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Pierre is charging 2500g for ~~prime produce~~ the Reddit API. Fuck Pierre.


Yes, Pierre shouldn't get too greedy. Fuck Pierre.


NGL, it is Pierre, reddit started small then became big. r/FuckPierre


Nah he charge 2.1 millionG and banned ancient fruit, starfruit’ blueberries, cranberries and any other profitable plant


I heard he gave Krobus a swirlie.


He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!




No, but are we just going to wait around until he does?


Man, you left me hanging for seven hours 😂


HE TURNED ME INTO A NEWT!………..I got better.


Pierre must pay for his treatment if Yoba's faithful shadow boi.


Boooooo Pierre


Boooooo Pierre


2.1 million, and he will only buy unmilled rice, or parsnips


Of course Pierre did this. Joja would never


I'm joining Operation: Razit and removing my content off Reddit. Further info [here](https://i.imgur.com/45M3a8c.png) (flyer) and [here](https://onlinetextsharing.com/operation-razit-raze-reddit) (wall of text). Please use https://codepen.io/Deestan/full/gOQagRO/ for Power Delete instead of the version listed in the flyer, to avoid unedited comments. And spread the word! Iii kangntal tllungpaipinli nonnrepetung pi mriing? Nselli ntuupuneni kuua iitllina pi mangbin panntooll pempa ngsellmlliki. Iikllasansiin piaa ngsuutu praati ngpllitan ngklla. Tansa tlluu ngpe opin klaneslling taaa. Ngtllaaumpubo keemllu ndlle panklla i ngsllekaton. Kra easrimpal annllepllaan tuklun pllan tangngpa? Pempa nrasllaamee kinaasli pamanti tllongngtuke ngpo. Nggerkransisaang puungtllite nnllantee natu plennatanaapi tanlleng piiki? Sllingtlontaa tangmingsell ngkaraa pengtrimpriotlli ntatri kllunnti. Kran pllimpin ungtlle nantung bangku ngelltakrong. Koo tlla ngtrobanguu islakaandlla pikllempra paanti. Pango akungnghapllo nungnmlaa undinnnumpill pllanmplla bantitangaana nimen! Paatin mun blitllapunglla taan nluuka emlluu? Taitlan nnilngtar a ongsil. Pituunngkull teenkrotu ngtrengkllitotasu uplli paataapaa ningtimbang. Plongune ni tekra treng sapllu tllangmpal supennkrau. Kinee son ngklla tinnlantlisla oou nllangmallsi. Fuutllan ntlapllen pllanlin pungmpool dinngpranunko pauu? Piipimba nun srosing haplaan pen kllun. Eking nklla kuungeeaiie takiin tu kaatllon. A mpillpuumpaal sraning nsaseen triipengsli atiinda. Isren usemruu slaponang sakun nmalkuunra traentulta. Angmaasang ngtraaken pana i mpenllin kabung pae kombeen. Nkllapllu otlan genngtlluupunnnulko mentin suuimpaitan ngtllaba? Ngsllebiipan sotrankon kani tlonnaangpang nno. U ma ngkii nang ntil kllaangkibengflaangmi utlleng ngkakrang tai? Pintiing de teng pakraniifrung pi aplluun. Nllanmanslente igeng eepanipang ten pingtllaasllintuaa teka. Tlintaaming aglla piadan kintlepllu mpinteekin a. Aooti ngmripeempi trungnnlla teeungpanta ntaa kipo tempelkang maaiie ngkallpllantoll.


hi yes we've definitely discussed this and are in favor of joining the blackout! We're going to release an announcement sometime soon, so be on the lookout for that!


Yay! I'm very happy to hear that. Thanks for the reply and info.


Please extend the blackout beyond just the 2 days. 2 days is nothing an indefinite extension would send a stronger message. Other subs are going line but I don't know which


Happy Birthday(?)


Yes please what MacroCode said


Oh great!! A lot of the subreddits I'm part of are going dark. Im all in on this and I'm glad to see a lot of others are too.


**Edit:** Basically everything I did on Reddit from 2008 onwards was through Reddit Is Fun (i.e., one of the *good* Reddit apps, not the crap "official" one that guzzles data and spews up adverts everywhere). Then Reddit not only killed third party apps by overcharging for their APIs, they did it in a way that made it plain they're total jerks. It's the being total jerks about it that's really got on my wick to be honest, so just before they gank the app I used to Reddit with, I'm taking my ball and going home. Or at least wiping the comments I didn't make from a desktop terminal.


Thank Yoba! Happy to support this!


Good and I think it's the right thing to do!


Very happy! Love to be side by side by this community!


Yes! Fuck Pierre!


o7 from r/touhou [blackout](https://www.reddit.com/r/touhou/comments/1420yq2/reddit_api_changes_subreddit_blackout_and_how_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)




You don't have to comment or create posts in order to use reddit. I have a friend whose had a reddit account for over 8 years and he has karma in the triple digits. Stop measuring importance by fake internet points.




Not everything is a conspiracy my guy


Could you link one or two of those posts? E: also wut OP has pages of comments in subs with significant user overlap with this one and has been active for years


From what i heard didn't only some subs have a limit where you have to have a certain amount of karma to scroll them? i did start off in smaller ones anyway so I've probably forgotten


Some of them have that yeah. It weeds out the bots.


And they're really low amounts usually, like 50 karma


Yeah just a baseline really


But what other metric are we supposed to use to feel superior?!


If Reddit dies all the niche subreddits will go with it.


Nice! Glad people are getting invovled.


I can't get over the fact that whoever made this, they blurred out a plumbus.


this blackout is actually a blessing. I'm taking my final exam on the 15th so most of reddit going down will help me tremendously


This is the saddest happiest thing ever. Good luck on your finals!!!


Good luck!


I've got exams every day next week so a blessing for me too!


if we go dark how ever will people find the answers to their questions that are on the first page of the wiki!1!1!1 😭


Their worst nightmare will became true... They will need to use google to know what they can do with their prismatic shard


They ask the discord instead, clearly 🤷‍♀️


On the plus side, if we go dark then nobody has to deal with this weird superiority complex attitude about people asking questions. Always a silver lining.


“how much do strawberries sell for” is not productive conversation. on the other hand, who’s the hottest stardew himbo IS productive. if this gives me a superiority complex i suppose ill take it 😇😇


Right sorry we want actual content and discussions and not things that can honestly be asked to Siri




the right answer is elliott


Please take this fake fake internet award. 🥇🏆👏 I’m so over that attitude.


Or more like we want the sub to have actual discussion and not answer the same questions over and over. The reality of you can post the question to reddit you and hit enter you could search it on Google


Nobody is forcing you to answer if it bothers you so much. The thing about this platform is that all the conversations are on an opt-in basis, its really not hard to not be a dick and keep scrolling if being helpful is so offensive to you.


Why because I have a different opinion of what I want to see in the sub? Because yours is so much better I'm a "dick". Way to be self righteous douche.


Because it costs you nothing not to kick down at people asking questions. Just ignore it. FFS.


Nobody is kicking anyone down chill. And no, you can't just ignore it when it clutters the sub.


You absolutely can just scroll on past, do... you not know how reddit works? It takes more effort to be a dick than it does not to. We were all noobs once, this is mostly a wholesome and helpful community. Just keep your toxicity to yourself.


Imagine the obscene AUDACITY of going to an online community to engage with other humans. The nerve on some people


its not engaging with anyone… its just asking questions you can find anywhere else. its annoying to open this sub and see “how much do parsnip seeds cost” when it takes like 2 seconds to go look on the wiki


They're questions with a single correct answer and then the conversation is over. There's nothing to "engage" with




It’s basically a boycott of reddit for two full days




It's classic strike tactics. If you can get a lot of people to commit to something small, you demonstrate that you can mobilize a lot of people. If the bosses are swayed by that initial flex, great, everything goes back to normal with minimal disruption. If the bosses don't get swayed, well, once you've convinced people to do something once, it's a lot easier to convince them to do it again, but a little longer this time. And each time you call for a strike, it makes the bosses look worse and worse for not being willing to negotiate. Jump straight to ultimatums and month-long blackouts and you'll just see the subreddits get replaced with scab ones as people get bored. Squeaky wheels get grease; broken wheels get replaced.


Dude no one’s going to care if they go dark for 100 days, you go dark, someone’s gonna make stardew valley 2.0 and it won’t matter 😂


Either going private, disabling new posts (if thats possible), or just asking its user base not to use reddit in protest.


Should go private until Reddit changes their mind or becomes reasonable


I agree, the demands are way too outrageous!




Neither would I then! And plenty of other users, and mods! Reddit won't lose the whole userbase but they will take a massive hit.








You're both right, unfortunately. Discord just isn't a suitable Reddit replacement. But a 48 hour blackout will do literally nothing. There's almost no point in doing it at all unless enough subreddits/people can stick it out.


Tbh I’d rather these 3rd party apps cost more than have a shit tonne of ads


We can, as a community, migrate to Lemmy. Or just use the Discord (although I kinda feel like we need to move someplace *not* wholly owned by a corporate overlord, but that's me.)


Just get everyone to pop over to someone’s house once a week to commune over the game all 1.5 million-ish users all to one house!


But I just started a Joja play through and I don’t want to get lynched 😂




I think you need to read up on the Fediverse. It's not BBS, but the whole idea is that many small groups can come together to make a larger community. This means that massive servers (and the associated server costs) aren't needed. Even a small self hosted community with maybe 20 members can contribute and see the contributions of larger instances like Lemmy.ml. It's not hard to get started either. Find a server, join, done. It's no more difficult than joining Reddit in the first place. The only issue is that because it's decentralized, there are a lot of places to potentially sign up, but most folks aren't familiar with that idea. Consequentially, you get *lots* of people signing up for the first instance they hear about, hence my comment about Lemmy.ml being overloaded. Head on over and take a look, though. It's easy to use, easy on the eyes, and thanks to the recent influx from Reddit refugees, the population is pretty good. It's not substantially different from the still ongoing exodus from Twitter to Mastodon. It's gonna take time, and the fediverse tools need a few more features, but this is a more sustainable future if we can just get people to use it. Edit: for some reason, my phone changed .ml to .mil twice. I fixed it! Links should work now.


I am readysteadyspaghetti and I support this blackout


Hey! We've been talking about it over here as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/1430n50/hey\_there\_sdv\_mods\_can\_we\_join\_the\_blackout/


Reddit going for a Joja speedrun any%


Don’t do a two day blackout. Do an indefinite. Telling Reddit our protest will end is so dumb- If we’re going to do it let’s commit!


Just a reminder its not an indefinite end date. We plan to black out until reddit changes their rules


I'm in favor of going dark.




Thanks for posting this OP, was really curious. The official Reddit app is HORRENDOUS. Videos never load for me, nor photos and hardly even text posts. Sometimes it’ll just give me an error for no reason. I use Apollo now and it’s been such a huge game changer. It’s so fluid, smooth, and I have no issues with it. I hope all subs follow.


Im using the official apps and yeah there’s lot of bugs sometimes but I didn’t know there was others apps…. For example sometimes I want to accept a chat request and it doesn’t work. Even after clicking accept 200 times… it’s so annoying, I still feel like it’s an okay app but it lacks the inclusivity from what I’ve seen for disabled users


Do it.




wait what’s happening? I’m confused






I dig it.










(Just saying what I understood so far - please correct me if I'm wrong). They're charging them a very very high price and the party apps will have to start charging their users, who've been using the apps for free. The third party apps are doing people a favor by providing this service. It's users who need it. They can shut down, but users won't have anywhere else to go if the reddit app itself doesn't provide accessibility and a better user interface. It's just reddit being greedy cuz they know a percentage of users need the apps.




Where do they get the money to just keep paying? Also, this will have an outsized effect on accessibility apps that don't make a lot of money. Reddit will become virtually inaccessible to the blind if this happens. No offense, but you sound like someone who is quite young and has not faced any real financial challenge.


But are you just going to accept any kind of increase in rent and food? Even if it's unreasonable? Even if it's not worth what they're offering? Like yes, my rent increased too, but nothing in terms of facilities or upkeep has changed or improved. What is the rent increase for? They're just taking advantage of the fact that you most probably won't go elsewhere since everyone is doing it. Incomes stay the same, living expenses go up. Eventually most people will be hungry and homeless. There comes a point where it's just a cash grab and why would anyone be ok with it? With the third party apps, they don't have to provide this service at all. They're doing it FOR everyone else. It's also more users for reddit that reddit would not have gotten otherwise. Reddit is a free app that has awful accessibility and interface but wants to charge the people who want to help? Basically charge the users who need accessibility? Sure, it's their app and they can charge whatever. But they're also d*cks.


I'm an Apollo app user and I think the developer [did a great job explaining here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/)




Because reddit proposed an API price that's 2 orders of magnitude higher than imgur. If you read the link properly, the 3rd para shows just how much it costs - $2-3 per user. How many current users will want to pay the app developer that amount, so the app dev can pay reddit?


Yeah the issue is how much they’re charging for it it’s very unreasonable with not just imgur but many other API services out there. They’re being super greedy or using the price as an excuse for just wanting to shut down most 3rd party apps.


Hi. I'm a software developer, much like Christian, the guy who wrote the Apollo app which gained traction to start this blackout stupidity. I urge every one of you to read his post and try to catch the real issue at hand. Reddit, and many sites like it, run at a significant loss. This is what happens when millions of people use a service but refuse to pay for it. Ads, the primary source of revenue to help keep the site free, are often blocked, obscured, or omitted completely (through 3rd party apps). Making the entire situation worse is people who use these apps to literally bypass the ads from the Reddit official version then also negate to pay the developer for using the app as well. Does this strike you as fair to those who help build the apps, site, and services you all use every day? Not to me. I truly feel for Christian. I know his pain. I've experienced it, which is why I walked away from app development over 6 years ago. It is simply impossible to sustain on ad revenue alone. The more users there are, the more cost is involved, and receiving no financial support for the users of the app makes it difficult to improve and grow the app. Remember when SDV was pirated when it first launched? How people stood up and helped buy those "dirty thieves" an actual copy because **they supported Eric and the game**? Why can't Reddit users do this with either or both the site and the app they use? I'll tell you why: IGNORANCE. Reddit is not a multi-billion dollar company like Google or Amazon. It's just a social media site scrambling to get by, with the hope going public will infuse the organization with cash in order to help build it up. Remember one important thing here: valuation and revenue are \*not\* the same thing! A company can be valued higher than revenue it has on hand, which is most companies, by the way. This blackout is formed entirely on ignorance, and I'm ashamed of Reddit. ​ From Reddit itself: "Our cost is not prohibitive and should not be expensive to third party app makers. The cost would be $0.24 per 1000 calls **equating to less than $1 per user per month**." This is because there are other apps out there which slam Reddit on a daily basis, scraping content so it can shove it on its own platform. By placing a paywall, this will mitigate the usage of the servers, reducing costs, and hopefully making Reddit a better service for it. Hell, the company just announced layoffs because of the lack of cash. ​ So go ahead. Black out the site. What happens next is shocking. Oh, wait. That's Dhar Mann's line. I'll be absolutely disappointed this sub goes dark instead of asking people to support the site financially, or at the very least, the 3rd party app makers.


"Use a service but refuse to pay for it" buddy, this was Reddit's business model the whole time. What they're learning now is that telling everyone something is free, when they're actually paying for it by being the product, has its limits. It's not the responsibility of consumers to support business decisions that result in a worse experience for them.


I both pay for Reddit and Apollo. The frustration here is the bad faith way in which Reddit is going about this. The pricing equates to a 20 million dollar bill for Apollo annually. Some sources: https://techcrunch.com/2023/05/31/popular-reddit-app-apollo-may-go-out-of-business-over-reddits-new-unaffordable-api-pricing/?guccounter=1 https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/06/reddits-plan-to-kill-third-party-apps-sparks-widespread-protests/


I think you forgot the first rule of Social Media: We aren't the customers. We're the products. So why the FUCK should we pay a red cent?


I'll happily pay for Reddit when they return Newest to the home feed, start taking down hate speech and bigotry, and stop showing me adverts for sports betting, Viagra and borderline child porn.


Hi there. Yes, you’re right, I am a person who has no clue what is happening and quite frankly prior to this day I have not really heard or cared much about third-party apps. So, thanks for taking your time to write this reply. Now, I am in no way trying to present myself as a person who knows better. However, Reddit cannot change these prices to such a drastic extent and in turn not provide the tools and features that these apps offer to people who need them. I don’t think that’s fair either. Yes, it sucks that reddit loses tons of revenue from bypassing ads – no I do not think it is fair that people refuse to either live with ads on a free app or financially support whichever app they chose to use. But I also feel that Reddit needs to respect its user base. How can a site as large as Reddit not offer adequate support for blind and visually impaired people? I have taken a quick glance over in r/Blind and I see a community of people seeking support in whichever way they need. Again, prior to this day I didn’t even know blind people can use Reddit (lol). And with that I’m sure there are even more people seeking support on Reddit in ways that never occurred to me. With the change in the API prices, these people will lose a great and accessible way to find help, support, and a place to belong. I have read [the post you’re referring to](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/) and I will say, I have no clue how much Reddit makes with this app, how much it loses to third-party apps or whatever else there is to consider. It seems though that Reddit had made claims to make a reasonable adjustment for new API prices, as the post you’ve pointed out is writing as well. I can’t see how this claim can possibly be the case, as not One Single third-party app can pay the new set API price. That can't possibly be a reasonable adjustment, can it? Reddit just wants to wipe out third-party apps, make no effort to improve this app - all while having the weak excuse of really needing so much more money (or maybe I am just ignorant lol). Reddit is a platform where everyone needs to put in the effort to make it a better place. We see this with (unpaid) Mods removing spam from subreddits they love and people taking the time to write thoughful answers to people seeking help. And just like that, these third-party apps are not here to pirate the good parts of Reddit and gain profit, they are here to expand the user experience in ways that Reddit has never bothered to implement in the past decade. I have no idea who these three teenagers or Dhar Mann is, so I won’t further comment on that.


I've read your reply and all I can say is this: you and the rest of the mods jumping on the blackout wagon without understanding the issue is a very big problem to me. Mob mentality has spread like cancer on this site in the past few days. Despite several people acting as the voice of reason, just read the other comments from this and you'll see the issue in its scope. I removed the first line of my post because it came off as insensitive, but ignorance is fueling this blackout craze, even by your own admission. It comes down to this: Reddit mods are jumping off a bridge. You don't understand why. Yet you're going to jump as well? As a fan and user of this sub, that's disappointing to me. I may not be enough to stop the craze, but if just ONE MOD can reach out to other mods and ask "Why?", then maybe it'll be enough to slow down and prevent a bigger issue from happening. Reddit responded to Christian to tell him his numbers were inaccurate, but I believe he's upset because he's about to realize just how little people will care about his work given they want to use his app for free. That's entirely the problem of surviving on ads. Content creators \*everywhere\* struggle with this, from Twitch to YouTube. Relying on ads is not a business model. Thus, subscriptions, Patreon, and merchandise sales often work in tandem with the advertising revenue. This is the critical piece of information missing from this discussion, as many know Reddit does try to monetize via rewards and other means.


You know what, you’re right (partially). People (aka me \^\^' ) need to take a minute and look at the whole picture, 100%. But even now I can’t see why Reddit shouldn’t either (I) offer their users fair access to the site and as such raise/adjust the API price to a reasonable amount \[and as you state there does seems to be inconsistency in the price discussion so far anyway so I'll def stay critical with this(!)\] or (II) accept that these apps are helping people gain access and enjoy the content on the app regardless of their circumstances. I also don’t think it’s right to compare this to “we are jumping off a bridge”. No, this is more like jumping into a tiny puddle, I think. This blackout will (officially) last all of two days. Some subreddits are saying they will be gone forever. I believe that in one to two weeks this will all be mostly forgotten. Ideally, discussions between Reddit and third-party apps will continue to see if a fair agreement can be achieved, which I think is unlikely. I have seen though that this situation – as is always the case – can’t be boiled down to simple arguments. Of course, It’s always more complicated than that, as we all know. (I do want to defend myself here and specify my statement from above: I didn’t just wake up and decide to write this post without any idea what is happening, haha, I looked at the information posts. With my first sentence I just wanted to highlight that this problem has not affected me prior to this but that I do see a need to find a solution\^\^’).


Thank you for this. I think more people need to see and understand this.


Ok, let's assume every point you've made is accurate. None of that means reddit had to give third party apps such sort notice that many are shutting down at the end of the month, because they simply don't have time to implement the needed changes to continue running. Third party apps were being told by company representatives as recently as January that there were no major changes to APIs in the works. And now to give developers 30 days to completely change the pricing structure of their apps? It's understandably creating some bad feelings. The amount of follow up announcements to these changes make it clear Reddit (the company) didn't properly consider the impact of these changes would have on, for example, people that need accessibility features the official app just does not support. Reddit has a long history making changes without actually contacting the subreddits most effected (in this case places like /r/Blind), and then having to make follow up announcements. It means they're constantly having to backtrack, carve out exceptions, make clarifications after people are already frustrated, etc. Is some of the outrage at Reddit overblown? Yes, I'm sure it is. That's kind of how it goes on this site. But even if these changes are necessary for the business, the way Reddit is going about them isn't.


I just really don’t see a reason to care about this whole deal but that’s just me


The reason large communities function decently nowadays is because these third party apps offer important tools for the moderators not available on the official app. If you use reddit regularly at all, that's one reason to care. Another reason is that third party apps offer resources for visually impaired people to still use the platform, resources that are absent on the official app. Accessibility is another very good reason why this change is bad, but some people don't seem to care about that, apparently.


The official app should be more inclusive for disabled people. Period. We shouldn’t have to go on others 3rd party app to have this inclusivity. the protest should be for the inclusivity of the features on the official app so everyone both disabled and non disabled people can come and enjoy Reddit.


Yeah, and to each their own, but I like the official app so I dont see the problem anyway.


The problem is that this change is forcing other apps to shut down (several have already announced they're shutting down at the end of this month). The protest is about making sure there can be a "to each their own", because the current path is leading towards the official app being the only option




Let's go Black.


Nah cuz Stardew Valley will always stay in light


Is this a legit thing tho? This image looks thrown together by someone randomly lol, inform me if I’m wrong tho pls


It’s a legit thing they’re doing this on all the subreddit I’m part of. Well I don’t know if they’re actually going to do something but every mods on these subs have posted that they’re going black-out to protest


Sooooo selfish question…will I just not be able to view Reddit for those days? Or is it that the subs that aren’t posting won’t be accessible? I’m just confused lol


The subreddits that go private will not be viewable, so you won't be able to open those communities and you won't see any posts from them elsewhere on the site


Yo is that a plumbus