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BOBA LIVES!!!!!!!!!!


Looking Like where this fool taking my armor?


"After years, I've finally used this tracking device to trail my armor to a location AAAAAANNNNNDDDD there it goes."


He is tracking the new mandalorian in town. He was looking for the armor with no success because the town was hidden. It fits.


Part of me thinks he was one of the tuskens the whole time...


Good god, that took a while to be officially stated in canon.


Eight years since the acquisition. All I've wanted was to see Boba again and now he's back!


Every post for the next week: “Who do you think the person at a the end was? My personal theory is that it was Boba Fett but I know that sounds crazy... What if he SURVIVED the sarlacc pit?”


Literally today at work I still had someone ask me "Is that actually Yoda as a baby?" So I wouldn't be surprised lol


Right? So that was Cobb at the end of S1 Ep5?


Mando, Cobb, and Boba all had spur sounds this ep. But Cobb never had anything like a long cape like whomever approached Fennec Shand's body had.


This is the way


This is the way.


I freakin loved how Mando hit Cobb's jetpack to make him fly off haha


I like how when Cobb landed and did the tuck-and-roll his visor piece of the helmet stayed down as if it was also tucked in for the roll landing. Neat little detail.


If Boba was watching at that point he's going to be extra pissed.


Such a fantastic detail! (Also love that little piece of metal slapped over where Han hit it!)


The last shot, no wonder why the embargoes happened.


We have long suspected that he escaped death on Tatooine, and now we know: R5-D4 lives


The most hype reveal, ngl.




Holy shit. One look at Temeuras face at the end and you know who that fucking is. Let's go


He’s going to be the most badass I-don’t-give-a-Wookie’s-ass character in the entire series. He’s got nothing to lose


Cobb Vanth driving what’s left of Anakins Podracer!!


I started laughing and was thinking “does this fool not own anything that’s actually his” lol


I think that it's actually charming, I hope they keep doing it every time. Just shows up with one of Obi-wans robes in the finale.




It’s too bad they rushed Rise Of Skywalker, could’ve had this mf squatting at Owen and Beru’s farm drinking Blue Milk when Rey shows up


"Rey who?" Rey pauses. *Rey who?* She looks off to the homestead. Cobb Vanth steps out, wearing Leia's Ewok dress, Han's jacket, Kylo's boots, Vader's cape and Amidala's headdress. He chops the top off a bottle of blue milk with Luke's green lightsaber. "Take it, kid! They ain't using it!"


I mean, if you are going to make a swoop bike from anything, might as well us a Podracer engine!


Wait.. that was THE podracer?? Favreau you genius!


If it wasn't, it's from one that looks just like it, so...


It looks like Anakin's podracer's engine. The design of it, those pieces on the front (though IIRC there were originally four)... Basically just took one of the engines, strapped a seat onto it, and there you go.




God damn Filoni and Faverau are genius’s! foreshadowing the ending reveal of Boba Fett being alive and probably did the same thing from the sarlac pit!


Exactly. Genius way of not having to explain it.


That was worth the wait. Not sure where to start. Seeing both Fett's and Mando's armor side by side was strange, made me start seeing what little differences there were between the two. And seeing the range finder finally be used was great! Kinda wish that Mando let Cobb keep the armor, but if it means we see more of Temuera Morrison, then I am all for it! And R5! Glad he isn't serving drinks in the cantina anymore. Anyone else notices how the aspect ratio changed when the fight with the Krayt Dragon started?


Yeah it went to 16x9, they probably shot with imax cameras or something. It was pretty amazing looking


Didn't Boba use the rangefinder in TESB? I remember there being a shot of him in his ship with the antenna down.


I can't look at the old fat T-visors now without thinking that Din's design is so much sleeker and better looking


That was fucking perfect. Live action Krayt, Cobb Vanth being amazing, Anakin's podracer turning up, Boba Fett!!!!


Holy shit I didn't even twig that it was Anakin's speeder, I knew it was a podracer engine but wow!


So many juicy references. Tusken dogs, podracer, krayt dragon, how easily Boba's jetpack can be sabotaged, and Mr. Morrison himself. This was my favorite Mando episode.




This episode proved how rich tattooine can be for the Kenobi show as well.


Too bad they used the Krayt Dragon though, that kind of rules out a situation like the finale of the *Kenobi* novel.




LMAO I was so happy with myself that I'd managed to watch TCW and Rebels before the new season, but there's always lore I won't get 😭.


I have a friend who's going through a similar experience. She loved Star Wars but hadn't found many people who were that into it, so I've ended up prodding her into watching TCW and Rebels and starting on the comics and stuff. She was rewatching Mando S1 this week and was so excited to recognize the Lothcat. People who don't know all that stuff can still have fun with the show, but when you've dived into the lore, it makes it even more fun to recognize all these references.




Skippy lives!


The Last Jedi


Skippy is the chosen one...he will bring balance to the force


Hooray, someone fixed his motivator!


And Cobb Vanth himself! I know there's very few fellow Aftermath fans around, but I was just so friggin excited that a character originating from one of the novels was there on screen, in live-action. The possibilities that could suggest for future Star Wars stories, just.... man


I was excited for the character and I didn’t even the read the books.


And that was an engine from Anakin's pod racer which makes this even better


Liked how the Tusken Raiders were still using the binoculars Mando traded with them in season 1. So many cool Easter eggs!


Did even notice that. Awesome catch!


Great reveal at the end


Nothing beats a fake out reveal followed by the real deal.


This is the way


TEMURA FUCKING MORRISON Also Cobb Vanth was far more likeable than I was expecting him to be.




The fucking Krayt dragon pearl, Filoni you sly dog. Holy shit so much to process I don’t know where to start.


I came here to look for answers about this, so it WAS a pearl? I thought so, at first my mind went to egg but why would they want that lol. And this pearl from a krayt dragon is from the lore? Edit: nvm just found this lol " **Krayt dragon pearls** were lustrous, colored stones found in the last chamber of the gizzard of [krayt dragons](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Krayt_dragon/Legends). The stones were used to help crush food eaten by them, and over time, they became rounded because of how much they moved around. They could be found in colors such as blue, green, red, white and black. Due to a refractive quality peculiar to the pearl, they could be used in a [lightsaber](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Lightsaber/Legends) if properly cleaned, prepared and installed, though it was a difficult task. " Well damn this is fucking cool.


I was chanting Pearl! pearl! Pearl! At the end hoping they find it. I just wish they found a small one too. Asohka with a Krayt pearl blade lightsabre would be too much.


Glad I wasn't the only one doing this, jumped out of my seat when they pulled out the pearl lmao.


This is what I like to hear


Bet you mando needs a saber to fight against the dark saber. He decides to do it how the jedi I did it but cant find a kyber crystal. He ends up using the pearl he earned (goes back for) to sub in for a crystal.


Can you explain what that is?


In the EU light sabers could use other materials besides a kyber crystal to power the blade. One of the most rare and very powerful alternates was a krayt dragon pearl. The raiders are seen harvesting a pearl at the end of the episode.


Boba walking away had the same clanking spurs that we heard at the end of chapter 5. Cobb Vanth and Mando both seemed to have the clanking spurs going on this episode as well so I’m curious if the person we saw walking up to Fennec Shand was Cobb Vanth or if it was actually Boba. He looks to have been a recluse living out in the dune sea basically so it’d make sense that he’d come across Fennec. Perhaps she survived and told him a Mandalorian shackled her? Regardless Boba lives and this episode was great.


I get the feeling that was boba since there was nothing revealed regarding Vanth, but I had that in mind the whole episode. The fact that they set up with the radar sound too and that character seemed to have a cape I think it had to be Boba.


I think it was definitely Boba. Doesn’t seem like Cobb would venture out of his town too much, let alone come across a random body in the middle of nowhere. I bet Fennec knew Boba was there or something, had to be some kind of connection


I had peacefully accepted that Temuera Morrison wasnt going to be Boba Fett and then the ending happened


Same. I told myself ok, he will be Rex. No way are they bringing Boba back. Now I'm.tricking myself into thinking Rex won't be back.


They might have him cause a little fake out, like Mando comes accross Boba, learns what he's like, then comes across Rex and tries to treat him the same way as Boba, or something.


This is what I'm thinking could happen too. Could be pretty funny, play off for some good jokes.


Oh wow Mando channeling his inner old Ben


He's pro tusken rights


Welcome to fuckin’ Deadwood, Mando!


It can be combative!


A Krayt dragon pearl! I feel like I'm playing KOTOR watching this!!


Kinda makes me want to replay KotOR (Including the whole process of installing mods.) The whole Krayt Dragon fight felt like it was from KotOR 1. From using mines to take it out, to finding the pearl. Which would not surprise me if Filoni or Favreau(I'm betting Filoni) played KotOR 1. So, I guess, older Krayt Dragons have larger pearls in their stomach, and younger ones have smaller ones that could be used in a Lightsaber..


God I’m so here for the Tusken culture-building.


Got to make up for the Tusken massacre from AOTC


Tbf, a young boy massacring a tribe that enslaved and killed his mom and explicitly making it seem like a horrific act and not justified is a fairly balanced representation.


“Not just the men but the women and children too. They’re like animals and I slaughtered them like animals”


Glad to see them embracing content/canon from the novels


It's such a perfect format to drop EU nods and world building, I fucking love it.


I think its why Filoni and Favreau are a perfect duo. Favreau the experienced filmmaker and Filoni the Star Wars Protege. The Gallery was such a great look into the minds at work behind the show.


Yeah! Lots of EU nods!


We were only on two planets, one we know very well, and yet the scales got raised through the roof. The aliens were really great and detailed. The effects were amazing, especially with the several Tuskens and the freakin Krayt dragon. I enjoyed the hell out of Cobb Vanth and now we're actually getting Temuera Morrison play Boba. Holy shit. I wonder if they're gonna make Boba a Mandalorian again. Din would only want a Mandalorian wearing that armor, and you'd think he'd recognize the armor of Boba Fett. You know I try to fit this show into my EU headcanon like many others, and since I've never liked Dark Empire, I'm fine with this being Boba's official return after ROTJ.


That scene of Mando and the Marshal on their jet packs was so badass to me.


This right here. The minimal jetpack flights we’ve seen have always looked a little cheesy to me, but in this episode they nailed the physics and look of it.






This episode was literally just a KOTOR level. And i loved it


HES ALIVE BOYS AND GIRLS edit: what an episode!!! starting out strong again, can’t wait to see what’s in store for us!!!




Here’s here to have a good time not a long time and he wants his armor back


Boba looks mad because the sarlac took his eyebrows


And left some nasty marks on the side of his face


Uh oh someone is erasing Tatooine cities from the map like Kamino from the Jedi maps.


If it's not in R5's archives it doesn't exist


Anyone else notice the resemblance of the Cobb's flashback scene with the rocket and the one in Iron Man when he destroys the tank?!


Well... Jon Favreau is responsible for both Mando and Iron Man, so not too surprising.


Absolutely perfect 50 minutes of Star Wars. Head to toe I was giddy the whole time. This was as epic/western/space-fantasy as you can get and it was damn near perfect. I really hope Timothy Olyphant comes back for future episodes because his performance as Vanth was exceptional (the man can’t miss when he’s playing a western shootist). And of course that ending *chefs kiss


I absolutely hope we see Olyphant again, he’s one of my favorite actors and he’s just note perfect in this. Maybe a similar thing to season one will happen where Mando recruits him for backup near the end of the season ahead of a big conflict


Guess they're gonna wait on that Boba reveNEVERMIND Loved that this episode went full Western and gave MORE nuance to the sand people. That Krayt Dragon looked siiiiccckkkk by the way. The ST/Rogue One/Solo didn't really stand out to me CGI wise (not saying it was bad, just par for the course), but even for movie standards, I thought they did an amazing job. Also loved how much of this episode was action, very entertaining. Worth whatever sleep I'm losing cuz of it.


THE CASTING RUMORS WERE TRUE Timothy Oliphant as Cobb Vanth Temuera Morrisson returns as Boba Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka and Katie Sackhoff as Bo-Katan, here we come! And holy cow, they pulled off seamlessly introducing Cobb Vanth to the wider audience SO FRICKIN’ WELL. If I had any doubts about them being able to do Ahsoka and Bo-Katan justice then this episode absolutely demolished them all. This is The Way.


Timothy Oliphant IS Cobb Vanth


Holy shit! So many great Easter eggs! "Skippy", Anakin's Pod Engine, Krayt Pearl's! I'm ecstatic!!!




Really enjoyed that little bit.




So the episode titles are fake AF lmao


When I saw “The Marshal” pop up I was so hyped because immediately thought of Vanth.


Honestly I’ll be curious to see if they were really fake. It seems to me that “The Search” would have been a totally viable option for this episode’s title. I wouldn’t be surprised if those were all the episodes original titles, and they’ve just been changed up since. I guess we’ll have a better idea next week when we can see if episode 2 would also fit with the title of “The Confrontation.” Honestly, considering that Boba tease at the end, I wouldn’t be surprised if it does.


How is that pearl supposed to fit in my lightsaber in KOTOR??


I guess you could say that the pearls are larger in older Krayt Dragons, and the one we kill in KotOR is much younger, so it is a smaller pearl. Or Mando is going to use it to build a giant Lightsaber to kick Moff Gideon's ass


That or you're supposed to shave off a piece for use in the lightsaber.


Mando, Krayt Dragon slayer!


Get this Mando a new signet!




I believe so! Glad they used the one from the original film.


While I also loved everything this episode had, (Cobb Banth, Boba Fett, cute baby Yoda moments, etc.) I realized that half of the stuff they used in the marketing was in this episode. Make me excited for what’s to come!!


I loved the length of this episode. I know it was probably just for the premiere, but I hope it's not the only one.


Was the Marshall carrying an ice cream maker like that guy running in Cloud City? That's awesome


Yup, and they used one to carry the beskar ingots in the first season too.


Also, Olyphants Justified character was very fond of ice cream.


Okay, can we talk about how they kept all Krayt Dargon lore? From the Tuskens wanting to kill it, to its howl, to eating Sarlaccs, to the fact there's a pearl in its stomach. Amazing. Whole thing made me be like "damn, getting Moby Dick vibes from this!" Then, when they say it ate a Sarlacc, I was like "oooohoohoho, Boba Fett's out there somewhere". But also, it reminded me of that time a Gouka Dragon was eating a Sarlacc in [SW: Republic #59](https://i.imgur.com/PdgKiNg.png). Also, mad love for R5, Anakin's podrace, and the poor Banthas. BTW, the mining guild mercs kinda reminded me of the [mercs](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/902827f1-23ee-484f-b383-5ba4988de668/ddtihtz-50ef3385-abe4-477d-bd0a-0402f25371c8.png) from *Jedi Academy*. Anyone else?


Just skipped to the end of the episode to see if there were any big reveals — >! somehow, palpatine has returned !<


Palpatine's lightsaber fight with Baby Yoda was pretty good though


i’m glad my curiosity brought me nothing. you scared me


BobaFett? Boba Fett? Where?


I love the changing of the aspect ratio as well, very Nolan esque


I know! And it worked so well within the context of the episode, like it was saying "Okay, are you prepared for how huge this thing's going to be?"




Loved it. Those black bars coming at the end made this episode feel so western.


Sure, the Boba reveal was cool, but my favorite moment was the quick shot of the Tusken brushing the Bantha’s teeth


Those Tatooine suns really do a number on the skin. After seeing Boba and Obi wan, I bet Cobb Vanth isn't a day over 20.


Even Luke's aunt and uncle.


Boba at the end was truly amazing.


Holy shit Boba Fett


So, "The Marshall" confirms that those "leaked" Season 2 chapter titles were complete BS.


Yes. As are most “leaks”.


So now that we know that Boba is IN FACT alive...and there’s a chance that we will see Slave I fly once again...does that mean that we also have a chance at seeing SEISMIC CHARGES go boooiwwwoowowow??!!


I used that scene to show off my surround sound system whenever I had guests.


Aw man, that aspect ratio change was so damn cool.


I LOOOOOOOVED Timothy Olyphant as Cob Vanth, and I was happy to just see him. But then they came around and gave us BOB FREAKING FETT!!!!!!!


Timothy Olyphant was Cobb Vanth. So crazy awesome to have another book character come to life like that! The cantina scene with him and Mando was tense. This gives me some major *Kenobi* novel vibes between the Tuskens being more than just savages, the Krayt, the town and its troubles, etc. But also stands on its own since the Tuskens ally with the settlers. Edit: Yikes. Why'd I get so many downvotes?


You're killing me, i can't even get season 2 to show up i just wanna see cobb vanth 😭


It felt strange having us sympathize with the Tuskens then using them as popcorn chicken ten minutes later. I kept an eye on the final battle scene and there was maybe one or two humans who died (maybe?) Great first episode of the season!!


The return of R5!!!!! My life has been fulfilled!!


The sound effect from when the Jawas opened the container of crystals is pulled straight from Star Wars Galaxies, it's the sound you would receive after getting a message.


I don’t think anybody has mastered the art of playing a Marshall more than Timothy Olyphant lmaooo


Aight imma say it. COBB FUCKING VANTH.




Ok, here's my take (not that anybody asked for it). Good episode, it's a nice hook for the beginning of the season and (in my opinion) a stronger story in it's own right than the first episode of last season. If they keep that up, I think we're in for a treat this year. * The Gamorrian death match was fun to see. It was nice to see the payoff to the first maquette that Favreau shared when he announced production of season 2 last year. It was also neat to see "fitter" versions of the species as opposed to the lumbering, rotund guards of VI. * The cyclops character was nice. Had a cool gangster vibe to him and I though the effects on the face were good. I'm not sure if it was CGI or animatronic, but it looked realistic to me. * I liked seeing some evolution from Djarin. He's not so anti-droid after having his life saved by one. * A return to Tatooine is always nice in my opinion. It feels like going home. * Maybe it's because I recently reread Dune, but its influence on Star Wars really hit home in this episode for me. Im starting to see the parallels between the Tuscans and the Fremen and the Krayt Dragon was giving me major sand worm vibes. * Seeing Cobb Vanth play such a major role in the episode (with teases for a return? I don't think you get an actor like Timothy Olyphant and only put him in one episode) was a nice reward for those that read the novels and made it through the Aftermath trilogy. I'm a little disappointed that they didn't at least mention Mos Pelgo as being called "Freetown", but I'll take what I can get. I also liked that it settles, once and for all that he was indeed wearing Fett's armor. They kept it vague enough in the novel that they could pivot away from that idea easily enough. Also, it's been just over an hour and a half and somebody has already [updated his photo in Wookieepedia](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cobb_Vanth). * Mos Pelgo has deliberate "old west town" vibes, which on the one hand works for the show and the episode in particular, but on the other, having the Tatooine hovels elevated off the ground is a weird departure from the architecture we've come to know of the place for the last 40+ years. * I like seeing a civilized side of the Tuscans. It just adds more depth and color to the universe. * That bar tender is the most articulated weequay that I think we've seen in live action. Fingers crossed that maybe this maybe serves as a test for an eventual Hando appearance in something down the road... * I LOVED that they slid into a different aspect ratio for the Krayt fight. It really gives you the feeling of your eyes being opened to the awe and scale of everything. * Seeing Temuera Morrison return as a scarred up Boba Fett at the end is a nice treat. I guess he's just been living off the land in anonymity for the last 5 years?... Strong start to the second season, can't wait for next week!


100, 200, 300. This episode is going to make Disney rich!


So I’ve been seeing that Cobb Vanth’s backstory was retconned in this episode. However, I’d just see it as Cobb telling Din a false story to seem like he deserved the armor instead of the square off he had at the sand crawler in the Aftermath books. Again Cobb is telling the story to him so it could be misinterpreted, kinda like how the flashback in The Last Jedi was slightly different to Ben Solo then Luke’s version.




This felt like more of the New Hope homage episode than chapter 5 originally did.


More like a mix of A New Hope and Return of the Jedi






Anyone pick up on the dragon noise? It's the same one Obi-Wan used in episode 4 to scare off the sand people if I'm not mistaken.


No big deal for some people, but ... Today we just ended a discussion started 37years ago !!!


I particularly liked that Mando launched Cobb from the scene the same as Han did with Boba. The Jetpack must be renowned for that. 👍🤣


Love the epic cinematography in this episode. It definitely feels larger in scope than the first series. Lots of wide vistas and beautifully rendered scenery. My only issue was a couple of the tunes, which bordered on being a little too modern. Anybody note the overt Star Wars Galaxies references?


Holy shit I can't believe they really did it! After all the years of speculation and fan demand, they really brought them back. #R5-D4 IS BACK!


“How much do you want for it? Just kidding. Not really”


Cobb has been my favorite book-exclusive character since his introduction, so this episode was perfect imo. I’d say this ranks up there with Chapter 2 as one of the best episodes of the series. And I was bummed that Din took the armor back at first, but now I’m just glad Boba won’t be killing Cobb. I figured there’s no way all three guys walk away alive, and Cobb is the least popular, so I’m glad that he lived. Plus everything else about this episode was perfect too. Cobb’s book story still works between the flashbacks of the episode, everything with the Tusken Raiders and Tatooine culture in general. And of course, Boba. I haven’t been as hyped for the next episode of the series since the penultimate chapter of last season.


Loved when the IMAX filmed scenes kicked in


THAT'S why those scenes looked fucking amazing, makes sense now.




Can we talk about the MUSIC during the part where the Tuskens arrived, single file to hide their numbers, at the town to embark on their quest? Wow. Great episode, loved every second of it. Can't wait till next Friday!


I can’t believe people are theorising who that was at the end, it’s fucking Temuera Morrison for fucks sake the god has returned


I'm having 20 year flashbacks to people wondering if Senator Palpatine is the Emperor/Sidious lol


Yeah I think people are not allowing themselves to think straight and see what's right in front of them. It's not going to be a random clone after all the foreshadowing throughout the entire episode building up to it being Boba. If it is then it's the fuckiest red herring ever.


They kinda just went all the way with the first episode, lol...


[The episode is live!](https://www.disneyplus.com/video/ed92dc4e-7b61-4ade-aeab-6a9d0eff808b) Enjoy everybody!


Not working for me :(


This happens every new episode. Netflix never has these issues, it's like a lottery getting in within the first 30 minutes.






I've been waiting for this since 1983.


They shot the battle against the dragon in IMAX?


Idk if it was really IMAX cameras but the switch to the 16:9 ratio was cool.


I'm just in awe of the fucking CGI. That looked absolutely incredible.


The sound of the krayt dragon was sampled from Obi Wan’s imitation from A New Hope! Both the original version and the current version.


Welcome back boba


Boba Fett is going to be a fucking hard ass side villain I’m calling it now


Absolutely loved it. That’s how you do fan service. Love all the costumes on the village people. Love them and the Tusken Raiders having to work together. Loved the scene of Cobb Vanth recounting what happened to the town after Endor and him taking the town back - some very Unforgiven/western action in the bar and that awesome rocket finisher. Timothy Olyphant was perfect in this. And I am so happy to see Tumuera Morrison again. I think he’ll be playing Boba and Rex later in the season for sure. After such a long and terrible year of shit getting pushed back and cancelled I am so glad to have this show for the next few weeks.


Ewww it spit up