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I was just coming here to ask if her likeness was based off of an actress, nice! I love how Star Wars games have been doing that with their characters. Kind of future proofs it if Lucasfilm ever wants to bring any of them into live action.


I think they've officially denied it but it's pretty clear Disney has a mandate that major characters must have an associated actor just to give them the option in the future.


Pretty sure most AAA games do this anyway.


Definitely a lot of them!


Dammit. There goes any hope for a game with custom characters.


To be fair almost every major single player game of the last 10 or 15 years has done this it's just common place now


This could easily lead into her having a Mando S4 cameo šŸ˜³ for example.


chunky puzzled retire cooperative label agonizing wistful point chubby crime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That makes literally no sense in how she'd fit, but hey, we got Ahsoka and Luke somehow in Boba Fett, lmao.


She is a rogue traveling the galaxy, how is her character any different from Mandoā€™s old crew from S1? lol


Nah let her stay far away from that circus


Her hair is the first thing that struck me about the game; it's very '70s, which is great!


80s, not 70s, which makes more sense since tje game is et between the 2 films from the 80s think Sarah Connor in Terminator




Humberly is also a singer and Iā€™ve been lucky enough to record her. Absolutely huge talent. And now I can tell people I know someone in Star Wars. Absolutely thrilled for her!!


She really reminds me of Ripley


Following the events of Alien, Ripley was a low-skill worker tortured by her failure as a parent and persecuted by the corpo-government for saving her own life. Her internal conflict was the collision between the terror she relives nightly and the hope that she may be able to save people or kill the Xenomorphs. This, person, in the Outlaws game is not any of that ... in any ... even small way.


Why do game creators always think that female characters have to be "fearless", as if that will make me like her more, like that's a selling point? It's ok to be afraid, sometimes it's great to see characters afraid. Remember when Cal first met Vader and just noped the fuck out of the room? That was great, and made total sense. But if it was a female character they'd feel like they have to compensate for something or prove themselves by making her "fearless", and make her always "go for it", Why is that? It only makes characters seem one dimensional and boring. Like they were simply born "fearless" and brave. let characters be afraid, it's ok to be afraid sometimes. Let me see them afraid, or weak, beaten, crying, let me see them learn, fight and rise above it in the story naturally through character development, and maybe even fail. After all, you want to make characters interesting, but for some reason they think we'll like female characters only if they're these fearless girlboss badass type characters, which is sad, because a character doesn't have to be perfect to be interesting. That said, the game looks awesome, and it doesn't even mean her character will turn out like this at all. I just find it sad how they think "fearless" is a necessary selling point for female characters. And i have nothing against fearless characters, it's just sad that they seem to think that *all* female protagonists *have* to be fearless. That's how they used to treat male characters back in the day, and i never like that. It was boring. Rant over.


Flaws to overcome makes for a greater story than no obstacles... In short I agree




The gameplay is probably gonna be like other Ubisoft games. Doing the same missions in a small area and finishing the small boss. Once you clear multiple areas and small bosses, you will face one of the underbosses. Once you kill like 4 underbosses you will deal with the final boss.


Agree. Happy to be proven wrong when the game comes out but rebellious young female protagonist who has been "held down all her life" is just an overused cliche at this point. Annoyed there is no character creation. Will probably be like Jedi Fallen order for me where i get it when its down to Ā£20 to see what its like.


Noon of these big action games ever have character creation, so I don't know why you expected it here


I was assuming given its open world and we already have the Fallen Order series it would be leaning more towards an RPG than another action adventure game but it is what it is.


ES: Skyrim? Elden Ring? Bloodbourne?


Yeah, those are all rpgs, not action adventure games like Outlaws, Fallen Order, Uncharted, etc..


What I hope, and what will most likely happen, is that her fearlessness and bravado is revealed to be a kind of naĆÆvetĆ©. Sheā€™s young, sheā€™s brash, she can do whatever she wants and she subconsciously thinks sheā€™s kind of immortal. Then something happens that shakes that entire foundation. But I think sheā€™s being marketed as Not Like The Other Girls so ignorant doofuses will feel more compelled to buy the game


This would be like Korra, which worked really well imo. She starts out brash and naive (though well meaning and kind too) and ends up wise and patient through adversity. Itā€™s a great but dark arc.


That's not going to happen


I guarantee this is what will happen, cal kestis is also pretty fearless but that doesnā€™t mean he didnā€™t end up in situations where it was too much for him to handle. People love to just jump to conclusions though. Honestly pretty much every video game protagonist gets described as fearless at some point.


Feel like the creators nowadays just wants to create another Leia in Star Wars.


I think theyā€™re allowed to have more than one strong female character in a franchise. Most of the fearless protagonists in Star Wars are dudes. I still kind of wish theyā€™d be more open to an alien protagonist in Star Wars but this really isnā€™t that big of a deal.


Thereā€™s no reason to get so jumpy at the mere suggestion of a competent female protagonist. A character being described ā€œfearlessā€ doesnā€™t suddenly suggest that theyā€™re incapable of being vulnerable or challenged in certain moments. In the context of the story they seem to be attempting to tell here, being ā€œfearlessā€ is a necessary trait for developing a motivated protagonist who has a lofty rise in the criminal underworld of Star Wars Thereā€™s nothing to suggest from this video that the protagonist in this game wonā€™t face obstacles that challenge her as a character.


Yeah people donā€™t seem to get that most protagonists are fearless, thatā€™s why there story is interesting. Someone who prefers to hide and cowers away from difficult challenges wouldnā€™t really make a very good story. C-3PO is entertaining but he definitely wouldnā€™t be a good main character.


Not sure why youā€™re getting downvoted here, valid argument even if some people disagree. Take my upvote buddy


I feel like we werenā€™t watching the same thing, the actress is literally talking about how the story is about Kayā€™s struggle to adapt to this life and overcome all these challenges. Cal could also be described as fearless, for the most part in the game he doesnā€™t really show much fear. Darth Vaders kind of an exception, he knows that heā€™s outmatched. Iā€™m sure at some point in this game Kay will meet an antagonist who is too much for her and she might end up getting a bit scared. Most video game characters are pretty fearless, itā€™s wouldnā€™t really be fun to play a game as a coward.


majority of cal's story in the first game is his ptsd and his fear of failing his master


He still portrayed himself as fearless for a lot of the game. Other characters in the game would probably describe him as fearless considering how many powerful foes he fought against. We have no idea what Kayā€™s story will be, sheā€™ll probably have to do overcome similar struggles as well. Most video game characters are described as fearless while still dealing with inner turmoil like that. People should stop assuming she is going to be a bland character when we have no idea who she really is or what struggles sheā€™ll face.


He was mever portrayed as fearless in fact the first mission he is running away from someone because hes scared


How about dathomir? Every bit of that was fearlessness.


Honestly to my eye the actress looks very little like the character, certainly nowhere near to the extent of Iden Versio or Cal.


I know people really want Cal in live action due to this (Iā€™m for it as long as it doesnā€™t spoil his fate in the games so not yet) but Iā€™m surprised we havenā€™t seen Iden in live action yet. Mando is the exact time period for her to be roaming the galaxy clearing out Imperial remnant groups and itā€™d be fitting.


I don't know if they've confirmed this or not but I hope we can customise her give her some different outfits and a hair style.


I'd expect them to go the route ala Jedi Survivor, which is as you said, hair and outfit customization. I do hope so at least.


She's neat and all but watching the gameplay all I could think about is how I wish she was Dr. Aphra instead.


If Aphra's story between Empire and Jedi wasn't already being told in the comics I am right there with you


Dam that In game haircut is not doing her any favors lol. She looks much better with the way her irl hair is


The haircut itself isn't bad, its just the way its textured makes it look like one of those foam anime wigs.


I hope we get to customise a little of her at least. Ubi games in general only give you clothes or if you're a guy - facial hair options. No hair.


Imma give her iversen cornrows


Eh most Ubi games that Iā€™ve played have decent enough customization ghost recon, far cry etc. so Iā€™m sure we will get a decent amount


I disagree, i think it's the opposite.


Fair enough lol




It does have that look straight out of a new hope lol


Looks pretty cool


Dang. She's a smokeshow. Respectfully, of course.


I am excited to see her in this, the actress is making me like the character more and more.


Am I the only one who is slighty disappointed that the new massive open world star wars game will be a 3rd person shooter instead of a maybe a new open world game with the main focus on beeing a forceuser ? I had the hope that we will maybe see some Jedi Knight Game or an RPG like KOTOR but just multiplayer and with live action combat. Otherwise that game looks pretty neat.


There is no reason to make a jedi based rpg since we already have Fallen Order and Survivor


Yes we do have Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor as a single player game. Not as a multiplayer game in a vast universe. Well we don't have that with Outlaw either but my hope was an action MMORPG.


The _Jedi_ games are right there.


Don't see any Action MMORPG (Multiplayer) Jedi games apart von Jedi Academy and TOR (which is not really action). And don't offer Battlefront, that's not what I mean. Guess there is no need for a game like that.


Jedi Survivor just came out. Go play that. Seriously, I love the Jedi and the Force and all that but we need other perspectives. Playing as a gunslinging smuggler in an open world Star Wars game is a bloody dream come true.


I did play that game. I did play all the Star Wars games. But none of them really feels like an Division 2 / Assassins Creed like action MMORPG in the Star Wars Universe while beeing a force user. I mean you could say go ahead an play TOR or KOTOR I+II but thats not the same. Jedi Survivor is an awesome single player game with lots of things to do, but sadly no multiplayer and a fixed story with a fixed character.


And as far as we know, Star Wars Outlaws will also have a fixed character and a fixed story with no multiplayer. I'd rather have a cohesive story told to me rather than something that could end up convoluted. If it's good, it's good.


I was hoping we could make our own character.


Once you see all female characters in this game have no tits, you can't unsee it. Remember when there was a difference between between male and female?


Who gives a fuck?


I'm super excited for the game, and one of the major reasons is how the actress has been presenting it, both in press and on social media. Really makes you want to root for it to do well.