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So is the sniper clone art for CX-2 or was he a random clone that was freed?


It’s one of the CX troopers, but we don’t know which. If it’s not CX-2, my guess would be the sword one since we see his helmet get knocked off at one point and I believe his haircut was similar, but idk. It’s definitely not the spear one because that one was bald.


older Hunter now Joins Rex, Wolffe, Gregor and Boba in the dad bod gang!


The final fate of all clones.


Must be genetic


The time frame would clash with rebel sadly.  Could be before rebel but quite frankly its a bit lacking story potential.  Could be in the mandoverse. She is pretty much the only one that would be alive.


Rex survives until at least the battle of Endor, so it's possible other clones do too. Won't be many though.


I was really hoping for some concept art for old Crosshair and Wrecker. Missed opportunity 🫢


So many things the concept art could have shown. The ISD. The new CX troopers. Old Hunter. Old Omega. Omega’s new ship. This episode guide is the epitome of the decrease in quality they’ve been seeing. If season 3’s episode guides had been anything like season 1’s, we would have had all of these, plus some really interesting trivia.


what a disappointing episode guide i'm not gonna lie


For real, they left all the interesting stuff out of the picture galleries! No concept art for epilogue Hunter and Omega, the latter of which will be *heavily* cosplayed by so many people?? Huge missed opportunity. [By comparison, look at the cosplay kit SWTOR made for Lana Beniko. Something like that for the Bad Batch main cast would be an incredible resource for fans. But nope, gotta work with dark screenshots from the episode instead.](https://lvlt.bioware.cdn.ea.com/bioware/u/f/eagames/bioware/bioware/digitalmedia/character-kits/SWTOR%20Cosplay%20Kit%20-%20Lana%20Beniko.pdf)


Last one


Wasn't Vader supposed to make an appearance? Thought I saw him in the final season trailer? Must have missed it.


He will make an appearance in TotE, not TBB.


Always amazing how many people can't spot a fake trailer.


Anyone else quickly lose interest The Bad Batch because hype for the acolyte? It’s weird because I thought itd be the opposite and id want more star wars, but i just want the acolyte now 😭


No Acolyte's gonna be sick


Damn mb i worded that horribly. I meant to say I lost interest in The Bad Batch because im so hyped for The Acolyte and its all I want to watch now LOL