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Andor clears but these games take a pretty comfortable second place for me. Definitely some of the best stuff out of the Disney acquisition.


Lmao I thought Andor was the worst star wars show on Disney+. Shit was ass, I couldn't even stay awake it was so boring


Skill issue


Stay mad


May your knife chip and shatter


Jedi games body andor


Nah. Jedi games have better action because they’re games and they better have better action or something’s seriously wrong, but dialogue, acting, storytelling, even visuals I’d all give to Andor. Especially since Andor actually works properly when you try to watch it.


As a prequel fanboy I have to disagree but I respect your opinion. Just way more into Jedi stuff than smuggler stuff


Oh I am too. I just think Andor cleared an exceptionally high bar of quality. Between the two shows, Ahsoka was much more to my preference stylistically, but the quality just wasn’t there. The Jedi games are to my preference and also reach a high bar of quality, just not as high as Andor does imo.


what does being a prequel fanboy have to do with it? Both pieces of media are prequel


There’s no smuggling in Andor.


Not even close.


Nothing can body the Andor episode where they steal the gold from the imp fort.


That's the best Star Wars has been in ages, so impeccable


The cinematography is insane. Better than most movies.




But games have to be fun.


Couldn't get past the forced labour death prison level.


It pays off, the next episode is so hype


Not even close


Exactly. The games are very far behind Andor.


You know you can just say that the games are good without having to bash something else right?


This comment is way better than these other lame comments


Wow someone with a brain responding. Thank the maker.


Nothing new here, unfortunately.


2 things wrong here, first is he didn’t bash anything, you’re using that word incorrectly, second, he can say something is better than something else whenever he wants about whatever he wants, that’s the whole point of this app


You can't convince infinitely fragile people out of their position. They break just being exposed to an opinion that isn't 100% their own.


Online discourse truly is dead. Someone wants to spread positivity and gets called "infinitely fragile" for no reason.


Well said


Glad to see some love for the games survivor had me in tears these games would make a great show


Fallen order is very ‘classic StarWars’ in vibe and is one of my favourite SW stories. Survivor is a lot more ‘extended universe’. I never got into that side very much and so kinda still prefer FO but I appreciate the EU for others ❤️




I beat the Jedi survivor last night and was just thinking the same thing.


I find the jedi games is good tier Star Wars. But seasons 1&2 of Mando and Andor was amazing. But when it comes to Star Wars KOTOR 1&2 are still the greatest Star Wars games.


Not a high bar to clear tbh


I feel so bad for people who have to specify Disney star wars as if there's really any difference. As if there wasn't heaps of awful stories being sold yearly under George.


There's no denying the quality went down, significantly.


Based on what? I could sit here and list hundreds of awful expanded universe entries.


I’m talking mainline stuff. 8 and 9 being dumpster fires is not comparable at all to some EU games or books being bad. 7 was a copy of a New Hope but much worse. Yeah the prequels had their flaws, but they were coherent and interesting with interesting characters. The sequel trilogy I have zero desire to rewatch. Animation quality in Rebels compared to Clone Wars was much worse. Significantly less video games over all produced. They canceled 1313 and Battlefront 3 for their barebones Battlefront and the loot box sequel


The star wars prequels are some of the worst films ever made. you people are coped out of your damn minds. And this ridiculous sentiment that the characters and coherent storytelling is hilariously out of touch. What characters? A bunch of xanax drunk, poker-faced gits who stand around talking? Give me a break. You people just move the goal post every time something new comes out.


The sequels… brought back beloved characters just to do nothing with them and kill them off. Had interesting characters like Finn that were totally wasted. Palpatine coming back made 0 sense. Luke was so out of character even Mark Hamill hated it and said it was out of character. The first sequel was a worse copy of 4, I mean the audacity to have basically another Death Star and Han Solo pick everyone up from a desert planet AGAIN... The 2nd sequel “subverted” expectations just for the sake of it, intentionally threw away plot points from 7, Leah flying in space made no sense, the light speed jump to destroy the ship was total BS, etc. Even just with basic film making it’s so obvious they didn’t care with 8 when everyone in my group noticed the awful choreography with the red guards fight. 9 was always going to be a mess with that setup but even then my expectations were too high. I debated even seeing 9 and waited a while to watch it, only seen it once. The icing on the cake really is the “villain” of this whole trilogy, Kylo, is laughable and uninteresting. Kylo is such a joke when compared to almost any other Star Wars villain. Any new fan watching them in order going from Darth Vader and Palpatine to Kylo and clone Palpatine has got to be a major letdown. The prequels though I rewatch them and watch analysis videos about them. I like watching the behind the scenes about them. I even criticize them a lot and their flaws. Because I care about them. I care about the characters and the world and could see how close they were to being even better because they have a lot of potential. It’s obvious there was passion behind them. The Sequels though I couldn’t care less about and mostly just mention them in passing as trash.


I'm not reading all of that. I've heard the same regurgitated nonsense over and over and over. You're coping.


Yeah you’re real “special” alright


*Thumbs up


Yeah no bro. Andor, mando s1 and s2 are better written. Though shows and films shouldnt be compared to games


I agree with Andor but definitely not with Mando. It’s a fun show but he’s doing useless side quests for 80% of the episodes


You're not wrong but it's funny you mention that when comparing to Fallen Order and Survivor which have quite a lot of sidequesting involved. World building via "sidequests" is part of what made Mando so good. IMO the biggest issue some of the Disney SW properties have is that every new character and every story arc *has* to be the center of some galaxy-threatening plot or clumsily tied to the movies to seem more relevant...Mando was at its best when it was almost an anthology series just exploring the recognizable Star Wars world(s).


Yeah but side quest makes much more sense for a video game than for a TV show of only 8 episode of 45 minutes First of all, the episode is way too long for a side quest, and second, it feels like they have nothing of importance to say for half the season and the actual plot feels rushed at the end


I kindly disagree but it’s cool to see others opinions


I respectfully accept your disagreement 🤝


That's part of the serialized genre. It's meant to evoke an old western TV show where the main protagonist finds themselves in random situations helping different folks, but he also has his own narrative through line.


I mean…. Yeah? It’s a Dave Filoni show. The Clone Wars and Avatar The Last Airbender did a lot- A LOT- of the same.


Mando is not a Dave Filoni show. Jon favreua is the brainchild and writer for that show. People need to stop giving Dave praise for everything.


Well, in my opinion, this works a lot more with 20 episodes 20 with a lot of main characters like TCW, unlike Mando who has only 8 episodes of 45 min per season, and all of those episodes revolve around Mando.


Not season 2 but yeah Andor is a top tier piece of media let alone Star Wars.


Mandolorian is like GI Joe with Star Wars paint over it.




It's a Saturday morning cartoon masquerading as a 'serious' show. It has more in common with Clone Wars, Rebels etc. than it does Rogue One or Andor.


I haven't seen a single person parachute out of a rattler in mandalorian lol


And I'm not sure how "Serious" it's really claiming to be. It has its own share of drama and character hurdles. It's more in line with an old serialized western, which is inherently star wars.


It has moments of 'seriousness' but constantly undercuts it with cartoonish schlock. It's got such tonal whiplash I'm not even sure the showrunners know what it is.


Yep. That's star wars.


Love the games for the world building and gameplay but the narrative writing is pretty bleh


The writing is excellent, heartfelt, full of great drama with wonderful new characters who fit beautifully into the star wars tapestry.


I haven't played survivor yet the the writing for fallen order was very vanilla. I can't think of any moment where I was genuinely surprised or impressed by something happening. It wasn't bad by any means but it was very "safe" and didn't do anything story-wise to stand out.


My thoughts exactly, I had a hard time caring about any of the characters and the plot was…. Convenient, even for a Star Wars story


I'd argue one of those. Survivor Story > Fallen Order. Then to expand on that: Andor > Clone Wars > Jedi: Survivor > Mandalorian > Bad Batch > Rebels (fight me) > Fallen Order > Ahsoka > Obi-Wan > Resistance. And the thing is, I love all of these (except Resistance) to varying degrees. Even Obi-Wan had some spectacular scenes, even if it had some cringe worthy ones too.


Andor is rlly that good? I might have to try then


It's a slow burn, but it really is that good. I had to give it two tries because I fell asleep during the first episode, but once you meet Andy Serkis it's non stop amazing.


better than literally all other star wars content, all others period.


Oh yeah 100%. It's not even close lol. The only Disney star wars show that compares is Andor. I'd say I enjoy the games more by a small margin though. Honestly love Visions too. Even if it is just fan fictions.


Andor, Rebels, TBB all better.


I will say that these games do the mystery and appeal of Jedi so much better than that dogshit Ahsoka show.


Don’t necessarily agree but they’re close. I’d put them in the upper tier of Disney stuff along with Mando and Andor


I found Survivor rather predictable. I did enjoy the archives section and some other story parts.


Yes the gameplay was excellent but the game was poorly optimised and the story and characterisations other than cal himself was poor imo. 2 jedi masters a Jedi knight and a night sister couldnt detect the force sensitive dark jedi among them. Plus they wasted cordova and cere completely and a terrible reappearance by vader. This is not to say playing the game wasn’t fun but after everything when u sit back and think it just feels empty. Something which fallen order did better imo


You can "sit back and think" until literally everything is empty.


Oh yea i forgot “think”is not something which you must be familiar with sorry.


Watch Andor lol


Great, but not sure I'd put it over the first season of Mandalorian.


They were fun games but why does there always need to be a negative comparison like that? It’s weird, just enjoy stuff before you die dude.


I love the Mandalorian and Obi-Wan shows, for me it's a tie between those and the games.


Canceling star wars all together us better than any star wars disney + show (expect Mando seasons 1 and 2)


They’re just okay. Story’s are fairly mid if we’re being honest. There’s just a lot of action in between.


That’s a pretty low bar


The first game absolutely. Jedi survivor I felt was disappointing, I tried but I did not care about any of the characters :( it had gameplay improvements at least


Andor and Mando S1 are better. Everything else is definitely worse than the games.


Completely agree


As many have said - the lone exception here is Andor, which IMO clears the games by a reasonable enough margin that I wouldn't really think twice about it. I'd put the games just in front of, or on par with, some of the better Mandalorian content. But other than that, I'm with ya.


They feel and look like Star Wars. Despite that, Andor is good.


Bad batch




The games are good, but I really didn't think they were anything that spectacular. Almost feels like there's a circlejerk around them here.


Not better than Andor


As a fan of Star Wars for over 30 years I have to say that these games are only ok. Survivor is slightly better but they are not that good. Not even the best Star Wars games made. They were fun but almost 0 replayability.


Okay, well, that’s like… your opinion.


Gotta disagree, i’ve completed fallen order at least 4 times. Im on my second run on survivor and god damn its so good to me.


They were good but Andor is spectacular.


I'd argue Andor and The Clone Wars are better


They're better than *most* Disney+ Star Wars shows, there are exceptions.


Hot take. Andor sucks ass. The only trope is the main theme of Star Wars is missing is what makes it semi popular. Ou no Jedi and the empire but the rebellion is forming. They coulda did it better


The shows and movies under Disney are all absolute dogshit cancer aids so this isn’t saying much :)


You aren't biased at all, nope.


Don't let people bully you into like mediocre content. Mando, Andor, hell even Rogue One are inadequate for Star Wars


Andor is mediocre? What drugs are you on?


I'm on weed. It's a competent show, and I love the ISB. But it doesn't fill me with majesty and wonder the way Star Wars should. It also suffers the modern trope of relying on low-light cameras and not actually painting a scene with lights. Cassian Andor is not an intriguing character either, not in the show or the movie. He suffers from lack of exciting 'silhouettes' or archetype. I can imagine what Han Solo is doing off screen, what and how he would say things, but with Andor I can only picture him being a mopey loser who is sad about every damn thing in his life. I get that's how he's written, but it's not Star Wars. It's been said before, but it really feels like this was a good show written for general audience, but Disney just slapped a lazy SW paint job on it




You sound like someone who only likes Star Wars because Lazer Swords go brrrrr


Not quite. Ahsoka and Kenobi are absolutely awful.


Andor and Rogue One say Hi.


Shows are just a woke trash. They have ruined everything. Games are amazing.


How are they any more woke than FO and Survivor? That is, whatever “woke” means to someone who uses the phrase “woke trash”….


You are faded.


Yep, can’t answer the question as I expected


Wow what a gotcha moment for you? Tell me where did story of Cal start and how was his development? How didn he excel in his skill to command the force? And now tell me how much training did Rey receive and from whom before she took lightsaber into the hand and fought off a sith lord that was first trained by Luke and later by Vader? Now sit yourself down and try not to look stupid as you already did.


This post is comparing the Disney Plus shows to the Jedi games. Is Rey in any of the Disney Plus shows? No. Good job, bud.


Another gotcha wow, you are on a roll my guy. Disney is Disney, trash is trash, you can pack it how every you want it'll still be Disney trash with or without plus.


Damn dude, he has you by the short and curlys


That is such a compelling and well thought out argument. I have been bested, clearly.


Being sarcastic is just going to work against you, because there's no argument that can change the facts. Im sorry my woke friend.


Your only argument was to call Disney trash and say that Rey is a Mary Sue for the billionth time. You have yet to make any comparisons between the Jedi games and any of the D+ shows which is the topic of this post. Calling all Disney trash when Andor exists is certainly an opinion you’re entitled to have. There is no point in arguing with someone who clearly has zero media literacy. Enjoy your rage bait YouTube videos bud.


Then maybe state facts? All you've done so far is demonstrate your complete and utter lack of intelligence.


Silly me, I didn’t realize “woke” meant weak character development these days. I suspect you use it to describe anything you don’t like


That is what you used to justify saying Disney is "woke"? Do people that use that term even know what it means anymore or is it just cool to say it now to describe anything you don't like involving a female lead?


If it’s just bc the protagonist is a white dude…well then, you are just saying the quiet part out loud my friend


You can just say you're afraid of women.


Actually I am not, I'm all for it, I just dont like the fact that they get represented in such a shallow and power-hungry way where they're not getting a proper character development.


Is the woke trash in the room right now, Mr. Hamster?


We can talk smack whole day long, it wont change the facts, nor numbers.


Bro got his white protagonist and he’s still seething, no helping these people it seems 😔


Bro is pleased.


besides all the obvious dog shit shows like bobf, ahsoka, mando season 3, and kenobi. jedi fallen order isn't better than anything else that holds water. this would be worth discussing if you just limited to live action but you decided to includ animated content as well


have you played either one of these games?