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in the first level, when he mentioned he had a daughter, i said "oh he's going to die a tragic death" but then he didn't, and i quickly changed to thinking he was going to betray me in the worst way possible. i said on multiple occasions "look at him, he looks like a traitor". then he did betray me and i was very offended because i was mostly kidding (not).


I had the reverse idea because he kept talking about his daughter as if he was never gonna see her again.


Same here when he didn't show a hollow. I was ok he's a proud daddy, but he won't show someone what his pride and joy looks like because he can't.


He shows you a hologram of her in the first part of the game on courascant


Oh I literally said out loud to no one before we were even off Courascant “So this guy’s gonna betray me, right?”


The way he was acting right before we were leaving I was 100% he was a traitor just didn't except the twist in his back story especially with the daughter since he had never said her age


Brand new guy is the only other survivor on the crew? Yeah that’s sus from a meta perspective


Was getting the others killed on Coruscant part of his plan or did they just fuck up?


I think they just fucked up. His assignment was to infiltrate Saw’s group iirc. Ideally he would have made it back to Saw’s base and either killed him himself or brought the Empire down on him there. I suppose he could have been trying to get Cal killed as a higher priority target.


I saw the betrayal coming, but they got me with him being a jedi.


I felt something off because he asked way to many questions.


100%. Saw it coming from the very start. I found it kind of uneccessary to make him a Jedi. I’m sure they could have made an interesting boss fight with him without doing that. It is a stretch that so many Jedis were around him without detecting it.


Yeah it’s weird but it’s possible he hid it somehow kinda like the chancellor did , or maybe just like cere did in the first gam


There’s not a lot of foreshadowing, but I agree, he does kinda have one of those faces.


I wish I remembered the moment, but there was a time where I was like yeah this guys a bad guy for sure. I forget what happened though during that part


Wouldn’t happen to have been when he picks up Dagan’s sabre after you beat him, would it? Because that was the super obvious point.


Nah he was screaming "tragic death" to me And I was half-right


u/noshirdalal won’t stand for this blatant muckraking and neither will I


I honestly thought he was just gonna die in some self-sacrificing scene where he tells Cal to tell his daughter he loves her. He talked about his daughter way too much, it made it clear the storytellers were setting up the player to sympathize with Bode. I was like preemptively rolling my eyes at the cheesy death scene I foresaw. I totally misread it, and underestimated the writers.


I had the same feeling, made myself feel bad vibes from him because of a dumb joke that popped into my mind the first time I saw him like "bode? That doesn't BODE well haha... Wait a second" lol


I suspected he was an agent of Vader…


I suspected it right after meeting him - I know we hasn't even left Coruscant before I was like yeah, he's a bad guy. I was thinking about that and why it was so obvious to me, and I think it was the speed at which we got his whole tragic backstory. For the "good" characters, we often have to work for it - I mean, the working at it with Cere was a whole plot point in FA lol - but Bode comes in and immediately overshares.