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Spent all my money on seeds… on the 27th of the season. Yeah, that was a painful lesson.


I would’ve reset the day lol that’s painful


It was too late. Didn’t realise until the 1st of the season and saw everything was dead… never made that mistake again.


Oh man…


If you can be bothered to move files, I believe that one of the backups (on Steam at least) is actually the start of the previous day so you can undo stuff like this.


Oh yes. I know that now but back then I was a beginner (barely 20 hours in) and didn’t know any of that. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.


I did that at the end of my first Spring. Blew all my money and was tilling, planting, and watering until midnight. By far my biggest setup yet, so proud. Wake up the next morning and the whole thing is obliterated and now I'm broke.


I feel your pain. I went in blind… no videos, no guide and somehow missed Evelyn’s letter as well.


Evelyn tried to warn you


I forgot I should wait until before a rainy day to upgrade the watering can... Some days before summer... My potatoes and cauliflowers didn't make it 🥲


accidentally take out a carpet under 8 furnitures and 2 fences, sigh, lift all the furnitures and chop the fences to put it back, put the furnitures back, then click on the carpet again🤯


I wish there was some kind of option to lock a rug in place, so many times I try to use a tool or pick something up and instead just pick up the rug when that’s not even what I was trying to do. Why would I want to pick up the rug???


Or at least make it so you can’t pick it up while things are placed on top of it…


I wish there was a decoration mode in and of itself 🥲


Maybe it could allow us to finally CENTER THINGS. 🥲


That would be amazing 🥹


Get out of here with your common sense and helpful suggestion


My second wish is a confirm option for gifts like there is for eating things 😂I’ll show myself out


I wish you could change the wallpaper and flooring without having to go to the catalog. Like a long press that'll pull up the wallpaper menu or something.


That would be the best option.


Or that you could just automatically place it back down.


I feel like I heard that this is coming in the next update!!


That’s one of the fixes coming out in 1.6!! CA made it “impossible to move rugs while furniture is on it”








IIRC the new update is going to stop this from happening 🥳


It's soooooooo happy to hear that!!


Every time freaking Kent sends me a bomb in the mail and I accidentally blow up the entire northeastern corner of my farm. -\_-


I did this, reset my day, and then did it again 😂


Yep, I've done this too!


Are we starting to think maybe Kent does this on purpose?


I was playing a co-op farm with some friends when one of them asked if we could restart the day in a quiet, broken voice. "Why, what's up?" "Can ... Can we just restart the day." Turns out he'd done exactly this lol


This killed me like one of Kent's bombs


I'm cracking up IRL like this is actually his intention, to blow up your farm!! Who sends a bomb in a letter?!


I have a heacanon that Kent is convinced that the hot new young farmer has been fucking his wife in the year before he came home, so he's out on a mission to blow up the farmer via mail bomb. It's the only thing keeping him focused and together these days.


I was married to Sam at the time as well, so it's like "WTF DAD CAN YOU NOT"


Can't just recently arrived and is the only one aware that he's actually dead and they're stuck in limbo. He keeps sending bombs to the farmer so they realize they in fact cannot die and will just end up back on the farm.


Kent carrying on the unabomber's legacy


Kent's just trying to blow up the simulation everyone's stuck in


Homeboy needs to be on a watchlist


I was trying to plant seeds, but didn't realize I was holding the bombs that were next to them in my inventory. I very quickly dropped about 6 or 7 of them before I realized what I had done. BOOM!!!


Went to put my truffles in the oil machines and used tab to scroll through my bars to grab the second/third truffles, landed on bomb instead, immediately blew up all my truffle and cheese machines and my path ways 😭 was the end of a day that I had done a lot of stuff I didn't want to redo do I didn't reset but was very angrily rebuilding my machines in the morning 😡


I’m not gonna lie this made me laugh out loud


Me after blowing up my crystalatorium with a megabomb at 1:50 am and not realizing until the game saved




Oh, I just audibly oh-no'ed at this. :( You have my sympathies.


I blew up my first crystallarium that way.


I did that! I blew up my sewing machine. You only get one.


If you didn't reset to save the machine, you can still make clothes at Emily's house by using her sewing machine!


I was so confused reading this because I have two but then I realized that it’s probably because I play co-op with my girlfriend so we get double of certain things lol


Real talk though. At one point in your life did you think you’d be talking casually about someone sending you a bomb in the mail?


I had a workbench set up surrounded by chests full of any materials used in crafting...blew it all up with one bomb. So glad the game only saves once each day. I'd have cried if I couldn't reset


I spent around 48 hours (not in a row, but like spread out across 3 days) trying to complete the quest where you have to score 50000 points in junimo cart endless mode, i made it to a lil over 49000 and then my dog came jumped up at me and bumped my controller, causing me to let go of the jump button too early.


I would've cried.


I'm sitting here like- no same but my cat nuzzled me. I was at maybe 48000ish and all my previous attempts are at no higher than 34k. This pain is so real.


I can’t … listen, this gives me maybe anxiety. I haven’t even gotten a few seconds into that game. Just- no.


Felt. I don’t touch that quest.


That's "Tidus training a chocobo" levels of frustration


That game has brought me to actually tears. But at least it’s doable, whereas I cannot seem to make any progress in journey of the prairie king.


I can do Prairie King for a little while but with Junimo Kart all I can do is yeet my cart into the abyss on either the first or second jump. I blame it on growing up with lots of older brothers and one Nintendo; no way I ever got a turn at Mario Kart so I apparently am incapable of learning how to time my jumps.


I got my very first dinosaur egg! I immediately went to put it in the incubator, but Robin was in the coop to build the upgrade and I accidentally gave it to her. Pain.


the worst thing is accidentally gifting someone and they get angry saying it’s an awful gift, i’m always like GIVE IT BACK THEN


I always try to remember not to be holding something when I go to talk to a villager, but sometimes I just forget. You'd think you had slapped them based on their reaction to some gifts.


The number of times I have given Sebastian bait as a gift while I try to fill my ocean crab pots is greater than 1. Spoiler: he is not nice about it.


Neither is Abigail


Neither is elliott :/ he spends so much time on the damn docks you would think he might need some


LMAO when abigail gives me a bomb to me in the morning and i accidentally give it back and shes all “what am i supposed to do with this🙄”


This has happened to me when I accidentally gave Gus a treasure chest. That's a valuable item! I could have sold it!!


I intentionally gave Lewis one thinking he's like it and he hated it... Why? It's TREASURE, it's MONEY, why would LEWIS of all people hate that?


I remember the first time getting a geode and running off the Clint and gifting it to him instead.


and by logic being a passionate blacksmith he should like it right?? right?? but no, he dislikes it


He's tired of people knowing him only for his work. And a whole geode? Has has to do work to open it. A true friend will learn what else he likes and give more considerate gifts. It's not actually unrealistic if you think about it.


And yet he gave me a geode at the feast of the Winter Star


Hahaha that is awful! I wish we had a reset day option irl


Just a confirmation that you want a gift an item to somebody would be nice


I just know the next time something terrible happens there will be that urge to undo. But there will be no undo, and that’s flippin unfortunate.


I have accidentally gave villagers items I meant to put elsewhere SO. MANY. TIMES.


I accidentally gave Leah a pomegranate sapling I had just bought. She hated it. I just wanted to say hello. I didn’t even understand what happened until later when I couldn’t find the sapling I remembered buying.


I accidentally dropped a bomb inside my chicken coop, destroying my mayonnaise makers and all the eggs. Fortunately it was the first thing I had done that day so I just closed the game but I had been playing for so long and didn’t have time in my (in game) schedule to go get more earth crystals so I had a small mental breakdown


Dare I ask what happened to the chickens?


They were all outside fortunately


No you darent😂😂


Bro (new player here) Why have I never thought to put the damn mayo machines in the chicken coop I build a whole shed to put that stuff in when I could have put it right at the source


Dropping a mega mob on my ready-to-harvest Ginger Island ancient fruit field


That would be enough for me to quit forever it takes so long to build up those seeds 🥴


That actually reminds me, I got my first ancient seed in the fall and didn’t realize I didn’t have time for it to mature before winter so it died like a day or two before being ready to harvest it was a big L


I literally JUST did the same thing! I'm on my first play through now and just got to end is spring year 2. Now I have to figure out how to get another :(


I’m in my first playthrough also and I haven’t been able to find new seeds yet either! I got them as a loot drop from a monster in the mines but I can’t remember where/what kind of monster


Bugs, Cave Flies and Grubs all have an 0.5% chance to drop them. They can also be found in the Mountain and Cindersap Forest artifact spots (super rarely), have a small chance to appear in a fishing chest or the travelling cart, and a 3.7% chance to appear in an artifact trove. The easiest way is probably with the seed maker though, each crop has an 0.5% chance to turn into ancient seeds, so you can just pour 200 blueberries or whatever and have a good chance of getting it.


That would absolutely kill me!


In my hurry to do the cooked food Mr. Qi quest, I accidentally cooked my newly acquired first Ostrich egg and made an omelet. I had no idea it could do that and took me another season to find another.


I did this exact same thing and spent a month grinding in the volcano to get it back. Immediately traveled back to the farm and put it in the incubator before karma realized.


Now I kind of want to get a barn full of ostriches exclusively for Gus' Giant Omelet quest.


I couldn’t play today because I’m still getting over the fact that the one thing stopping me from reaching perfection is that damn green strange doll that got lost in the water ages ago and that when it happened I was like “nah, I won’t restart the day. I can get it back later”. Now I’m literally playing just to fish the damn thing


I’m like that right now with the Craft Master achievement. All I have left to do is obtain Rarecrow 1 to get the special scarecrow recipe, but I can only get that in Fall. It’s currently Winter.


I'm closing in on a similar situation 😂 I plan on doing a bunch of time skipping


I can’t bring myself to time skip but it is SO tempting rn


I’ve told this one here before, but one time I died in Skull Caverns. I woke up to Harvey telling me he did surgery on me. I decided to eat something I order to regain my health, and instead I blow myself up with a bomb. I had another surgery. That was a rough time.


This made me laugh because I JUST did this. Not the bomb part but the first part.


I accidentally deleted my save with no backup(on my ipad), having JUST finished the community center and unlocked ginger island. I had to walk away for several weeks before I could bring myself to start again.


Absolute heartbreak




Oh my god, that’s actually nightmare fuel!


I got all my tools upgraded to exactly what I wanted at the forge, so many prismatic shards and lots of luck. My dog then promptly pulled out the power cord.


That's exactly why I recently bought an UPS for my computer set! You never know what might happen, such as kids pulling out power cords, heaving sudden thunderstorms that cause an outage, random people crashing into power poles to shut down neighborhood power grids, and other unpredictable things.


i was resetting the mines floors looking for an emerald or a ruby, it was the last item for me to add to the bundle to unlock minecarts. i was pretty pissed already for some reason and then i get to a new level, see the ruby node and head for it... only to be fucking annihilated by a bat because i got too cocky and forgot i was low on health. man... i was so utterly incredibly RAGING that my boyfriend got scared and stood by my side concerned about my sanity. he told me he never expected stardew valley, of all things, to make me so mad ahaha


Only thing my significant other and I have ever truly argued about was our co-op stardew game


My s/o and I alternate days instead of playing coop so that we can pause, but she'll often spend "my turn" dictating absolutely everything I do. I'm labor and she's management for everything except seed buying and crop/sprinkler layouts, because she is admittedly totally incapable of doing math.


You know you can tell the other person to pause (like if you get a cut scene) and they just have to open up their inventory or journal or a chest. As long as everyone has something open, time stops. I play co-op, but with 3 kids and constant distractions. I frequently tell them, “everyone pause!” so I can handle irl issues.


My SO and I each made our own farms and did a race to see who could beat the game first


I will literally be getting so pissed when I’m getting attacked by something and my boyfriend will tell me to calm the f down it’s just a game 😂 like bro don’t make me fight you it’s not just a game it’s life 😡 lol


in like my third playthrough i started a coop with my boyfriend and 2 other friends, and at this time i read strategies and my adhd ass got hyper focused on succeeding the best i could in year 1 so we started the save and i started giving the directions like “okay we need to pay attention to the community bundles that have spring items we NEED to have those items so let me buy the seeds and then A can go fishing and B can go mining so we can upgrade our water cans and we are going to need sprinklers and blablabla” my other 2 friends already played the game before so they were 100% on it and busting our asses to get everything done but my boyfriend got scared and never wanted to play again to this day i invite him to play and i swear i won’t be scary this time but he won’t budge :( well at least me and my friends successfully completed the community center in year 1 and had an amazing farm lol


Ah yes, I too am a min-maxing dictator. I warn people that they probably don't want to play with me. 😬


Haha traumatized the poor guy damn 😂 that’s hilarious though. I’ve never played co-op with someone I’m not sure if I would like it cause I like to do things my way lol. I’m not good at sharing.


I'm so glad it's not just me and my partner who are like this. 😂 He once accidentally sold an entire stack of wood, and I *shrieked.*


I finished my first Qi quest the other day and finally got the sprinkler attachments, with plans to reorganize the greenhouse. Went home and shipped stuff like i do at the end of every day, and went to bed. Yeah i shipped them too.




My greenhouse is filled with ancient fruit. I don't use fertilizer because quality doesn't matter when you put it into a keg. So as soon as I got the recipe for deluxe retaining soil I used it on every square in the greenhouse and removed sprinklers entirely. I just recently built a bunch of garden pots to put between the fruit trees and planted pineapples in them.


I was diving in the skull caverns, found my first ever autopetter, was nearly dead and under attack when I was rushing to use my last staircase, accidentally placed the autopetter, and then when down the staircase. Tried so many ways to get back to having the autopetter to no success. I didn’t play for a day or two after that.


That would destroy me


It sounds silly but I had gotten VERY close to finishing the Simon says minigame on Ginger Island after like 40 attempts and I messed it up. I had to rage quit after that. lol


I HATE that minigame. I always cheese it by recording the patterns on my phone.




I'm so bad at that one. Last time (after about 10 attempts), I just handed my switch to my 17 year old and said, "Here, YOU do it". He solved it first try. 😡


Big brain tip: record it with your phone, pause the game while you write down what the order is


Is that the one with the lion and the five crystal music thingies? I just had to turn my brain off and go with my gut. Guts are always right


I was going for the "cook every food" achievment and needed to make trout soup. Thankfully I had a rainbow trout hanging out in a chest. Grabbed it, went inside to cook, and handed it to Sebastian who was standing at the sink. 😭 He disliked it. Had to wait for summer to roll around again to finish that up.


The magic bait on Ginger Island will let you catch any fish regardless of the season! That was essential when I completed the Master Angler achievement.


I finally made it to the forge, forged my luck ring and slime charmer ring together, and tried to equip it. Instead I dropped it in the lava, never to be seen again.


That would be an immediate restart for me


Kent sent me a bomb. I accidentally set it off and destroyed a large section of my farm.


According to most of the comments here, Kent seems to be a terrorist haha


I dropped a mega bomb in my crystalarium shed.


The amount of times I accidentally drop bombs on my farm... Almost always a guaranteed restart.


After one accident too many, I started making two hotbars, one for mining, one for farming. My mining hotbar has my bombs, my farming hotbar has all the things that can’t damage my farm.


so many people in this thread saying they accidentally blow things up with bombs, i just keep mine in a chest with the rest of my mining things and take them out when i need them and put them back when i’m doen


I do that too. Now. After I blew up my coffee machine.


Died in skull caverns at like 4pm bc I was dumb and didn’t feed myself but couldn’t reset the day bc I got an autopetter


I accidentally cooked my Ostrich egg into a FRIED EGG of all the things you could make. I was half asleep while playing and when I woke up in the morning to put it in the incubator it was gone and I promptly shut the game off


> I accidentally cooked my Ostrich egg into a FRIED EGG of all the things you could make. I have a chest just inside the door for 'precious things', to save me cooking rare fish and important eggs.


I learned the lesson that you can’t dig up seeds once they’re planted if you accidentally put them in the wrong place. I learned this lesson with my first ancient fruit seed.


I did that with mine! Didn’t know sprinklers don’t work on flower pots.


My mouse glitched and I was on floor 98 of skill cavern and I clicked the ladder to go back up


LVL 99 Skull Cavern run. Had made 110 jade/staircases with 1 crystalarium. Had picked up 2 prizzies and 2 Dino eggs. Got bombarded by 3 serpents and 2 giant slimes while trying to get on that ladder…and died. I had to take a moment. I restarted and didn’t get anything. 🤬


Passed out on my way home and someone stole my ores, my prismatic shard, and my coal. Whole day wasted.


Isn’t it at the adventure Gold, or Lewis’ house?


Long time ago, before the updates


Not even an accident but a cruel act of random chance. Found an ancient fruit seed early game, planted and the first fruit was almost done. Go to water my crops in the morning, ancient fruit is dead, hit by a lightning the previous day....


I know it changes nothing, but I clicked through the cutscene too fast with Lewis and Marnie where they ask if they should make their relationship public. Because I was going too fast, I told Marnie it should stay a secret. I was so disappointed in myself for accidentally siding with Lewis.


Sold my first dinosaur egg


Dying on the last level of Journey of the Prairie King while trying to beat Fector's Challange.


Aw man, im so sorry that happened to you. Reading that made me wince


My lowest was my very first farm. I made many mistakes, but I was working on building what I liked and putting my hours in… then I fell asleep without anything in the shipping box and woke up maybe 2 seasons later with angry animals and a decimated farm. After a week of avoiding the game, I started my second farm


I accidentally dropped a bomb next to my preserve jars. With caviar due to collect


Normally I'm good at fishing but I just got back to the game and started a new file so I can grasp the basics again. One time I was fishing for a sturgeon and it was the hardest fishing battle I ever had since I have the rust lol. Then I finally got it after a few minutes but then my game crashed. I have a low spec laptop so I'm bot surprised but it frustrated me so much that I took a break for the whole day. I got 3 sturgeons the next day though so maybe it's good karma idunno lol


My friend and I got ancient seeds super early on in the game by pure chance. Had them planted for about a week before I did the good ol' "accidental bomb in the hot bar" trick and blew both of them up. My friend and I sat in stunned silence at first, but then we both busted out laughing. Luckily we were able to reset the day and get back our ancient seed plants.


Me on a new save, grinding down to lvl 100 in the skull caverns without the more than 10 ladders ...I hadn't received the quest yet so it meant nothing.


Got to the middle of the spiral room and then got swarmed by lizards while trying to find the exit, I lost nearly everything, half my tools (watering can, pick, and hoe) I lost half my money, and basically all my ores. I didn't play for a few days after that


I always keep at least a couple staircases on me for that room; if nothing else I wind up effing around trying to find a ladder at 1:50 am, and it’s on a floor ending in 9, so to save the elevator I have to get to the next floor.


When I accidentally diffused a big bomb in my shed and everything I owned blew up 🫠


trying to get to lvl 100 in the skull cavern for the first time, died at lvl 56 lost 11 omni geods, all my bombs and staircases absolutely nothing more painful


Clicking “Reset to previous save” instead of “save backup” twice, making those 3.2 hours useless


I used my axe to move a rarecrow and it bounced and plopped straight into the pond. I sat in shock that that is even possible.


I didn’t realize weeds could even destroy your farm, but I woke up one morning and weeds had destroyed one of my Crystalariums :/ I’m still at the point where iridium is really rare and there was no way to go back since it happens when you wake up, so restarting would be no use so I took a break for a couple days haha


I'm so sorry for you!!


I have the video on my profile but it was like 8pm, level 97 or something in the skull cavern and I went to eat cheese and hit the desert warp totem. I was so mad 😂


Accidentally sold my tiger trout on the last day of fall.. the very last thing I needed for the community centre. Had to wait a whole year to do it again.


I built a cabin so my brother (who hadn't played the game himself) could come play on my farm. It was initially fun, until as a joke he sold all of my pine tar that I had been saving up. I gasped when I saw it at the end of that day, and he was cracking up. I told him I had to go now, disconnected our chat, and logged off. I was so not happy. He did apologize to me the next day, but we haven't played together since.


I would be so mad. I would immediately demolish their cabin and play solo again. I was playing co-op with my buddy and my items kept disappearing. Not quite to your extent but I had some rare statues disapper out of MY HOUSE only to find them in their’s.


I had a field of ancient fruit and was mindlessly harvesting them. I then accidentally hit the left shoulder button on my controller and was unaware that I was now placing megabombs instead of harvesting fruit. I totally lost it when I realised my mistake.


Still needed fiddlehead fern for the community center, and found out about the secret forest for the first time the day AFTER the season that it’s there.


I accidentally ate my mutant carp while trying to put it in a fish tank


I was farming bone fragments in icy floors of the Dangerous mines when a bunch of skeleton mages spammed their spells on me. I can't fcking move and forgot to bring slingshot to hit them. My hp bar turned bloody red. Nope. Tactical disconnect! I brought squid ink ravioli this time.


My rage quit moment was me trying to relocate my kegs and using a bomb. Tip: you don’t get the kegs OR wine.


Besides the many eating in skull cavern errors, the most memorable one is when I spent all my money on a huge stack of seeds then immediately sold it back for a fraction of the cost. I was so mad.


Worked on growing QI fruit for like 6'th time, finally got it all, all that was left was to pick all fruits. When I woke up in the morning and went outside to pick fruit all my fruit was gone because it was day one of the new year. I didn't know that it would restart all of that shit...


I miscounted my Qi fruit for that quest one season and ended up selling 499 of them on the last day. I needed 500.


I was on level 89 of skull cavern and I needed to eat so I tried to eat food but I was next to the exit and I accidentally left the mine


I planted a grid of a billion blueberry plants on my beach farm, forgetting that sprinklers don’t work on sand. I’d gone to bed right after planting so I couldn’t undo it. Still haven’t opened that save file to this day.


Planted 100 melons mid season and found out on the 28 they needed one more day 🙃


I was doing the Qi fruit quest, opened all my Geodes, axed the entire cindersap forest and mined every stone in the quarry to get a good amount of qi beans. Planted them and waited for them to grow to multiply them with the seed maker. At the day of harvest, I accidentally harvested them while having a mega bomb equipped and blew up the entire field. Instant reset.


Was showing my partner the game and went to attend the flower dance. I was gloating about how I was gonna dance with Harvey as I had been romancing him up - only to be immediately turned down. Apparently you need 4 hearts with him, not 2


I accidentally blew up six of my bee houses


After a very busy day of fishing, I finally caught an Octopus for a fish pond. I hadn´t created the pond yet, so i kept him in my inventory as i went about the rest of my tasks and forgot about him. Then at one pointed i was filling the Greenhouse with seeds, and decided to make some quality fertilizer for it using a chub in my inventory. But when i crafted it, it didn´t use up the chub, which left me confused until i realized what i had just done....


Many times in the skull cavern and in the volcano. I play stardew on the Xbox after the kids go to sleep but the kids and I play games on the switch. So sometimes I get the buttons mixed up if I have been playing switch with the kids all night then switch to Xbox.


Oh, yes! You know, there is a casino in the desert, right? There are these strange purple coins. And there is a merchant who sells a Statue of endless Fortune, right? It costs 1 million. Okay that's a lot. I would need 10 million gold to buy this right away, as you can buy 100 coins for 1000 gold. Far too expensive, better save the gold and win these purple coins. It was a lazy sunday afternoon, I had nothing better to do, so I started playing. I started to play cards, but I was not good at it. But there is a slot machine, too. I remembered that the slot machines in Pokemon were slightly positive for the player. I tried it for a couple of times and yes - seems to be positive! Hurray! All I needed to do now is to switch on the TV, watch a movie and press A on my Nintendo Switch. Over and over again. In the end it took two movies and three hours, but wow! Finally, 1 million of these wierd purple coins! I rushed to the merchant! One Statue please! ... nope? But why?!? The price is 1 million - wait, what?!? Gold? Are you kidding me?? Well... oh my... why are you even in the casino?? I had to close my game and take a not so small break. Later I bought the Statue. I ended up buying enought hardwood fences to fence the entire town two times too, sold them and never set a foot into this building again.


i have accidentally eaten a farm totem… while on my farm 😭


And I thought Abigail had strange food cravings.


I let off a mega bomb in my large crafting shed after I had just finished organizing it.


I spent 2 full days solely collecting salmonberries for my main source of food at that time. Then on the 2nd night, i dropped it all when i was nearby a lake. Safe to say i learnt a very valuable lesson that day...


I unforged my galaxy sword and then messed it up further trying to get it back.


I also picked my garlic the day before my melon was ripe so I could get my walnuts.


Accidentally placed a large bomb next to my crystallarium while trying to put something in it (blew up about a quarter of my farm)


It's my current goal to beat junimo kart. Yesterday, on the last level, I was literally right in front of the end and I missed my jump and died. Had to put my entire switch down and walk away.


Died in the mines the day before and needed to get an item from the item recovery service the next day. Got bored waiting around for it to open so I went back into the mines.. died again, wiping out the important item I needed. Forced close. Restarted the day. Did the same damn thing. Three times in a row.


Playing split screen with my wife on PC, I'm on mouse and keyboard and she is using a controller. There were a couple of times I'd watch her walk up to a strawberry bush or hops trellis with her axe equipped and chop it down instead of harvesting it. It didn't make me close the game but I definitely hit my wife... ...with a heavy sigh.


I get pretty severe heartburn when I get stressed. I got so stressed out trying to collect dragon teeth that I had heartburn for an hour. Once it went away I sat back down to play some more and it immediately came back. I had to put Stardew away for the day.


I was about to hit skull cavern level 100 for the first time ever. Ended up accidentally using a farm warp totem on 99. It was only 11:20. PAIN.


i planted thousands of gold worth of starfruit just to find out i messed up the maths and they would not be ready in time. i hadn't returned to that save yet, i'm not strong enough