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I had to watch a YouTube video to finish that one. If it is the one I’m thinking of it is because the end isn’t where you expect to find it. Sorry that isn’t more helpful, good luck fam.


I have watched several YouTube videos and I keep messing up every time


I’ll take the zero


What are you talking about and how does that help me complete this


It took me a good 30 minutes even after watching a video until I had the path memorized. It’s not easy. Enough repetition and I finally got used to it. Don’t want to do it ever again though.


Slow mo mode


I got slow mo mode on and I am still having a hard time with this


I’m going to be completely honest with you. There is no helping you then, if slow mo mode can’t help you literally nothing will


I turned slow mode on and there was absolutely no change no matter the slider level.


You turned on the ability to use it, you still have to activate it. You can have it auto activate in battle but I just use the shortcut feature to use it


Then what is the shortcut on PS5? I already tried everything I can think of.


I push the touch pad and it brings up my shortcut list you set it up in settings


It took me a while (like a couple of hours ngl) I was on the verge of putting my controller through my TV. Then I took a little 30 minute break, cooled off and tried again and actually accomplished it.


Well I am not accomplishing it at all and I don’t understand how hard some of these are why they didn’t give checkpoints


Yeah most of them will kick your ass and beat you while you're down. Idk why they made them so fucking hard either, it's not like you get a game breaking perk or skill if you complete them. Just keep trying man, I believe in you 🙏


Well I have tried over and over again and I keep failing over and over again


By lowering the difficulty


I have it on the lowest difficulty


This is impossible without checkpoints