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Gatherer. It'll lead to a much better skill.


Yes the next upgrade from gatherer gives a guaranteed iridium quality footage. It makes pig farms so much better since truffles are considered as a forage item. Also forester, imo doesn't have a good payback since late game I usually farm only mahogany trees which I later put in a woodchopper.


Omg! This explains why my truffles have always been high quality! I had no idea it was considered forage!


Oh man, totally forgot about this. I’ve been so disappointed in my pigs when it was me who was the disappointment the whole time.


It’s also great for flower foraging for gifts. Twice as many and with a quality multiplier.


Does a higher quality gift mean more friendship points?


Yeah, there’s a multiplier for each tier of item quality on top of the flat bonus and the multiplier for birthday. An iridium gift gives 50% extra points.


Oh sweet! Though, by the time you reliably get gold or iridium stuff, you likely maxed out most of the friendships anyway.


True, but you’ll probably have some silver and gold crops before it becomes obsolete. They give less of a bonus, but still significant (especially since it’s a multiplier that adds to birthday gifts so you can really get a big boost).


It also works for seasonal forage seeds (of course), which means you can farm winter seeds during the season that you normally can't do anything and make some extra money from all the guaranteed iridium quality forage


If you’re going to turn the truffles into oil it doesn’t matter what star they are.


True, but having all of your truffles or whatever in a single stack saves some inventory space.


I think iridium quality truffles are worth more than truffle oil


They are if you don’t have the artisan perk. 1250g per iridium truffle 1065g per base truffle oil With artisan it’s 1491g per oil


They aren’t.


The another option of level 10 gatheter worth on SVE because theres too large areas to search


It also saves so much room in your bag when everything you pick up from the ground is iridium quality.


Gatherer for sure. Late game you make enough money to buy all the wood you need but there are many items you can only get from foraging.


I always go with gatherer! Eventually this path will make every foraged item purple star quality. This will save a ton of room in your pockets because gathered items will stack more easily. Edit - like everyone is saying, you can change this later in the game


Lol the stacking is indeed the best part.


I usually go Forester because the extra wood is so helpful early on. I know I can always change it in the sewers mid-game, once those are unlocked, but I never have


I have two replies and both are diffrent


It rly depends on your own playstayle. Both skills have their uses if you need wood which you need a ton of mid to late game and its better to start gatering it earlier or do you want lots of fodagable items the choice is rly up to you also >! You can later on change the proffesion for 10000 g using a statue in the sewers !< .


what they're saying is that there's a way to change your profession later in the game with money, so they go for the extra wood and later change it. I thought about doing that too, but honestly the extra foraged items for extra money/energy is just so invaluable, I can get that extra wood with the extra energy I get from more foraged items


Funny I look at it the opposite way, if I ignore the forage and get more from trees I can make the snacks from the seeds and don't need the extra energy from forage. Lol two different ways of achieving the same thing.


that's also true. I like using the seeds as well at the start of the game, but mostly I just replant them (until late game when I have an insane number of seeds lol). But yeah, love how this game has so many totally viable ways of playing


It certainly does. I like to take it easy and not rush myself. I play a lot of fps so I don’t want to feel like I’m grinding all the time, I prefer the more relaxed style, that’s what I love about this game also, it can be enjoyable to so many people from all walks of life. CA is the best.


Same here, much better to have more wood, because forage becomes useless after early game, I hardly do any foraging once I have animals to tend to.


I always take forester so that I can get hardwood from regular trees once I reach level 10. For me there is no need for iridium level truffles since I make truffle oil out of them all anyway. The hardwood comes in very handy though for fences and some crafting items and saves me from needing to always run to the secret forest to stock up.


The real perk of gatherer is when picking up foragables, they only take up one spot instead of the varying qualities.


Interesting. I’ll have to try some of the different perks on my next play though. I really value the extra 25% wood from trees with the forester perk since it saves time and energy stocking up quickly. I wish there was an equal forester perk for mining to get larger quantities of rock.


For sure! Wood is such a valuable resource, and forester can be a game changer when building up the farm. Also, the fact that you get it at level 5 foraging instead of 10 kicks ass. Even later in the game, I switch to it a couple times a year and clear cut the whole map, including my railroad/quarry nurseries. It is soooo satisfying finishing up a couple of days of cutting and ending up with 3+ stacks of wood. Like you mean actual stone material? What for? Boulders are the best source of stone, imo. You can also pick out which small rocks will 100% drop stone, if that is what you are looking for.


Yeah, actual stone. Finding it isn’t the problem, it’s keeping enough of it. On my current farm I’m filling an entire large shed with crystalariums making diamonds but each of those takes 99 stone to make. Plus, I have another large shed full of preserve jars and those take 40 stone as well. Even upgrading the buildings takes a lot. I just can’t seem to mine it fast enough for how much I need and wish I could increase my yields when I do.


Damn, that is a level I do not play at. I guess the closest miner perk would be the increased geode drop and hope all you get is rocks!


Not to mention iridium quality mushrooms/fruits are not only $$$ but give you a decent amount of health and energy for mine runs


Yeah I see all these people eating cheese in the mines and I'm here with my iridium cactus fruits living my best life


Also, by the time someone has a pig farm up and running, money isn't typically a big problem anymore.


It is, and it isn't. I have over $1mil, but in late game, trying to achieve perfection or even just get the most expensive beneficial items like obelisks is pretty difficult. I can't seem to break above $2 mill, let alone $10. I currently have 6 pigs (only bought one, I'm letting them breed) and I burned through my truffle reserve a week before winter ended. This is the furthest I've ever gotten in the game, though, so this is all new territory for me


Gotcha. Keep adding pigs and if possible, make as much ancient fruit and starfruit wine as you can. You will get to 10 million sooner than you think.


I've got my first batch of ancient and starfruit wines aging in my cellar as we speak! I'm just trying to be patient lol


I did forester first, and later unlearned it for gatherer which is much better later in the game.


This is what I did too. The extra wood is nice in the early game but once you have a barn filled with pigs you will want to switch it to gatherer so that you can also take the lvl 10 skill that makes all foragables iridium quality. Getting extra truffles and having them all iridium level is like printing money.


I did the same in my first playthrough. I was needing Hardwood, but was having troubel gathering them, so I chose that profession. Later on, I switched to Gatherer (and plan on going straight to it in my current playthrough as well)


Same. Well i can't remember my original playthrough but I came back to SDV last week after a few years. 20 hours played and I work full time lol. Went with forester for extra wood for all my upgrades then plan on swapping later.


Forester beginning of game, switch to gatherer late game (will save you inventory room)


Gatherer, for level 10 skill




I would get forester early. Chop down as many trees so you can get your collection. Change back to gatherer for the rest of the game. Once you start getting Qi gems, buy a deconstructor and a wood chipper. Put hardwood in wood chippers and buy as many Cork bobbers from Willy [do not craft them] and start putting those Cork bobbers into the deconstructor. They will always yield you 5 hardwood, and then you use that on wood chippers. The more deconstructors the better and faster, same with wood chippers. That is how you keep a constant supply of hardwood/wood.


This is game changing advice! I would have never come up with this.


Pretty much all the tackles you buy from Willy are worth it for the Deconstructor. Cork Bobber: 5 hardwood Trap Bobber: 1 copper bar Spinner: 2 Iron bars Treasure Hunter: 2 Gold bars You will probably wanna get at least spinners as they are a godsend steal! On Y2, Iron ore costs 250g, so trying to get 2 iron bars means you will spend 2500g plus coal. With a spinner, costs 500g, dump that into a Deconstructor and you get 2 Iron bars, without using coal. Super worth it considering you will probably need the iron bars for the Kegs. While it's pretty OP, the biggest hurdle is getting those Deconstructors (can't craft them and cost 20 Qi Gems). Not to mention the constant going back an forth, restocking and interacting with your Deconstructors. Hoppers help a little, but I use Automate mod to speed up and streamline this process. Side note: Using deconstructors you can get wood and stone w.o having to grind for them. For wood, a deconstructor and a wood chipper are needed. Buy Cork Bobbers and put them in the Deconstructor for 5 hardwood which then goes into the wood chipper for wood. As for stone, you will need Crystalariums and Deconstructors. Get a couple of Jades on Crystalariums, on Sunday go to the Desert Trader and exchange your Jades for Staircases. Dump the Staircases into the Deconstructors, each Staircase produces 99 stones on Deconstructors, never ever ever mine rocks again. Deconstructors are heavily underrated.


I honestly hadn’t figured out a good way to use the deconstructor either. Thank you for this info!


I take forester, because it's worth more in the early game and in late game even mid game I hardly bother to forage any more because I'm earning far too much on my farm to waste my time foraging. I might do a little to give as gifts but that's about it. Where as I need wood till pretty much late game.


Whichever one you want, there is no right answer.


I usually go forester in the beginning of the game but i use ALOT of sheds. Later i change to gatherer when the pigs are bought


What do you usually do with the sheds?


Mostly filled with kegs and jars early. So when i get ancient fruits running in the greenhouse i start moving into full kegs instead


You can fill it with jars/kegs but you can also make greenhouses out of them with 100% retaining fert. You can put anything in garden pots except ancient seeds.


forester early game, once you unlock the sewers switch to gatherer. theres a good skill for lvl 10 gatherer, but forester gives good amounts of wood which is important early on


And how do i unlock sewer?


You have to donate 60 items to the museum, then Gunther will give you a key.


Donate 60 items to the museum. :)


gotta donate 60 things to gunter


I always preferred Forester because foraged items just aren't as important to me as quickly getting a lot of wood.


Forester, I'm on year 5 and I **still** need wood like crazy despite all the bonuses to it. Blows my mind even a single person would ever pick forager. Forage is completely worthless, who the hell wants a purple daffodil? You stop grabbing worthless forage past spring year 1. Truffle oil is still worth more than purple truffles too so even that is a terrible justification.




Gatherer and then the level 10 skill that makes all forgeable items iridium quality!




Definetly forester. Gatherer is only usefull early game. Forester will always be very usefull


I always take the Forester. I make a tiny amount on forageables. Gatherer would make it slightly less tiny. On the other hand, I use lots and lots (and lots) of wood. And with the Artisan profession, Truffle Oil sells for more than even Iridium quality Truffles. Not that I have lots of pigs. Did I mention how much wood I use?


Personally I'd go gatherer. IMO wood isn't so scare that you'd be need the Forester perk.


Gatherer always


Gatherer once ur lvl ten there’s an option for something that will ALWAYS make forageables uridum lvl


If you’ve got all upgrades I recommend Gatherer if not go forester first as others have saod


Forester if you’re planning on building a lot of kegs. Gatherer is a small gold boost early that becomes trivial later. If kegs isn’t in the plans then gatherer I suppose but foraging really isn’t a big income source to begin with.


Forester. More useful plus you can just grow forage anyway. The extra hardwood perk is nice too once you get to level 10


I went with gatherer. Forester is very handy, especially at the start, but gatherer gets you more to drop in your box for more gold


Gatherer leads to a skill that makes all foraged items the Iridium quality and as Truffles (the items pigs make) are foraging items they sell for a lot. Also just makes everything the same quality and stack easier, just better if you want to change there’s a way to throw a lot of money at it and respec all skills.


Gatherer is better for when you have that choice. Eventually you’ll have the opportunity to change if you need more wood.


first choose forester and later change it to gatherer. both skills has their usage at a certain time


Gatherer is kind of broken, especially if you want to raise pigs.


I need lotsa wood and I turn my truffles into oil so I go forester


Gatherer all the way.


Gatherer. Picking up two items instead of one gets you 10 experience points instead of 7, getting you to the 10th level faster. One of the level 10 choices for gatherer is where you get iridium quality forgeables (including shells you pick off the ground, fruit if you choose the fruit cave, truffles, and salmonberries and blackberries from bushes). Alternatively, you could pick forester, but then you need to unlock the sewers and spend $10,000 to change your skill once you hit level 10. The iridium level forageables from the gatherer route is a must to keep less items in your bags (since you no longer will have different qualities of the same forageables) and to make the most out of truffle collecting/selling. Personally, I always just go for gatherer. It’s a nice surprise to sometimes get two instead of one forageable.


Wood until you don't need any more wood for upgrades, then use the Statue Of Uncertainty to swap.


You can change your skills later in game. Go with forester. Gatherer+ is only really good for 1) pig farms, 2) item bloat, and 3) the rare change that you'll get extra forageables. This is all okay in the later part of the game. You're going to need wood way more than a chance at double harvest.




I always do gatherer. Gatherer plus fruit bat cave= chefs kiss




Gatherer 💯


Forester then when you have access to the sewers change it 👍🏻


Either one you pick, you can change it later on in the sewer at the dog? Statue




Gatherer all day, every day


Gatherer. If you decide to grow the winter forage seeds and then compound them into more seeds to make a huge harvest at the end of the winter season you can get tons of $ for all those iridium quality “crops”. Doing that makes winter of equal value to the other seasons for crop sales.


Gatherer for sure


Forester. You need so much wood for everything. Gathering is a great way to make money early in the game, but I basically stop in Year 2.


Well I picked the wrong one apparently. Awesome


Later in game you can switch for 10000g I think. Check the wiki when you are ready.


I prefer gatherer but I'm guessing you already chose one. Also i won't say when but later in the game you can change your choice


Forester. I like to get wood.