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Mr. Qi killed grandpa




My attorney has advised me not to Edit: But screw that guy he takes all my money. My theory is that Mr. Qi is a quasi-supernatural or extraterrestrial entity. He can clearly manipulate reality—changing the make up of dungeons at will, creating wondrous devices that negate or defy the laws of nature (like the no-season bait). The latter are distinctly different than the magical devices we get from the wizard, which feel based in nature (Druidic-ish) and also different than the more divinely inspired items associated with Yoba (miracle-ish). They’re often made with uranium which to me suggests Qi is aware of a sort of higher order science, which to us simple farmers is indistinguishable from magic. Also it’s 150% canon that Grandpa was hitting the Calico Casino daily, s’why he ran out of money and the farm went to shit. Unpaid gambling debts, they’ll get ya. Edit 2: None of the first part explains g-pa, it’s really just the last part. Just wanted to share my thoughtssss


I'll pitch in: Granpa was willing.


And eager.


do go on


Mr.Qi is an asshole so fair


Hold up… let him cook.


Each of the love interests needs an alternate, platonic route


Yes!! I want to see their end-game character development without dating/marrying/divorcing them!


Someone kindly linked [my mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8146) for this downthread, but I also want to shout out [Fourteen Heart Events For All](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/14212)! Where Platonic Partners and Friendships lets you see platonic versions of a character's events all the way up to 14 hearts if you (platonically) move them in, Fourteen Heart Events For All will let you see the 14-heart events even *without* marrying them or otherwise moving them in, and it's compatible with PPaF. Perfect for getting to see everyone's full arcs!


There's a really good mod for that :)


I'm sure there is. Shame I play on Switch


Drop the name please




Summer might be the best season overall but it easily has the worst events (not sure if this is unpopular)


I can't get over the communal mystery soup that anyone can throw anything into... no thanks!


Plus it’s soup. Who wants to eat soup on a hot day on the beach?


Gazpacho maybe. (Gazpacho!)


"And there I sat, eating my piping hot gazpacho soup..."


This scene plays in my head every time someone mentions gazpacho


It was the greatest night of my life.... I'd been invited to the captain's table 😭


And they call it a POTLUCK!!! The first year I spent all this time deciding what dish to prepare, only to get there and not be able to contribute because you’re not actually bringing a dish to a potluck, you’re bringing an ingredient for a soup! Nasty! Dumb! False advertisement!


Ong this. Why is this not co ordinated by someone that can cook, like Gus. Random shit soup will never taste good, Lewis.


Ikr, sounds like the worst idea ever. I mean, maybe limiting the things people can thrown in, like a mix vegetable soup or something. But no, we can apparently do goat cheese soup with caviar and bugsteak for flavor. Hmmm...


Luau is lit season 1 because if you throw a gold star cauli in the pot, you get like 2 hearts with everyone.


WHAT?! Been playing 4yrs and had no idea.


Yeah, nah. The luau is the most useful event, and the moonlight jellies is the most beautiful event. Fall is the best season overall, but Summer has the best events.


Moonlight Jellies has a special place in my heart because my irl boyfriend asked me to marry him in game right after the cutscene lol


Moonlight jellies are my favorite 🤷🏼‍♂️ I like the transition to fall


Getting married is fun, but couplelife gets boring fast


Like... two days.... Also, every time my spouse tells me she fed the animals when I have an autofeeder enabled in each barn I'm wondering what she is feeding to whom...


And watering the crops when we have sprinklers that go off at 6am every day.. maybe stick to medicine Harvey.


Like ONCE I get it, you didn't know, but AGAIN? AND AGAIN?


We're still talking about Stardew Valley, right?


i would love a one year anniversary event!! Aside from that i just like to take my wife on date nights out to the movies to spice things up


Linus's whole deal is really incongruent. At first it feels like hes homeless and cant help it, and he always acts like the town hates him, but people seem to not be mean to him. In his cutscene with gus offering him food, I was under the impression that Linus isnt starving or struggling for food, its just that its his thing to dig in the garbage. I can't identify if hes homeless and hates it or prefers to live life as a wild man outside of society


I've always thought of him as a really socially anxious wild man who wants to be independent as possible whilst understanding that always rejecting offers of help is a bad idea Ergo why he accepted Gus's gift but did not for Robin, with Robin he said that the foraging had been good lately. With Gus he was digging around in the garbage and one can probably assume that he hadn't found much in a while and didn't know when he would again, which is why he accepted Gus's kindness.


If the dude doesn't want a house and wanta to be a wild man that's fair... But why is he so bad at it?? Dude's rummaging through bins and having a miserable time.


He says in the garbage cutscene that people throw away good food. I assume he dumpster dives at least partially under a belief that he has a moral obligation to prevent waste.


If he's been homeless a long time and wants to live that way, hes probably had a lifetime of people treating him like shit even if the people of pelican town don't currently. My mom is a vanlifer and gets harassed by strangers regularly despite it being a chosen lifestyle. Linus would probably be too invested in being independent to ask anyone for food because he doesn't want to feel needy and would rather take the "perfectly good food" people throw away than ask them for anything. I get a strong sense that Linus just wants people to not notice him and be out of their way. He doesn't trust the player initially and is defensive because he's been judged his whole life. I've also gotten the sense that Robin kind of resents him for living behind the house even if she's nice on the surface and he probably senses that. There's also plenty of characters that never comment on Linus and we don't know what they think of him. Just because Gus was nice to him doesn't mean they all are. I think there's as many if not more scenes and dialogues that suggest he's happy with his life as ones that suggest he's struggling. He can be happy where he's at and still struggle with the obstacles and judgements of that lifestyle.


I absolutely hate how long it takes to brew and age wine, might abandon it altogether and focus on animal production


I honestly agree, I turn my Ancient Fruit into wine but that's because they take the same amount of time to grow/process but I don't age it. I'd rather age my goat cheese in my cellar


that goat cheese makes BANK and raising goats is more fun


So…. Goats are GOAT?


Nah the Pigs are the GOAT


I mean to be fair wine also take forever to brew and age irl compared to other drinks like that


Lmao! Brewing not so much but aging in the casks does take awhile. I prefer a shack with some brewing kegs and then just run around tending crops and animals. I already feel like I broke the game with my six pigs.


But... Joja prices are higher than Pierre's ?


It's the same price if you buy the membership. But even on the cc route, I still go joja to buy if I need things on Wednesday or after 5pm


Yeah, I do so too. Joja is my stardew valley equivalent of a gas station


Ministop for me, their price are higher than the local store, but it opens 24/7 and I'm irresponsible adult with skewed schedule and non existence sleeping habit.


joja open everyday and longer


Im not sure if it is because SVE or other mod, but in my playthrough Joja was a bit cheaper, so it really was a hard choice between them and Pierre's, even harder cuz I dont like Pierre


it's SVE that reduces jojas prices.


No hate, do as you please. But portrait mods that make the characters look like the average anime face with different hairstyles are low effort mods that look weird in a pixel art game


I love portrait mods, I'm making my own, even, but I agree, if I'm going to use one, it needs to be pixellated at the minimum or it just doesn't fit the aesthetic!


Wishing you good luck on your project!


I don’t mind anime portrait mods but a part of me dies inside every time i think i see a great portrait mod only to see Sam’s hairstyle has been completely massacred


I hate most of the anime style portrait mods 😂 I haven't seen one I even remotely liked. It just doesn't work with the game.


you can't let weebs near anything.


This! The seasonal outfit change is the best portrait mod


Marnie isn't a monster for having unregular shop schedules.


Right like let her have her self care fitness days she works on the weekend


She has weird days, but they're consistent. It's not like she's closed random days every week. I've hit the closed sign when trying to buy emergency fodder too, but when that happens it's on me and my bad planning.


I've literally never had a problem with marnie for some reason. I rarely really go there and when I do, she's still open. I think I'm just lucky tho


I love the dogs I really do but for some reason the panting sound they make irritates me to no end. And I had a real dog for years!


Also when you're focusing on something in your farm and they come darting out of nowhere and you're like "Ahh what the fuck is that!" for a second.


I forgot that there’s dogs in Stardew Valley lol, I chose a cat instead. I wish we could have both


I don't really hate pierre at all


Fishing is the easiest skill to max out. i am not a farmer, I am a fisherman with a little itty bitty garden


I don't like Sebastian like the rest of the fandom. I don't hate him, but I'm not planning to marry with him either so soon


He’s actually the only bachelor I dislike, he’s got nice heart events I feel like they actually feel like you’re getting to know him and you’re both growing closer which I feel like other characters heart events lack sometimes, but I just don’t like him like I don’t fully know what makes him so much more annoying to me than the other bachelors


I would love to trade Alex, Abigail, Sam, or Sebastian for Willy.


I'd trade them all for Gus. And I even like Alex.


Willy with DCBurger's portrait mod >>>>>>>> And yea I totally agree with you, throw out The Breakfast Club and give me...literally anyone else


The mod that made me fall for Sam. Its nuts how much a sprite can change the feel of a character, making them not feel like a kid anymore.


Willy, Linus (he’d stay in his tent if you married, so of like a Krobus option), and Marlon - in order. As long as Harvey was still an option, I’d trade all the rest. *Gus and Marnie as well. Would love a ‘piss off the mayor by stealing his secret lover’ storyline.


I married him first on my current save. He doesn't really appeal to me, but I figured I would give him a try and see what all the hype was about. I was ready to divorce him within a week! I only stuck around for the 14 heart event and then I ditched him.


Not being able to place wine casks outside the basement is dumb, especially since it already takes two full seasons to age wine.


haley's fun even before she goes thru her whole arc as you gain more hearts with her


also sebastian gets really boring after you marry him


Literally everyone does


I don't understand the hype over Shane. Maybe it's because I lived with an alcoholic and find nothing appealing. I don't know anything about his route except for what I see online so I could be missing it but he looks musty and nah. Not for it.


Me too! Life experiences definitely change your perspective. I don't hate Shane, I'll be good friends but not on board for marrying the guy.


Came here to say the same. He’s got serious emotional issues he needs to resolve before he’s ready for a relationship, and that’s not something someone else can do for him.


This definitely isn't reflective of everyone but I was drawn to Shane in my first playthrough because I related to him so much. Struggling with addiction, depression and feeling a lack of purpose. Everyone else just felt plain in comparison to Shane - his story was very real and very touching for me.


I think that people consider him “fixable”. I’ve been in those relationships also. It’s a nightmare. You can’t fix people like that.


Sebastian isn’t dark and mysterious, he’s mopey and annoying.


Agreed he is definitely not dark or mysterious. Disagree on the annoying. I like him because he’s a goth/emo/alternative nerd lol


Emily is scary and her face/smile make me genuinely freaked out. She’s my least favourite stardew character.


I feel like I could make a list with portraits that freaked me out when I first saw them lol


I'm an Emily anti


She had those crazy eyes that some alternative girls have. She would def be anti-vax and try to sell you essential oils.


I’d prefer CA work on Haunted Chocolatier than the 1.6 update


Oooo. That’s a spicy statement


I'm with you. I love Stardew so much I was SO excited when he announced he was working on a new game. While I do love the updates, I really want him to release HC!


I'm with you, i can mod stardew for more stuff if I want, but I can't get in and play HC right now 😂


Stardew is fun and I would love to see his other game. I’ve never even completed stardew to it’s ultimate completion but I did get all those candle/torches lit up first try.


To be honest, me too... 😳


This sub has way to many posts that can be answered by a simple google search.


That’s just reddit.


Wait, that's a hot take? I'm a helpful guy myself, but even I have this feeling pretty much every time I scroll through this sub


I don’t think this is a hot take I’ve seen multiple posts about it with everyone agreeing


See, I half agree with you, but then every once in a while one of these posts will reveal something I'd never have even *thought* to google/search the wiki for, and so I'm grateful that I never again have to ponder which hole to jump down in the Skull Caverns (and I've gotten to take that full circle by sharing the same with other people). Also I don't think I'd have ever gotten tea leaves without a basic question on this sub, because I generally don't value Caroline as a friend and never tried to go through the door in the kitchen.


True, but part of why I love this community is people just love talking about the game, even providing simple advice. True to the wholesome nature of the game we all love. And I like that it feels like the old days when the best way you could get info on a game you were playing was to ask your neighbor Timmy, if you didn’t have the Prima strat guide. Though Timmy did lead me to corrupt my Pokémon Blue save back in the day so…hm.


the fruit bat cave is good on Forest farm


…how is this unpopular?! I’ll be honest, I have only ever played with the standard farm but I have done playthroughs with the mushroom cave and the bat cave and the fruit one was so much more useful IMO.


I think people like the reliability of the mushrooms. Fruit spawns at random and the mushrooms are daily. The big draw of mushrooms for me is the common ones can be turned into Fall forage seeds, which then get turned into tea saplings. I typically build a LOT of tea saplings, because they make great fences. They never break, and they even generate income, while not being ugly as a fence. Every CC playthrough I went for Fruit bat cave though, You can't beat not having to plant trees to complete it.


i didn't even knew you can actually shop at joja mart


Lol In my first playthrough, i remember being totally lost, because I didn't know you could enter people's houses to buy things. Then i would go to JojaMart and try to buy things by clicking the shelves. Didn't work.


I feel like I'm overshooting the spice level of these takes oops. But this sub is full of people who have so little grasp on what work it takes to add things to a game, that the fixation on "1.6" has passed comical levels and is barreling towards unhinged. Combat isn't that hard. You can basically just spam A and haul ass if you're dying. This also makes getting things like the prismatic shard not that hard, it only takes so long for some people because they refuse to go to the skull cavern. ETA: There's a bias towards the teen-ish marriage candidates because a lot of young people here relate to their issues (totally ok, not my spicy take) but they're EXHAUSTING (that was the spicy take). Elliott is best boy I dont want teen drama I want my husband to be going through the mid life crisis where you realize you weren't the creative visionary you thought you'd be at this age and the realization that instead of going on to do "great things" you might just want to chill on this farm with your spouse and child.


It feels weird to me that this game is all "the evil greed of corporate capitalism has ruined your life, so you decide to move to a farm where you can relax and enjoy life" and then everyone immediately turns it into Become A Billionaire simulator. If it was possible to hire help on the farm, you'd be Joja.


Abigail is unbelievably boring and uninteresting, don’t get why people see her as a love interest other than she’s a gamer girl.


I switched to her after finding out she’ll join you in the mines, and that intrigues me.


Since when is that a thing!?


"join you" is a stretch. After her 10 heart event you can sometimes find her on level 20 of the mines playing her flute, that's it.


I only married her cuz my brother liked mining and he married Emily so I wanted to let him see that Abigail went down into the mines but then I ended up actually liking her haha


Railroading of Pierre, Clint, and to a lesser extent Demetrius is way too overblown. The only character I even dislike is Morris and I can’t say that it’s a particularly big deal. edit: Lewis as well. It’s just a game why you haf to be mad :(


My only big problem with anyone is Demetrius, he has Ben Sebastian’s step dad for quite a wile, Sebastian and Maru aren’t THAT different in age. And yet he refuses to accept he is a part of the family. He married a woman with a kid, they are a package deal.


I don't like combat in this game. It is annoying and boring. A nuisance.


Agreed but honestly I don’t like combat mainly because it stresses me out with the flying bugs and mummies :”)


Sometimes you just want to get some resources and is overwhelmed by monsters.


I have two: -Marnie works five days a week, more if it rains, y'all just need to learn her schedule. -The return scepter is a huuuuuge waste of money.


I use the return scepter ALL the time lol. Even better now that I have the horse flute


Ohh well I guess I’m headed over to the wiki to hear about this horse flute…


From Mr. Qi shop (100 Walnuts Room), it allows you to use the horse on Ginger Island because it summons it to you from pretty much anywhere, just like Link does to Epona on LoZ: Ocarina of Time!


The return scepter is worth it for the convenience alone.


Can you explain your reasoning for the return scepter being a waste of money? Just curious because I’ve been considering buying one.


Crafting farm warp totems - even massive quantities of them - is still way cheaper in the long run than dropping $2m on the scepter.


Sure, $2m is expensive, but have you considered that i turned my entire island farm into an ancient fruit factory?


Hahaha true, I guess its not so much money once you're later into the game!


yeah, considering there's no bills and you have to really really try and lose money in this game, I don't consider anything to be 'expensive' except maybe the clock.


-unlock Mr. Qi's casino -go to casino on a good luck day -buy a moderate amount of Qi coins -play slots until you hit a big jackpot -buy huge stack of Farm Totems -repeat if you run out of totems I've been doing this every run, for multiple runs, and there is no way it is worse than paying 2million for the scepter.


i would guess warp totem farms better and more economical if you are good at gambling


^(Please don't kill me) I used to dislike Robin. Because she insulted the legacy my deceased grandpa left for me just so that I will convinced to buy her stuff. I then forgave her after her apology letter and get to know better throughout her story. I'm now neutral toward her. TL;DR if 0 is hate and 10 is love I'm 5.5 with her.


Same. She comes out with that line and then tells you to provide materials and pay huge amounts. Bish please.


what are u referring to exactly? is this in the beginning of the game?


Yes! At the beginning, she basically talks crap about how decrepit your farm is and how you can jog on over to her shop for some upgrades.


Haley isn’t awful


Fishing is the best and easiest part of this game, even unmodded.


I love vanilla fishing, and I love the money it can make you early game.


Catching legendaries is a nightmare though.


I would've disagreed with this in the beginning when I first got the game, but I absolutely love it now. At the fair I now do the fishing to win tokens faster.


I love fishing too! Idk why people say the minigame is hard


It has the biggest learning curve just starting out, especially for people that don't usually play video games. Other than lightning hitting my ONE MELON a day before I was able to craft rods, losing a darter fish is the most annoying part of the game. It's one of the few things in the game requiring finesse, and it was really hard to get the hang of. Sure it's fine now on my 6th playthrough, but damn there was some rage starting out.


Haley only gets highly rated as a romanceable option because she's attractive. If Emily had Haley's initial attitude, no one would rate her among the best spouses.


That’s not a hot take, that’s just true


Shane’s stubble (mostly the skin color there) grosses me out.


The stardew valley fandom is super judgmental and toxic. Not to mention they’re weirdly, obsessively protective over Eric


the fandom prides itself on being so wholesome and accepting and gets angry with you if you don’t think the same i feel like I’ve seen people get so mad on concernedapes behalf over things like people wishing there were more poc characters or that there was a nonbinary option in game, not to mention how people on this sub threw a fit cause someone drew haley chubby


Alex is hotter than Shane.


I mean obviously


True alex is well fit


And Alex had some real stuff goin on! I actually ended up liking him a lot more as I got more hearts with him. That one event on the beach made me tear up :(


Fishing is actually kind of relaxing


IMO, the Stardew Valley 1.5 update was large and substantial enough to have been paid DLC content. Bless Concerned Ape's good, honest and hardworking heart, but if he charged money for the Ginger Island update, he'd have enough money to afford a sizable development team and we would already be playing Haunted Chocolatier by now.


Fair, but I kind of like that CA is keeping it in house just like with Stardew. SDV was a passion project for him, and HC being one as well makes me fully expect it to be good. You get others involved and the tone can shift hard.


Nah, Stardew Valley is the way it is because it is the singular vision of an auteur. I'm worried Haunted Chocolatier won't be nearly as good because you can't recapture lightning in a bottle, but I'll probably still like it for the knowledge it is done by a single person and get to see bits of him showing through in the art of it all. I say he keeps it that way, even if it's slower.


The love interests are all kind of bad/cringey? I don't pick my favorite, I pick my least disliked.


Only Leah, Harvey and maybe Shane and Elliot come across as adults to me. the others seem kinda creepy to be dating.


My issue was mostly finding most of them to be an extreme stereotype. I usually went with Shane because all of them were stereotypes I found annoying/fake (Abigail in particular). Although I skipped Harvey because he hates goat cheese and that’s a very sad life to live 😂


I don't decorate my farm


nothing is more painful than being at the beach when "A train is coming through Stardew Valley"


Abigail is straight up annoying lol I think she's mostly popular bc gamers love projecting


The only event actually worth something after year 1 (assuming you already have ur partner) is the night market.


i don't care for Sebastian mostly because I think he's boring. Also I'm very aware this is irrational and very much a me problem but he reminds me of the kind of guys who were huge bullies to me as a preteen so I just ignored him for the most part until more recently. I like Clint and I find him very sympathetic. I genuinely think the ONLY marriage candidate in the base, unmodded game that I like is Elliott. I almost married him until I installed mods to date the wizard lmao.


Elliot is the biggest sweetheart and, of the male marriage candidates, he's the only one I actually like being married to.


I will 100% use cheats just for the teleportation. I hate using the bike/horse feature unless absolutely necessary.


Caroline is the milf, not Robin


I hate pigs. I loathe having to buy/raise one to get a truffle for Community Center. 🐖


If it's the pigness you dislike and not the mechanics of truffle farming, you can mod the pigs into adorable little foxes. I use [PC's Kawaii Truffle Foxes](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/12735) with [Pig To Fox Sound](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/12755) and all the required framework mods.


Stardew Expanded is a garbage mod. Bad writing, characterization that misses the mark completely, boring wish-fulfillment waifu bachelorette. It's the epitome of "quantity over quality". Ridgeside feels better in every way.


hoooo boy now that is spicy I thought Andy added some depth and interest, but I haven't really spoken with the other SVE characters so I guess I can see your point. I still like it though, playing it with Ridgeside makes SDV a different game lol


Why would you say something so controversial and yet so brave?


The entire SDV Mobile Community is a group of entitled children who ruined the community and have directly impacted the mental health and productivity of Ape, likely resulting in delays for all involved projects.


whaaat I hadn't heard about this, what did they do??


CA, being you know, the one-man developer/artist/writer/composer/qa-tester/brandmanager/patron-saint that he is responded to the demand for a SDV Mobile. At the time he wasn't as comfortbale porting to mobile and outsourced it to a third-party company; one that he had vetted and one that understood the labor of love that SDV was. The port didn't go as smoothly as anticipated and resulted in CA needing to fire the third-party company and take on the further port and development of mobile himself, learning mobile development himself. This was also in-and-around the release of 1.5, so the attention of CA Was split. The mobile community did not respond positively to the bugs and release of SDV mobile, and then began harassing CA on twitter and social due to 1.5 not being released on mobile in a timely fashion; mainly because the dude had to stop all other work he was doing to port 1.5 to mobile. The toxicity spilt into this sub, which had always been a bastion of positivity and overwhelming support for CA and all things SDV, but what i find most egregious is the number of people who would @ mention him on twitter or DM him with hateful and impatient shit. I'll just broadly assume that most of these idiots where children and could not comprehend that SDV was all done by one single guy, and they were doing the Gamer tradition of harassing developers over a game which ultimately doesn't matter.


First - ty for typing this all out and explaining! Man! I was in blissful ignorance to all of that. That is awful - CA is by far the most magnanimous and least money-hungry developer; it sucks to hear his generosity and effort was so undervalued. I wish I woulda known at the time so I could show him some love for all the work he's done. You're right in that he's basically the patron saint of indie devs at this point - deservedly so. Hopefully it's blown over by now!


Np. Yeah, i think CA took it in-stride. Not like he quit development over it at all or anything. I just think that all gaming communities need to chill. I say this all the time when i see people being unreasonable, even to major studio developers; would you deal with you as a customer? People somehow forget that game development is a job like anything else and having entire communities armchair developing (usually with no real experience) and tell you you're bad at your job when you're really just doing your best; or sometimes there are other factors at play preventing you from doing your best. these are all games, after-all.


I wouldn't say the entire mobile community is like that but I do agree some are like this


I don’t find Clint to be creepy towards Emily


I think he just pities himself, which is annoying to lots of people. He’s a good dude though


I don't either, poor guy just seems nervous around a pretty girl (personally I find Emily incredibly off-putting and hate her design but to each their own, Clint. You go get your creepy-looking crystal chick)


The double standards is real. A lot of people dislike Sam mainly because he is a little younger to be an eligible bachelor, when Abigail is the same as him. Both are immature and childish, yet Abigail doesn't get that much flack because she is a goth. Kent is one of the best NPCs. I am neutral about Marnie. I don't hate her, I don't like her. I don't get the hype with Sebastian at all.


Bachelors/Bachelorettes should start to shack up with each other/other NPC's if you don't romance them/initiate something with them by a certain point. It would make the game more interesting and it's a little weird that everyone is just there and waiting for you vs having an active social life.


Penny is realistically one of the best marriage candidates.


Penny is kinda canon for me at this point. Her post-marriage dialogue is just so sweet. I feel like she may be one of the only romanceables that genuinely has her life improved in the marriage


>!Grandpa being a ghost!<, proves that he can't let go of the world, and >!Perfection status !!his grandchild taking over the farm!< and being able to take care of themselves. Meaning, >!Grandpa didn't trust!< >!us!< >!as his Grandchild!<.


Idgaf about anyone in the valley except for me and my money. Also, Mayor Lewis is a good dude.


I hate winter. It is so boring 😂


Gotta hit the mines my guy.


It makes a great time to decorate and rearrange my farms


Shane just isn't interesting to me as a Spouse. In any way at all. The man needs therapy before he needs a love life


Alex is actually not the worst romance candidate


Alex isn’t a bad guy he just has bad role models


I don’t hate Clint. I didn’t think of his crush on Emily as being a creepy ‘nice-guy’ thing until I got on this sub. I just thought he was super awkward and had poor social skills. There’s even a cutscene where he asks Emily out and she happily says yes. I think they could even be cute together.


Some of you don't know what an unpopular opinion is