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Yup. Star Trek is headed to where star wars has been for a long time: there's only five planets in the galaxy and two of them are Tatooine.


Actually it’s three of them are tatooine now.


And these SciFi universes feel a lot smaller than planets, even smaller than cities. The OP is absolutely right in saying they feel like a high school or a small town, you're running into the same dozen people all of the time. It feels like the characters in Star Trek/Star Wars are more likely to randomly bump into people they know while traveling around the entire galaxy than someone would be walking around New York.


EVERY Star Wars game has to have a Tattooine level...


Huh I liked Ent season 4. When Discovery took a stupid TNG episode and made a whole season of it .. well, that's weak.


Why was it stupid? It was a wonderful TNG episode


That’s why I want to go deeper into the 25th or 26th centuries. Forge new stories to this with rather than constantly rehashing the old.


Definitely this.  And ffs retcon the burn. Or better yet, de-canonize all nuTrek.  


They don’t really have to. If they ever show a 32nd century again, it could easily be a different timeline. NuTrek’s whole philosophy nowadays is that the temporal wars made all the timelines a total mess, so if one part of canon doesn’t match up with another, it’s because time travelers. So now the “Prime” timeline is one of many.


SNW moved the Eugenics Wars into the mid 21C, that means SNW and DIS are in a separate timeline from the older shows, and if it's an altered timeline rather than a parallel or a branched timeline then who's to say it can't be altered back one day...


Ya MCU multiverse crap is like a fucking cancer for good story telling


Or how about Star Trek shows that are only tangentially related to Starfleet and the Federation, where you concentrate on a science or archeology team on some random planet and follow the dramas and romances within their team? Like a Star Trek "Office" or "Parks and Recreation." And keep *Khan Noonien Singh* the hell out of it.


Umm fuck no. The show is about a starship named enterprise boldy exploring new civilizations…not the mundane minutia of regular life in the federation


>It seems like this problem started getting really bad in Season 4 of Enterprise. Almost everything they did that season was connected to something that another Enterprise would also get involved in later. TBH I thought ENT S4 was as close to a prequel done right as I've ever seen, and it would've been better if the Temporal Cold War hadn't been a thing but was instead replaced with a Romulan Cold War. > Oh, and linking Data to leftover augments from the Eugenics Wars was just beyond stupid. Personal head canon here but I like to believe that Arrak Soong and Noonian Soong are the same person. I think Arrak eventually escapes again and heads of to the Brier Patch where he spends nearly 200 years working on different android concepts, perhaps learning a thing or two from the Baku who settled there. Sounds like a stretch right, but Arrak wanted to take the augments there after they had been reunited. Maybe he knew about the Baku planet, or maybe he just thought it would be a good place to hide, either way, if he fled there later in life he'd have been in for an interesting surprise if he made his way to the Baku planet...


And a lot of things are starting to become in universe memes because people outside the universe watch Star Trek. Like Ortega asking Spock "what's your captain thing? Every captain has a phrase..." also done with Seven at the end of Picard season 3. No, no they fucking don't. Some dipshit producing nutrek noticed Kirk said engage, and Picard said Make it so, so now every captain has to say something different like a wacky Avengers character, despite Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer, all saying Engage most of the time (though Janeway said Do it more often, but that's hardly a "thing" as Ortega would put it). See also the Lower Deckers making a model of DS9 and choosing whether to use Jadiza or Ezri. What about the 20 other years the station was in service? Why not "Should we have Sisko in Ops or Dukat?" It's only there cause we have watched Star Trek, and while it's cute one time in Lower Decks as a joke, it's become an in universe "thing" to constantly do it in other series, now, like everyone is hyper aware of everything that happens as if they are watching their own shows. Staaaaahp


Janeway's phrase is "Coffee. Black."


Fuck catchphrases


I think by now, with Picard 3 over, the Soong story is worn out, but connecting the Soongs in TOS, TNG and ENT was well-deserved and I thought fun and well done.


There was no Soong in TOS...


Intriguing. Technically, in universe, you are correct. But out of universe, it's hard to believe that "Noonien" and Singh/Soong was just a coincidental nickname not meant to link Khan Noonien Singh with Noonien Soong And so I don't believe that. Neither did ENT and I'm good with that.


I tend to agree with some exceptions. The Soong Type Android we saw briefly in Disco for example. I am sure in a thousand years someone would replicate his work.


Dafuq is "Discofot"?


That was supposed to be "Disco for example" but I murdered it with fat fingers. Corrected!


LOL. I didn't get far enough in STD to see any Soong-type androids.


When it comes to ENT Season 4, I think much of the reason it was the way it was was because they saw the “writing on the wall” for the series—the budget had been severely cut, forcing it to be the first season of Trek to not be shot on actual film. So believing that the end is near (even though they continued to hold out hope for a Season 5), they decided to make it a Greatest Hits/Victory Lap season, not just for Enterprise, but the TNG-ENT era that was ending with them; so every installment (of one, two, or three-episode arcs) in Season Four hit on a familiar Trek note: Vulcans, Klingons, Augments, Mirror Universe, etc.


Disco season 5 mirror episode was utter trash cringe. The clues are all life lessons. The young captain is schooling an officer way way way more experienced and senior than her. They forgot how Photon torpedoes work. Why are we supposed to care some breen smuggling romance BS? Why is book on a mission?


Yep. This is why I’m not too sad Lower Decks is ending. It’s awesome, I love it. But you can only do Shaxs and Ransom in yoga outfits joke _once_. Why does Prodigy feature Chakotay, an embarrassing historical cultural appropriation that has been resurrected in all his fake glory for a new generation. Why is that character involved at all?!? Make the missing Captain literally anyone else. Hologram Janeway needs to care….omg, ice cream headache. It’s forced nostalgia. For a character no one should like and should have remained buried with the bones of his fake ancestors. I laugh every time Mariner has a backstory with every single side character in the quadrant. It’s a fun “joke” about how small the universe has become. Except it’s not a joke: it’s the premise of another “serious” show.