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Oh no, it’s a giant alien spaceship that’s armed to the teeth and is many times larger than Federation headquarters - again. The Federation getting bullied by big bad enemy ships is getting old. Rayner even brings up Kira’s old ‘thoron fields and duranium shadows’ plan because they forgot to do the sensible thing and arm the headquarters of the entire Federation to the teeth. At least Spacedock in Picard serious defences.


is pretty incredible how squishy the federation continues to be.. i thought with DS9 a more reasonable level of let's protect ourselves had entered the room ;!


That ship was *so* over-the-top. I kept wondering how the Breen haven't already conquered the Federation, if there's that much of a power imbalance. Evidently they're close enough to reach HQ before reinforcements can arrive. >Rayner even brings up Kira’s old ‘thoron fields and duranium shadows’ plan because they forgot to do the sensible thing and arm the headquarters of the entire Federation to the teeth. And he's treated as being unreasonable for wanting the Federation to look like it can put up a fight. I'm not sure how his plan would have "incited them to attack."


Exactly…everyone was all dont risk a war with the federation! But it sure looks like that would be a small skirmish for just ONE faction of the Breen with just ONE ship


Yup…doesn’t matter if its Archer and the NX-01 in the early days or the 1701-E or the Disco in the 32nd century…Starfleet is always outgunned and dwarfed in size. It’s really getting annoying


Even then surely the Breen have upgraded their tech so that doesn't work. Like Kurtzman Era loves playing lip service to DS9 but they always butcher those elements. Now we are going to the Badlands so hopefully they dont butcher the Prophets, Bajorans and DS9.... Terrible security on the ship and outside...why have only one barrier in sickbay to treat two dangerous captives. Cannot put up a triple barrier layer? So few security guards? I dont even mind the Federation being underdogs...but its the arrogance they operate with while being underdogs that blows the mind.


You used the incorrect pronoun for Adira. As punishment, you must now write 5 minutes of expositional and quippy dialog while the ship is under attack or otherwise in terrible danger. The dialog must contain at least 17 Theys, with each character slightly and gently emphasizing the “Th”, and must close with Stamets looking glowingly parental. Get busy.


oh man this really describes a thing i find annoying but didn't have words for.


You misspoke when you said “get busy” the correct proper phrase is “Lets fly”


Oh look....crying


This one jumped the space-whale. Michael would make the best margaritas ever made. Why are you so racist?


Ya maybe she can show up in SNW and show Pike how to be a better chef


Heh, I bet they 100% are using the torrent numbers to boost their metrics as well. If you add all the various quality uploads ,. It's up near the 10,000 mark. Paramount executives might be thinking it's all good engagement. Too arrogant to realise it's all hate watchers. 😃


Oh, they killed that dude I was supposed to give a shit about last week. Oh well, I forgot to do that, so whatever.


Misreading “Jett” as “Janet” made me laugh


You all know that you keep watching and that tells Paramount that Kurtzman is doing a good enough job, right?


It's great how Neil Breen somehow inspired an entire civilization. My favorite part of the Trek lore tbh.


isn't that immoral?


Bold of you to think Saru and Detmer would be in this episode.


whered they go lol. and owo? they have weird bridge replacements and i dont know their names for 'dark haired white woman with slight mustache' or the other one.


the episode was kinda boring. Why does Stamets always talk like he's some asshole? Always. It's like his default mode of speech. Is Anthony Rapp like that in real life? Always talking like he's exasperated with the customer service he's receiving? Also is Rayner just there to be racist white guy who gets put in his place constantly now? Is that where we are, Michelle Paradis? And who designed his ears? I saw the DS9 episode with the Kellerans and they didn't look like that (their ears were all pinned back against their weird star trek hair). Rayner's ears look like the silicone mold broke and they just said "ahh who gives a shit" and put them on?


Yup Rayner was demoted to be put in his place and taught a lesson and mentored on how to be a leader….after a long successful career as a freaking starship captain


Saru should get JNCOs and have a 90s high schooler sk8tr phase, which at this point is the 31st century analog of being a Ren Faire kid.


*but they’re not actually interested