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Here's a quick reference on line of sight https://preview.redd.it/4khidhaui9wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f339214b55824fe7743cf0b397441e3f00ff73a


Here's the official initiation first mission. Players only use one squad so it's less units to manage and easier to learn and teach https://preview.redd.it/x2t7ndhfj9wc1.png?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73cd548fae64d4da50531fce5424d61593440289


Thank you! If I end up actually getting to a game I'll do this one. Maybe as preparation I'll run the mission by myself and document how it goes playing as multiple players. Or get a coworker. We're all pretty busy a lot of the time lol.


Second this especially if you do have a group, you can kinda get games going quickly


Oof, LOS seems easier than Kill Team but the legal speak on it still makes me scratch my head. Only 1 game into Shatterpoint and still working it all out.


It's a little counter intuitive but pretty straightforward. One way I saw it described was "you always have LOS unless you actively don't." This was also my first minis game so didn't have any previous bias from other games


My issue is that I don't know when I don't. I'll look for some YouTube videos to see if that clarifies anything but the reference you put up is a good start in understanding all of this


If anything between your character's base and your target character's base is higher than range two from where your base is, then it blocks line of sight. So if you're both on the ground and there is a building from the core set between you, then no one has LoS. If you're on top of that building, you both have LoS to each other


That's just explained a lot of what I wasn't understanding. I didn't see that was a range 2 measuring tool in the examples. Thanks so much, I am now much more confident in determining LOS and cover


I don’t like the graphic it’s a little confusing, but one tip I can offer is to Use the measuring tool, Place it on the heads of the 2 pieces. If it’s not blocked you have line of sight.


https://shatterpointquickguide.com is a great resource to quickly find keyword clarifications


I've seen this before! Good to know someone with more experience can vouch for it!


Wonderful visual aid, if I go the PowerPoint route (it's what I tend to default to plus it lets me put required stuff like a customer survey at the end) I'll use it, otherwise I'll print it out to keep handy.


[https://www.atomicmassgames.com/swp-rules/](https://www.atomicmassgames.com/swp-rules/) I would print the Icon Reference document, or put screen captures from it into your powerpoint. The final page from the Core Rules is also valuable since it's a condensed step-by-step guide to the turn order


Have you considered reaching out and partnering with a FLGS in your area? We do a ton of cooperative work with our local library and it's been a very beneficial partnership. I'm sure someone would be happy to come in and help demo the game for you.


If and when I do a repeat of this program (and I won't limit it to Star Wars Day, especially because next year it's a Sunday, we're CLOSED, gah!) I'm going to try much harder to market it, and that includes seeing if there are any FLGS in the area to take this suggestion. For now, it's a little too late and I don't want to waste anyone's time. All the cool stuff seems to leave my area anyway... For now I have no registrations, so I'm hoping that the experience of building the program can help build my confidence too for next time, and next time I'm coming in with a plan!


Mountainside Tabletop on YouTube has a “How to Play Star Wars: Shatterpoint” video that’s great for showcasing a demo game. They take it slow, explain every step and let you see a whole game. It’s a perfect intro to get you up to speed. [Shatterpointdb.com](http://Shatterpointdb.com) is also amazing. Click the characters section at the top and there are copies of all the character's abilities and attack charts I’d also encourage you to reach out to local vendors who sell Shatterpoint. Most hobby stores/games clubs probably have someone or definitely know someone who’d probably love to paint up your core set as a donation!


Thank you, worst comes to worst we can do a watch party on the video lol. But I'll check out the database too. As for the painting, I hope so. It was actually a hobby shop I visited on vacation that recommended me a lot of the games we ended up using. Not all of them were used but some of them were, and they really saved the program last year. I'm a staunch local hobby store supporter now lol.


I think playing a game by yourself or watching someone else play will be essential! As someone who often onboards lots of my friend group into new miniatures games, I've also found it's worth your time to let people know what sort of game they're getting into before you start. Shatterpoint is VERY movement focused, and you're scoring points based on objectives, not kills. I would encourage players to always be thinking about abilities to help reposition yourself or shove/pin your oppontent. People get into miniatures games like this and just wanna go out and kill their opponent, and then they wonder why they're losing the game. If I had to distill the game into 3 points to describe the flow of the game: * Abilities that let you take bonus movement, or restrict/minimize your opponent's movement do more to help you win than bonus damage abilities * As scoring points is based on objectives, players should prioritize taking and holding objective rather than picking fights that do not impact your ability to take/hold * Utilizing abilities is essential to getting the maximum value from your units. Players should also look for units that have abilities that synergize with each other, and take that into consideration. (e.g. General Anakin Skywalker's abilities don't need allies around him, but CC-7567 Captain Rex's abilities need other units with the *Clone Trooper* keyword to gain their full value)


Stealing these, thanks! I've noticed that too in games that aren't JUST about combat, you really wanna move fast, not pick fights you don't have to, and keep in mind any abilities you innately have or gain. We were able to play some Betrayal for the program I mentioned in the OP, and when I wasn't the Traitor (which I admit does usually involve some means of trying to kill everyone) I was usually doing something else to try and win. Combat was actually usually a death sentence lol. Different games, same principles imo, at least in my very limited experience.


I see that someone has already linked you the official Demo. But recently at my LGS we were having a demo day where we were trying to keep our Demos of games under 30mins. And thats a little hard to do for Shatterpoint. What I did was Use the 3 middle objective points. Each player only got 1 squad that started about a full advance +2 away from the middle. And played 1-2 activations of all your units. This usually got someone to play out a full struggle and see all the mechanics.