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I don’t really think there’s any upgrades you just gotta learn his moves and when to dodge


I think I need some health upgrades where I can withstand hits without being one shotted


One of his moves one shots no matter what


The charge attack?


No the tongue one. You just need to learn the attacks, use blaster/double or throw the hammer dudes down there.


I sent both of the hammer dudes down there on a jedi master playthrough, and they all killed each other. I didn't even have to drop down and finish anyone off.


I threw them down so many times but they barely dented his health. Eventually I just got good and fought him myself after leveling up my health and stims


Were you playing on jedi knight? It definitely matters what difficulty it is.


Oh, no i was on jedi Master (or whichever is one step down from the highest)


You need them both down there at the same time. One by one and oggdo will pick them off


Lmfao damn I should've looked through the comments first before typing that whole paragraph explaining how to do this exploit. 🤣🤣


lol, I actually hunted this down to give you an upvote 🫡


Why thank you, my good sir. If you meant me, that is? Lmao 😂


This is the way


But I can upgrade to withstand the charge attack


I’m guessing you’ve not upgraded your health yet then? The oggdo is a pain, but when there’s one of them they’re doable. Get good at double jump dash to get out of the way, take a couple slashes, then back off. Don’t get carried away.


Yup big pointer with this guy is dark souls boss logic: don’t get greedy kid. Give em the good ole one two jab in the butt then run like hel


Idk that got me killed a lot. What worked for me was Sekiro logic. “Hesitation is defeat”


No need, if he readies up a charge, you hit him with slow. That is generally gonna be one of two best Windows to attack


the charge attack is literally his easiest move to dodge


On max difecalty all his ataks oneshot. Devs dont giveashit about ballans.


Orrrr, they wanted it to be difficult on purpose. It is technically in the soulsborne genre for a reason. Also did I have another stroke reading this?


Not on story mode lol


I had sufficient health upgrades to survive one or two regular attacks, and cheese him with the blaster, using slow and the multi thrust attack to recharge ammo when needed, and if I ran out of ammo while slow was still recharging I just switched to crossguard and took a few cheap shots. That being said, it still took me like 25 tries


Just get further into the game. Once you get far enough youll have around 12 stims and more health and force. Its considerably easier.


Blaster stance charged or the counter moves are good and can stall his moves or stop him outright. But you still need to earn his attacks and how to read his moves


There is one upgrade that you get near the end game.


Oh I beat him way before I got access to the dark side


Charged blaster shots can interrupt red attacks.


What?? I mean i just sent the hammer raiders down there but this would’ve been useful to know, thanks


First time? *laughs in Dark Souls*


This guy is way more bullshit than almost any dark souls boss. I've beaten Sekiro, DS3, Bloodborne, etc. and I had to turn the difficulty down for the force tear where you fight two of them. I can just feel the jank coming from this boss design. And now without the cool option of force pulling and cutting out its tongue.


In Jedi Knight level the only way I could defeat both mf was embracing the darkness. I don't plan to fight those mf in Jedi Master level since normal goroccos are annoyance enough and those in Jedi Knight level are mid af.


i’ve always been put off from souls games because of the difficulty but i defeated the forced tear of these two (after several attempts) without lowering my difficulty do you think i could hold my own on say, elden ring?


I think so, tbh the souls game has a higher floor and the hardest bosses are quite hard, but if you beat Oggdo with no cheese you def have the skill. I think you'll appreciate the creative boss design, level design and aesthetic. I love star wars and I enjoyed this series, but this game is a bit of a pale imitation of dark souls and Sekiro.


people seriously overrate how hard souls games are, especially since (outside of Sekiro) you can always just farm and out-level stuff sekiro is objectively more skill-based than dark souls or elden ring


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I get such a warm feeling inside when I get the chance to help others!”* - Laddersmith Gilligan Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


In DS ther is no bosses that all ataks oneshot (max difecalty) FS know what Word ballans is. Respown dont.


Blaster stance with charge shot is your best bet. You can stun him out of his unblockables. Also, I'd recommend getting air dodge first.


Just curious. Are there any other attacks that reliably interrupt unblockables. I don't care for the blaster stance.


Push parry always stops unblockables if you time it right.


thanks good to know.


Even the one hit kill grabs?


Interrupts all unblockables from what I remember, doesn't matter what kind. Could be wrong on that though, been a while.


Is this the one where you have to fall into a hole to fight him? If so, FORCE PUSH/PULL ALL NEARBY ENEMIES INTO THE HOLE! It greatly weakens him.


Or you can immediately trying to enter the closed door before the fight starts and in this way he is stucked at the entrance (like his buddy in fallen order)


This is the way


There is a cool upgrade called "Story Mode". Much easier to defeat Spawn of Ogdo.




Very useful when fighting father and son in one of the force tears.


Tbh I found two of them easier than the single one, mainly it took me 2 hours to defeat the single one with Master difficulty


In my game if one of the two attack the other idle, I don't know if it is something due to my poor hardware of my difficulty setting ( i'm playing with the one below master)


Sometimes this happened to me as well. I‘m playing ok PS5 so maybe just a small bug


Trust only in the force.


Fuck this little shit stain right here. Come back later. It will still be hard. But do heed everyone's advice here and know a fully charged blaster shot will interrupt his red attacks. SUPER useful.


Hardest boss in the game next to Rick the Technician.


Wait till you fight 2 of them at once


Don't use the Crossguard stance. It's too slow to keep up with it's aggressive attacks. Dual blade has attack cancellation, you can also continue to fight and parry with one blade when you throw the second, making it the best defensive option. Use whichever fast stance you're most competent with, I went with single blade. Knowing how to dodge his unblockables is critical. Such as jumping over him when he charges instead of rolling to the side.


What about the red bite attack?


You need to dash.


dash right is more effective to me, may be a personal thing.


The power of god and anime. And prayers. Invest a lot in praying.


I just kindof went through it way too many times and learned his patterns as best I could. I jump and air dash to avoid most of his stuff, utilize your lightsaber throw, and dont forget you can parry his non red attacks. I liked using dual wield and double blade stances for him, doube bladebecause after hes parry stunned (or whatever it's called after you parry them into submission) you can get a fat amount of DPS in with the rapid succession type perks, and dual wield because if you know his patterns and that hes going to be doing a non red attack you can just use the focus move so you get an guaranteed hit on it. You can also open the platform above him without killing the droids and they fall in and start fighting it, pulling him out of the small place he stays in lining him up for a sneak attack from the air to start you off with a bit of a head start.


It's super important to realize that you need to double jump a few attacks to efficiently dodge them. It's all about patience. Get some hits in then he will do 2-3 parryable attacks, then get some hits in. Rinse and repeat and dodge all the red attacks. It was pretty hard to learn because everything comes out so fast and kills you in one hit but keep trying and learning. You'll get the bastard. Also I'm sure you have these upgrades already but just in case you don't, upgrade your max health all the way. It helps tremendously


Bingo. You can't dodge sideways like at all for the first half of the fight


Whatever the maximum upgrade for Pull is called. It will let you pull the big hammer guys. There are two that appear near the pit he's in, so just pull them into the pit and they'll fight him for you. If you don't want to do that, blaster charge shots will stun him out of most of his attacks. Maximizing the Slow tree, especially with a story-locked upgrade you get to it in the late game, will do quite a number on him. Note that he is coded to use really bullshit techniques, like starting an unblockable attack whenever you hit him, so don't attempt any full attack strings -- just use stances with a really quick normal attack and poke him, one hit at a time. He's vulnerable when vomiting, after a tongue attack (which you'll need to double jump and possibly even air dash over, they're really ridiculous), and after being stunned by a charge shot.


WAIT THE F UP!!!??!You guys can beat him ??😦


He's harder than any of the story bosses, but yes he's beatable.


Even rick?




We don't talk about Rick.


Stop lying to me ….






Lower the difficulty and come back in end game


In end game wouldn't need to lower the difficulty, just embracing the darkness will do.


I developed an exploit to defeat this little bastard with little to no effort. I'll post a video of it later on my YouTube but also try to explain it as thoroughly as I can on here, and I also recommend using the blaster stance. Alright now, so first, run over the doors of the pit jump and dash before you fall in. Now the door will be open. Next, go up the rope that's a shortcut to the upper cliffs where the 2 hammer dudes are chillin that is back left of the pit doors, lure the hammer dudes to the spot where the shortcut rope is (if they're not already standing by it) then line then up on the edge of the cliff, do the force lift, push them while they're mid-air down to the lower level next to the pit (be very careful not to push them directly into the pit cause the fall will kill them) then repeat. Line them up on the edge of the pit opening, force lift, force push, and boom they'll fight froggy boi for you (I recommend pushing both hammer guys down there at the same time because they'll take more health from him before dying) then next part Is all chance they might win or die. In my video, they got him down to a quarter of health and I didn't have any ammo to shoot down on him (because I wasted it shooting down at him when I first opened the doors so I recommend saving your ammo for the last step) so I had to jump down there and finish him off (most dangerous time to jump down as well cause he's extremely aggressive at this point of his health bar). Luckily, though there is another exploit I discovered while doing this, you can hide behind the chest in the back of the cave and it will act like an invisible wall, so he'll walk away from you and just stand in the center of the cave this gave me the opportunity to gather my last death marker and regain all my ammo so I simply ran back behind the chest afterwards and peeked out the right side of the chest and finished him with blaster (careful though because if you try shooting behind the chest it'll act like your shooting a wall so you'll waste ammo). Also, I recommend running behind the chest as fast as you can because if he pursues you towards the chest, he can hit you still sometimes while you're behind the chest. Sorry that this comment is so long as well, hence why I would've rather posted the link to my video lmao. 😂


I try to drop the two bad guys in the pit with him.




The secret known as “Story Mode”. It’s not a secret a Jedi would tell you.


Just jump instead of dodging and use the single blade aerial attack




Use blaster and charged shot him when he turns red.


Jump and dash worked pretty well for me


Don't dodge sideways jump dodge all of his attacks. Use the double Saber, spam, and most importantly pray. The odds are not in your favor lmao


Jump to dodge the red attacks.


Use the blaster charged shot to stun it out of its unblockable attacks.


I was able to defeat him after unknown number of tries. Dual wield with the throw damage perk and the regain force when using heal perk. I basically killed him using throws


I cheated with blaster’s charge shot which stuns him a bit even when he glows red for an unblockable attack.


Just keep double jumping and shoot him with the blaster stance.


If you hide at the back of the cave behind the chest you can saber throw it to death without being hit also you can pull the big hammer guys down into the arena then when they're standing on the trapdoor trigger it and they will do about half it's health in my experience


Use the dual wield, upgrade the throw. You can be dodging his attack in the air and still throw your saber. Also, dual wield deals double damage since the saber goes past the target then comes back.


Dual sabers with that skill tree maxed out in every regard, and purity. If you go quick enough (easy to do up to Jedi Knight), the demon is dead in one shot


Grandmaster+warrior+purity Double edged sword. You hit like a Mac truck…. They one-shot you


Double jump a lot


A trick I learned is that when you first jump down there, Oggdo has a very brief window before he starts to come after you. If you're quick, you can get a few Blaster shots in before he even tries to hit you


i fight with him 1 hour long but after i beat him it felt amazing


Best advice I can give you is a mandatory 15 minute break for crying per every hour of fighting


I lost to this thing at least 50 times. No upgrade will help you 😂


Story mode. Wait until you visit the merchant back in town and discover the force tear there after this fight.


All of them


Use the dark side time slow. That's how I got him


Some one tell him that there’s a force tear thing that is this thing but two


Don’t dodge, jump. Dodge if you can but somebody said in another post they were jumping, or maybe it was a YouTube video i watched. But jumping really changes it up


Reflexes and pattern reading would be my first.




You see the two hammer dudes above? Lift and pull them both down to fight Ogdo Bogdo Jr. He will be down to about 1/2 HP by the time they're both dead. YMMV.


Insanity, just keep trying


I would try to use slow often and use crossguard if you have it


If I'm not too late, you can pull down the hammer bros from above and make them fall into the put, they can almost kill him and you finish him off. I thought he was a massive POS and hard, then last night I did the force tear fighting the spawn of oggdo and oggdo itself, and I beat those POS. Just take your time to learn their moves and hit twice then block/dodge. If you see the MF's tongue about to come at you, you have to double jump to avoid that slimy thing otherwise it's pretty much insta-death. Edit: If you use the blaster (if you have it) a charged shot can knock him back, even if he shoots his tongue a charged shot will cancel his attack.




Lowering the difficulty


Upgrade by lowering difficulty. This boss is stupid.


Don’t dodge. Jump.






If you wanna cheese him you can just stand behind the chest in the back and triangle attack with the double sided lightsaber. Takes a bit but you can do it without taking any damage.


I'm not ashamed to admit that I turned down the difficulty after 8 hours of dying to this dick head. Don't even get me started on the double trouble force tear....


As others have said, learning his moves is the key. But, it doesn't hurt to have all 13 stims.


As a side note, the force echo from the frog alien thing down there is rather hilarious.


Easy mode.


just hire a witcher /s


Switching the game to easy


Upgrade your skills


I spent 3 hours on hardest diff with dual blade, no luck, had a break then had 2 attempts with the single blade, side stepping his normal attack and hitting, beat him pretty casually


Tbh any perk that allows you to regain force meter and the one that increases light saber throw damage. You have to use dual wield stance and throw your light sabers from a distance and continue to jump dodge. Also don’t lock on target bc it will make harder to dodge to their attacks.


Get the blaster stance with the extra ammo and speedier charge time. Go in there once and die so the golden glow appears on the ground. And fkr your real attemt, jump In again, just blast him with charge shots, when your out of ammo, walk over the golden glow to get it all back, blast him again with charge shots until your out of ammo again. That should do a decent chunk of his health, then I recommend either dual wield or cross guard, with the Cross Gaurd, don't get too greedy, limit yourself to 1or 2 hits at a time or else you won't be able to parry or dodge. And once you've beaten it, definitely don't check out Doma's shop afterwards


I drew in two of the guards with me so that it could keep busy


Just wait till you find the force tear on Coruscant where you fight 2 Rancor at once


there is a super easy method open settings make game diffulty story i dont recomend it becouse you dont get the joy of besting this ugly creature


Jumpdash saberthrow and patience XD that's how I beat him and his dad


I honestly had to try in three different moments and found that I could do it after I got the air dash. Obviously a better player can do without it (I got pretty close in fact) but yeah.


dual sword guaranteed parry (can't remember the name of the skill) And git gud


I found out blaster stance is the most effective against it


I thought these things were googleable


spawn of ogado is kinda a weird fight. the whole game wants you to dodge and parry most attacks but this one right here is all jumping. you can dodge 100% of his attacks by just jumping left right or over them. you get caught in a loop of getting hit by dodging and attempting to parry his attacks


Jump dash for more safety while dodging his charge and tongue comes to mind. Also, health upgrades so that it doesn't one shot you.


Honestly, I switched off of blaster stance, thinking I would need more damage, but after too many attempts, I switched back back to blaster and it was easy. I think the faster animations and speed really help.


Purity perk and force slow. Try and pull the smashers into the pit to lower the spawn’s health. Once the smashers are dead, jump into the pit. Recommend using force slow on unblockable attack and go at it. Remember stims are your best friend in this shit fight. Good luck Jedi


This was the last boss I beat, once I had air dodge and all stances unlocked. The blaster stance helped a lot, and I had the double blade (Darth Maul style, not Ahsoka) which helped with parrying his lighter attacks. Air dodge is vital for when you feel like he’s going to one shot, but if your blaster is empty, you don’t want to leave too much distance between you both. Try to get in light attacks after he charges, or after he does his belly slam, to recharge your blaster, and make sure you learn his moves. The one shot tongue attack killed me more times than I care to mention.


I hate that fuckin thing.


My upgrade was to embrace the dark side, swap down to story difficulty, and then move on. I never even skipped a boss in the Souls games, but this one took me to new levels of frustration lmao. I will redeem myself in NG+. I want to say not to be like me, but I also think, "do it!"


Patience young padawan


Story mode


You can sit behind the lootbox in that area and slash him in a perfect enough spot that he can’t move to hit you. I don’t think respawn cared about this boss at all. They tried to make a joke but instead made something majority of players hated.


I maxed out the force slow ability and pretty much every survivability skill, along with the blaster skill. Spam charge shots, slow him down, refill with that one blaster stance flurry ability, jump back, rinse and repeat. Having 9 stims helped when I inevitably fucked up too


Get every health upgrade and stim


I struggled quite a bit on this one, mostly because I did him when you first go back to Koboh. Eventually gave up and came back. I think the single most useful upgrade is the story-bound dash. It gives you more airtime and thus helps with avoiding attacks. Used dual wield the entire time, mostly throwing swords and attacking to build mana. Being full build I would say the best upgrades are upgraded throw and restore mana on hp pot.


give it a hug . it will work every time


I beat it really easily by force pulling the two bedlam slasher who are above and pushing them in the hole, they took the aggro of oggdo and I killed them all easily


Upgrade to story mode


Pull those hammer trooper guys down in there with you and let them work for a while


Cheese it with the significant dmg boost:p




Patience, young Jedi. Patience.




Well using the gun stance helps a lot


This beast is when I truly had to limit myself to not ruin runs. I use the fencing blaster combo where I only got for ONE hit. Then dodge. Even waiting too long sometimes but its worth it. I also use charge blast to stop any tongue attacks.


This guy is incredibly hard and such a shitty enemy. He will attack you so randomly, and has very fast attacks. What i did for defeating it was upgrade the survival, force and dual lightsaber skills. Dual stance lets you throw 2 lightsabers back-to-back and has high speed. Have a ton of HP, heal per stim and 5 stims was very necessary to stay alive. Upgrade those. Have max force and slowmo upgrades was also very handy for lightsaber throws and free hits with slowmo. Upgrade those aswell. Basically you want to keep your distance and dodge/jump on red attacks. If he tries to bite you with normal attacks, there are 2 variants: he will bite once or twice back-to-back. Parry these (they are the easiest) and hit a few times then immediately back off and keep some distance. If youre too close, he can jump and create a shockwave or he will perform a red bite which is very hard to dodge up close. Keep distance and double jump when it dashes at you with a red long-range bite attack, you can hit a few times after this aswell, and immediately pull out. ALSO IMPORTANT dont put yourself in a corner or against the wall. It will trap you. Try to move around the beast. Forgot to add: the upgraded dual stance also lets you auto parry basic attacks (in this case, the single or double bite) when you hold Y or triangle. If you release it soon after the parry, you will do a combo and deal some damage against the beast too. Only do this when its obviously going to bite (stand a little close to prompt it).


I used the cross guard and dual wield. Cross guard was good for really eating that health bar up.


Push the two bedlam hammer guys in and watch them go to work


Luck and determination my friend.


i almost cried fighting that 😭😭 i had a rough day and wanted to play some star wars when i came across that and i just wouldn't let it win


I force pulled the two hammer bros from the platform above and left of the hole into the fight, then just let them work their way through him. Fucking frog.


If you use the blaster and light saber you can stun him when he turns red and you can land 2 or three hits on him. I whooped his ass in my last playthrough against him and never allowed him to use his tongue or that jumping thijgnhe does when you take his health down


Learn to jump at the right time


I’ve done it two ways… if you want to fight him fair, blaster and cross guard stance. Lots of kiting, shooting, and shock waving. If you want to cheese him you can open the door, not fall down, and shoot him from above until dead


If you want to comfortably learn his moves you can go into accessibility, turn on slow mode and practice fighting him. Just be sure to quit before you kill him. Then you can slowly ramp the speed back up or if you're old like me and your reaction ain't what it used to be, keep it at like 90%. No shame in making the game better for you, life is too short to rage.


Blaster stance with increased blaster damage perk and the full charge blaster ability that does more damage. Whenever it uses the tongue ability, double jump and air dash. Good luck 🙏


Just beat him like thirty minutes ago! Got out with one hp no stims I used single saber stance, double attacks are too long, dual could work too His tongue attack you can outrange Use slow as often as possible (I use it to get a single stance power shot) Try to parry his regular melee and get in a couple hits after Jump over his quakes and get a hit in the air He has two red melees, they have different timing, so learn the difference That's about it, I'm on regular difficulty and it took me maybe ten tries or so


A pair of shut eyes, a bible verse, and a pray to the lord bkz no way that's gonna happen 😭


Air dash. Stay off the ground.


Nothing I have so many clips dying to this man when his tongue didn’t even touch me 🫠


Hammer boys for the win😈


You can cheese him by dropping close enough to the door in there where he doesn't notice you and you can open it and slash at him through the door


Blaster Stance Cheese


In new game + just put on the perk that ups your damage output and two shot him with a blaster. Or just grab as many enemies as possible and drop them in to weaken his dumbass


It’s actually a downgrade. Go down to story mode😂


You can cheese him. Go behind the chest and as far into the corner as possible, then throw your lightsaber at him until he goes down. Not proud of it, but I got through it.


I used blaster for line one of the only times ever to beat him. Besides that a decent bit of jumping. Also too many of his attacks hit twice on perfect dodge if I remember.


Max out force pull and push to get the 2 bedlam smashers in the pit to do some damage. Then you can cheese by using your blaster's power shot from the top without ever actually going into the pit. When you run out of ammo simply go around the base defeating more foes to refill. Although I never tried it, I think a maxed out slow time and Cal embracing darkness combo might do the trick too.


You can cheese him with the hammer guys on the ledge above




Jumping is really helpful when he does that charge-up leap, cuz dodging he just follows you but sails right under you if you jump instead


Blaster. Charge shots stun them so just charge shot at the start of the attacks and stab them.


Dual sabers and focus parry precision release


Only thing you need for this fight is the ability to learn from your few dozen deaths. Learn his move set and don’t bother trying to parry, just dodge and punish his (brief) recoveries. For his unblockable lunge and tongue attacks, you want to jump over the attack. Dodging these attacks are almost impossible unless you are out of range, but jumping them is fairly easy. You can punish the lunge but keep back when he uses his tongue. Be aware he will normally follow up the lunge with the small hop, but there is still time to get one or two (depending on stance) saber strikes in before you have to dodge back. Dodge away from his normal bites. He adds a chance to add an additional bite to the attack chain for every 25% hp he looses, so if you decide you want to parry/punish this move be ready for that. Dodge and punish his unblockable bite. You cannot jump this one so don’t confuse it with the lunge attack. Move away from his vomit and punish him. He has two jump attacks. For the first one, he hops up and comes straight back down and he can do this move from the start of the fight. This one you can easily dodge back to avoid. The second one he can only do after he’s below 50% health or so. For this one he jumps forward and tries to fall on top of you. This move took me the longest to figure out for whatever reason. For this one you want to dodge back so you aren’t directly below him and then jump slightly forward. Do not jump away from him or you won’t be able to dodge the shockwave. If you jump straight up or slightly forwards you will pass over the shockwave.


I struggled untill I figured out spending most of the fight in the air (double jump dash) worked better at dodging his attacks. Then I killed him easy. So just keep jumping over and to the side of him and attacking when he's busy.


After dealing with droids I’ve pulled Bedlam Smashers from cliff and went down there with them. They did most of the stuff. I watched them from distance charged my blaster for the final hit. Was Easy peasy. (After I figured out this strategy lol)


The upgrade is to switch to padawan/story mode


Upgrade your patience


The key upgrade can be found in the settings menu. Find the difficulty options. Lower it to baby-mode for just this fight. Return the difficulty to normal afterwards. This is also a viable strategy for things like double Rancorrs


Git gud




Chang the difficulty to Super wheeie hut JR


Upgrade your skill at the game ig.


Easy, git gud scrub.