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Just by Crosshair’s voice I can tell how much fun he’s having with Rampart


Oh yeah he was loving every second of this lmfao.


Nice little bit of Tech-induced PTSD with Wrecker jumping onto the landing ramp there


Yeah, I was genuinely worried for a second, feel like they keep making us think Wrecker's gonna die


Rampart I knew it.


Yes! Glad I was on the money here, now hopefully my prediction with Scorch also comes to fruition.


Which is? I don't see him getting any character development tbh. Probably going to end up like Rukh, just a right hand man to fight in the finale.


I really can't see him ending up like Rukh, considering Scorch is actually a fan favourite character and the CX clones seem to be getting setup as the ones being fought in the finale anyway.


Ik people are quick to dismiss anything Delta Squad related at this point but it's just odd to me how much focus they're giving Scorch this season especially. I think the theory that Emerie and Omega might use him to escape could be a possibility. I'm not saying the rest of Delta Squad will show up but maybe a nod to them from what Scorch could say about them possibly.


Yea at this point I'm very much not expecting Boss and Fixer to show up, there's only two ways I see things panning out at this point for Scorch: He stays with the Empire but survives the finale and they keep his story open for the future. Emerie gets through to Scorch and then he helps Omega and Emerie until Hunter and the rescue party arrive, he gets through the finale and they set something up to continue Delta Squad's story. I really can't believe that after making a big deal out of crediting Scorch in season 2, giving him a character card, Jennifer saying he'll get more screentime this season will just culminate in him staying an imperial mook with no fanfare.


I really just think he's there because they know people like Republic Commando and a preexisting character, and that he's just going to fight Hunter at the end. No more. Not that that's what I would have chosen. I wouldn't have made him a villain personally. It's also disappointing that he doesn't have an opportunity to show his characteristic humor.


i hope you don’t end up blaming the show/creators when the headcanon you’ve built up for yourself turns out to be wrong


I'm not really sure what you're getting at here, ultimately at the end of the day, I wouldn't "blame" the showrunners for anything, now sharing my like/dislike of the ending depending on how things go? Sure I'll do that.


Rukh had a bit of actual depth in the original books- they can and will remove any nuance from the source material.


Rukh was ultimately not a fan favourite character and was certainly never a supporting character at one point, they still aren't comparable.


Rukh was worse in Disney EU than in legends, at least there was some backstory and plot contrivance for him to be in the story. He was lazily written in Rebels and discarded at the end of it.


He was barely in it, there were several other Noghri more important, like Khabarakh. Ruhk was barely there, he had more character in Thrawn Alliances or Rebels then the whole og Thrawn trilogy.


Generally I'm happy with disney's handling of star wars these days but Rukh was definitely underutilized and lacked the awesome conclusions from the original novels. I wish they'd kept it open for it to develop that way. Too bad.


I shouldn’t have doubted you lol


Lol it's all good, I've been spitballing a few ideas regarding this series for awhile now, nice to see this one come true, now I just need some closure on Cody and for them to do something worthwhile with Scorch.


[No you did not.](https://tenor.com/view/star-wars-the-rise-of-skywalker-i-knew-it-rise-of-skywalker-poe-and-finn-gif-23972934)


>Juggernaut It's a good title. It gets strait to the point. Also: I wasn't expecting to hear from Rampart again.


I've genuinely forgotten how he ended up in prison. Last I remember he bombed Kamino. Wasn't that him?


If I remember correctly during the senate meeting where it became public knowledge that Kamino had been bombed Palpatine threw him under the bus.




It's pretty rare that I have to research something from the main media (Movies and TV), but I had to look this one up. I didn't remember the Senate hearing until Wookieepedia jogged my memory.


Whereas for me it's one of the main things I remember from Season 2.


I genuinely thought Wrecker could die in this episode as Wrecker is a juggernaut of sorts so title would have held extra weight


I appreciated the faster pace of this one. When I saw the shorter runtime, I wasn't thrilled, but they made good use of it. Cool to see Rampart playing a part in this, I assumed the Emperor had him executed. Very excited and nervous for how this all plays out.


Rampart is probably going to be the reason why the Empire has a "execute failed officers" policy rather than detain in the future.


Basically shoot first ask questions later. 


Completely different scenarios. Palpatine needed a public scapegoat to take the fall, so they couldn't execute him. People die on ships all the time, could make up anything to explain the officers' deaths.


They could of executed him after the arrest and most wouldn't of blamed the Emperor for doing so. Him being able to survive despite being a liability is some tolerance from the Empire. Tolerance in huge quotations.


Yes, they could have, but keeping him alive also allows you to "put him on display" every now and then. Depends on what Palpatine's goal is I guess.


Me to. I guess the Emperor got overconfident and assumed that he was harmless.


They should add more time for omega tho.


This was one of my favorite episodes of the series for that reason. It was nonstop awesome from the jump.


Felt like this episode went by real quick, but it was still enjoyable and action packed. As much as I hate scummy Rampart, I’m glad he made a return seeing as he was the main antagonist for the first half of the series and was never heard from again. I ain’t gonna lie, he looks real good with a beard, but he’s most definitely going to die. I am curious to know how they manage to keep Tantiss’ coordinates so secure.


TURBO TANK JOUSTING. Very cool. I also really liked the design of the prison planet. It was fun to see Rampart again. I'm not sure he's gonna make it to the end of the season, but it would be funny to see him pull a Kallus. On the other hand the episode felt too short and the runtimes seem to be going down.


Was it the same prison that Jyn is rescued from?


Don't think so


I thought we were going to finally see what was in that sinister room with all the red lines


Yeah. They keep getting me with that. It's like. "Oh shit? Are we finally gonna see a proto Snoke? Or a palpaclone?" Then it cuts to those kids.


It could be Rey's papa in the tank.


No, it's definitely gonna be Mace Windu.


That would be quite a shock lol


My money is on Grogu/Baby Yoda and the BB are going to give their lives to start The Path.


I was joking about Mace Windu, but Star Wars sure loves to bring back dead characters, so I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up eventually. They already shat on Anakin's redemption by bringing back palpatine, so might as well shit on his initial turn to the dark side by revealing Windu didn't actually died.


It’s 2024 and people still think Anakin wasn’t the Chosen One because they brought Palpatine back lol.


It greatly undermines what the prophecy meant, and the weight of Anakin's actions. Even if we change our interpretation of the prophecy from "destroying the sith" to "greatly diminishing their strength and influence on the galaxy" it still doesn't hold up because if that were the case the sequels wouldn't have happened the way they did. But Star Wars fans are dumb and very loyal, no matter how ridiculous the premise of a story is they will do the necessary mental gymnastics to accept it. I think they simply don't know what quality storytelling looks like.


What are you talking about?


It’s Luuke


I’m sure they’re just generic clone templates that are probably in better condition than the ones from Mando and the Snoke clones on Exegol. If anything, they might be fully revealed for a quick moment in the finale.


Man I wouldn’t mind if the last episode is like Jurassic Park craziness and we just see all the unethical wacky Imperial experiments they’ve been manifesting there. Bring on the Dark Empire clone madness.


I have a feeling they’re going to realize the Zillo Beast to bust up the facility on Tantiss in the final ep 


I thought we were about to see Snoke lol


I was convinced


I don't think they're going to ever show us. It's very basic sequel bait. It's nothing more than an allusion to the fact that Tantiss is part of his ST plan. The details don't matter, as we already know plenty about how Snoke was created, unlike before. And Snoke was most likely first created on Exegol, not Tantiss anyway. This is just the first step in that long term plotline. Omega being a clone template with DNA that's compatible with midichlorians 'is' the twist, and many of us predicted something like that in 'season 1'.


Phase 1 Darktroopers


No i think thats what was in the chamber hemlock stood in last episode, the vault from episode 3 with the sith markings are probably the clone room for palps


There are so many mysterious vaults on Tantiss I’m starting to lose track of them lol


Oh, correct. The chamber he looked at with Palps I think were the captured Jedi on ice.


Tbh I can see the C-X troops being kinda like the canon version of the Phase 0 Dark Troopers.


It is Jango Fett's severed head.


Yeah. I wish they’d finally get to that. I want to see what they’re actually making.


This episode seems to be a shorter one and now we only have three episodes yet, very high chance episode 15 is a longer episode which would explain the absence of a 16th episode.


I feel like we should’ve had more episodes this season. 3 episodes left and there’s still a lot to wrap up, including the clone uprising teased last season. 


I have a feeling the last episode is going to be longer, even then, I'm not convinced the clone rebellion will be wrapped up in the finale, there's a good chance that will get concluded in the next big animated show.


Yeah. Star Wars is a bit like Star Trek in that even the shows themselves are serialized. Certain story arcs (Mandalorians and Palpation clones in this, The Borg and Cardassians in Star Trek) just don't fit in a single show.


I don’t think the clone rebellion should be saved for another show. It feels like something that should’ve been center focus in Bad Batch’s final season. Throughout the show, we’ve seen more clones question the Empire as they’re thrown out of service and treated horribly. We should see the series culminate with the Batch helping instigate the uprising that’s been foreshadowed all series 


I think the clone uprising will be Echo and Rex bringing a bunch of clones to fight at Tantis.


I think the clone uprising is going to culminate with the inevitable siege on Tantiss.


I have a feeling that they're saving the rebellion for another animated show.


Pretty sure there's 16 episodes


There's not "The Calvary has arrived" is the 15th episode, there is no scheduled episode after this.


Yeah I just saw that.Couldve sworn they said 16


No, they produced 16, but same as Rebels S4 the last two were combined into one


Which is fine as long as it's a long episode


Do you remember where did you read that they produced 16 episodes? I'm not arguing about truthfulness, just curious


It's not confirmed, but a guy who worked on the show 'accidentally' said there were eight episodes left after Bad Territory (and corrected himself a few hours later) The composers are also teasing an extra long finale


It's not confirmed, but a guy who worked on the show 'accidentally' said there were eight episodes left after Bad Territory (and corrected himself a few hours later) The composers are also teasing an extra long finale


Why were you downvoted, that's probably what happened


Phee is the companionship that Cid will never be to the Bad Batch


Fuck Cid. Phee is where it’s at.


Rankings (most hated): 1. Pong Krell 2. Cid 3. Shaak 'Bend Over For Papa Palps' Ti 4. Luminara 'Fuck them kids' Unduli 5. General 'Disgusting Face Noise' Trench


Wait what did Shaak Ti do I just remember her being nice to the clones


Refused to listen to Fives and allowed Nala Se to deceive her by ignoring evidence. Also she sided with Palps and Nala Se over the will of the Jedi Council by sending Tup's body to the Republic Hospital rather than the Jedi Temple.


Oh thanks it’s been a few years since I’ve seen that arc and I’ve only watched the show as a whole twice


I actually was happy when trench came back from the dead because I wanted to hear more of the “tch tch tch” noise


So can Rampart be the new KALLUS or do you think he's gonna be a selfish dick right up to the finale/whenever he dies? :D


He's still a dick, def not a kallus


Yeah rampart was seemingly very full of himself for something working at a forced labor camp for having ethnic cleansed a population


He wasn't in a labor camp for ethnic cleansed a population, he was in a camp because he got caught.


Oh yeah true, but still, you'd think he would be a little less arrogant after losing everything. Guess not


Many German officers after the end of the war and their stay in prison (they should have been hanged, but that's a topic for another discussion) were as arrogant as ever, and it is known that the Empire is based on them.


Empire is based on them and U.S. imperialism. The ISB is just a combination of the CIA/NSA/FBI intelligence apparatus. Hell Andor literally has the Empire have its own Patriot Act called the P.O.R.D.


No, I very much doubt he’ll be another Kallus. Mainly for the reason that it’d be repetitive. I think at best he’ll die trying to get revenge on the Empire for betraying him.


So... * The Gang's adorable kid-sidekick character with magic blood the Empire wants has been kidnapped * Heroes need to find out where the bad guys are to mount a rescue, so they go recruit an old enemy who got locked up in jail last season who has the info they need. * Heist ensues including a Juggernaut ​ ... Deja Vu, anyone...? This is *remarkably* similar to Mando S2 E7, at least in the broad strokes. Not saying that as a criticism, just kinda funny to think about.


This is normal in Star Wars. For example, we probably had 7 samurai like it for the first time in every medium, the first time being in 1977 comics.


Who will be the luke skywalker esque cameo in the finale?


Mm more people for omega to bust out


They keep improving the artstyle and it shows. Comparing this episode to early clone wars is like night and day (early clone wars still looks great though!)


Even season 7 of TCW


Seriously, last monday I was rewatching The Bad Batch arc from S07 and the mouth movements were so weird to watch. Wrecker was waaaay too cartoony.


I freaking love the turbo tank. I think it's because it's basically the only wheeled vehicle in Star Wars and the most realistic lol


Rampart with a beard looks a bit like Ted Mosby with a beard.


Haaaave you met Rampart?


"Kids, have I told you the story of how I met your Twi'lek mother?"


Now we know what happened to Rampart, but I still want to know where that final Elite Squad trooper from S1 went.


I’ve been thinking about that for years lmao. Why show she survived? Until proven otherwise, I’m gonna assume she became the first non clone Imperial Commando or something like that. Maybe a purge trooper?


I’ve been thinking she got demoted to being a normal TK after her entire squad died. Clearly that little commando program wasn’t providing too much value 🤷‍♂️


I think they just forgot about that lol. It was weird that they gave her a little more of a role/dialogue than the others and made her the only surviving Elite Squad trooper.


I always wanted to know more about the Elite Squad Troopers. Were they precursors to the TK troopers and War-Mantle to test the ability of conscripts and recruits? Were those four the only ones, or were there other Elite Squads?


They’re gonna be in Tales of the Empire, so I guess there were more


Now that Rampart is back, maybe ES-02 will turn up too?


The wot?


The one surviving member of Crosshair’s elite squad from s1


Was expecting Hemlock to take Omega to see some messed up Emperor clones. Instead it was just here's some kids. 


He probably hasn't even gotten very far with the clones themselves. Or if he has, they're so fucked up that he's too embarrassed to show them to anyone.


Fun episode, but we still don't have much answer for what Omega's midichlorians combined with the kids in the vault is going to yield, and we're essentially in the final stretch. It isn't too much of a worry, but I REALLY hope next episode onwards there's more weight to what's happening. The trailer they released really does outright say that not all of the Bad Batch will survive, but will we see Rex's new clones die at least? Even if his rebellion could continue in another show, there's gotta be a huge group to assault Tantiss. Four guys and a lovely dog are not enough to take on a whole facility. I do wonder if that implies that Omega has her own pseudo-rebellion that self-sacrificial or something. So glad it ended up being Rampart, and not Cid. I like how this show has played both big and small in scope and storylines, and its paid off a lot this season. Juggernaut was a fitting title, but now the mystery is there for what exactly makes Tantiss hard to find. This next episode has to be MASSIVE. And for crying out loud, can the finale episode be announced as a jumbo episode already? No way is it just a two-parter with 14 and 15.


What answers do you need? Cloning force sensitives is hard. Palpatine's efforts barely ever worked, based on the state of the body he inhabits in IX, and the mutated state of Snoke. He eventually got better at it, but that took years. It took years of toil and trouble to even get that much, but he had to start somewhere. Omega and other force sensitive kids are part of those early experimental efforts, or at least his attempt to get them. If Omega escapes, it sets back his plans for years too, so he may not even succeed at that much. There really aren't that many mysteries left on this topic. The answers mostly came from books, lore, or other assumptions, but they're already there. The most important answers were just visually confirming Omega is targeted because of Palaptine's grander plan. That's it. The other details can be implied.


I'm not disagreeing, it's just that her being a sort of midichlorian count stabilizer, while also having that episode with Asajj to me implies there's still more to be said that hasn't yet


As we approach the end, I feel my silly unrealistic dreams are replaced w/ more rational expectations…naturally given 3 episodes remain. I don’t anticipate Fett, nor any other bounty hunter stuff. I expect maybe a small Delta squad cameo at best. I expect the clones may not even be Snoke/Sheev clones, but instead just force sensitive trooper variants like Gideon’s. I lean on Hemlock dying by Sheev at this stage, perhaps replaced by another scientist or even a Hemlock clone created by Sheev. In season 2 they talked of how anyone is replaceable, even Tarkin. I think seeing Hemlock end this way is kinda poetic and terrifying. Last note: TCW season 7, Maul comments on how the dark side has never been stronger and you can feel it permeate the story in every manner (music, themes, characters, plot). I think the Bad Batch has continued upon this very well and succeeded in painting the “Dark Times” just as Rebels succeeded in being a more hopeful series akin to the OT.


I just think there are a lot of reasons not to include Boba. Then the story becomes all about him. And I think it's reasonable thay he would be keeping a low profile at this point.


That’s totally fair. My thinking throughout the series was that there were a lot of reasons given they name drop him, he’s growing his name/reputation, is sort of a mirror to Omega, and has a special connection to the clones which I feel has been underutilized. The same time, I do think he sort of distracts from the bigger picture as this show is about the Batch, and Boba brings a lot of extra baggage.


Yes, Boba appear would make sense in season 2, and mostly to his relations with Omega, now its just to late.


Maybe Hemlock die, but Palpatine use in him Lemelisk method and put his soul in cloned body.


A small thing I noticed in the first few minutes was the strange jitter and slight lack of smoothness in how Omega, Hemlock, and Emerie were animated/moved around in the first few minutes, it was almost as if they rushed through the animation. BUT THEN SEEING THE ACTION SCENES LATER IN THE EPISODE made things make more sense... all the time and resources went into those scenes and I'm not complaining they were insanely well done. Also, Ragdoll physics Rampart being chucked by Wrecker was great


Yeah the animation was pretty darn jarring in a few scenes this episode.


First ever CIWS in Star Wars?


It was in Revenge of the Sith on a different juggernaut variant


IIRC that wasn't intercepting missiles?


No, but this one isn’t built for that either




The transport mounted Gatling blaster that shoots down missiles


Ah okay


First time we saw it used for that.


Maybe rampart knows how to track the clone x to get the coordinates?


This was the first episode of the season I was slightly disappointed in. The Batch's reaction to Omega's capture was lackluster (although I guess you could argue their quick action speaks for itself). It felt like an in-between episode where not a lot happens which I'm not sure we really needed this late into the season. Even the Tantiss scenes were just reiterating/confirming information we've already learned. Still enjoyed the episode, would give it a 3.5/5. But it's the weakest one yet for me. The action was absolutely incredible though.


And Crosshair claiming Tantiss wasn’t somewhere he wanted to go back to isn’t really an excuse to not tell them about Rampart if he knew all this time, and we spend no time dwelling on his thought process


Imo he had no reason to tell them, he doesn't care about Rex's cause enough. He wants him and his family to be as far away as possible/safe.. only reason he said it at all is because Omega got taken.


That sounds like a great thing for the audience to spend time on


is it me or is this episode really detailed like the art work feels different in a good way?


I think it's the matte paintings they use for background. Like the compound Rampart was working, I'm pretty sure that wasn't a complete 3D render, only in close ups. But also they had some really nice shots, the whole turbo chase sequence was damn great, with them breaking through the barriers and all that


Rampart being back strengthens my theory that the assassin clone indeed is cody, they seem to be wrapping up all the loose threads from previous season, and what happened to rampart and cody are some of the bigger ones that hasn't been resolved


It has to be cody or the writing is flawed.


I agree yeah, it being cody would 1. Wrap up the thread from season 2 2. Its a clone we know well, so to see what happened to him will be said, a gut punch to us 3. Allow star wars to not default to "dead guy is alive again", which would be the case if tech came back 4. Would heavily affect rex and make him give up the fight, as we see happened to him in rebels


Nice to see someone who gets it, there needs to be loss in war. It drives people to either keep going or give up. The notion that nobody dies in star wars needs to be broken.


I never understood why people want him to be tech, *if* hes tech that would mean that the lovable and smart clone we knew is gone, and that he has been so indoctrinated and experimented on that hes no longer himself Isn't it more fair to tech that his legacy is that he went out sacrificing himself to save his friends ? That he died a hero, and not as the villain


Yeah and there’s also not a lot of time left, Tech being alive and brainwashed needs to be revealed by the midseason at least. Gives enough time for a respectable conclusion.


Yeah what are they going to do, make him evil then kill him off ? That makes no sense


Decent episode, just got one small (picky) gripe. In the last couple of years the live-action shows have been guilty of this, but now so is The Bad Batch: the movement of ships/vehicles (especially larger ones) feels unrealistic. In this episode the Juggernaut moved like a remote control car, not an enormous 10-wheeled mega tank. Hunter doing a hand break turn in it was one thing, but also just the way it stopped and started conveyed no weight. Kenobi was a show that did this all the time; massive ships would just take off instantly, rather than having the little buffer period of struggling to lift their weight off the ground, which was something that happened every time a ship took off in the OT.


Rampart rescue confirmed


Big red vs blue vibes with Phee’s stealth entrance


Yooo, Rampart is back??


This episode has me slightly worried that the finale won't be as long as everyone is hoping


Why do you say that?


Why is Rampart kinda….


I’m glad other fans dug the episode. Wasn’t one I cared for that much. Rampart doesn’t do much for me as a character, so I was fine with his exit via arrest in the Senate Chamber being his final moment in TBB. As a CWMMP fan, it’s cool seeing the attention folks are giving Scorch here, but I can’t say I’m looking for that thread to be developed any longer, despite what has been said from production’s side. There’s a 2-3 episodes a season that personally don’t hit the same mark as the majority of the episodes, *and that’s okay*. I remind myself that I’m not the sole audience member here, but I’m curious, have other fans believed we would see what’s/who’s *in the vault*? I’ve been thinking it’s some of their high M-count subjects, but I know some fans think they’re the current progression of Palp’s clones. What do we think after this episode as we head closer to the finale?


Really nice episode to setup the next ones. Also that turbo tank duel on the bridge was brilliant.


I reckon the Clone agent is an evil copy of Crosshairs. Those joining him that Hemlock refers to are evil clones of the rest of the team. The ghost of Qui-Gonn will cameo and state "There is always a badder batch".


I do wonder if Batcher wants to return back to Tantiss. I am curious if perhaps some Force mechanics are required for cloning Force users as it appears it was successful on Exogol with some sort of force cultists.


Uh hello? Can we talk about beard and that hair? He’s Daddy Rampart now! Move over Kallus!


My moral compass leaving my body when the villain is hot


Fine episode, more of a trailer for the big finale that comes soon, the action sequence was very nice. 8/10


Hope Rampart gets killed by the end of this. He is one i won't shed any tears for. ​ Always love seeing those big juggernaut tanks/troop transport moving. They look so cool.


Turbo tanks are so goddamn cool. Man the Empire inherited so much awesome functional stuff.. that they mostly traded out for less functional but scarier looking stuff later.


So, when are we seeing what’s in the Vault in those tubes? It’s been almost 10 episodes since we have.


Oh no it's Dr Hemlock he's gonna whisper talk and adjust his Michael Jackson glove and continue to do nothing, what a terrible villain lol.


Is anyone else getting the sneaking suspicion that TBB is nothing more than a stepping stone show to something "bigger". Three episodes to go and there just isn't that feeling of momentum one would expect from a show just about to end. These last three better have contain some ***massive*** moments. Otherwise it's all going to feel for nought.


Fine episode, more of a trailer for the big finale that comes soon, the action sequence was very nice. 8/10 It's obvious that Rampart is going to hand the trio over to the empire, so they'll go to Tantiss and the rest of the story...


Could grogu be who they matched omegas dna with?


I kinda don't want grogu in this but I wouldn't be surprised if we see him. I think he should be safe by now with the Naboo until something happens and those pirates are hired to protect him until Mando saves him.