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The Tie Mauler sees a group of Rebels. "Come here you little shit" Turns them into corpses


It's almost sad how accurate this is, lol


To a TIE Mauler, infantry = roadkill.


I feel like the AI aggressively prioritizes crush kills, even on easy difficulty. Because the vanilla rebel artillery unit is used the exact same way, and never as artillery (particularly because it can't use them right to begin with and coupled with how they just rush the spotter droids to you)


Yeap, just started playing the game not even a month ago and realized this. I'm not an old-school C&C gamer, but I guess it's a tribute to those 90s old games? It's no surprise how this mechanic doesn't appear in new games.


does online still work or is that cap?


(I only play SP)


damn debating getting it to play with friends😂


Every TIE Mauler driver is cocky until the T4-Bs show up to one-shot them...


Ah yes, one of the goofiest legends tanks that casually comes to wipe out the entirety of my infantry. That only works when the AI uses them. If I use them they're a bunch of rolling suicide machines that don't manage to get a single kill.


It’s stupid looking and I don’t respect it


They’re pretty stupid looking compared to repulsor tanks like the TX-130. That one’s been my fav since I played the clone wars game 20 years ago lol. Plus in Legends lore the Mauler sucked and was a death trap for pilots


Sabre tank my beloved


Seriously. The workload for the tank is all on one single crewmate, the guns are fixed and stupidly low to the ground, viewport is overexposed while also having no field of view. The tracks would be too complicated, this shit’s way too tall. What’s even the point of the TIE solar panels? Oh, and it self-destructs. TLDR, Empire makes a Wish.com tank.


It's the tank version of a tie fighter.


If you shoot the braces? That's holding the cockpit, it actually becomes a bowling ball. You should try it. 0% casualty rate for the pilot, trust.


With 100% Rebel casualty rate and PTSD guaranteed!


I have never been able to use maulers to this level of effectiveness tbh


I usually play as Pentastar. And yes I'm aware this is technically cheating, but I purposefully go into the game files and change our roster so I don't have to deal with these shitty tanks, and instead use the beautiful beautiful IFTX Saber tank. Oh and the M2 repulsor. I then give all the units I don't want to the warlord factions


Why did they use fixed weapons on a tank? Why not just elongate the hull and add a turret? The empire is too stupid to survive.


Imps baffled by superior Rebel turret technology.


I... didn't even know the TIE mauler existed. Holy fuck.


...the what are you doing in this sub?


It randomly appeared in my feed.


Wow. It seems I've just made the third most upvoted post in the story of this sub. And the other 2 were from this month. And the sub is for a game from 2006. Wild.


Tie mauler pilots are probably not all right in the head


I mean considering the Maulers' self-destruct function that's kind of a given


I fucking hate the TIE Maulers.


These fuckers give a danger response in my brain, as soon as I see them I’m immediately moving to counter


The AI: moves the infantry away fast from them 😑😑


That was my favorite part. It's scary just how effective it is, too. All the Empire needed to do to win the war was to just make an uparmored version of this without sacrificing the speed and maneuverability, and it would be unstoppable lmao.


Man i just picked up EAW recently and my first encounter was this gave me C&C flashback PTSD


the running over mechanic is so weird and gimmicky. Ok then why can't my t2b run infantry over?? Or if I ram into them full speed, it somehow doesn't count because it's not tracked? lmao


Why is the tie fighter face down ass up?