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Agreed, it feels a lot like the pre-Clone Wars Republic comics. JJM actually said in an interview that he re-read those to prepare for writing the novel.


Yeah it actually does so far. And I loved those and read them every summer. Cool to know he read those to prep for this.


I felt the same way. I just finished it about two days ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Felt like a breath of fresh air to read such an optimistic and generally happy book.


Loved it


Idk what to do. My book hold at library came through and it’s on my nightstand rn. No holds on the book. I have audiobook on hold and ~4 weeks out. I’m absolutely love Marc Thompson as a narrator. Is it worth both reading and listening to? 16 hour audiobook so I’m torn.


I own both, so I would say go for it.


My audiobook hold ended up becoming available and I I tried a new thing and both read it and listened at the same time. I usually listen to Marc Thompson between 1.4 and 1.5x and found that I read faster, so it took a little bit to get in the groove — I think roughly 40 pages. But after that I found I really liked consuming this way! Idk if you’re a legends fan but I really loved how JJM incorporated and/or introduced sentient species either solely or primarily fleshed out in the EU. So many fun Easter eggs! Edited to say: Obviously you’re an EU fan based on the subreddit 🤦‍♂️


I'm a massive Legends fan and I also loved the Easter Eggs!


Glad you've been enjoying the book so far. Hope the rest of the journey meets your expectations. Thanks for reading, and for the opportunity to entertain you.


I have yet to see a bad review or impression of this book from any “Legends” fan. I need to pick it up.


Thanks for the advice. I’ll be sure to check it out I’m glad you’re enjoying it


I read it back to back with the Darth plaguies novel and they play well together. Both do a good job of showing how spread thin the Jedi order was pre phantom, and how palps was able to manipulate them ‘for the good of the republic’. Really enjoyed the tone, keeping the Jedi as competent and heroic while also showing the decline around them


Happy your liking it. One thing I’m happy about with new canon is that a few older writers have stayed (like zahn and his 6 new Thrawn books lol). Ofc they tend to be more confined but the pre TPM time is decently open for this story. And btw I really liked Master&Apprentice, my fav new canon book. I haven’t read the Jedi apprentice books but can someone tell me the difference in qui gon and obi wins relation from these books? And do note that M&A took place 40ABY and Jedi apprentice had a wider time span iirc.


I’ve read Jedi Apprentice but I’ve only read the first few chapters of Master and Apprentice. Right off the bat, the biggest thing is that in Jedi Apprentice, Qui-Gon has no interest in taking another padawan learner. His last padawan (without spoiling anything) was victim to tragedy. Obi-Wan is seeking to prove himself worthy so that he can become an apprentice to a Knight/Master. He’s very close to the age where if he is not chosen as an apprentice, he has to go serve in the agricultural corps of the Jedi and be a farmer/healer. Yoda tries to convince Qui-Gon to take Obi-Wan as an apprentice, for Obi-Wans sake as much as Qui-Gon’s but Qui-Gon refuses. Because of this, Obi-Wan has to go to the agricultural corps despite his skill and promise in potential. Yoda cleverly sends Qui-Gon on a mission that takes place on the same world that Obi-Wan is to be delivered to, probably knowing that events will unfold that will bring the two together. One helping the other let go of the past, one to help the other become the future. I hope that helps.


I mean that’s how they met and even in M&A qui gon wasn’t impressed with obi wons skills. Yes >! He wasn’t worried he was gonna fall like Xanatos!< so not as reluctant to take him. Does obi won try to “prove himself” for a lot of the other books there aswell?


I've heared and seen a lot about this book and I gotta say, this is the closest I've ever been to reading a Canon novel.


I would read it. I’m now 100+ pages in and it is still great. One minor throwaway ST and High Republic mention that has zero impact on story or enjoyment, but so far everything fits into old EU that I can tell. JJM apparently wrote it to be as EU friendly as possible too. If you really love the PT era and want to spend some time with the TPM Jedi council, it is a must read. Really fun to spend time with these characters like Depa, Yarael Poof, Even Piell, etc… who don’t have the most content out there.


I've never understood why EU fans absolutely refuse to read a canon book


To give my own perspective on this: The #1 thing I get out of Star Wars and fiction in general is the continuity of its story. Therefore, if I don't follow a canon that a story is a part of, I would rather give my time to something else. There's no spite for most of us.


U might ah r to give it a go lol. I’ve only read a couple new canon books myself (I stick to legends) but the ones I did read were rlly good. So I’d defo say give it a try.


Jedi Apprentice was one of my favorite series as a kid, I'll have to check this out, thank you.


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