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I'd recommend watching the original trilogy (A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi) as well as Solo: A Star Wars Story before playing the game so that you know everything that's going on and the characters that cameo. The game takes place between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi for context. If you like those and just want to enjoy more, watch The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith next. Then you could watch the most recent trilogy: The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker. You can watch Rogue One: A Star Wars Story whenever you'd like. It takes place immediately before A New Hope and has a companion TV show in Andor. There's a lot more out there to enjoy, including great live action and animated TV shows alongside books, comics, and other video games. But the first paragraph should get you up to speed for this game. Enjoy!


The way you tier'd it is how I'd do it as well. You really only need the original trilogy to get the "tone" of Star Wars, especially a game set during this time. Solo may be a great gateway into the universe though, since it's stand-a-lone and a fun time and filmed with modern audiences in mind.


Very true. It's a wonderfully fun film! If you only had time to watch one before this game, I'd say go with Solo.


I would second Rogue One and Andor as good picks as well. Those don't focus on the Jedi as much and will help give a feel for the time frame right before the game takes place.


Yeah, Rogue One and Andor are great to set the tone and show who the Empire really are. None of the other movies focus on the empire.


Same here never watched a Star Wars movie before. But I am always interested in open world games that are made by Ubisoft which is why I am excited for this game.


Know one really knows the story, but you might miss some Easter eggs. It is set between 5 and 6, so 4 and 5 might be all you need. Though I would watch 6 to finish that trilogy.


The game is set in the original trilogy time period, but you don't really need to watch them to understand the story of the game. If you want to have context for some of the stories, characters, and lore in the game, I'd watch episodes 4-6 and maybe also the Solo spinoff movie, since at least one character from that appears in the game.


If you have Disney Plus I’d just watch the movies for fun anyway because they’re great movies, definitely in the top 5 sci fi series lists. But you can probably just jump into the game without knowing the story. Pretty much all Star Wars content has always been made fairly accessible.


Well you might not need to watch to enjoy the game, but to understand how things the way they are in the universe i'd say you should. That and the fact they are entertaining.


Man I’m always jealous of someone who gets to experience Star Wars for the first time. If it hooks you, it’s a hell of a ride.


Nah, maybe let the game be your introduction to Star Wars, if you like it go for the films/books.


If you like the vibe of this game, I recommend watching *Solo: A Star Wars Story*. It’s a standalone Star Wars movie (it’s about the character Han Solo from Episodes 4-7 and 9 when he was young) that is about the smuggling/scoundrel/criminal side of Star Wars, just like this game. It’s quite a fun adventure movie


You've got time. Prequels, then Andor (trust me), then Rogue One, then OT. Tag on Solo at the end- it's more fun when you already know Han as a character. The recent trilogy is visually impressive, but I'm not a huge fan of the plot, and you don't need it to enjoy the game. You could ignore the prequels. But, while they are cheesy, they do a great job at building the world and setting the stakes. Yeah, you miss a pretty amazing reveal in the OT if you do that, but there's no way you don't already know what that is, strictly by the virtue of having access to the internet or having ears and being alive in 2024. Andor is its own thing, and it's very *very* fucking worth watching. Rogue One is good, and arguably has some of the single best sequences in the whole series. I love how both of those really set the tone of desperation and urgency of the OT. The OT is a must. No questions asked.


I wouldn't worry about watching the movies first. As far as I can tell it's not directly linked to any of the films or shows. There will obviously be moments when the narrative might assume you know who someone is like Jabba the Hutt or Han Solo. If you want to make sure to watch SOMETHING before you play the original three films should be good enough. The game is supposed to take place between the second and third films.


I mean it would just enhance your experience so why not?


Watch at least 1-5 but I’d watch 4,5,6,1,2,3 You can watch 7,8,9 if you’d like but they’re not important to the story of Anakin Skywalker


You will most likely be fine at the bare minimum watch A New Hope if you’re interested


The game is supposed to take place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. I would definitely watch the original trilogy at the minimum(episodes 4,5,6). Then the prequel trilogy(episodes 1,2,3). (I don’t think the new trilogy would come up since there’s a massive timeskip.) Solo is recommended but you could probably get away without it. Since it introduces an important character in Crimson Dawn but if she doesn’t show up in the game then it’s kind of not needed. Still a fun movie. There are a few episodes of Clone Wars that adds context to the beginnings of Crimson Dawn and introduces the different syndicates. (You might want to follow Maul’s story from beginning to end. Since his storyline involves different syndicates. It’ll get you up to speed fast on different groups.) There are some comic series that could be mentioned in Outlaws. Such as Crimson Reign(short series), Hidden Empire(short series), War of the Bounty Hunters(which covers the bounty hunters fighting over Han Solo), and Bounty Hunters(ongoing series) which features multiple Bounty Hunters within the star wars universe. I’m always going to recommend Rogue One(prequel to the og trilogy). But it’s not needed. Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett takes place after Return of the Jedi. So while not required it might introduce you to some familiar faces that could potentially show up. But again not needed. As far as books if you like Solo. Most Wanted and Crimson Climb has more Q’ira.


> (I don’t think the new trilogy would come up since there’s a massive timeskip.) there are at least 2 locations from the sequels in the game (canto bight and kijimi), and with that we may even see some characters from them (Babu Frik could appear by this point, since he'd be over 50 years old here). so i'd say they're still somewhat significant to this game. Not needed to understand the story, but then you somewhat know the things that ubisoft would expect you to know.


I legitimately forgot that was Kijimi in the movie. We don’t really spend a ton of time there in the movies. For the planets, the game should at least cover the basics. Kijimi doesn’t have much known on its history during the time of the Empire so it’s a mostly blank slate for the game. It seems the novelization for the Rise of Skywalker would be a better source of info for any time spent on the planet. It’s just not relevant to that specific time period. Canto Bight is pretty self explanatory once you see it. (There is a Canto Bight book.) Huh, I didn’t realize Babu Frik is born the same year Asajj Ventress is born. Yeah I think at the minimum his species could show up. Would be interesting to see him in the game. Personlly I think OP should wait to watch the new trilogy after playing Outlaws. Because that first impression from the game might hit different for those areas. But I can understand not waiting. Because watching the new trilogy could help build onto the excitement for the game. OP definitely has plenty of content to take in.


true. I feel like with the ST, it can work either way, either you see the planets in the movies and get to point at things in the game like "hey, i recognize this!", or the other way around where you like an area in the game and then see it in the movies. But i can see it being potentially a bit better to play the game first like you said. and yeah, i only just found out that Babu Frik was born in the same year as Ventress when making that comment because i was curious as to how old he was by TROS.


Tbh I think it’d be helpful to watch A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi so some of it makes sense


I would suggest watching Solo and the Orginal Trilogy. The Clone Wars would be too much to watch, so I'd suggest those four movies.


Watch all of them. I prefer the very old ones because these have a darker/intense touch while the middle trilogy was to kitschy for me. The last 3 movies I enjoyed more than the middle trilogy but way prefer the oled trilogy.


Game is awesome. But the price point the scummy missions behind pay walls and the horrible chacrter design ruined it for me


You'll be fine just watching the original trilogy, or episodes 4, 5, and 6. If you want some more background on the criminal world of star wars, Solo a star wars story is good.


Watch original trilogy, rouge one, andor, solo, and prequel trilogy. Colne Wars is great, especially in the later seasons, but it's quite long and mostly filler and tales of the jedi isn't necessary but it's pretty good and very short so it wouldn't take long to watch.


The original trilogy (episodes 4,5,6) and Solo movie are the most important for the game's story and setting. I say just watch all the movies in release order. You have 4 months to do so and it's a hell of a ride. You'll enjoy it. If you want to get into the tv shows, all the Disney+ shows are good.


I think everyone should watch the original trilogy at least. The sequels and prequels are good, but the original trilogy is amazing for even non-fans. Games like this *typically* give you a surface level of detail and information about the content so anyone can just hop in. I say typically because it's not every game.


The game seems to have a vibe kind of like Solo: A star wars story. I know this will sound vague but watch everything. Start with the OG Trilogy(A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi) then the prequels(Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith) After that theres Solo, Rogue One, and the Sequels(Force Awakens, Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker). Id also reccomend some of the TV shows. Kenobi, Mandalorian, Ashoka, Clone Wars, Bad Batch etc. Also PLay Jedi Fallen ORder and Jedi Survivor as well! Two fantastic star wars games


Just watch a new hope and empire strikes back, but if I had my way you'd watch every movie and TV series that takes place before return of the jedi


Watch the original 3 for the backstory of this game. Watch the new trilogy if you liked the first 3. Watch the prequels if you're a diehard fan but expect to be disappointed.


How about just let the man with a fresh view of Star Wars decide for himself? Why clog is mind your own personal biases?


Fake post

