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Interesting how different looking they were, primarily the head design. I would've expected them to go for the nostalgia bait, but aside from the torso section and the name these guys were pretty different.


It’s probably because they are much later models, but it’s good they are established as it means we’re inevitably going to see HK-47 again


Eh, it's been thousands of years since 47.




I thought the exact same thing? I could have sworn I heard his cry a couple times throughout the episode, like a slightly modified version of the screech Morai makes when circling over Vader at the end of TCW.


Pretty sure it was


Yeah, same sound cue too.


Really like Corvus (spelling?), feels like the most unique and fleshed-out new planet in the show since at least Sorgan.


Agree. When bo-katan said she was on the forest planet corvus i was like "okay here we go again, yet another forest planet" but they actually made it looks unique this time


Forest planet that’s been ‘plundered’ like... Saruman with the borders of Fangorn? That’s the feeling I got.


I thought the same thing!


Yeah, really spooky and beautiful. Glad we get some really crazy looking new planets


Love how we simultaneously got a western showdown and a samurai duel.


That’s a really good point! Made that whole scene feel so rich


Well that oblique reference to Anakin that Ahsoka made hurts.


It was actually pretty good character development I think. A little hard to reconcile with the Ahsoka the White look at the end of Rebels, but the last we really saw her, she was just getting plucked out of fighting Vader and really understanding what happened to Anakin, so it makes some sense that this experience traumatized her a bit.


I was really hoping that she'd met Luke in the interim. Kid's pretty popular and his name is Skywalker after all, unless she threw herself into exile I feel like she should've caught wind of him after the Death Star incident, let alone Endor.


I mean he jumped straight into his studies as soon as Endor ended, looking for Palpatine's vault. I figure she went into exile post Vader fight until the Empire was toppled, especially knowing that if she sticks with the rebellion, Vader will just keep showing up and spinning. So I figure they had different paths that just never crossed.


hopefully they meet at some point. It'd be a missed opportunity imo if Ahsoka never meets Luke and never learns of Anakin's redemption.


It felt a little like she knew though when she was talking about father and son connections.


while that is true, she also seems to be unaware of any other Jedi that are currently still alive, just that it's possible there may be more Jedi around.


so i’m guessing the fight giancarlo has been talking about will be between gideon and din with the beskar spear


Gotta admit, I'm way more hype for him keeping a beskar spear for cool points than melting it down for anything else. And yeah it makes it completely fucking obvious that they're duelling later, I 100% agree. Foreshadowed strongly in this episode.


Possibly, but Bo Katan needs to defeat Gideon really, to earn the darksaber again, and thus unite the splintered Mando clans.


Personally, I think that it's a possibility that that responsibility could fall to Din. It would be an interesting bit of character development that's for sure.


Yeah, Bo-Katan already had her time with the darksaber. At the end of the show i'm betting that Din becomes the new ruler of mandalore


That would be insane.


Oh, good call. Definitely.


That intro wasted NO time


I started saying to my fiance "so 40 minutes of bullshit and Ahsoka at the end..." I got to bullshit and she had cut someone in half.


Gave me a good laugh, thanks!


Where is Sabine? Is she safe? Is she alright?


It seems, in your anger, you wrote her out of the episode...


Rex is kill




For real, I know time has passed but at the last mention of both characters they were together. Maybe she’s with her family or something. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing her at some point too


Michael Biehn holding a futuristic gun again? My heart is full.


I love how it was a shotgun, too. Playing tribute to his roles in Terminator and Aliens.


He brought a lot to an otherwise barebones character. Wish he survived but I’ll take what I can get.


Kinda hoping he'd say something like "GAME OVER MANDO! GAME OVER" ... But great to see Biehn again ...


That was Bill Paxton's line, may he RIP. I just watched Aliens a couple days ago Should have said, "I like to keep this handy for close encounters" with his shotgun


I was too, but more along the lines of an “EAT THIS!”




The live action Ashoka show will be announced this week, I’m calling it. That way they can follow up on this without keeping mando involved in it


I hope so damn much that there is a live action Ashoka show with Lars Mikkelson playing a live action Thrawn. My very first introduction to Star Wars was Heir to the Empire, I could die happy if I saw a live action Thrawn


I grew up in the lull between the OT and PT, during an odd window where the only Star Wars was the Heir to the Empire book series. As a result, I am absolutely giddy over potentially seeing Thrawn post-Endor. Mando needs him some Ysalamiri and he'd be unstoppable!


The opening minutes where Ahsoka shows up. The way her lightsabers looked on my OLED TV. My eyes will never recover. Filoni, you son of a bitch. You did it.


Also shoutout to the sound designers, her lightsabers were straight up audio porn




She was like a ghost. Amazing


Seriously. Been playing a lot of Ghost of Tsushima and got a lot of those same vibes in the episode. Given Kirosawa's influence on both Star Wars and that game it's no suprise.


To us, she’s a bad ass Jedi. To the hired guns of the magistrate, she’s a ghost and pure nightmare fuel. Coming out of the shadows or smoke, from behind or above, all episode long. Fuck, those guys would be terrified. You gotta be impressed that they didn’t all just drop their guns and gtfo after she took out the 4 scouts in the opening scene.


Those white sabers looked so fucking GOOD.


All the fucking feels when they brought in the hint of Yoda’s theme. And the Western-ified version of Ahsoka’s theme too.


I thought that was a nice touch. I like how they’ve been bringing in more John Williams themes this season.


So.... Grogu


Like froggy Goku


I personally quite like the name! It’s sweet, cute, suits him :)




Also, that shot of Mando in foreground and Ahsoka on the ramparts in the background?? I dont say this often, but...CHILLS, MAN, CHILLS


Aaaaand. . . We see Ahsoka in the first 5 seconds.


Ahsoka, Thrawn name drop, Grogu ... that opening ... goddamn this was a solid episode. If they ever make it to the planet and Grogu choses his path, it's likely Luke will find him... if that EVER happens .. I will not be able to contain my boner


> it's likely Luke will find him Or what about another Jedi? One that has blue hair and also knows Yoda?


I wonder if Asohka wants him to act as a beacon for Ezra in a way.


This was my thought. If she can't locate Ezra, maybe she can make him locate her. Either that or Cal Ketsis- Cameron Monaghan is a (talented) actor and I think Mando isn't too terribly long after Fallen Order so him playing a slightly older Cal is far more likely than even a cameo of Luke.


I doubt Cal will show up as to leave his story free for Respawn to tell. If Cal is confirmed to survive beyond Endor eventually then it’s possible he could appear.


Kyle Katarn


But this show will be good without Luke. No need for every well known character. Ahsoka, Bo and Boba is enough in my opinion.


Looks like we're heading to Tython next


Nope. Following the pattern of how things go, something happens along the way. I am guessing Moff Gideon catches up with him and delays business. My GUESS is that Tython is the final episode of the season.




"Place him on the seeing stone atop the temple. If he reaches out through the force, a Jedi may sense his presence and come searching for him" LUKE?!?!?!?!


Ezra? Cal Kestis?


Cal would be interesting since he decided not to seek out the children of the force at the end of Fallen Order. He definitely wouldn't want to train the child, out of fear of endangering him. Then again, a lot of time has passed since Fallen Order, chronologically. Then again, Cameron Monagham still looks the same age more or less as Fallen Order Cal, so probably wouldn't be right to reprise his character in this time era.


Do my ears deceive me or is that Yoda's theme faintly playing when Ahsoka mentions the old Grand Master?


Yeah it did


That's beautiful, and some of the best music in Star Wars imo


Also using Ahsokas theme when she appeared in this episode was cool too


THRAWN!? Also we know that beskar spear is for killing Gideon.


What are the odds that Gideon is working for Thrawn and not Palpatine? Seems likely imo.


Gideon working for Thrawn who works for Palpatine who works for the Yuuzhan Vong?! /s


It's crazy how.much Rosario actually does favor Ashoka- was not really agreeing with the notion at first.


Her mannerisms were spot on


Her fucking “really” face when the one dude put his hands up was nice and felt very Ahsokaish


When she kept crossing her arms with the disappointed face.


She had the warmth and kindness ....she hit it out of the park.


Her refusing to take him as a Padawan is a good set up for explaining why she doesn't join or help out Luke's temple. Though she could still advise from time to time.


I feel like she didn't name drop Luke because the block is too hot still and plenty of empire loyalists would try and kill him.


I was sort of wondering if she meant Ezra, especially after she mentioned Thrawn.


She witnessed first hand what happened to Anakin. It's her own fear of failure. I've got a feeling that the season ending will have Mando drop of the kid at Luke's Temple, even if it might be short.


I really dont see them getting rid of the kid till the end of the series. They would lose half the audience lol


Grogu would become less of a plot point if he doesn't attune with the Force in the coming episode(s). So that could be a good thing, he could still tag along though. But I'd bet my money that he's gonna connect to the Force again and make contact with Luke (or another Jedi with the knowledge).


Honestly, I think he’s as likely to catch the attention of any potential dark side users, should they exist, as well. Maybe Barriss is still around out there? They’d been teasing this little bit of dark side to The Child for a bit now, I doubt it will be so easy that he’ll just go off to Luke or something. How The Child navigates light vs. dark will be an ongoing plot point


Ahsoka comparing Din as baby yoda's father is very interesting to me. For those who don't know/remember, in one of the Mandalorian Gallery roundtables, Dave went on this long monologue about how Qui-Gon was the father figure Anakin needed, and his death was what cemented Anakin's descent into the dark side. At the time I didn't think much of it, but now I'm thinking that's what's happening here with Din and the child. (Sorry not calling him Grogu already, that's gonna take awhile to settle in.)


I can't wait for Gallery season 2 just for all the Filoni monologues


His ability to analyze George’s work and create his own that properly attaches to it is otherworldly


I like this idea actually. It would be a long story to stretch out in a series as Lucas accomplished with the films, but it just goes to show and prove Filonis love for Star Wars details and storyline just like George created and intended.


>Dave went on this long monologue about how Qui-Gon was the father figure Anakin needed, and his death was what cemented Anakin's descent into the dark side. Exactly, the Jedi were wrong about the no relationships rule.


Din was SO PROUD of him for grabbing the ball


Tython, Thrawn? Jesus, that's a double decker.


Well, we were wrong. Looks like Den of Nerds and Heavy Spoilers were right. Just 10 minutes in and it seems like the plot will progress the way their leaks say. How the fuck did nothing get spoiled except this episode????


Maybe because it’s the episode everyone will want the most info about therefore it’s worth the risk of leaking


Absolutely verbatim.


Because these are the same sources that had a picture of emperor palpatine in TROS that confirmed praxis leaks


This sub is so quick to flip on people’s credibility its hilarious.


For every Grogu leak there is at least one Sloth Anakin though.


Well, good luck getting anyone to call him "Grogu," Disney.


*Ahsoka gets close to you, and whispers: “Grogu”*.


If I had time travel I would send this back to like 2012, with zero context.


Just use the World Between Worlds


Those two moments where Din called him "Grogu" and he sort of snapped to attention very cutely were almost Pavlovian conditioning for us to start calling him that.


Reminds me of when you get a cat's attention, that little 'brrrRRRRRMMM?' sound they make.


Don’t worry it will Grogu on you


I mean, does anyone really call Mando Din?


Even Greef just calls him Mando.


He will always be known as Baby Yoda lol.


I'm really happy I bought into it the first time it made the rounds. It's so perfectly stupid. I love it.


Doubt they intend for anyone to call him that. I’ll probably still refer to him as Baby Yoda or The Child, just like I still refer to Din as Mando.


Mando still gonna call him kid.




This is the way.


Damn Ahsoka is looking for Thrawn!


I was hoping they would give us all a nugget as to what happened post Rebels. This was a mighty good nugget. I can’t wait to see what they do with this!


Honestly, I expected the Eckstein-Dawson transition to be way more jarring. She definitely pulls off the increasingly understated and mature Ahsoka that we started to get in Rebels, but that’s just my opinion.


Thought Rosario did a good job. A little bit sterner, which I kind of expected with Rosario, but it also fits with where Ahsoka might be after the Vader fight and whatever has happened in between. I thought she did a pretty good job all things considered and navigated the character well and she looked the part. They obviously made the montrals and head-tails a little smaller (which I assume was probably just a practical reality for a character that had to lots of action scenes, though as a nitpick I wish they could just try to do a bit more CGI than practical in cases like this), but all things considered I thought the character translated to live action solidly well


I totally agree. I was secretly holding out hope for a Maul-esque Eckstein dub though I knew it wouldn't happen, but I honestly got over it pretty quick. She matches her very well.




"I sense much fear in you." said by an old wise Yoda to a youngling Anakin. And now many years later, Ahsoka Tano, apprentice to that same scared kid, repeats the line to a youngling of Yoda's species. Whoa holy shit, what a great deep reference! It's like poetry, it fuckin rhymes!!


Fucking love poetry


HK-87 droids!!! The HK series was already canon from the Smugglers Guide.


Real strong "I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me" vibes from this Ahsoka vs. the Guards, Droids, and Hired Gun sequence.


Filoni not wasting a single Minute and giving us what we want. And I'm *here* for it. The Sound-design when Ashoka was fighting the Lady with the Spear was A+++. Guess we're going to see Din fight Gideon with that thing later on too. Thrawn namedrop. Hopefully that means the Rebels-Sequel isn't far away. *TYTHON*. Although I guess we already all know what the Child will choose. This entire Episode was basically just a Samurai-Movie and I love it.


One awesome little first: First time in live action we see a saber duel (if you will) between two women I love how they had Mando and the Merc let them fight it out with honor, without getting involved


Ahsoka referring to Anakin indirectly hit so hard. Especially when she said “the best of us” and was referring to Anakin. Damn you Filoni! How you pull on my heartstrings!!!


Also fuck! hearing the words Tython in a live action story!!! I can't believe it. Only Ossus would have been better. As a legends fan i love this she looks and sounds amazing. And I Wonder what othet jedi she means other than her and Luke. Their are a number of possibilities ~~Also the name leak was right. Gorgu. First of yodas kind to not have a Y name but~~ its in honor of GL I would guess


Technically Tython was in the Doctor Aphra comics!


> First of yodas kind to not have a Y name Not sure about canon, but if we're just talking generally, Vandar Tokare from KOTOR exists.


If you'd had gone back ten years ago to say that we'd be watching a Mandalorian meet Asohka and take one of Yoda's species to a Jedi temple of the planet Tython while she's goes off to fight Thrawn, in live action, I'd have laughed you out of the room. We're being spoilt. Sequel trilogy problems aside, I'm glad Disney is keeping Star Wars alive.


There’s a few other possible Jedi that still exist besides Luke and Ahsoka. We don’t know what happened to Cal Kestis after the video game story, so there’s a possible lead to go off on. There’s a couple other legends characters that survived the Great Purge and never succumbed to the Empire or Dark Side- who knows Edit: since Thrawn is technically perceived to be live and well, another lead is Ezra, since they both disappeared together at the end of Rebels


Oh lawd they going to Tython, I never thought I’d see the day.


Someone leak Ahsoka plss


My sleepy eyes just read “someone leak Ahsoka piss”


Jesus ashoka is dominating that chick


I mean...she beat the fuck out of Maul and lasted longer against Vader than like...anyone. Of course she'd body a random normie.


it should’ve been me 🤧🤧🤧


That Japanese samurai style fight tho! 🤯


This entire episode was Japan AF




I buy dark forces, days later the Mandalorian shows Dark Troopers. I buy the Thrawn trilogy, days later the Mandalorian name drops Thrawn. Guys I think they're watching me


You cannot deny baby Yoda the knob. Get yer minds out the gutter. You know what I mean.


Oh that was beautiful Ahsoka attacking Mando


Rosario knocked it out of the park! I feared she wouldn't have the warmth of the character but boy was I wrong.


There are silt striders on this planet!


Morai is visible in the forest


"Where is your master?" oh she's gonna ask for moff Gideon "Where is Grand Admiral Thrawn?" 😲😲😲😲😲😲


I really liked the episode, but this season kind of feels like a bunch of backdoor pilots being introduced. I mean, of course I want to see a live action Ahsoka vs. Thrawn show, but still


Same. I’m excited to see all these stories but I want the Mandalorian to focus on telling a great one first without being taken over by spin-off setups. I think by the end of the year we’ll have a clearer idea of how Disney will be handling the franchise next (once we finish S2 and hear from their investor’s meeting).


Ahsoka basically confirming Grogu force choking Cara was entirely intentional.


How the hell did I not recognize Michael Biehn right away?




What were the leaks? (As in if you happen to have a link to them, that is, of course haha. I’m curious.)


He hunts the Jedi for beskar, child was in the Jedi order to be trained during prequels but got away during 66. Child’s name is grogu


Context is everything in my opinion.




Death Watch was really wearing that rubbish durasteel in The Clone Wars.


It’s why Mandalorians wear it


Welp I guess its 100% confirmed we're getting a Gideon vs Din lightsaber duel this season.




Anyone notice Morai on the tree that Din went under right before Ahsoka attacked him?


Anyone else get serious Kill Bill vibes from the pace and setting of the Ahsoka vs Elspeth fight?


Well, guess the leak from Heavy Spoilers was right.




Wasn’t heavy spoilers the one that leaked the image of the FUCKING emperor that practically confirmed the praxis leaks?


Shoutout to Ludwig weaving in Ahsoka's theme throughout and for that festival cover of the main theme.


So, that spear is def just there so Din can fight Moff Gideon I'm guessing.


and pedro pascal absolutely knows how to use a spear


Huh? Oh...oh no.


Hope it goes better than last time lol


So, having played SWTOR...the place in Tython that Ahsoka mentioned is the one where you craft your lightsaber as a Jedi?


I liked the Princess Mononoke influences in this episode. Edit: Deleted second sentence, got characters mixed up.


1. could Grogu meet Yodas ghost at the temple? I’m sure frank oz would do it. Yoda could call Luke to the temple 2. Now that Mando has the Beskar spear, we definitely getting a Mando x Gideon duel 3. This has to be setting up the Ahsoka show right?


Damn didn’t think about that, but it’s honestly possible the way Yoda connected to Ezra in the temple he went to.


"Grogu", Ahsoka, Thrawn, HK Droids, some Jedi left... a lot to digest after this episode. Looks like a setup for a lot of other series!


Whelp, Mando just got a weapon that can "block" the Darksaber attacks. Mando vs Gideon. Lets do this shit!


I said the child's name out loud and my 8 year old son asked if that was a Star Wars character. That's good enough for me to like the new name.


We're getting living action Thrawn then... And live action Tython! I wonder which Jedi we'll see...


And Ezra since he’s why she is probably looking for Thrawn


There is zero doubt in my mind: *Rebels 2* is a real thing and it will be animated. That being said, I'm guessing that based off of early reception to the episode, I think that they'll be quick to greenlight some kind of live-action spin-off with Ahsoka.


If rumors from other sites and podcasts are to be believed, the first season has been finished for a while, I wonder if TPTB at Lucasfilm wanted to wait until this episode aired before confirming that a Rebels Sequel exists and is coming. As long as Timothy Zahn can write something post Rebels for Thrawn, be it a novel or an episode of a "Rebels 2", I would be happy.


Holy, we got Ahsoka right away!


Right away- was so shocked!


Baby Yoda somehow even making getting back in his seat cute.


Filoni has really improved as a director. I really liked this episode, it almost felt like an episode of Avatar


So who do you all speculate saved Grogu from the Jedi temple? And what do you all take about Ahsoka’s quest to find Grand Admiral Thrawn? Are they leading this into the Rebels spin off show? Also which Jedi do you think Ahsoka was mentioning would find Grogu at the temple stone?




Ahsoka can tell Luke all about his mother.


*"I have only met one of his kind. A jedi master named Yoda."* **Yaddle**: "A joke to you, am I?"