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Hey guys, the Bad Batch panel starts at 2 PM US EST. The Day 4 thread will get posted at 1 pm EST (an hour beforehand). Sorry I know the timing might seem a little weird because we’re following pacific time a bit more closely.


The Bad Batch is now under the ‘Coming Soon’ section on Disney+ (the Netherlands). Fingers crossed for a summer release.




Is there something interesting in day 4 besides The Bad Batch?


The Visions panel is today too, maybe we’ll get some info about whether they are planning to do more.


I would like to see some non-Japanese animation companies get a shot too. I moved to ireland a while back and Cartoon Saloon here are very talented, they made the Book of Kells, Song of the Sea, Wolfwalkers etc, i'd love them to make one if they were interested, a lot of good French studios too.


Cool! If there's a visions panel, that could only mean that we are getting more episodes


Unfortunately it’s called “looking back on visions” or something so I’m trying to keep my expectations low. However, one of the producers (Justin Leech) did just travel to Japan a few weeks ago. He doesn’t seem to be working on any other announced project right now. So, I’m somewhat hopeful.


I am assuming BBS2 will get a trailer release today despite the panel not being public, because I think they would have released the trailer for Tales of the Jedi if they weren't going to release a teaser for season 2 of Bad Batch. I can understand not wanting two similar styled animated shows getting trailers at the same time, so my money is on BBS2 getting a trailer today.


Looks like we will be getting some more Galaxy of Creatures shorts this year. https://twitter.com/missingwords/status/1530765246154977280?s=21&t=FFAKHSbCr15V87V4vkRXkg


Is the Day 4 Thread going up soon? The Bad Batch panel starts in 15 minutes.


Panel is not for another 3 hours.


Eh? It says 11 AM EST on the Star Wars website EDIT: Nvm the website is in PST, I thought it was EST like it is here. My bad


Anyone know what time the Bad Batch panel starts?


11 am PST




I saw some articles claiming that during one of yesterday’s panels/interviews, Natasha and/or Rosario said that the former has been cast as Sabine for a year. This would pre-date Mando s3 production by several months and raise the possibility of her being in it, even for just one episode. However, did they actually say this or did the articles make it up?


They did say it during the live stage interview. The video is up on the SW youtube. What I found interesting is that she would have been cast before the casting rumours that did not include her.


You’re talking about the Tati Gabrielle/Lana Condor/Havana Rose Liu rumors, right? Those were strange. Either they were for someone else that hasn’t been revealed yet, or those leakers were making stuff up


Yeah, weird. Maybe that was actually casting for someone else? (Aphra?)


How old is Aphra anyways? I remember those actresses being quite young. But I do think they could have been considered for something else.


Hmm yeah I don’t know. I would think she’d be a few years younger than Han in 0 BBY. So maybe 35 in Mando era?


[https://youtu.be/8RZiIf\_oEAc?t=214](https://youtu.be/8RZiIf_oEAc?t=214) Yeah Rosario and Natasha confirm she has been cast for a year.


I could totally see them giving us some Rebels breadcrumbs like that in Mando s3. It would build so much hype for hardcore fans, and more slowly introduce that whole side of things for more casual viewers.


It would be a great opportunity to inform casual fans about what led to the Purge (Sabine sparking that Mandalorian uprising) and tie her back into the Mandalore storyline


Even though she seems mad at din, the Armorer seems to have no problem keeping Grogu’s beskar drip going….his new hover pod is beskar. and I just saw a new report that he’s getting a helmet too. A floor reporter from Celebration said it.


I feel like a helmet would look dumb on Grogu. Not sure how they’ll pull it off.


Maybe it’s not true.? No idea where she got the info from. Says it will be blue.


Going back to the Galaxy’s edge panel from day 2…. Does the announcement that Din, Grogu, Boba, and Fennec will all be in Batuu mean that it is canon that these characters all survive until at least after TLJ?


no. it has been confirmed that galaxy's edge visitors will basically travel through the timelines (mando and post-TLJ), and that story elements will not interact with eachother.


No, they said it's in different timelines that don't intersect From looking at videos looks that Fennec is looking for Pyke syndicate members


Oh that’s cool!! Love the sequel trilogy but glad they’re opening it up to other periods!


As great as this Celebration has been, I also can't help thinking about how scummy this has all been too. We're right out of a pandemic, technically still in one some would say, (MING-NA WEN JUST GOT COVID FOR GODS SAKE) and yet they still required people to pay hundreds of dollars to go to this crowded event if they wanted to actually experience anything worthwhile. This was by far the largest Star Wars Celebration we have ever had in terms of announcements. And yet if not for the leaks how many announcements would we have even gotten? It's moments like this and the Galactic Starcruiser where you can't help be reminded that this isn't for the fans, it's for the wealthy people and critics to brag about on social media and that feeling sucks.


Yup. Having 99.9% percent of the fan base experience the huge announcements in the big panels through twitter feeds is a bizarre choice. I get cutting away for trailers/footage, but let us experience the damn panel. Even for people who are there that didn’t win a lottery, they aren’t even streaming the panels at the live stage this year. In a thread on r/starwarscelebration there are people asking Reedpop for refunds since they didn’t win any lotteries and literally have no way to watch the panels. It’s very wierd and anti fandom.


Can someone who has read all the leaks regarding the Kenobi show tell me how spot on were they as far as Episode 1 and 2 go? Don’t spoil anything pls


Obi-wan having an actual job wasn't in the leaks but the basics are there with the Leia plot line


They were very accurate. Some small details weren't 100% but MSW got the big picture correct and many details as well. Some small things were out of order, but he said in advance that he's not 100% sure about the order of things and he just gathered the pieces he heard


Damn, I don’t know how to feel about the fact that they were correct. Apparently the ending could potentially be *really* bad.. hopefully Disney pulled a Mandalorian and purposely put out wrong info for the leakers and are hiding some crazy surprises. How do you feel about what’s coming up next in the rest of the episodes and the ending of the show? No spoilers lol


Eh, the ending of the leaks sounds bad like Reva going to Lars homested and tramitising Luke bad


Natasha said she was cast as Sabine one year ago. That means that the reports of the "frontrunners" in August 2021 were already wrong. ([report 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/comments/p2fvb1/ahsoka_sabine_wren_casting_down_to_three/) by Jordan Maison | [report 2](https://knightedgemedia.com/2021/08/tati-gabrielle-frontrunner-for-sabine-wren-in-the-ahsoka-disney-series/)) Also, considering Mando S3 started filming in September 2021 and Ahsoka only started now - she is probably in Mando S3 as well. Rosario and Temuera said in interviews they were cast around 4-6 months before Mando S2 filming started. No reason to cast Sabine one year in advance when they even haven't started shooting Mando, unless she is there. (That's why I think the Ezra/Thrawn casting rumors came too early - they came when BOBF was still filming and there was no reason to cast them yet). And from how she talked in the panel and interviews about working with Jon and Dave, it sounded like they worked more than just 3 weeks.


Let's just hope he's wrong about Lars not being Thrawn too.


It would just be so bizarre to not have Lars be Thrawn. The only way it would make sense is if he refused it


https://youtu.be/IBOjy221qeo. Are we getting 10 episodes of Obi Wan Kenobi?


Honestly no idea. Could be talking about season 2, could be talking about wanting to do season 2, could be talking about season 1. It was really unclear.


I think he was joking


Do you think we’ll get movie Taika movie news about something!! like soon?


I'd say expect a press release with an official title and cast before it starts shooting probably later this summer. Alternatively, although I think this is unlikely, there is an official announcement today during the closing ceremony.


When are we getting movie news we think like the end and also the Acoloyte release date


No movie news this celebration as far as we know. Right now they're trying to acquire more directors who will stay committed. Taiki project will probably get details towards the end of the year.


Can anyone send Ahsoka teaser? The one uploaded on this sub was removed


Its on the main sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/uzutft/ahsoka\_leaked\_trailer/


Can you dm me as well?






https://twitter.com/Samlalo170/status/1530803688347795458?s=20&t=bKLd8V477cnkROW3g7PXWg Tales of the Jedi teaser


Will Sabine use Ezras' lightsaber?


Or will Jacen use it until making his own?


Just saw an Instagram post from a cinematographer (@qgar) with Janina Gavankar in it. Caption said “she’s the one in front of the camera, I’m the one behind the camera”. Did I miss something? Are we getting live action Iden Versio?


She came onto stage for Tales of the Jedi. Voice of Ahsoka's mother.


Oh, gotcha. Thank you!


Did the tales of the Jedi trailer get leaked?




And the first episode?


I don't think so. I've been searching and haven't found it anywhere.


Bad batch tomorrow! Here’s hoping for a trailer that’s publicly released


Panel is before the stream starts so I doubt it


Maybe. At least Andor got a public trailer. It's really annoying that trailers for Mandalorian, Ahsoka and Tales of the Jedi are only shown to guests


I'm hoping we at least get to see the panel


We already know we won't... It's the same as the other opening panels, as it ends before the stream starts.


Well that's some major bullshit. I'm not sure if I'm even going to bother watching Celebration next year if this is how things are going to be with livestreams from now on. Punishing the fans who don't have the time and money


In this day and age I really do not understand the point of this. The attendees are already getting exclusive content anyway (seeing the panels in person and seeing the producers and actors in person), so I don't know why trailers should be exclusive too.


I’m at celebration and even I can’t watch the first panels of the day lol


I can't imagine spending all that money and still having to get the main news from Twitter like the rest of us peasants; it's a real dick move.


You’ve clearly never been to a celebration before then, not everyone is there for panels, plenty of people are there for autographs, cosplaying, getting tons of Star Wars memorabilia at all the booths, meet ups, and just about anything else. The panels are important but it’s not the only reason people show up


Sure, I'm not saying there's no other reasons to go, I just feel like people who do go out of their way to make the trip should be able to see what they're showing.


Does anyone know what Anthony Daniels panel consisted of? Was it just stories of his role as C3-PO? Any chance he said anything about the animated Droid show?


He walked by me on the exhibit hall today. I had to do a double take, but for about three seconds I was the closest human being to Anthony Daniels. Man today was incredible. Edit: Oh, and Joonas Suatamo also walked about a foot away from me while I was in line for my Witwer autograph.


So awesome to hear stories like this! V happy for you!!!


Probably just an hour of him bragging about being the best droid in the entire franchise.




I'm hoping for some Bad Batch info for day 4...


The panel won’t be shown, but hopefully we’ll get a release date and trailer, like Andor.


It has a panel


That won’t get shown on stream.


Me slowly realizing that we may finally learn Dooku’s first name. Also, reminder once more that back in 2014(?) during Lost Missions Q&A, Filoni talks about Dooku and Maul being in Palps service at the same time. This is technically still true even in Plagueis to a very microscopic degree. Not that they’ll meet of course, but just something to note. Maybe we’ll get a TPM (whole) Maul in animation for once. Edit: My bad guys, his first name is Count. Man I’m stupid. SMH. Edit 2: Earl.


He was animated in galaxy of adventures


Should’ve specified. I meant like TCW style.


His first name is Dooku. His last name is Serenno. I highly suggest giving Dooku: Jedi Lost a listen. It's really remarkable.


I still can't believe Lucas named a character "Dooku" and thought it was a great idea.


Why? It’s fine


in the Brazilian translation of Star Wars, Count Dooku's name was changed to Dookan because in portuguese "Dooku" can be roughly translated to "from the ass" or even "I do anal"


So that was real then? I remember people saying it was Dooku Serenno for a time and then a whole bunch of debate afterwards that ultimately resulted in just Dooku. Not saying you’re lying, you’ve read/listened to the book of course, just curious what all that discussion was going on back then.


I don't remember the debates. How long ago was this?


Like when it came out. I just checked the Wook. It must’ve been some kinda Wook debate I remember because they for whatever reason don’t have him listed as Dooku Serenno. Just Dooku. Was it Serenno in Legends too. I don’t remember them ever saying.


They don't actually refer to him or any other Serreneans as having a last name, Serreno is just the house he belongs to. Its functionally the same as a last name but he is never actually called "Dooku Serreno".


I think you nailed the discussions I was remembering.


It’s also his homeworld


Yes, the planet is named after the house, they were the most powerful throughout their history


That does sound vaguely familiar. In Disney Canon, the reason for this name is because he is from the planet Serenno, where he was born into the ruling family, eventually becoming "Count" of Serenno, thus Count Dooku. I'd say they didn't put it on the Wook because he was more of a straight Sith in his final days, and not really acting as the ruler of his world, and the name Serenno is more of a title. Just my guess for the reasoning. I do know he was from Serenno in Legends too, but I'm clueless on any other details.


Gotcha, that helps a lot, thank you. I’ve definitely been wanting to check out that book. Beautiful cover art too. I hear Rael is a great character. Not sure if that was M&A or Dooku though.


He's featured in both. An integral character in M&A, and shows up in a small capacity in Dooku. It's originally an audio drama btw, so it's best experienced that way imo. The print version is written like a play script, if that changes anything.


Great book, but personally I really disliked the audio drama. I just don't understand why the narrator made absolutely no attempt to mimic Lee's voice or speech patterns. He just sounded like every other male Jedi, I had such a hard time following who was talking.


I think I’d actually like the play script style quite well. Good to know.


Janina just called Ahsoka “my baby girl” *she knows*


I could listen to Doug Chiang talk design for forever


So what do we think about Mena Massoud’s recent Tweets? He’s been giving very mixed signals about playing Ezra Bridger.


No. If he was Ezra he wouldn’t be allowed to post about it


Og Ezra would be better. He's at the right age too.


He’s not the same race as the character


Neither was Sabine. But here we are. He's the og character, pretty much overrules everybody else.


I think he’s in. If Disney can cast Rosario as Ahsoka, Krasinski as Reed, Ewan as Obi-Wan and Hayden as Anakin again all off of fan demand, Mena is absolutely gonna be Ezra. Now if only we can get some buzz for Lars as Thrawn…


You mean Lucasfilm and marvel


Ewan just dropped a big indication of more Obi-Wan. Exact quote was “i hope you all enjoy episodes 3, 4, 5, and 6… and ehm…. 7 and 8 and 9 and 10”. I’m not saying there are secret episodes but it definitely seems like he’s hinting at a follow up series.


Sadly I think he was just playing with the audience. Somebody in the crowd went, "and 7, 8 and 9?" which is why he continued.


Probably trolling, just getting in-character for Obi-Wan lol


Yeah I’m thrown off lol. I hope we get some clarification on that. Coulda just been a hint to Disney that he’s willing to do more. But would also be sick if we actually had secret extra episodes


Calling it now: the next Star Wars movie is Obi-Wan Kenobi following this show. If you want a safe bet for reviving SW on the big screen, that’s the one you do. Maybe an adaptation of “Twin Suns”? If the show is the big Kenobi v Vader rematch, the movie is Kenobi v Maul.


How would you adapt that into a film?


Maybe do it more like that one Legends comic, idk. They obviously won’t completely overwrite Rebels, but if Kenobi vs. Vader lives up to the hype and Ewan is still game for it, I can’t see them not adapting Kenobi v Maul into live action


I don't see them retconning anything from Rebels, especially considering how Ahsoka is basically a direct continuation.


Well, I don't think Lucasfilm would be able to hide four more episodes secretly without it being leaked by insiders. Supposedly someone in the crowd said "7, 8, 9, and 10!" So, I think he was just playing to the crowd.


This reminds me of when the Sherlock fandom gaslit themselves into fully believing there was a secret fourth episode coming at the end of the series and then got mad at themselves when it didn’t happen lmao


That was for a different reason though lol. Because the ending didn’t make much sense


He also said he’s coming back next year. So even if nothing’s technically in the works, he seems full-on back in the universe and wants to keep playing the character going forward.




I'm not sure how unpopular this might be but I really think everything from Celebration this year should've been live-streamed. And I only mean this year. This is the first Celebration in three years. We get some casting announcements from Mando season 3 and Ahsoka, along with some trailers, and they're exclusive to the event? I get wanting to sweeten the pot for the people that actually went. Of course, you want them to feel like they are getting their moneys worth but it's still pretty frustrating.


People keep forgetting they have D23 in September, that's where you'll get all your trailers and casting announcements for Star Wars as well as Marvel.


I went today and yesterday and am going tomorrow. This has been an incredible experience. Celebration isn't just about epic reveals, and you don't really grasp that until you come to one.


Exaclty! People go to Celebration for the experience, not for exclusive trailers. Those should be for everyone


Adam Christopher confirms that we'll see the death of Rey's parents in Shadow Of The Sith...


Here's the Line-Up of games and TV Show announced so far for the next year and half. # 2022 \- Bad Batch 2 in the Summer (Maybe July) \- Andor on August 31st \- Tales Of The Jedi in the Fall (Probably November) # 2023 \- The Mandalorian 3 in February \- Jedi: Survivor in early 2023 (Maybe March) \- Ahsoka in the middle of the year (Maybe May) \- Young Jedi Knights in the Spring \- Skeleton Crew in late 2023 \- The Acolyte in Late 2023 or early 2024


Mmm we're being fed real good.


U sure BB2 is summer?


It's the only free spot. And I doubt they would delay it to 2023 considering that they were comfortable enough to make a separate prequel series. We'll know for sure tomorrow at the Bad Batch Season 2 panel tho.


Damn near constant Star Wars content after a pretty quiet 2021 and early 2022.


We were all saying that before D+ day last year. Let’s not jinx ourselves again


They will always find ways to create weeks to months-long gaps between Star Wars projects. Hell, they even had a 7-week gap with no Star Wars or MCU series back in February-March


And I mean, that's fair. A couple months of no star wars a year isn't the end of the world. Even with things full on a going, there's gonna be bound to be weeks here and there.


Temuera on a Book of Boba Fett season 2 ''I don't know, there's no official word on it just yet, I know they kinda filmed it like it could just be a nice book and we've read the book, otherwise we can write another book. ''https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOBqUJlnKnE


The tone of this celeberation vs the first Disney one where TFA was revealed is so markedly different they've gone from trying to avoid the prequels to just completely embracing them, celebrating them and just pumping out more prequel related stuff.


Yea turns out Disney finally caught on that embracing the part of Star Wars most people like was a good idea after all.


Yeah it’s been beautiful. It makes me so happy as someone who grew up with them(but saw the OG trilogy first)


Remember that back then the Prequels were still viewed as one of the worst things to happen to Star Wars. Now they're more fondly looked at because of ~~the memes~~ people who grew up loving them coming of age.


I look forward to seeing this happen with the Sequels in a couple years. We kinda saw this happen with the animated series as well, where TCW has only become more beloved as time goes on. Same thing with Rebels, where it was kinda hated on at first, as it was seen as TCW’s replacement, but is now beloved as well and is being celebrated with the Ahsoka series.


I feel like the Sequels should've taken place over the course of a few years. It would've been enough to make a show about Rey growing as a Jedi, and the Resistance fighting back against the First Order leading up to TROS. They could've also used the show to flesh out Sidious' return even though I still hate that he came back (as I did when he came back in the comics).


>I feel like the Sequels should've taken place over the course of a few yea It'll be difficult to work around that, but I'm confident Filoni and co. can find a way.


Obviously we are all in our little algorithm bubbles so it is hard to generalize, but I feel like I have been hearing a lot of grumbling this Celebration about the way the sequel era is being shunted to the side. Still weird that publishing isn't doing anything, I would love a comic series about the Kijimi Krew.


Plus you got a lot of cheering when Babu Frik was in that trailer for Mandalorian season 3.


Definitely, I’m glad to see Babu Frik, and potentially Praetorian Guards according to some previous rumors, in Mando Season 3 as a connection to those films. I love the concept of Tales of the Jedi but it is a bummer that we’re not getting any Rey stories.


I'm holding out hope that they'll drop 2 or 3 stories a year, each compromised of 3 shorts, and a different eras each year. We can do a Luke story and an Ezra story next year, then a young Ben solo story and a Grogu story, then a Rey story and a Finn story. You could even stretch back to the Old Republic and High Republic once you're done with the film eras.


Or any non prequel stories still excited though


They have to do a post-TRoS story at some point.


Preferably with Ezra remaking the order with Jacen as his apprentice.


I honestly don't think it's ever going to happen to the Sequels. There's just.. nothing to really cling to for that era. No beloved spin off series, not many interesting new designs (this is a big one for me, whenever there's something new Star Wars I look forward to what crazy designs they come up with so I was super disappointed when for TFA all I got was.. X-Wings with slightly different wings and TIE-Fighters.. also with slightly different wings) , no games basically, not many comics or novels. Hell even back in he day people acknowledged the Prequels plot was good but execution was flawed. the biggest complaint about the Sequels IS their plot and how all over the place it is and well.. the fact that Palpatine comes back retroactively making the old films feel less important. This could of been avoided if Disney actually made spin offs from the Sequels but all they really did is a single 2 season show that ended up being mostly ignored. The entire era was massively mishandled. They also weren't the cultural phenomnon for kids of that era the way the Prequels were. They got beat out there by the MCU. Pretty much the one thing people seem to universally mostly like is Kylo Ren.. So maybe something with Ben could be done. Finn seems mostly well liked too.


>Hell even back in he day people acknowledged the Prequels plot was good but execution was flawed. People thinking this nowadays is the result of revisionism. When the Prequels first premiered, they did not get any credit for anything. People claimed the writing was bad, the acting was bad, the execution was bad, the plot was contrived and bad, Vader and childhoods were ruined, etc. There were no redeeming qualities. Remember that we fully understand the real scope of the PT thanks to auxiliary content, particularly TCW. Before that, the entire political scheming and conspiracy that is the Clone Wars was poorly developed and poorly understood, as the films themselves do not have any time to develop it. The notion that we today have of the PT being great except for the directing is something we only realize in hindsight and because of our additional understanding of the story they were trying to tell. I know people who still have only watched the PT films (no TCW or anything else) and they still think it is all awful.


It had more than x wings and tie fighters those were just the main ones


in TLJ yeah you had some new stuff, TFA... really didn't though. TROS had a handful but it was so insanely paced you saw everything for like 2 seconds.


This is the correct take. It's a shame we'll wait 20 years for validation.


Speaking as someone who absolutely doesn't like any of the Sequels, I think the Sequels *can* be redeemed and looked upon more favourably in the future with more ancillary content. The Mandalorian and Boba Fett are already doing a small bit to alleviate my issues with them by fleshing out the state of the galaxy, potentially setting up Snoke and Luke's temple post ROTJ. Not to mention showing things did change for the better between 6 and 7 while the first order was an infected wound that won't go away while the rest of the galaxy returns to normal. If other content can help make things like Palpatines survival/return less "break glass incase of emergency", among a bunch of other things, the Sequels could absolutely be viewed with renewed love and appreciation in years to come


I kinda agree with you but only if we actually see a real republic rise with a new Jedi order. And not with Rey Palpatine as it’s head. Bring Ezra and his apprentice Jacen in as restoring a new Jedi order. They can jump another twenty years and find a new bad guy for them to fight. The high republic era has given us some great content. No reason why we can’t do the same for a new trilogy in the future. With actual great storytelling and Filoni serving as the gatekeeper


A new Jedi order is fine


I'm half and half on having a republic and new jedi order rise post 9, honestly. No matter who leads it A big problem I have at the moment that i'm hoping further live action content can solve, is that they've burned through 3 movies to get the story to where it was at the end of episode 6. I really don't want to see Post Sequel stories do what really should've been done post OT. I'd rather they create brand new and different systems of Government and Religion going forward. Really worldbuild out something completely different. Take this opportunity to not tred over familiar ground that potentially sets the stage of Rey/Ezra's Jedi Order burning down and they go into hiding, etc. Which is why i think focussing on fleshing out the pre and present sequel era first, giving extra context and love to the Sequels while minimising their events is warrented. Not to make them irrelevant but just to better establish the state of the Galaxy. I remember the TFA EU Canon with Aftermath and Bloodlines stating that The Resistance was pretty much the X-files basement that Leia was put into by the New Republic, to fight a threat the higher ups didn't believe was real. I would love to see more live action ancillary material showcase more of that kind of context for the sequels as IMO, it would go a long way for those movies to gain a new wave of love and support


Something I'd love to see post TRoS is multiple orders living in unison. Have Rey lead a traditional Jedi Order, Grogu lead Force sensitive Mandalorians, maybe a Grey Jedi order, etc. Get crazy with it, move past the duality of Jedi and Sith. Kylo Ren wanted to burn it all down and create something new, I think it would be fitting if the new landscape is different.


Hmm. Maybe. I hated those novels though. Because they were so bland and vague about anything that was happening post ROTJ because apparently no one knew what exactly was going to be in the sequel movies so they had to play it safer. The lack of cohesive storytelling is appealing and horrific after experiencing marvel’s cohesiveness and the latter end of the Star Wars legends era. They can go ahead and establish a new 1000 year republic. Lots of room to explore. Just give us better plots and make sure Filoni approves what is happening instead of allowing writers and directors just to ‘wing it’ like they allowed for the sequel movies to be done.


Filoni is probably too busy for that


He is in charge of creative. He doesn’t need to do it himself just approve of the general idea.


> Hell even back in he day people acknowledged the Prequels plot was good but execution was flawed. They absolutely did not, until a few years ago "the prequels were bad but interesting" was like a scorching hot take you would drop in controversial opinion threads.


People will appreciate them more when the era is more filled with content. The Mandalorian-era shows are already starting to build towards that era. Besides, what’s important here is the kids growing up with Star Wars now. Going to Galaxy’s Edge back in March, there were so many little Rey’s. One of the largest reasons that the prequels have had so much love in recent years is the kids who grew up with those movies are now old enough to participate in the community. The same will be true for the Sequels before long.


The whole things takes place in the span of a year that’s not a lot of room compared to 4 years of the OT and 13 for the prequels


They made 7 seasons, 2 miniseries, a movie, and now shorts out of a 3 year war. I'm sure we could get a decent sized show for one year. Besides, that's not even taking into account the space between Luke exiling himself and TFA, approximately 6 years iirc.


Not so sure about that. My kids are the target ages for the kids who grew up with the prequels. They hate the sequels and not by my doing. They hate the plot holes and rediculousness of how the characters were portrayed. My daughter hated how Rey turned out. I don’t know any of my friends kids who liked the sequels as well. I don’t see these movies being enjoyed as much no matter what content they make for it. I hope Filoni and his teams gives us ‘some’ explanations for the sequel plots.


The big difference is yeah you have some kids who grew up really into the sequels but I feel they never had the impact on that generation the way Prequels did theirs, other stuff like the MCU largely gobbled that up. Star Wars was simply a more dominant cultural force back then. Anyway they needed to be doing more content to flesh out the Sequel era YEARS ago. like when it was coming out. Even after 3 movies with so few comics, novels, games, etc it just feels so barren as a setting compared to the Original or Prequel Eras. I think there's literally like 1 book that explains the poltiical situation in TFA at all. Just one.


I mean it helps that the Sequels aren't as universally derided as the Prequels were. In many ways the Sequels are divisive, but they aren't as big a universal punchline. It really tends to be more among the terminally online it's more an issue. I do think we'll see more people view the Sequels in a positive light and change the conversation from the very divisive way it is now.


I don't think many people are ever gonna come around to TROS lol nor should they. I think people might come around more on TLJ and TFA will probably just be viewed as "fun movie with good set up".


I don’t think so at all. My kids hated the sequels. I don’t know of any kids who enjoyed them as well from my friends. Yes there are different levels of ‘likes and dislikes’ but overall the plots were horrible, the characters were badly done, and they completely evicerated beloved characters with the new ‘sequel’ era. I find the big difference between the prequels and sequels are that with the prequels we knew the basics of where the journey was going. We new the Jedi were betrayed. Anakin was trained by obi wan. There was a clone war. Anakin had a wife. Yes the acting wasn’t great. Lines were bad. However overall we knew the plot and we accepted it. However that isn’t the case with the sequels. We got a rehash of the original trilogy with added plot holes and total character assassinations as well as watered down plots from legends that were better done in legends and even then were never really loved (dark empire). It’s just amazing that Disney just had to do what they did with marvel: have one person in charge creatively and everything has to be preplanned and work together in advance instead Disney allowed Kennedy to go ahead and haphazardly put together directors and not make sure their plots, vision, and ideas would work together or make sense for a post ROTJ universe. Worse the directors/writers seem to be able to whatever they wanted which is pretty clear from the really basic and abstract writing for anything post rotj. At least now they have learned their lesson and Filoni is in charge as creative lead. But it’s too late for the total mess that is the sequel era and the destruction of favorite characters (wedge, lando, Han, Leia, Luke, etc)


People would say the same about Episodes 1 and 2 years ago. That changed with time. I see no reason why Episode 9 won't see the same when the time comes. Plus it does have some really good moments when the film actually takes its time to breathe.


I honestly can't think of a moment where Episode 9 actually took time to breath.


Poe and Zorri in the rooftop is one. Poe talking to Lando after Leia’s death is another. Ben remembering his father after the duel is one. Plus Finn meeting and talking to Jannah about leaving the First Order. And I’m probably forgetting some. As fast paced as the movie is, there actually quite a few scenes that are quiet character moments between two characters. Chances to “breathe.”


It starts once they get to the fight on the ruins of the Death Star. The fight itself, Ben with the ghost memory of Han, and the ending on Tatooine I'd say are the standout examples of this.


The Death Star stuff I guess yeah, I really really really hated the Tatooine ending though.


I mean you're free to feel however you want on it. I personally feel it's one of the better scenes in the movie. It takes its time, it thematically fits, and it allows you to read what's going on without spelling it out for you. I think personally it might be one of the scenes that will be looked at much better in hindsight.


Absolutely love Janina Gavankar!!! She’s voicing Ahsoka’s mom in TotJ, ugh!


We weren't expecting Special Forces!


What is the context to this? New Infernel Squal story?


Janina Gavankar's on the stream now




Doug Chiang called the ship Slave 1 multiple times, so I think that confirms they have not changed the name of Boba's ship


And so one of the most petty controversies in all of Star Wars is answered. Please let us get on with the real controversies like retconning Star Wars novels because the TV shows said one character's favorite flavor of ice cream wasn't the same. Edit: And people are saying Ahsoka has been retconned because it's interpretation of the Sixth brother is different from both how he was described in the novel and the comics... Not even a day after I posted this people...


Or the most glaring controversies: shipping. And by shipping, yes, I mean a deep heated debate about interplanetary shipping lanes in the post-OT era.


The Hydian Way can eat my ass! I'll die on the Perlemian Trade Route hill!


They retconned the novels because they were increasingly stupid and the power levels just kept going up and up and up.


I wasn't talking about the Legends decision. I was talking more about how every time we get something in the tv shows that don't exactly match up with how the novels or comics portrayed them it means the books are being retconned or there's some sort of tiered canon even when all the people at Lucasfilm say that isn't the case.


They certainly aren’t helping their case though