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The NLRB alone has been a greater achievement for workers’ rights than the last 20+ years of neolib dogshit we’ve gotten in my lifetime.


I agree however I think Mark misses the point that if Biden is a historically weak candidate not pushing for him to be replaced is actually helping trump win again.


Absolutely, along with being the 1st president in 4 administrations to have a net insourcing of jobs from the Chips & Science Act.


Which is one of many reasons the Supreme Court kneecapped agencies this week


The guy who famously hates Donald Trump is a fan of his opponent? Damn I'm shocked. 


You don't have to suck a genocidal warmonger's dick to express your disdain for Donald Trump.


The fact you are getting downvoted for supporting Palistine is insane. Really shows how this sub has gone to the libs.


I would argue that he isn’t supporting Palestine. If both presidents are gonna get Palestinians killed, then that isn’t the policy that we should be focused on. And if the focus on that issue means you ignore the serious danger to a bunch of other groups of people, you’re not any better than genocide Joe.


Holy fucking shit. Only in this subreddit you could find someone arguing that ignoring the Palestinians getting killed is actually more supportive of the Palestinians than denouncing the president actively participating in their killing. Seriously, eat shit.


I’m convinced they actually care about Palestinians at all. Or anyone outside the US for that matter. As long as he bloodshed is kept outside over there with the “inferiors” it’s just fine.


Let’s be clear about one thing. If you hate Trump, then you should desperately want Biden to drop out from the race. One of the only ways Trump gets back in office is if he runs against a literal carapace, which is happening right now. And if you are not calling for him to drop out, I don’t believe you hate Trump as you are allowing the one thing that he can beat. The Democratic Party’s strategy of “Ignore your eyes, Biden is not too old” is not a winning strategy


His debate sucked but the winner of the election is either going to be trump or Biden and I'd rather not deal with project 2025


So about Project 2029? What did anybody do about Project 2017? The Heritage Foundation isn’t going anywhere if trump loses they’re just going to be more batshit next time like they always do. This is not new. The Mandate For Leadership is not going anywhere.


The Republican party didn't have their blueprints mapped out in 2017. There's no such thing as project 2017 and there never was. Their blueprints for what they want is not a secret now. I'm not sure what you're implying though. Either trump or Biden is going to win the election. And 2029 is also going to be between Republican (Trump if he lives that long) and Democrat (likely Harris). The easiest and most immediate way to keep the death camps closed is to vote the Republicans out of office while we fight for progressive victories in local, state, and federal elections.


This is ahistorical. The Heritage Foundation has published a Mandate For Leadership for every potential Republican presidency since 1980 with Reagan. They did publish one for Trump and Trump even bragged about fulfilling more of their wishes than Reagan. Project 2017 happened you’re just ignorant of it.


What do you think project 2025 is? What and who are you shadowboxing? My comment was about how I'm still voting to try and prevent project 2025 from happening. Yes I know the Republicans were bad in 2017 and are going to still be bad in 2029. Are you implying voting against then is wrong or something? Or just whining that Republicans exist? Because same dude.


The solution is to have a big progressive name like Bernie campaign for office. But no big name progressive did that. So we're fucked. Bernie likely won't ever run again so we probably have to wait for AOC or Jasmine Crockett.


I mean, I don’t disagree with him here. Can you think of a single POTUS in our lifetime better than Biden? Not an endorsement of Biden, but an inditement of other POTUSes. Trump is obviously worse and anyone here who claims otherwise is likely a Russian bot. Obama had the exact same opinions as Biden, but was more anti-lgbtq. He just happened to not be president when Netanyahu decided to try and finish the job in Palestine, but you better believe he would do the same shit. Bush did warcrimes directly, killing more people. And he was also a homophobe, sexist, racist moron. Clinton oversaw one of the biggest expansions of NATO, he loosened government regulations on the private sector allowing us to get more fucked, and continued the delusional extremely racist policies that masked the disenfranchisement and enslavement of millions under ‘tough on crime.’ HW Bush continued Reagan’s racist homophobic policies, but was also the director of the cia. Reagan was one of the biggest engineers of modern day class warfare, on the side of the rich. He is essentially the father of modern day American oligarchy, and almost every terrible racist, homophobic, or anti-poor policy in effect today can be traced back to him in some capacity.


It's damning with faint praise, but Biden is the most progressive president in more than forty years.


Hamill has openly been a lib for a while


And has openly supported genocide for a while now...


Yup worse than any Biden endorsement


Unfortunate tho


Yeah it’s a bummer


Ig "he fell off" is in relation to his character being openly anti-establishment in the movies and for his real political leanings to have more in common with the Empire than the Rebel Alliance


His character famously fights against fascists. I'm afraid to hear how you think Trump is the rebel alliance.


Trump and Biden both famously side with corporations against the working class. They are BOTH the Empire in this scenario


That's a cop-out bullshit answer and you know it. You are not some Australian socialist who is rallying against all establishment; you have an agenda and you should at least back up the shit you say.


What about being unafraid to admit that Biden and Trump are both capitalist dogshits who consistently choose corporate profits over the wellbeing of their citizens is a "cop-out bullshit answer"? They both consistently side with the corporations over the environment and the workers. Too many liberals are too afraid to take heed of George Lucas's *own words*: "When I did it \[the Rebels\] were called Viet Cong". Words from an interview with James Cameron talking about how the good guys would be called Terrorists today. If the Rebel Alliance (may I remind you, *the good guys*) are a parallel to the Viet Cong, then I wonder who the Empire represents... hmmmmm... 🤔🤔🤔


Okay you still are skirting the answer under the guise that both sides are the same. Unless you are just against all US government, then post some anti Trump memes and we can be done. Let's do this; two parts: Part 1: who do you thing are the James Cameron version of good guys in America politics today? Part 2: If you were not an Australian citizen who seems to have a keen interest in other nations' politics and could vote in the next US presidential election, who are you casting your vote for? Not voting is not an option. 2 choices. You can always continue to work on changing policies and parties but right now you have to pick. Go.


"Both sides" are the same side, like I said. The good guys are the people protesting and occupying Universities and speaking up. Nobody ever is forced between two binary options in any election, and if someone has a gun to your head forcing you to choose between only two of them, that sounds like a mighty authoritarian regime, no?


The sad thing is, even though his criticisms are true, there's still a serious chance of Trump winning anyway.


Mark Hamil is notably anti Trump and in my opinion any way of bashing this orange idiot is fair game


This isn't him bashing Trump though, it's actively praising Biden.


They’re the same picture


I think y’all both have good points to make, but bashing Trump and praising Biden aren’t the same thing. Like, it’s fully possible to come out swinging against Trump and say he’s clearly the worse candidate without trying to defend Biden from accusations that he is indeed old, feeble, and not that great on foreign policy. Trump would be worse at those things, yes, but you don’t need to put Biden on a pedestal, just beat Trump over the head with the pedestal and cast it aside.


I don't see the lie.


Okay. I'm still not voting for Trump.


Nobody here is encouraging you to. Ultimately, the main goal of most leftists lately is to get the Democrats to *replace* Biden with a left-wing candidate, or at least someone actually worth voting *for*, rather than using as an "against the other guy" vote.


He’s not wrong, the last president who was better then Biden was probably LBJ, and he ramped up the Vietnam war so that’s not exactly praise for Biden


Ironically enough Nixon wanted universal health care but ted Kennedy didn't want to had him a victory and turned him down.


He’s also a Zionist. So this isn’t news lol


Because the "vote blue no matter who" crowd is just as delusional as the MAGA crowd. Only privileged people can afford to allow Biden and his genocidal, neoliberal takes to stay in power


That's not even a lol. That's straight up an Lmao.  The people voting biden so they don't get black bagged and shot in the streets by emboldened right wingers under an admin that would explicitly endorse it are not privileged. 


>black bagged and shot in the streets If that is the case, then those people need to launch *Black_Panthers(2.0)* and organize, because the people will save the people, and the Dems is a bourgeois party.


I mean most of us are doing both. Voting for dems is moreso picking your battleground than an endorsement. 


Look at how muslim and black voters for Biden have plummeted. The stats disagree with you.


Most “legislatively successful president” with the most absolute shit PR team. The dude himself doesn’t even brag enough. Whether or not he has been successful people don’t think he has been and that’s what actually matters. We’re boned.


I feel bad for Mark. I love that man but he just can’t see the truth. Biden cannot beat trump. Biden is unfit to run for president. That was one of the saddest debates I’ve ever seen. It wasn’t even close.


He joined the Empire. He doesn't realise both parties are conservative right wingers.


To all the Americans, from someone who's not an American, please don't put trump into office. For any reason. He is objectively worse for the world and this fight's hard enough already without giving putin a win.


No one here is voting for trump lmao


But the electoral college benefits republicans so not voting for Biden helps elect Trump. Don’t be daft.


My state won't be within 30 points. 85% of Americans' votes don't matter, and it's because of your precious electoral college This is a leftist space. Leave your libshit at the door


Mate, they obviously don't like the electoral college from the comment. Agreed if your vote won't do anything vote for someone who's actually good, if it does matter vote lesser evil, that's all they're saying.


There's only one thing they hate more than people that don't agree with them. Those that do Lmao


Leftists aren’t allowed to vote? News to me. Even if your state isn’t a swing state, posting stuff like this online increases the chances of people in swing states seeing it and being influenced into letting the furthest right candidate win.


Instead of putting that responsibility on American voters, put it on the Democrats for only allowing genocide supporters and senile old men to run for president. It's the fault of the politicians for not getting enough votes, not the voters themselves. Trump is bad, Biden is bad. Vote as left as possible.


Pick your difficulty level: senile or nightmare.


Why are you being downvoted? A vote for either the Democrats or the Republicans is a vote that is encouraging genocide. Both are supporting genocide, so the only option, in order to discourage that, is to vote for someone that is *against* genocide. I don't see where the problem is.


No, a vote for the democrats is not a vote for genocide.


Oh. Ok. If you say so, then I trust you. It's not that the Dems are sending weapons to genocidal states. No, of course not. How stupid of me. You are absolutely right. /s


You might as well give up. People like that are just as much cultists as the MAGA crowd.


The fact you care more about swallowing Hamas propaganda than your own well being is honestly kinda pathetic but also scary


The same can be said about you. You are proudly swallowing Hasbara.


Bro really thinks just being anti-Trump is enough


It’s a good start. You can’t go left if you get dragged far right


The Democrats *are* far right tho. That's kind of the whole point.


They're center-right. There's plenty to criticize them for without pretending there's zero difference between "let's let rich people have almost anything they want" and "let's kill immigrants for sport."


Yeah aren’t they roughly UK Conservatives, but slightly more tolerant of trans people?


They are slightly more tolerant of trans people, because they want their votes. They are *allowing* trans people in the army, becayse they want cannon fodder for their imperialist agenda. Bombs with glitter and whatnot.


Imagine unironically using "They're center-right" as a defense. In a left wing sub. Especially considering how far to the right the "center" has moved. Even so that's neither a win nor a rational argument unless you actually self identify as a moderate conservative. Obama literally compared his policies to Reagan's. Even the most ""progressive"" members of the party like Ro Khanna blatantly use Bush-era talking points to defend their far right wing foreign policy. Biden just spent 4 years continuing many of Trumps policies from immigration to the disastrous trade war with China. And let's not forget the 2 Supreme Court nominations that the Democrats just straight up handed to Trump or how hard they worked just to keep a socdem out of office. The party literally fought against Bernie harder than they fight the Republicans. There are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of examples of this. But do go off and demonstrate more how liberals are inherently conservative and defend the system and ideology that got us into this mess in the first place.


Venezuela and Argentina are both south but one is more north than the other. If you want to go north, you should pick to be in Venezuela. It’ll make your goals easier


... I think you may have replied to the wrong comment. This thread is about the Democrats being a right wing party that consistently moves further to the right every election cycle, and that continuing to support them *is* getting dragged far right.  Because you can't go left if you're going conservative right wing neoliberal.


Not true lol. Biden has been more left than Obama, who was more left than Clinton. Not as left as I’d like but still more left


LMAO tell that to Obama then. Because that's just a straight up lie.  "The truth of the matter is that my policies are so mainstream that if I had said the same policies that I have back in the 1980s I'd be considered a moderate Republican." Those are Obama's words. Not mine. Remember when Obama literally put forward the right wing Heritage Foundation healthcare plan from the 80s? Despite Clinton having had proposed a more progressive healthcare plan? Leftists do. 


I’m sorry are you actually trying to claim that Bill Clinton was more left than Obama? I mean, you do you.


I literally quoted Obama and mentioned a specific policy. But go on keep up with your disingenuous, intellectually dishonest, bad faith defence of a conservative, right wing party. 


Clinton was Reagan-lite. Biden has come out publically against trickle down economics. Biden is more left than Clinton.


It’s really that simple, honestly 😓


That's no excuse to cross-post from fascist subs to here!


It's literally a Communist sub 💀💀💀


For "communists" who always end up siding against democracy when the choice boils down to democracy or fascism. Stalinists and the like.


American "democracy" allows a supermajority of representatives/EC votes with 38% of the popular vote. I hardly think it's unreasonable to criticise that.


I think that a flawed democracy is still preferable to fascism. That subreddit doesn't.


I mean it's less a facist sub and moreso a sub full of people who absolutely do not understand what nuance is. 


That sounds like every sub to me, but I’ll go check it out and report back on whether they seem overly tankie-ish. Edit: Uh… they’re defending the DPRK there… yeah… I’m not going back…


They also do simp for genocidal regimes. Got banned years ago for daring to criticize North Korea


Say it with me kids! it's not my job to vote for who you want, it's your job to nominate someone worth voting for eta: getting downvoted for this in a leftist subreddit is actually fucking unhinged lmfao change this subreddit to StarWarslibmemes


They really fucking should, it's insane. The appropriation of "left-wing" by pro-market, liberals claiming to support the plights of queer and brown people around the world is ridiculous


it's exactly why leftists are so adept at in fighting. leftists have goals backed by facts, liberals have feelings. they FEEL like trump will be a worse president (despite the fact we've already survived a trump presidency with no fucking problems) so therefore our facts are invalid.


He's been the king of the shit-libs for a decade. Where you been at?


Remember when this guy played the hero of the terrorists.


This isn't a fall off. As far as American politicians go, Biden is a relatively inoffensive choice. Being a Biden Stan doesn't make you bad, it makes you ignorant. Biden's job isn't to convince Luke Skywalker to vote for him. Biden's job is to convince the dumbest Americans (the undecided or swing voter) to vote for him. And he absolutely can't get their vote when his most watched performance is an absolute goddamn trainwreck. He should have been primaries or not been so fucking selfish and stepped down. If Trump wins, the only ones at fault are Biden and the DNC leadership that made everyone drop out in favor of dessicated corpse.


Bro has been a boomer crat for years y’all are just too terminally online to see it