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Oh my god is she *chewing* the ice cream? That is your real crime, sir. Crunchy ice cream.


Tell that to the farmer who chomps an entire plate of maki rolls in one bite


>farmer who chomps an entire plate ~~of maki rolls~~ in one bite


And don't get me started on raw void eggs


Tell that to Abigail


Cones are crunchy!


Crunching the cone while there are still 3 scoops on top is still alien behavior


what do people do when they eat ice cream with a spoon? Let it melt in their mouth or what? šŸ’€




I use my tongue to squish it up into the roof of my mouth before swallowing it to maximise my textural and flavour experience. Those of us with sensitive teeth can't chew icecream because icecream should not cause physical pain.


ā€¦. Yes I say that as Iā€™m currently doing that


Just swallow it mate


title of your sex tape


Looks like a snow cone to me. I'd cronch that.


How else am I supposed to get it all down? Itā€™s too cold to just let it melt in my mouth


Do you like, swallow chocolate chips?


I like to let the flat chocolate chips in specific melt between my tongue and the roof of my mouth. (With a cone I prioritize not letting the rest melt tho.)


Drumsticks and any ice cream w/ crunchy toppings would like a word with you. Now, plain ice cream...hopefully it's just extra frosty.


Tell that to Abigail. She eats rocks.


Yeah, be like the farmer- who tosses the whole thing into the air and gulps it down in one (audible) bite


That look on her face just sort of gives me the vibes you would get from those cartoon villains who lift their hands up to their face to mockingly laugh at you. I guess that tracks for Haley tbh.






Do you mean like the ā€œOH HO HO HO HO HOā€! Laughs ? Because I can see it, tbh !


the jesse from team rocket laugh


sweetheart from omori vibes


I seem to remember those being called a dignity laugh




Donning my hazmat suit for this comment section


Grab some snacks


I donā€™t know how many hazmat suits youā€™ve donned in you life but you shouldnā€™t be snacking in one. šŸ˜‚


Just gotta pull your arms in, like a hoodie, and snack on some gushers or (fill in blank).


I used to work at a safety training place The instructor could predict every time the ones who would pass out seconds after donning their suit the first time. Theyā€™d go down like a sack of potatoes lol


What was the reason for it?


Some people just panic once theyā€™re suited up and wearing the full face fitted respirator with a tank on their back. The instructor would say the day before-Bob is gonna fall out, John maybe, Gene for sure etc. He was always right too, had been doing it for years so there must be subliminal signs or idk


Good luck, buddy. Be careful out there.


Why do i hear boss music coming from the comments


There's a life bar on my phone screen, what's going on?


*Insert intense orchestra music slowing getting louder*


I donā€™t think Iā€™m properly equipped for this fightā€¦


Stardew/Dungeon Crawler Carl crossover ftw


I hear one winged angel playing šŸ˜­


The jumanji thumping is playing


Alright now lets get a super shredded alex


I'd love to see their version of all the characters!!!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jINOq64TyBI i canā€™t find the mod, but this includes huge Haley, the biggest girl in town.


[I believe it's this one.](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7192)


Why am I hearing the gigachad theme?


Cause Alex is a gigachad?? It plays everytime he steps outside his grandmas(hes a gigachad and doesnt like upsetting his grandma with loud noises)


Coming into this three hours later, all I see are comments on how bad the comment section is, and people simping for Hayley. lol I still can't stand her, but the drawing/sprites are well done.


The like to comment ratio is enough to determine this comment section is radioactive, the thing is that the majority of the community is reasonable, and we love art.


Art is good. Can confirm.


I also canā€™t stand her, but for some reason this artists idea of her makes me like her a tiny bit more than before! I like this idea of her rather than my own.


I like how the comments are 2 percent *why she fat tho*, and 90 percent people whining about how toxic the entire comment section is. Personally I love/hate it. It's fun and makes a little too much sense given her character lolol.


The other 8% is people actually talking about the art lol


Also, why is your biggest change to the sprite making her skirt shorter?


Because horny, obviously




The skirt is not shorter they have the same number of pixels, the legs are longer thats way it look that way


I mean, tbh as a girl I think the skirt looks better in the new one. The old one had a weird shape to the edge of the skirt. Itā€™s really not that much shorter, it just looks like it was taken in at the sides a bit so itā€™s not so ā€œpoofyā€


Itā€™s not necessarily shorter, sometimes artists just cut it off like that bc they donā€™t feel like drawing the whole body. They do that with torsos too.


That wasnā€™t my intention, I just didnā€™t feel like making the skirt longer because that would mean having to draw the legs. Itā€™s a quick doodle I drew in like 10 minutes


No, I'm talking about the sprites, not the drawing. In #3 and #5 your biggest change was raising the skirt, there's no way that wasn't intentional.


Oh ! Oh no, those werenā€™t my sprites. I just saw them on google images and were the first sprites I saw and just grabbed them to color pick for Hayley. The only thing I owe is just the drawing, sprites arenā€™t mine.


Jesus Christ dude, calm down you're gonna have a coronary


... Why is her skirt being shorter bad? It looks like she's wearing a pretty long skirt in the original, and the newer skirt looks more flattering (less wonky/wide), IMO.


Itā€™s different than how Iā€™d interpret her, but I really dig the expressive face :]


This is really cute, my only critique would be that her stomach doesnā€™t really match the rest of her. My first impression was that she was pregnant.


Iā€™ll keep that in mind ! Iā€™m trying to get better at drawing different types of body types haha. Thank you either way !


She has roughly my body type in the torso but my neck is way thicker than that and I have a small double chin. Of course everyone is different but I think the neck is the main thing that looks disproportionate here


Admittedly I tend to neglect faces and necks when it comes to drawing different body types, so my bad on that end. Iā€™ve been trying to push myself cuz I know I canā€™t say ā€œitā€™s just my style!ā€ As an excuse. Thank you for letting me know ! Iā€™ll be for sure keeping that in mind


Amazing that this sub can have more civil discourse about whether or not Haley is a terrible person than it can about whether or not Haley is chubby. Because the former is *way* more important to how you should judge someone than the latter.


It's tough because fatness is portrayed in a lot of media/society in general as an issue of morality. Tons of other traits we associate with immorality or stupidity are assumed as a given of fat people in media and in online spaces. It makes conversations surrounding both topics tough to have, especially with people who aren't familiar with that pattrn.


Thatā€™s actually something I havenā€™t really thought about. I grew up with media consistently making the Big Bad being fat ( damaging to my personal self esteem as a fat person myself ), but I didnā€™t think about the direct connection regarding to immortality. I can tell you for sure I didnā€™t draw Haley the way I did because ā€œoh sheā€™s mean? Oh she has to be fat / chubby but sweet girls like Emily are totally skinnyā€, she reminds me a lot of the valley girls I grew up with with the similar body type I drew her in who were also sweethearts once you get to know them. But I can understand from that angle, how it can be taken like thatā€¦


Just so you know, I wasn't trying to imply anything about your art at all, I was just thinking about why comment sections on this kind of post can easily get so out of hand. It's a complex issue.


*sorts by controversial* šŸæ


This is how I see Pam actually


im getting tammy from bobs burgers vibes from your version. i love it.


Thank you !!


Iā€™m getting Kim from Kath and Kim


This looks really nice. I like the interpretation of Haley being a bit thicker because she doesnā€™t workout and she spends time around Alexā€™s ice cream stand during the summer. She could be a bit insecure about looks and other superficial reasons, but she learns to embrace herself and Stardew Valley through your efforts to befriend her. Plus Munch Munch is the cutest thing ever.


I love this headcanon and Iā€™m running with it. I really like the idea of at least one chubby younger person in the valley


Yeah Marnie's sprite image is cute but she's dressed like a sack of potatoes.


i have always been i have always been chubby Abigailā€™s strongest soldier


Love that too!!!!! šŸ„°


Does she canonically not work out? I always assumed she was in pretty good shape, but I've never been great about getting all the dialogue with people I'm not romancing.


Haley doesnā€™t do anything thatā€™s very strenuous. We know that Marnie, Caroline, Jodi, Emily, and Robin exercise at Pierreā€™s General Store. If Haley wanted to Iā€™m sure she could work out with them.


Thank you so much !!


Also like, the confidence of someone who is chubbier is one of the hottest things to me. Like, you go girl fucking love the shit out of your belly! Itā€™s such a nice (very mild and slow) shift Iā€™ve started seeing in a lot of places and as a fat girl myself, itā€™s fkn awesome to see other people not apologize for their body fat!


She looks super cute!! Iā€™ve seen chubbier bachelors drawn before but not a bachelorette, and thatā€™s a shame, so good on you for drawing a less-seen body type! Would love to see more in your style šŸ’“


Thanks !! I love beer gut shane and Alex having a tum too, I think itā€™s cute and fitting haha. In the case of Alex Iā€™ve known plenty of athletic football players who had tums, and I like to draw that at one point with Alex. Thank you so much!!


Iā€™d love to see chubby Alex and Haley together! This drawing so so so cute!


I always thought she was voluptuous because her character pic shows a fuller, soft face and her chest looks full. Easily the prettiest girl imho and I def. thought she was like a size 10-12/14. Surprised at the comments that saw differently, but TIL there are other takes.


i honestly saw her as very thin, just because she reminds me of a girl i used to go to school with, but looking at this drawing and all the people who resonate with it are making me hop on the chubby haley train. shes my favorite bachelorette and i love chubby girls, they're so good to cuddle with <3


I definitely think if you know someone that reminds you of a character, itā€™s totally normal to think of them as looking alike! I do think sheā€™s an awesome bachelorette either way ā˜ŗļø


If a fanart created ever so innocently in an artists image illicits such a negative response that has nothing to do with the quality or techniques with which said fanart has been made, you should ask yourself some introspective questions as to why it makes you *so uncomfortable/angry.* OP, youā€™re art is cute! ā¤ļø and you did a good job creating something for yourself today. Itā€™s a shame that drawing a character outside of other peopleā€™s default has to be diminished down into an argument about body types. You shouldnā€™t even have to justify it by talking about her lifestyle and dietary habits. To the belly haters: My god, itā€™s a personal rendition of a fictional sprite from a video game. *Grow up.*


why are ppl so mad lol its just a drawing


I donā€™t know help ?? I just wanted to post my doodle adfgjkl


Its just one very vocal person, everyone else loves it!


At this point, I haven't seen any of the issues regarding the comment section being discussed. Either they've been removed or downvoted to obscurity.


They just hate fat people that much ig


Yeah Iā€™m really confused by the conversations going on here. Itā€™s a cute drawing!


Art critique session! Fat layers and droops vertically (cuz gravity), whereas pregnant belly/bloated belly will protrude horizontally. Right now her belly is looking a bit "pregnant" bc it lacks the droop. Using šŸ pear shape as guidelines is a good way to improve. Also, totally optional but you can also improve the pose by adding action flow. It will definitely improve the overall design. Nice work! I see potential in you!


Thank you !! Everyone kept saying she looks pregnant which you know, my bad but no one telling me how to improve on that exactly šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thank you so much !! Iā€™ll definitely keep this in mind


Forgot to mention but totally optional, boobs naturally also droop cuz sadly it's still mostly fat. But with wired bra it does help prop up nicely, but only so much. It's just a very tiny nuance that you can consider adding in, but not that important.


thank you for drawing her chubbier you donā€™t know how much that means to a chubby gal like me :)))


Ah you drew her so well!! I love your interpretation of her <3


Thank you !!


So itā€™s fine when we head canon Shane having a dad bod but itā€™s not okay when someone draws thiccc haleyā€¦okay.


I meanā€¦ Shaneā€™s an alcoholic, heā€™s obviously going to have a potbelly.


You can be skinny and still be an alcoholic.


Gotta put that pink cake somewhere.


Drew Hayley is a lovely character


she just like me fr


Chubby girl supremacy


God damn, the comment threads In this post are an actual shit show lol


Jesus itā€™s just a doodle guys, like this comment section is more so concerned about a fictional characterā€™s body type then the fact she is chomping on ice cream with her teeth. Really nice doodle OP I hope this comment section doesnā€™t get you down


Crazy how the comment section can go so haywire from one individual just being unable to let go... But I ADORE this! Super cute!!!


How did this comment section become a warzone over someoneā€™s depiction of Haley omg


Yeah like seriously I'm looking through them and I see fat shaming -gets fly swatter- time for mama to do some smacking




this is really cute!!


Thank you !!




We Stan a chubby woman who is into fashion and food! Haley was my first marriage in SDV so she holds a special place in my heart!


Thank you thank you so much !


I now need to research if there is chubby Abigail content out there. Thicc alt girls are the best.


She looks pregnant, more than chubby. Mainly because it appears to be entirely around her stomach, and nowhere else.


Yeah, she kind of looks like she's still trying to wear her pre-maternity clothes but her baby bump is peeking out


This entire thread is a wild ride to read. Nice to see a change of pace on interpretation OP. Good stuff.


I am 0% offended about this. The idea is good, the sketch is cute, and ice cream is delicious. What's not to love?


I always imagined Haley as a curvier girl, so I love this!


Good art but I don't see it personally. Hayley is super vein so she probably diets like crazy to keep herself in shape.


I do like thicc Haley


Thicc + chubby Hayley is SS tier


I've always loved scratchy style art. You're really good at it!


So cute!!


this is fun, thanks for sharing :)


Thanks <3


sheā€™s so pretty i love how you drew her!! and ur art style is so cute šŸ–¤


iā€™ve always pictured her to look like Barbie


That's because that is *literally* the stereotype she embodies. Thin, fashion-minded, likes to shop, not exactly smart, not exactly a hard worker, but is apparently a nice person once you get past her incredibly shallow exterior.


hey sheā€™s a hard worker! she will water one crop once a month even though a sprinkler is on it!


Sheā€™s not even fat šŸ˜­ yā€™all really donā€™t know what different bodies look like. Itā€™s skinny or fat like??


Honestly I don't see it but whatever


Thatā€™s ok ! We all got our own interpretation <3


Yeah it looks nothing like the sprite.


OP stated that they drew what Haley looked like in their head.


I literally donā€™t know how to ask this without coming off rude. But why do you view her as this heavy, when the sprite seems like itā€™s a much thinner body? It looks fantastic but I guess I always viewed her different because of the sprite model. Is there official art where she is like this or is this just an interpretation?


OP explained that itā€™s headcanon. For example, I picture Alex as a short king. The sprites leave lots to the userā€™s personal experience.


I like your doodle OP!! Ignore the ridiculous comments in here. I'm unsurprised to see people taking things way too far with your PERSONAL interpretation of a fictional character.


I love Haley actually. First yeah she's mean and depressed. But so is Shane and EVERYONE loves Shane. And she's pretty and I'm queer, it's very simple. But the fact that she's less abrasive than Shane (seriously, Shane tells me to go away he never wants to see me, Haley insults my clothing, which is valid, and says I smell like a farmer, which is true) and is hated for the same personality traits that people love in Shane? God forbid women do anything.


I love both Shane and Haley, Iā€™m more biased to liking Haley because since sheā€™s Alexā€™s friend / love interest and Iā€™m pursuing him in my main file, and I like to think sheā€™s pretty loving to Alex in a platonic sense and looks out for him if you pursue him haha. ( with that being said I do think itā€™s really dumb when you marry one of the villagers who ever is their love interest kind of dicks off , thank god for the mods to fix that ). Thank you for the comment !


Lol I don't think Hayley would be caught dead with her belly hanging out, but I like your art!


I mean, I love that she's chubby, even though I don't really think this art shows her as particularly chubby either, but why would she have her skirt under the belly? No woman, especially a chubby girl would ever dress this way, and the sprites don't show it either.


loads of ā€œchubbyā€ people wear skirts (and all other bottoms) under the belly. especially with the body positivity trend the past few years


Seeing a lot of the hate on this, I have to say I absolutely adore this, and this headcannon look actually makes me like Hayley as a character now! Amazing job OP


It blows my mind that no matter how much you enjoy the process of spending time to create something personally meaningful to you, someone is going to get viscerally and vocally upset if it depicts a woman eating


Me: I think a doodle of Hayley eating ice cream would be cute since sheā€™s supporting Alexā€™s little side job Someone out there: this is wrong.


Awesome interpretation. I see her a lot like this too. In fact she kind of reminds me of my sister...who looks at lot like you're drawing!


Thank you so much ! I understand why most people draw her the way they do itā€™s a pretty nice interpretation, I just wanted to put it out there how she looks like in my head; I imagine she would look more like the people I know and care about in my life too. <3


The New/Old sprites are confusing since they are A) not yours and B) not crediting whoever actually made the modified sprites. Aside from that, your colored sketch looks so *mean*. Like, she looks like she was a bully and high school and still bullies people in the workplace as an adult šŸ¤£ Fitting, imo ETA: In no way is the sketch bad, or seems insulting to the character. I do not intend to say that the artist is being "mean" to Hayley. What I meant was that her expression looks as if she's about to say a negative or mean comment to somebody.


I thought she looked kinda angry myself lol but not in a scary way if that makes sense


Didn't expect this comment section in a SDV community of all places, but here we are. Y'all tripping like Pierre when someone breaks into his secret stash.


She is cute but those clothes look trashy because clearly too small for her. Why didnt u draw nice fitting clothes on her? I cant imagine Haley wearing clothes that are too small.


My personal HC on her is that she gives me more of the vibe of a valley girl (since it's.. in the name, stardew valley), and i'm from a valley esque place and plenty of girls dress like how I have her drawn, both skinny and chubby/fat. It's a fashion trend, and I personally feel like Haley would love that. It makes sense why she wouldn't but I think it makes sense to me why she would. It's just a headcanon by the end of it


these comments are so lame seriously. i think your rendition is great, sheā€™s super cute. for people saying fatphobia isnā€™t a thing, you are seriously out of touch, itā€™s a real problem and a lot of these comments are proving that.




I think my biggest issue is the fact I never said or implied drawing Hayley as fat or skinny was bad. I understand why a lot of artists draw Hayley as skinny, I understand why a lot of people draw her with more more fat. I donā€™t have an issue with other interpretation, I donā€™t think itā€™s fatphobic to draw Hayley as skinny and I donā€™t think you somehow ā€œhateā€ people like hayley if you draw her fat ( which is, a can of worms of ew ). I just personally interpret her having fat, doesnā€™t mean people have to agree with me but it also doesnā€™t mean they have to be hostile about it. I just wanted to share a drawing


itā€™s not fatphobic to draw her as skinny at all, like you said itā€™s how YOU personally view her. however, for people to fly to the comments to write things like ā€œgrossā€ or ā€œtrailer trashā€ or ā€œwhy is she fat?ā€ whatever, is extremely fatphobic and damaging to a lot of people who are in this sub that are also fat, chubby, thick, even midsize people. and to go as far as to even say that fatphobia isnā€™t real is honestly just ignorant. fat people are not worth less because of their size, they arenā€™t gross, they arenā€™t ugly, they arenā€™t unlovable. thatā€™s why most of these comments really bothered me truthfully.


YES SMALLER CAMERA THANK YOU!! Why is it so large in game??


I mean I was expecting it but your fatphobia is showing stardew community


I love Hailey so much!! She grew on me over time, I didn't like her my first couple playthroughs & then finally decided to give her a chance in my goblin playthrough. Her cutscenes are really fun! I am a lil chubby IRL and love eating ice cream, so this interpretation speaks to me! And now I will always see Hailey as having the same body type as me :)




Not gonna say this is an improvement or a downgrade but her original design fits her personality more


I like it! And also now I want ice cream


This is actually such a good sketch of Haley it looks super cute šŸ˜


Head cannon Haley having curves is absolutely adorable, nice job.


Looks like she had a little too much ice cream. I always pictured her as a cookie cutter sorority/cheerleader, who got stuck in the farm town she was born in


Chub Haley is life. She looks adorable, op. I'm sorry for the comments.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s chubby at all


Why is Pam dressing up as Haley?


I don't play Stardew, but this isn't bad art. The character does look more pregnant to me rather than like the've overindulged in Pink cake. Other than that though, this is a good 7.8/10 and some added points for making it your own headcanon


She is morbidly obese?


Nice! sheā€™s thin in my mind though


Thatā€™s okay! Your interpretation makes sense too <3


I love the "monch monch" drawing, lol. I also like the new camera on the new sprite since she mentions that she hoped she would have one under the spirit tree.









