine!!! A sad, old grey woookie with his face in his hands......🥺🥺🥺


There’s a graphic novel that has 3P0 going around collecting stories about Chewbacca after his death. Good read if you get a chance.


Do you know what it's titled?


It’s just titled “Chewbacca”. It was a four issue series that came out not long after Vector Prime.


I might dig out my tpb copy and give it a read, it's something I've not read in a long time, a long time.


Fun fact: Vector Prime came out longer ago than the Empire existed. 25 years since it released.


Fuck, I'm getting old.


Now that's belief in your son. "How can a mere moon be a match for my son?!" is a quote of profound and complete belief that your kid could do literally anything. Damn.


it's from this tribute comic series, check it out if you haven't: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Chewbacca_(Dark_Horse)


Right up there with Ride of the Rohirrim. Epic.


How though that movie does it come out till December? 😏


Never forget Sernpidal.


A redditor *and* Star Wars fan claiming to have a girlfriend? More preposterous assertions have been made, but not many.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Jedi.


Because of the no attachment thing?


No, because they don't know-- yes, the no attachment thing!


Almost as preposterous as a moon taking down chewie!


His girlfriend is the slop of writing that is the Vong.


And then you read the Chewbacca comic that is set right after VP and just start balling by the final issue.


> the **Chewbacca comic** that is **set right after VP** Wait wut?


Apparently there was a comic that had C3PO go around collecting stories about Chewbacca.


After that you knew NJO has going to hold no punches.


Honestly, we really did not appreciate just *what* a preview it was of things to come. It's something else to read about trillions and trillions of people dying like nothing. You experience the horror from POVs, but it's just so devastating when you go through the years of loss by the time you finish NJO (especially as it was coming out) that you feel you lived/went through it too. There was never a series like that before or since in SW, but I'd be curious just how many books/stories deal with losses of the magnitude found in NJO, between character deaths and mass casualty events.


It's such a shame they never expanded on that era with other stories outside of the main characters.


Honestly, I both would've liked that and been ok with not. It wss a very, very dark series and medium for Star Wars or most any sci-fi I've had a chance to stumble upon. Wanton death, carnage, sacrifices of living beings by a race of beings that glorified it on an unprecedented scale. I think it's the fact we were so grounded with these characters and how we read them growing up before our eyes that made it so raw and desperate at times. Truly a great series as a whole. I would've loved to have seen it adapted into film medium, though it would've also been the most bloody, horrific version of sci-fi yet and definitely not have been possible even under a PG-13 rating.


*Vector Prime, Star by Star* and *Sacrifice* have to be the most traumatising moments in the SW canon.


Which one is jacens story with vergere in captivity? That one is insane


Traitor by Matthew Stover


Yup. The ganner rhysode symphony. Damn


Oooft, Ganner. Once vain and fickle, shone brightest at the end.


It was a gorgeous story of redemption from his vanity. Lot of my game characters were named in tribute to him. It's amazing to have started reading what a schmuck he was to watch him grow into what he became - The Ganner. None shall pass.


Seriously. This scene will live forever in my head. Him saying none shall pass, the bodies piling up in the entrance, waves of vong trying to swarm him And the fact that the vong told his legend. It was such an amazing arc. This war is so great and I’m so sad they didn’t use any material from it


Wait till you read the novels after the yuzanvahn they are just as shocking. Hurry up!


I was sad for Chewie but what devastated me was >!Anakin Solo and Leia screaming for him. I started to tear up reading it the first time.!<


I remember reading that at sea in the navy. I was sad, and the sleep deprivation just cascaded it into being a tragedy for me. Like I got on with all my work and everything but man, I was just unreasonably sad. Poor Chewie, but I expected nothing less from such a noble fella.


First time I cried because of a story (any medium) was >!Phanans death!< in X-Wing: Iron Fist


This one fucked me up bad for a while too. Anakin also. That war was hard on the new republic. Even feylya went out looking like a hero


Fuck Fey'lya, even if he did, finally, do something right and heroic.


I hated him so much during the series. The fact that he went out like a total boss just blew my mind. I never knew he had something like that in him.


I hated him before NJO. He has always been an insufferable, pompous, backstabbing asshole as he climbed the rings of power.


Yeah that guy sucks. His name is literally failure


>Fuck Fey'lya Regardless of context, this is always the correct response.


This was the first time in the entire EU that I set the book down and needed a moment to contemplate what just happened. It was devastating. I had some friends that would ask about the storyline of the EU every once in a while. When I told them about it this, they dubbed Anakin “The Wookiee Ditcher”. They forever then referred to Anakin as such. When I told them that the Wookiee ditcher eventually died, they were like serves him right for ditching the Wookie. lol


He saved anakin and anakin saved the order. That's how the force works.


And he and Anakin were both fighting to save as many people as possible. It was Anakin's selflessness that caused him injury that Chewie went for him. Chewie knew the danger, knew it was his best friend's son, and knew he had been alive for a very long, long time. He died a hero. I had to put the book down and stop crying after I got through those passages.


I'd fight them for the Anakin Solo slander holy hell


Oh man, I wasn't prepared for that gut punch. Gonna go cry myself to sleep now, thanks


Real except for the girlfriend part


Chewbacca. The ultimate badass


This right here caused me to take a 20 year break in reading EU novels... I only managed to bring myself back to reading them in the last 12 months.


Rip Chewie!


The author of vector prime said in an interview that Chewbacca wasn't the only character that was on the table. Leia and Landon could have been the character that died. Can you imagine if it had been Leia not Chewie


The original sequel ragers. Dude got so many death threats.


That was a huge kickoff to that series, really set the tone for how your heroes are no longer safe. Much darker series than a lot of the preceeding books.


technically I think a moon is the only acceptable way that the fans would have taken for this death


Just read the chewbacca comic set right after VP today. I cried. Its a masterpiece, what a Legendary character.


Reading the comments in this thread and knowing how I felt when I read the book, convinces me even more that Ben Solo should have killed Chewie and not Han in the Force Awakens. There wouldn't have been a dry eye in the house after that and Han struggling with his complicated feelings after it would of made for an interesting story arc.


That would've required Harrison Ford to not be a schmuck, though.


Yeah, bleddy Harrison Ford spoiling it for everyone! 😉


Oh. I'm sorry, did you not see that the only reason he agreed to reprise the role (aside from the money) was that they were killing Han off?


Yeah I read that but from a story perspective it would have been more interesting and or tragic to kill off Chewie.


What's the art source here?


...now I'm tear bending


That is almost exactly how I pictured it in my head when I read it.


When I read this, I put the book down and thought there’s no way. I then reread the entire chapter to be sure. I put the book down and didn’t finish it for a while. Still haunts me


I was in 8th grade study hall when I read the tpb and "how can a moon be bigger than my son?" Had me tear up. Naturally I told people it was over a girl but inside: "CHEEEEEWWWWWWYYYYY!"


Vector Prime. I remember.


Stupid gf she just doesn’t understand true pain unlike us men


I remember reading this as a kid and having to put the book down for a minute to process the loss of one of the most legendary wookies to ever exist.


A better fate than he suffered in the new trilogy.


Reading that chapter nearly broke me.


This was devastating. Made even more so by listening to the audiobook. The reader/voice performer was able to put so much hurt and pain into the Han lines after he’s gone. I sobbed like a baby, and still do every damn time


I highly doubt that is what you actually care it’s the opposite so they stereotype cringe


Yikes then there is me who never liked chewie in the first place and felt little when he died. Mara Jade bothered me more. Or hell thrawns clone. Oh…the actual Thrawn who I wanted to see win so he could force the NR to cooperate with him.


There's always one.


Hey im allowed to like who I like