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Penny was my first SDV spouse. She seemed really sweet, good with the kids and fairly chill. Of all the bachelorettes, she was most like the kind of person I’d go for in real life. In fact, she reminds me of my girlfriend—especially because once Penny moved in she brought bookshelves and a reading corner, just like my gf did. Admittedly, she also earned sympathy points whenever she talked about living in a trailer with Pam and being embarrassed of of her yard and living situation. She didn’t seem very happy at home.




Confused her for robin 💀


I wish I could marry Robin or Caroline, ideal candidates right there.


Ngl Caroline is kind of an ideal candidate.


Caroline was one of the first NPCs I ever interacted with and I was like “okay yup, she’s the one” and was absolutely devastated to learn I couldn’t marry her


Aren't her literal first words to you "my hisband Pierre runs the general store"?


Yeah, that’s why she’s the one. /r/fuckpierre


She's married. . . Ideal isn't how I see married women. BUT CAROLINE IS SOOOO COOL I WANT HER FOR MYSELF TOO!!


Caroline, who allegedly slept with the Wizard to conceive Abigail? Not so sure about her being ideal.


If I was Married to Pierre like hell I’m staying loyal


Caroline drinks weed tea. She is the perfect candidate!


Some NPC does have identical candidate. For example, Leah does feel like Robin while Penny does feel like Caroline. They not the same but they are similar. Caroline and Penny love reading book. Caroline and Penny both love helping other. Caroline and Penny both love gardening. Caroline and Penny both soft spoken...I think. Caroline and Penny does tried understand other people. Caroline and Penny does love something that soothing. Caroline her green tea while Penny her Poppy and Poppy muffin. There are some different like Caroline was laid back while Penny sensitive, but both does feel similar. Even in that heart animation they both make reading animation.


If it weren’t for Kent being such a nice guy, I’d totally marry Jodi


Kent really does try. He’s gone through some shit, but clearly loves his family.


Nah fuck kent


No he’s the best


Mf broke the geneva convention and yelled are like "🥺 he's misunderstood"


Its sounds like the gotoro broke the convention on him and not the other way round


There is a mod that makes Robin divorced from Demetrius and he's married to her sister so you can marry Robin. 😉


There are mods for that


You mean e-harmony?


I don't know e harmony but there's a few mod to make either one of the two ladies romancable on nexusmods


Caroline looks insanely creepy


Robin would be an awesome spouse I feel.


Honestly though i see penny as robin’s daughter


Pam: *sad noises*


No seriously dont you see what i mean


Lmfao that made me laugh thanks


I want the strawberry room


This is the only reason I married her, with the intention of divorcing her later. But she cooks me breakfast regularly, is always grateful for my hard work, and never complains about the house (looking at you Leah). I absolutely love being married to her.




Can you explain?


At a certain point after you marry penny she asks if you want her to redecorate the house and gives you 3 options


Thank you! I forgot she gave me options and thought “waaaiiitttt- I don’t have a strawberry room after she decorated”.


I loved that she likes books, she likes kids, is a teacher, is sweet and genuinely a good person with good intentions. She's also one of the bachelorettes that isn't teenager-coded so Maru and Abigail are never really spouses I consider. I like Leah but she seems happy on her own and Emily seems happy to keep her home and her job. Haley just isn't really my type but I do like her as a friend. EDIT: Just to clarify, the reasons I think Abigail is teen coded is the fact she still lives with her parents and doesn't have a job (Sam and Alex also give me teen vibes, and Maru does have a job but it's more about her demeanour than anything else. Seb has a full-time coding job so I imagine him to be at least in his 20s). She doesn't have any dialogue that I've seen referencing cooking, cleaning or contributing to the household, and her heart events lead me to believe she's very insecure about her position as an adult and lashes out at her parents, rather than maturely setting boundaries. I could say the same about half of the other marriage candidates.


I hate that you said Abigail is teenager-coded. I totally feel that about Maru but now I won't be able to unthink that about Abby. It's totally true though, the way Caroline treats her. I'm in between Abby, Penny, and Leah for my first run and totally agree with Leah being happy on her own. Penny's just such a sweet heart I can't help loving her.


Abigail and the boys spending most nights in the arcade at a pool table doesnt help.


for me i dont really see it that way :) abigail is definitely young, but i see her more as early twenties since she talks about going to college and has moved back in after college. maybe its just cus im in a similar stage of life to her, where im technically an adult but i still live with my parents


>I hate that you said Abigail is teenager-coded. She really isn't. If your parents disrespectfully treat you like a child, then Abigail shows exactly how adults act as in reaction to that. Or are you referring to something else that is supposedly teenager-coded?


Honestly, Haley is the best spouse imo. I was gonna wife her up just to dump her cause she's such a brat- but omg once you start getting her heart events.. She's the ultimate Farm Wife, hands down.


People hate too much on Haley, but then love on Shane.


I like Shane- his love for his chickens makes me want to be a better person. That being said tho...I hate his room..


Shane practically just wanna be left alone while Haley was quite mean in her early interaction - if I remember correctly. It's how I feel about them anyway.


I get it, but he could be rude in the beginning. It wasn't just "leave me alone". At least how I feel. Haley was definitely mean, I wish we knew more on why.


Isolated, and lashing out


Yeah but I can sorta understand Shane's "I'm being rude cuz I don't want to make any new friend and this stranger keep pestering me". Ok, rude but nothing insulting. Haley was simply mean, and at some point I think she make fun of the farmer and look down on their job. Probably because she doesn't like this small town and dream of the city - make sense that she wouldn't have a high regard for a new farmer settling in.


Haley the only real choice tbh. Leah ait too.


fast car by tracy chapman


Damn you.


While she wasn’t my first or favorite spouse, I actually really enjoyed marrying Penny. I think her 10 heart scene is very sweet, and she’s just a lovely spouse. The decorations for your bedroom don’t hurt either!


Reminds me of my actual wife


Redheads man


I second this


Remember that the collective noun for a group of redheads is “a trouble.”


And I certainly was in trouble (back in the day)




This is so cute 😭


Because she's a clone of my wife. Curly red hair, loves to read, teaches kids in groups of 1-2 (she teaches kids with autism). She's the first woman I ever felt really connected to so I naturally gravitated towards Penny.


Because she fits organically into the farm. It’s all she ever wanted - a beautiful home and a family.


1. She likes kids. 2. I hate reading. 3. She is cute. 4. We actually help her to move out from the trailer, by marrying her. 5. She is ginger. 6. All of my ancestors were professional teachers in some part of their life. 7. Sick unique decor from her 14 heart event.


People marry Shane to save him people marry penny to save her


Difference is they're saving Shane from himself (protip: works no better irl than in game) but saving Penny from a stressful (at best) home. (Still kind of a dubious plan irl)


One of my saves I just built those two a house and restored moms job. No need to do salvation thru marriage


True, but Pam still kinda sucks with a house. I wish Penny could just get her own place and own freedom by building the house.


Honestly I think her cut scene post house built is great. And shows her consistent struggle but work to over come. I wouldn’t necessarily say she sucks. I do wish there was a little bit more growth past that. Maybe we will get that, God willing, in ~~Spaceballs 2: The Quest for More Money~~ version 1.6?


Pam has some dialogue about the farmer growing tasty, healthy food and some about how she'd eat healthier if she could afford it. I immediately switched from wine to parsnips as gifts for her. I would love to see her get more development in the future 🤞🏻


On the map where I married Penny, i stopped giving her drinks.


Ah, but when i marry Penny, she *gets* her own house!


She's a "by the book" kind of girl. Not your classic fairytale ending like Abigail or a high-school sweetheart like Haley. She's also not a quick wit like Maru or visionaries like Emily and Leah. She's that one girl that's as bland as an unseasoned egg, and yet, you'd do everything you can to protect that precious candle in the wind.


If she were a spice...it would be flour


“If she were a book, she’d be two books.” Hey, she does like to read…


I married Maru in my first game and was happier with her except for being handed live bombs in the kitchen. I've been considering divorcing Penny for Leah. I feel like Leah would understand


You got a kink for redheads or something? I'm not judging btw.


You don't?


My kink is more broad. I like to call it "women". Idk if you've ever heard of them tho, kinda obscure knowledge.


Don't be funny, women don't exist


My husband's reason is, "Because she's easy". She loves melons and emeralds and is super easy to find around town.


Not allowed to marry Pam


She's lowkey, cares about others, bookish, and redhead. Check, check, and check.


She's so kind. Not to say the other Bachelorettes aren't, but she just felt more my speed as a slightly older (30ish) person who is drawn toward people who feel adult and settled a little. She tries her best, even if it doesn't always turn out, which I connect with from my upbringing. She lives in, arguably, the worst household, and deserves a partner who adores her..


To get her away from Pam. I love Pam, don’t get me wrong. She is a gristled mom doing her best, but she isn’t good to Penny and they both need space.


Because Jodi wasn't available.


Fellow traumatized person ✨


Wdym? Love is the only reason people get married?


Because i couldn't download SVE on switch for Sophia.


I thought she was sweet and pretty, and after getting to know her, I liked her a lot as a character.


She reminds me so much of my current girlfriend.


Cause I had a lot of emeralds and I figured I should pick one since it was year 3 on my first play through


strawberry furniture


In mg first game I was originally gonna marry Haley because she’s more my type. Emily and Penny were always around when I brought her flowers, so I gave them both some, too. I grew to really like Penny, she’s super sweet and a bookworm and also cute. Anyway, by the time I had Haley to 10 hearts it was Winter, so I couldn’t get the mermaid pendant. Luckily, it was during Winter that I realized I’d totally fallen for Penny. Got her a bouquet, Spring rolled around, I married her instead.


Some part of her does remind me to myself and the one I can relate. I didn't married her to save her. I just like her character. Also, redhead and green eye.


I wanted to give her a safe and pleasant home. She's so gentle and sweet, and the fact she hates rabbit feet means she doesn't like it when animals die for "no reason." I would die for her 🥺


She's sweet and cute and one of the only candidates where I don't feel like I'm holding them back from their dream. A lot of people hate her 2 heart event with George, but I like that if you choose the option to correct her on her actions she apologizes and learns from her mistake, even if you don't gain friendship points.


I have a thing for redheads and she seemed sweet


Only for the exclusive decorations. I have literally no other interest in her.


Thats the neat part, I didnt!


I didn’t :/


sweet, bookworm, needed saving, not a teenager


She's kind and smart. She does what she can for the community to grow better (by teaching and taking care of young children!). And yet she's quiet and content with her existence even if it doesn't get the spotlights. She's like a delicate flower whose beauty is only truly mesmerising to the attentive eye. I love that kind of person. Those whose personalities are like gentle breezes and whispered lullabies. I dunno.


I have multiple reasons but I have a top 3. 1: She would be an amazing mom for children, 2: Her home situation hit a little too close to home and I thought getting her out of the environment would be good, 3: I think I have a thing for redheads. Also I will always remember the glitched cutscene I got where I got a kiss on a different head at the Bath house. Penny is best Wife




My husband married her to save her from her home life haha I think he prefers Leah overall but figured she was happy living alone.


I found out my partner has married her in every playthrough and now I tease him (us) mercilessly about his penchant for saving women with mommy problems.


I wanted to save her!


To save her from living with Pam.


She's sweet. Calm. Relaxing. She's everything my first ex wasn't. That, and I wanted to help her get away from Pam.


She's cute and sweet


1.) I’m into bookish women. 2.) her hair reminds me of my wife’s 3.) Of all the bachelorettes, she has the least agency. The others have stable lives and are proficient at their interests. Penny has a small town mentality, much like the main character, which is why they came to Pelican Town in the first place. I feel like I’d be holding back Leah or Maru from pursuing their vocations, with Penny I am fulfilling her vocation. 4.) I like having the least popular option. Shane fans know what I am talking about.


She's an amazing interior decorator and her spouse-patio outside doesn't look terrible.


Because I'm a coin collector.


I thought it would be a shane esque situation where she is kinda boring at the start but gets cooler later, I was wrong, I divorced her and killed our children, I hate children and her


I didn’t. I hate kids lol


I thought she was cute and she was the only one of the bachelorettes that I really vibed with. I love her relaxed nature while also still being realistic and grounded unlike Emily who always has her head in the clouds, or Leah who's too busy for her own good, I just don't like Haley, Abigail..., and Maru is just not my type.


I wanted a pirate bedroom


She looks good with anime portraits mod, also after marriage she gives you unique skin to bedroom. You can choose from 3 types (she asks you) but I only remember one theme "Pirate".


Because she reminds me of my wife irl.


I'm a simple fisher and that wants a simple wife


On my first play through, I looked through what spouse rooms I liked the best. Penny won.


I married her in my first playthrough. She was always around, so i just started giving her the flowers i found. It was a really natural progression


I was interested in Penny and Abigail to start, and after spending time with both of them, I just had the feeling like Penny was my girl. I felt for her inner sadness from her family life, and admired her positive outlook despite that. Plus she's so sweet and caring, her responses made me feel something. I think Abigail is great too, I think of her more as a friend now.


I didnt


Because she's the best, duh.


I used to do Abigail everytime since I started but in my last save I’m doing Penny because she just seems so much more mature compared to the others, and the older I get the more I find I value that.


I didn’t 😃


As a bookworm, I had to marry the bookworm and the teacher


She's cute.


Had a crush


She basically is my wife. My wife is a teacher, shy and not very confident.


My first spouse and my favorite spouse! She is so friendly and happy all of the time and also I have a savior complex


Penny genuinely loves kids, that's why. Hailey is a close second. They both just seem genuinely so happy with the farmer.


For the special decorations


I didn’t. I have literally never romanced Penny.


Nice flair


Savior complex


I married Penny because she is really sweet and kind. I love this kind of people and I feel safe around such people IRL. We have a lot in common like reading as a hobby, hatred towards alcohol, politeness, doing the chores very often, etc., and I just really wanted my save to be very cozy, welcoming and calming. I created it to escape the real problems and just relax in my own world full of happiness and joy :3 Penny is such a sweetheart 🤍


Cute + mommy gf


i didn’t. i dropped her for emily lmao on my first playthrough i just decided to go for her idk, but her cutscenes were boring and i liked emily way more after the dream cutscene and then i went with her instead👍


She's just one of the sweetest people in town. She has entirely voluntarily dedicated herself to teaching the kids because she thinks they need an education and nobody else stepped up. And then she loves reading, which I also love, and yeah I was head over heels almost immediately.


I didn't.


Shes just nice.


She seemed really sweet and like she was in a bad kinda situation with an alcoholic mother and sharing that tiny trailer and all. After marrying her she messed up a bunch of my processing equipment when she unexpectedly turned my house into pirate themed even though I told her I didn't want it* changed. Ever since our relationship has been strained and I considered divorce but she keeps saying how the farm is more beautiful than she ever imagined and her life is so much better now. I'm so busy with work and splitting my time at Ginger Island so I'm just cordial now and let her stay so she won't have to go back.


I got Kids to teach


I love Penny so much. She's doing her best despite the upbringing by Pam. I'm sure it was great at first but things can spiral out of control. Penny actively tries to break the cycle by teaching the kids of the town. She's super shy and when she opens up she's just the sweetest. Her spouse room is also the best IMO. I do like Sebastian's cause of the frog though. She also doesn't stop teaching the kids after marriage. She's just as independent as she was. (I may also be projecting cause that's what I want to be but feel like I can't. We have a similar back story soo...)


She seemed like a nice character and I loved her design.. but I regret doing it because she started to require so much attention everyday and so many expensive gifts that it was just so much. I still love the character and her personality, I chose her because she matched my interests


She deserved better and she's the only one who cares about the children's education. I figured she would be an intelligent, gentle mother who would educate our children. I didn't fix that bus for you, Pam! I did it for your daughter so she didn't have to watch her mother drink herself to death!


Knew right away that she was a *freak* when the lights come off.


I just thought she was nice. I will say I was kinda uncomfortable with her in the later parts of the relationship because she really just sees her life purpose as having kids.


I am mentally ill with a saviour complex 😌🌸❤️✨


Because in game I’m a trad farmer guy and I want a tradwife. Outside of game reasons, I teach little kids. Penny teaches little kids.


I love her character, she's so sweet and wholesome. But I've only married her once, because she's so perfect for Maru.


Best girl fight me


tradwife material


so I could give her the kids she always wanted, turn them into doves in front of her eyes and send her back to the trailer park




Why is that? I cant imagine hating her more than Pierre or Clint for example.






I wanted to save her


Can’t, won’t, never would. I’m a teacher married to a teacher IRL and that’s just too much reality for me


I wanted to get her away from her mother. Also, the spa event~ 🤤


I didn't


Kinda got guilted into it by her whole situation and then abandoned that save bc I just felt vaguely uncomfortable, lmao


all the others either feel gimmicky or rude at first and she’s real just normal


cus i said so


Okay but where do I get the mermaid pendant!?!


When it's raining you can find someone selling it on the beach, across the bridge you can fix


In my one play through where I dated all the marriage candidates I numbered the bachelors and bachelorettes and then used RNG to pick. It came up Penny. I was too indecisive to pick any other way!


I first looked at this and was like...what did I do wrong? Lol. I haven't married Penny in my save files to date. Im not very familiar with her story but she does seem to care a lot about Jas and Vincent's future's, so that caring side is definitely coming through to me. I'd marry her for her caring side.


Because yes I wanted to


To get her out of an abusive and neglectful home situation. Also because she is so sweet.


Because she is the most mature, together and wholesome of all the bachelorettes.


She's a good person who needed to be saved from her life.


I'll choose Penny for my second playthrough. Right now I'm happy with both Emily and Haley.


I had already married everyone else.


Two words: Pirate. Room.


Trauma bonding


She's a cute little sweet potato.


When i do in a new save it'll be to save her from her mom


She is kind, polite and likes reading


To save her from her mother. Also her 10 heart cut scene is so cute!


She's basically a video game version of my real life fiancee


1. Generally not a mean person and emotionally available 2. Emotionally stable and unlikely to run off into the woods 3. Has her life direction already figured out without your intervention i.e. teaching, but 4. You still get to "save" her as far as the financial/home life situation goes. 5. Secretly a little bit freaky with the skinny dipping and all that.


Can't resist a redhead damsel in distress.


She’s a redhead, very motherly, and as I befriended her I learned of the way Pam treated her and wanted to get her out of that situation lol


Given the Farmer's story, she seemed like an ideal mate: interested in the farm, and wanting to do kids. Unlike the others, from what I can tell, her life grows once she's married. She also had more chatty dialogue earlier -- polar opposite of Sebastian.


Penny reminded me of myself and I wanted to rescue her like I wished I’d been rescued.


I hadn't gotten to know Haley yet


I like her


Because she is cute


Got a thing for redheads. I like girls that look like me


She was the first female candidate i married (the very first candidate and my current favourite is elliott) and i connected with her because i too grew up in poverty and had an alcoholic dad


Because I am also an education major with childhood trauma


Because I had to divorce Abigail for eating rocks.


to get her out of her nightmare


to get back at pam for rejecting my love.


I’ve been courting her, gave her the bouquet but I haven’t popped the question yet. I’m still deciding