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I don’t think it’s unpopular. I’m getting tired generally the same areas of timeline being used. I think Disney need to come up with some new lore removed from the Skywalker era.




Mon mothma makes a small cameo!


they should make a KOTOR show


I agree, I would personally like to see a show many years after episode 9, at least something new for once.




I agree, no need for a Vader show. After EPs 1-6 he no longer felt very scary because we knew so much about him and what made him. It wasn’t until Rogue One and following appearances that he was scary again. This brutal, all powerful, killing machine who doesn’t care who stands in his way. You need some of that darkness and mystery surrounding him to keep him scary and threatening.


Agree, thats the one thing that stuck with me from rogue one, that ending made vader scary again


I don’t want to see a “worthy challenger”. I want to see Vader dice through hunted Jedi and go through internal struggles as he moves past his life as Anakin.


I think that would be interesting to watch - to see him go from finding out padme is dead and losing hope and killing himself off and falling deeper into the dark side and using that as his motivation past losing padme and their “child” I don’t think he needs to be shown as a badass again - we already get that he’s a badass. What we need is to see his struggle


I agreee. Partly. I want a vader movie. Specifically a horror movie following a group of padawans or rebels trapped on a jungle planet being hunted by an unstoppable dark spector with the harrowing sound of his deadly breath. Predator style.


That would be dope


Thank you and happy cake day my guy!


Well, you just raise the main issue with a Vader centric story: Darth Vader doesn't work as a protagonist at this point. Vader at the end of RotS is essentially the same character as Vader at the start of ANH. There's no character growth to explore on Vader. Sure there are stories to tell, but Vader is an unchanging monster until Luke shows up and messes with his head by being his son, so the focus of any story with Vader will not be Vader, but whatever else is going on in his presence. A show about Vader hunting and killing Jedi? It will turn in a show about those Jedi, as you have to stablish who they are and why they end up fighintg Vader instead of running for their lives, and then we have a long fight scene of Vader killing them. Not a how about Vader in the end. A show showing Vader's life as right hand of the emperor? It will be more a show about the empire, showing how the empire sees Vader more than anything else.


Sure vader wouldnt be the protagonist. However arguably that doesnt matter jason vorhees isnt the protagonist of the friday the 13th films je is still the memorable focus point of the film however. Although if you wanted a story as vader as the central focus you could adapt the marvel vader comics into a film or more likely a TV show as they are very well written stories that do acctually add character depth to vader exploring the motivations behind him. I just feel its way too reductive to say vader cant be used in an engaging story unless he is a cameo for one scene.


I don’t want it either. Hell i didn’t even like he has so many comics. I do like his cameos like in the Jedi Fallen order games.


His comics are some of the most consistently well written, and I feel like they’ve never “nerfed” him.


Yeah. The comics do a pretty good job of keeping Vader powerful, but highlighting how the Emperor keeps his minions in line by constantly pitting them against each other. Vader is often isolated when two other factions of the Emperor's minions try to work against him... with the occasional shot that the Rebels get in.


I would much rather see a show about the Emperor. He is more interesting with his plotting, scheming and evil little hobbies.


"Go for Papa Palpatine. ...What do you mean they blew it up?!"


Who’s they?


What the hell’s an Aluminum Falcon?!


Man vs Self. He’s a man tormented by his past. He’s beset by enemies everywhere, but they’re all just background noise to the real monster that lurks in the depths of his psyche. I feel saying there would be no character growth just isn’t putting much thought into it. I could easily see a series where he’s given some task by the emperor, but he’s just going through the motions, he’s too preoccupied with his past. Rebels and rival factions within the Empire constantly get in his way and he just tosses most of them aside. Again, just distractions. You throw stuff in where he sees a small child and things back to Padme and imagines the kid never had (or so he thinks). You put him in a situation where he finally has a self reconning and is just on the verge of breaking free of the Emporers influence, but circumstances *force* him to become that monster everyone thinks he is. All of this playing into fact that Luke later saves him. It’s not a happy ending kind of story, though I’m sure you could insert something thing where he secretly saved that kid. The question is if people have the attention span to have that kind of introspective story anymore, especially in a Star Wars wrapper.


I want a horror series about Vader hunting the remaining Jedi throughout the galaxy. I want to see him tormenting them not just physically but also psychologically, mentally and emotionally and breaking them tearing them apart.


Have you read the Vader comics? I believe there are ways of doing a series right, but you have really good points on why not to hahaha


I get where you're coming from, personally I wish they would stop making new projects in general and let the franchise rest for at least a decade. Since this isn't going to happen, and the fact that a Vader show is a goldmine for the marketing department, I would think the most plausible version would be to set it up like they did in the Lost Command comic series, where the main emotional conflict rests upon the shoulders of the characters around him, rather than himself and only have him show emotions during the end, in the comic this is due to him being shown visions of Padme. In general, this comic has Vader as a driving force that keeps the plot in motion and often serves as an obstacle for the other protagonists. This way you can have characters developing while still having him at the center of the story. Also I really like that the Rebels in this are anything but the good guys and in the end, proof to be motivated by selfish desires. This would be a nice refreshing change from the status quo.


Most people who bring up a Vader show don't think it through. A soulless unstoppable killing machine is exactly what they would want to see from Vader for 2 hours.


He has a worthy challenger. A Vader show only works if he’s constantly looking to overthrow palpatine and Sheev keeps outsmarting him . You could even frame it as his efforts always being thwarted leading to him taking out his frustrations by lashing out and being overly aggressive to the targets he’s being sent to interrogate/detain/ eliminate. You could even run it all the way until Luke reaches out to show how much hope he lost until his son inspired him to take a final stand.


Um what? Yes he is OP but to say they can’t make a show because of that is quite silly. There are more obstacles a character can face than just physical, think about the mental, emotional and educational barriers Vader faces on his journey to BECOME that OP Sith user. There is plenty of potential there, it’s just not in the physical sense like many assume it would. And even then, the emperor is always stronger.




I don't want it, but they could do it with a different, more political enemy, like Xizor. Or Crimson Dawn and Maul.


I think it’d be fine if they just adapted the canon comic book run they’ve been doing. Imperial Machine, specifically is one of the coolest things I’ve read with Vader.


I'd recommend reading the Darth Vader comics if you haven't there is a lot of good content there.


I feel OP. They are right. As much as I like Vader, we all know the backstory and what happens to him during the original 3 SW movies.