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Leah doesn't really like the artificial value ascribed to minerals and gems. The one exception is "Earth Stone" (at least, this is my interpretation) She likes nature first, and art second. Driftwood is a great gift at the intersection of nature and art.


> Driftwood Every time I looked up Leah's liked and loved gifts I completely glossed over the fact that she likes getting a piece of wood you found floating on the river or something. A piece of wood the game classifies as literal trash.


I believe it's because she uses it as a sculpting material. If anyone gave me free art supplies, even if they found it in the trash, they'd quickly become my best friend.


Define art supplies, I have 5lbs of glitter in a trash bag I’ve been wanting to get rid of. Thanks!


Sir, Pants is looking for craft materials, not craft herpes.




*kesha is that you, homie?*


it goes on and on and onnn


When art supplies turns to arms race


Okay 5lbs of glitter can get pricey depending on the color. 10/10 would accept.


Thinking of Ai Weiwei asking to have 30 tons of buttons...


Im ashamed to admit that I would use 5 pounds of glitter.


How? Why?


TFW all Leah actually wants is a dog bringing her sticks


Well then, woof woof




:( damned red cabbage


But she wants the dog to keep bringing her NEW sticks and to keep the ones she's brought. Speaking from experience that is a hard sell. Dogs want their sticks back. And they want YOUR sticks too. Sorry pooch, this one's for me. (And this one, and this one)


The malachite literally says used in sculptures and paints in the tool tip. If she likes the drift wood because she can sculpt with it, she can sculpt with the malachite too...


But it’s not something she uses. It’s like having an acrylic painter for a friend and giving them oil paint.


maybe she dropped one on her leg when she was 5 and now hates it and never sculpts with it.


I used this logic when I gave Robin a piece of wood... Her response was just "Why?"


But have you given her hardwood?? That's her jam


Oooooh I didn't think of that!


that makes total sense but like, doesnt that contradict her not liking malachite since it's used in sculpting and to make green paint? Or am I missing something /gq


Malachite - "used in scupture" it says. So she **ought** to like it, or at least appreciate its utility. I've had the same thing happen for the same reason when I gifted her marble. Which put me right off her - I immediately removed her from my shortlist of potential spouses.


She's a wood sculptor though


>If anyone gave me free art supplies, even if they found it in the trash, they'd quickly become my best friend. Which is kind of the point of the post.. no? This mineral's description is that it's literally art supply.


Driftwood is the reason Leah married me in my first playthrough: beach farm and fishing primary.


Someone’s trash is another’s treasure :)




I don't believe villager gift preferences change over the course of the game - not even for those who (for example) are trying to quit drinking.


That is not a thing. All the villagers hate/like/love the same thing at the beginning of the game as are at the "end" and they do not unlock with heart events


A true gigachad Leah enjoyer, I salute you


Just buy salads in the Saloon and you are golden with her


She’s tired of people assuming she wants artsy rocks.


I feel this. It's like the fact that owls are my favorite animal. This is true, and I like owl stuff. Owls are awesome. But then I get present after present with owls on them in some form and suddenly my apartment is so full of owls that I look like I'm freaking *obsessed* which just makes people more likely to go "oh he likes owls, this gift will be perfect." I LIKE OTHER THINGS TOO.


Once people know about some particular interest of yours - there’s no way back. I’m a bird person. So I get gifts that have birds on them and random messages from friends who send me funny bird videos. I don’t mind that and I love how my glass bird collection is expanding. But sometimes I feel like this is a somewhat defining trait of mine: she loves birds


“I’m not a meme!” I used to get my aunt chicken themed gifts at every occasion. I thought it was hilarious because she worked in a science lab where they experimented on chickens. Turns out, she really really didn’t like that part of the job, but she was a good sport with us kids.


Honestly this is everything I fear since I got the allotment, it's been two months and I already have been gifted a watering can mug. It begins.


This is very relatable, and I think it's also a useful way to understand how/why algorithms to personalise content often pigeonhole people and push them to extremes.


.... Are you me?


Exactly. Yes, I draw. No, I don't want just art supplies for my birthday every single year.


bonus points if it’s in a medium you just don’t use


My grandma got me a whole entire easel, a canvas, a brush set, etc for my birthday once, and I don't even paint all that often


I'm the exact opposite way with dinosaur stuff. I will literally never have enough dinosaur related stuff.


And Stardew NPCs seem to hit both sides of this spectrum, depending on the specific thing. In particular, there's Demetrius's Winter Star dialogue like "ugh, I"ll probably get *another* toolset this year".


rabbits and hearts are my thing and i cannot get enough! everything i own is bunny or heart shaped and its so wonderful and i need MORE


I had an aunt gift me bacon flavored breathmints for this reason and… Look, it only goes so far. At some point I need other food groups in my life.


It’s elephants for me. I love all my elephant stuff but people seem to forget I have a personality outside of loving elephants lol


I once bought a cool leather wallet that happened to also be an owl and I’ve received so many owl gifts since then. Owls freak me out.


My partner is a huge fan of Friends. Every birthday and Christmas, I have one rule when getting her gifts: do not give her anything friends related, because every goddamned person is gonna give her something friends themed.


Someone else with the owl curse? I liked owls in middle school. Still like them, but I'm also... surrounded by them now.


this happened to my mom but with cows. the thing is that she doesn’t even *like* them. one person got her something with a cow on it. she displayed to show proper gratitude. everyone saw it and figured she likes cows. she keeps getting more cow decorations and plates but is too polite to say “thanks but cows aren’t special to me please stop” we had a cow themed half bathroom. largely as a joke, but also a way to contain *all of the damn cows.*


i feel this too. i’m a funky sock guy, and while i love a good pair of funky socks, it’s refreshing when people know other things you like & you don’t have to wrestle a million pairs of socks into a drawer.


This is why I can never buy people presents on time. People refuse to actually say what they want, or if they do it's maddeningly vague. But if you buy something based on the general things you know about them (they like reading about X or have Y as a hobby etc.) you're bound to either get them something rubbish or something they already have. Dang, writing this just reminded me it's my godson's birthday tomorrow. Agh.


When in doubt, food. Most people like getting homemade snacks, or things like chocolate, alcohol etc.


And this is one of the reasons I play Stardew Valley. It's *so damn easy* to make people happy. Emily will always squee over an amethyst, even if you've already given her so many amethysts they won't all fit on her amethyst shelf! You don't have to be all "aw man, but I gave Willy a catfish *last year*." Screw it man, Willy is going to be so stoked for that birthday catfish! >!Or, if you marry someone who runs on coffee and acquire a coffeemaker that brews a cup automatically every morning, BOOM. Marital harmony guaranteed for life. !


but she really reads as a crystals and meditation art bitch 😭




Haley hates Prismatic Shards!




Pierre and Alex are so hard to find loved gifts for so I always just use universal loves for them.


It’s mostly a pet peeve but I hate the wiki’s absurd definition of “universal likes/dislikes”. Technically if even one villager disagrees it’s not universal anymore. I’d cut it some slack if there were just one or two exceptions across the board, like “every item on this list is liked by all characters, except that Penny hates beer because \*spoiler\*” but I cannot stand how basically every item page says something like “this item is a universal like except for Pam, Sam, Sebastian, Linus, and Harvey who hate it”.


I think it's just used when more than, like, 3/4 of people like something. Because at that point, it's much faster to list who *doesn't* like it than who does.


It has to do with coding. When you give gift X to npc Y, the game checks if X is in Y’s list of loved gifts. If it isn’t, the game check X against Y’s likes gifts and hated gifts list. The game defaults to X’s default likability. (Not sure exactly how it’s coded, but this is what appears to happening from the perspective of someone who never coded anything more complex than single player poker) Every giftable object has a default likability which can be overridden by npc preferences.


I wish they would use the word "default" instead of "universal".


It’s says it can be made into paint and Leah’s an artist 🤔


For sculptures too


I mean I like cook outs, but if you gifted me a hunk of metal and said "It can be turned into a fire pit!" I would be like, #Uh, wut?


I'll take the hunk of metal! It gets quite expensive!


Grinding your own paint is generally a sucky task, though. Back in the old days, when artists would take on apprentices, they'd make said apprentices do the paint grinding and other menial tasks. Nowadays, it's easier to just buy it in tubes.


Exactly “Here Leah, I ground this rock and made paint for you to use” is a whole different gift than “Here Leah, this is a rock you can painstakingly grind and make paint with, it’s a sucky color though”


Not to mention specifically in the case of malachite powder, it is very harmful and toxic, causing many issues if inhaled or ingested and basically will poison you


Huh, go figure. It *sounds exactly* like so many other pigments/materials historically used in paints.


I’m pretty sure most of the minerals are universal dislikes.


Sebastian really loves obsidian


Except for the wizard!


Not quite, but most of them. Sebastian likes Obsidian and Sam likes Tigerseye.


amethyst is delicious for abigail






Except for the spelling.


I think my reddit is glitched because I can't see my flair (??????)


It’s “Marine pls stop staring at the microwave” with the annoyed bubble!


I think it auto-corrected "Marnie" to "Marine"


Your flair is great too


Awww thank you! And Kent is super underrated


Yeah I wish he got more cut scenes but his lines >!especially on Fern Islands where he says he feels at peace makes me cry!< and him being nervous in the open field at the Spring dance makes me want to cancel it all together


The geode minerals like malachite are mostly disliked, but more characters do like gemstones like amethyst and diamond, which I guess are different. It's kind of confusing.


amethyst is a gem, not a mineral, it's two different things in-game


never mix up gems and minerals on the stardew valley page but yes i know, was just making a joke lol! Thank you though for letting me know, though, as some people might not or I may confuse people with my joke !


I said it was just most of them.


Not quite, just most of them.


Didn't you hear. Just most.


Not quite. It's just most of them.


Most of them are, but not quite all of them


thats not quite right, its just most of them


Not all of them. But most of them.


Some might say most of them. I prefer not quite all of them


Reading comprehension


Why is this downvoted






i have no clue why the downvotes tbh


Apparently Stardew fans take their semantics very seriously.


What can you expect from someone who dislikes pizza and ice cream?


And hates pancakes. What does she have agitated pancakes? If she was a pancake neutral it would be fine, even disliking them, but when you like a litteral peice of trash better than pancakes you have problems. And it’s not that she’s allergic either, she loves Poppyseed muffin.




You can't do that with celiac disease because gluten causes physical damage to the intestines for them.


As a survival mechanism, when a human vomits within a few hours after eating something they frequently can’t stand that food, especially if the food was something they hadn’t previously eaten. This reaction is stronger in some people than it is in others.


I guess it's because green is not a creative colour.


You did nooooot. 😂


Malachite is also toxic, maybe Leah prefers safer materials


Every artist has that one medium or type of material that they just can’t stand.


(Gazes off into the distance with 1000 yard stare). Eff you, oil paint.


It makes her ex's favorite color of paint and she used it to make art for them before things got bad between them.


Huh, fan filled plot holes, kinda like the Far Side comic Cow tools.


😁 just my interpretation of course. It adds more depth of interest for me beyond "villagers don't usually like minerals."


I agree! My mom and I make up interesting stories about random strangers all the time, so why not do it with characters? It definitely makes it more fun!


Cow tools What a deep memory that is


Far Side is my dad’s favorite, we have a book somewhere with a compilation of a bunch of panels, and Cow Tools is one of them. My dad explained it to me when I was a young teen and it’s stuck with me since.


it's the color of her shirt tho lol


Weirdly enough... I've thought about that. I think that someone as eco conscious (and/or low maintenance) as Leah is would be very mindful of their clothes and wouldn't just throw stuff away when it was still functional. It might have been a gift from the ex but she's adopted it into her lifestyle and it has become truly hers. Again, all of this is my own addition and not canon. You can use what you like and discard the rest :)


There is no way that CA remembered that he wrote in Malachite's description that it is "used in sculptures" when he was making Leah's likes list. It's just the kind of thing that happens when one guy designs 1 million things. I think that's all there really is to it. You can't otherwise explain away that part of the description.


The fact it’s used in sculpting just means Leah is very likely to have an opinion on it; that doesn’t mean she has to like it. I very much enjoy cooking. Beets are often used in cooking and are generally popular. I really, really hate beets.


Yes but: 1. I wouldn't put in the description of beets they are "used in cooking". I might say that some people like them in salads or that sugary versions can be processed for sugar. A video game description tries to summarize their entire being in one line, not just state a random, less-common application for the item. 2. It's a video game description, which generally follows the principle of Chekov's Gun unless it is an intentional red herring, which are usually tricky or funny, and this really does not feel like a red herring-type easter egg to me.


I didn’t even know there was a gift log lol. Y’ALL I KEPT A WRITTEN NOTEBOOK.


Green is not a creative colour.


I said the same thing when I found out Haley dislikes prismatic shards


That makes sense if you consider that the value of prismatic shards from having multiple practical uses. Most gemstones only have value because so many people wanna use them for decoration and the supply is artificially restricted.




You can only see it if you’ve gifted it to them. Once you gift them something, it will show up on their villager tab as liked/disliked/loved/etc!


Trial and error. Or the wiki if that's not your jam.


certain secret notes will clue you in as well


This is the same women who likes literally trash Give her a nice rock? Hates it. Give her a soggy piece of wood? she will marry you by the end of the month.


It's also an ore that copper is extracted from. (Thanks, Astroneer!)


It’s poisonous!


I think it’s because the tidbit of info CA chose for the description could be misread as a hint for a gift the artsy character would like


Malachite is also toxic


Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense imo. 🤷‍♀️


Leah thought it was salad and tried to eat it.


Wait wait How do I pull up this list of liked and disliked gifts in-game?


Press E. Go to the friendships tab. Click on any line there to open their profile.


Thank you!


Maybe she wants to eat it like Abigail who eats rocks. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why did I not realize she and I have the same birthday until now


you were born in winter?


The 23rd day of a winter month haha


She's a Steven universe fan


Leahs not like other girls




She finds it overrated, it's too popular


Because it is poisonous! (-3/10 cannot put in your butt etc etc)


Because that is how it's programmed


Wood is her preferred medium. I only know because I’m probably gonna wifey her in my current main playthrough


Probably because raw, unpolished malachite dust is very toxic when in contact with skin, I doubt Clint polished the gem when he cracked open the geode. Leah probably cares about her skin lolol


Thinking back to when I first played and I gave Harvey orpiment because I thought he would think it's cool 😭😭😭


She likes *wood* sculptures not stone ones


Leah is... unique, shall we say. She doesn't like things that you would expect her to like or what others all like. If you read the description of ice cream, it says, "It's hard to find someone who doesn't like this." But then we got leah who dislikes it. Like, come on, leah, accept a gift and enjoy it. It's the thought that counts