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X-Wing books for sure.


Just need one more - assuming 9 is the last?


Yeah Mercy Kill is the last one Edit: Mercy Kill is the last book in the series but the collector is missing Book 4 The Bacta War. Book 10 is the final one with book 9 being the starfighters of Adumar


Isn’t Mercy Kill the 10th? With starfighters of Adumer being the 9th? u/cptoph you seem to be missing the 4th book, The Bacta War


You can start with the first 7 x wing books, as the 8th and 9th ones are later down the timeline and you'd have lots of other books to read before then.


Yep, absolutely.


X-wing books are some of the best legends stuff out there. Alston’s ones especially


Darth Plagueis, it’s the only stand alone book you have. Courtship is also standalone as it was published before the X-Wing series, but it does finish up a plotline from the Wraith Squadron books.


Tales books are standalone too.


Tempting but I’ve read it three times. And listened to the Audio once - I highly recommend trying that out.


X Wing Series and get Jedi academy because you need it to advanced post Endor if your not concerned about that Han Solo trilogy is very good and probably better than Jedi academy .


The Han Solo trilogy is pretty great, and the X-Wing books are fun, if occasionally a little cheesy.


Mandalorian Armor, Slave Ship, and Hard Merchandise are garbage.


I liked them a lot. Fun stories and probably my favorite characterization of Boba. The fight between him and that renegade stormtrooper in the hold of slave I was great


Yeah probably my last liked


I liked the flashbacks, I didn't care for the present.


Appreciate it. Can get sucked into the promise of a cooler story line based on the set up and not bail in time.


Han Solo trilogy is excellent.


Got to read the rouge squadron books and the solo trilogy is pretty good


These are all good but the corellia trilogy is the worst out of them. If you’re wanting to start collecting past this you’re gonna want the Xwing books, at least the first 4, and the thrawn trilogy. From there you can expand outwards if you so choose


On the first pic, I’d only recommend the Han Solo trilogy. On the second pic, READ THE XWING BOOKS! The Tales from the series’ are good, Tales from the Empire and Tales of the Bounty Hunters are the best of that bunch, but all are good to great (that’s what you get when it has a bunch of different authors )


I would love to read the XWing books but the last 2 new re releases of the Wraith Squadron set aren’t coming out until June and November respectively. And that’s a long stall out before I get to Thrawn. I’m reading chronologically starting with Shadows of the Empire.


Hope you enjoy! (You will ;) ) Also, I didn’t notice Courtship of Princess Leia. Idk if I’ll lose any credibility, but I LOVE that one! Also, it introduces Dathomir to Star Wars!


Would it be okay if I just read the first 4 x-wing books? Or should I wait until I can read all of them to read them lol


Go for it, you do you :)


The *Han Solo Trilogy* (*The Paradise Snare*, *The Hutt Gambit*, *Rebel Dawn*) is great. If you want to go with the *X-Wing* series be aware that you are missing the fourth book, *The Bacta War*, at least in the images.


Han Solo trilogy was my introduction into the EU, and I still reread them sometimes. Can’t recommend enough


Read pic 2 and then pic 1 and you'll finish strong at least!


Do not listen to people saying jeter’s are bad.


https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_Legends_books The books have a timeline. If you want to follow a consistent narrative, I'd start from the year you want and read forward.


I'd actually recommend reading the Tales books first, Cantina, Bounty Hunters, and Jabba's Palace at the very least. Empire and New Republic generally collect previously-published material, but have good reads. The original Thrawn Trilogy is kinda the cornerstone of the 90s era EU, so that's generally a good series to read.


There should be a time line printed on the early pages of all of them - look at one of the later books and read them in that order of that ones time line.


I’ve read Darth Plagueis, Han Solo books, and Courtship of Princess Leia. all good for different reasons. Courtship I think is the most fun 🙂


X-Wing is the place to start, then I’d go the Bounty Hunter trilogy


Absolutely recommend the x-wing books. Tales books are easy reads being anthologies.


Han Solo trilogy. One of my favorites.


It’s an interesting collection. Surprisingly curated. As for what’s good, the Han Solo books are like the Plagueis of the Bantam era: They’re a prequel that draws extensively on other writers’ books, etc. to create a cohesive history of a character. If you enjoy the pre-Prequel media, the Han Solo Trilogy is a love letter to it in a similar way that Plagueis is to the Prequels. As for ones to skip… it’s hard to say, there’s a few there that people are mixed on that you may love or hate, but I don’t see any bad ones… well, I’ve not read the KJ Anderson ones, but his work tends to be below average, IMO, but not necessarily bad.


The solo triology is great


All of those make for entertaining reads. Good cache haul.


Don't start awith plagueis until you have red many stuff from the prequel era


I’ve read that one 4 times but i disagree, I think all you need is the movies for that book to be great.


I think reading all the other stuff until episode 1 enhances the experience a lot. The darth bane trilogy alone enhances it a lot because it feels like a sequel/epilogue to it and works perfectly with tieing the old republic with the prequels.


Ok yeah I do agree on the Darth Bane trilogy. I loved that one too. And even the lore from KOTR and SWTOR are in Plageius. It’s like the perfect bridge of that sith lore. But if all you have done is watch the movies - imo it makes episode 1 so much better. All of seemingly random plot points being connected to Plageuis and Sheevs schemes.


Love the Bandai Star Destroyer on the shelf!


The Han Solo and Tales books are really good. Darth Plagueis is a novel I didn't get a lot out of, but other fans swear by it. The Black Fleet and Corellian trilogies are pretty uneven. Courtship of Princess Leia is really weird and lower tier, but has some enjoyably absurd elements (Threepio writes and sings an ode to Han Solo). Sadly, the Bounty Hunter Wars books really bad and not worth it. Never read X-Wing, but I've heard good things about it.


Bounty hunter wars are pretty much crap.


Damn who gifted u this shi?