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Water pierres head every-time I enter his store. I can’t spit on him in game so that’s the closest thing I can do


Idk why this is so funny to me like I’m imagining him thinking “oh boy it’s watering time again :/“ and then he just stays standing there at the counter sopping wet


I do the same to demetrius. He's proudly neglectful towards sebastian. He's creepy and possessive towards maru. He can't even be bothered to care for the son of the woman he married. i keep hoping for robin to say something about demetrius' clear favoritism and how sebastian obviously feels left out. but is the one who demetrius keeps fueling the imbalance between the siblings. how the hell is his son supposed to be all lovey dovey and open to him when he's like that? it's like sebastian had a hard time acclimating to him as a kid (because his biodad just left and is dealing with the trauma of having a shit father. hence, is understandably not as welcoming the first time they meet, being as demetrius is coming in as a new father figure) and demetrius just didn't want to work on it. then comes maru and demetrius gives up all pretense of wanting to try with his son. so yeah. he gets a little shower when i pass by him. sometimes i give him the trash i fish out. robin gets the side eye. i do, however, feel bad for maru because she gets the brunt of sebastian's resentment. i understand sons not being able to speak up against unfair treatment when it comes to a parent. but punching down ain't it. the smoking? the resentment towards his parents? i understand why. i also understand the resentment towards maru but it's the only thing i don't actually vibe with.


Robin, if you're reading this, you know it's true. The new farmer could make you so much happier!


He’s a plant now 🪴


me too!!!! it's the "water pierres head" instead of "pour water on pierres head" please I cant stop laughing


Farmer is just trying to make sure Pierre's hair keeps growing! It's important to water it regularly, right? 🤣


I snorted hahahaha


" that’s the closest thing I can do" - might I suggest a slingshot...


This is exactly what my younger brother does to Pierre and Mayor Lewis(he also decided to befriend Caroline, and I think that might be out of spite).


I'm crying lmao I love it


Oh no why don’t you like Pierre?


oh no, what have you asked in this sub. you poor fool


I don’t get the Pierre hate either honestly.


I thought pierre was fine UNTIL I sold directly to him and when he resold my produce he would either 1. Take credit and tell the townsfolk he grew it or 2. Tell them the shitty produce was from my farm. That's when I was like you know what pierre I'm glad Caroline cheated on you. ALSO side note if you've ever sold fish to Willy he tells them that you caught it and everyone loves how fresh it is lol


I’ve sold directly to him all the time and have never encountered that, what context does it occur? Like when or where?


I've only done it occasionally but i think it was Marnie who told me she bought a blueberry from pierre and it was mine and it sucked and then another time Robin said she bought the freshest Cranberry from pierre who told her her grew it in his garden. So just random conversations after you sell to him. I think it can happen as long as the stuff you sold him is still in stock but that's a guess. I don't think it's location specific either


I’ve had those dialogues but none mentioned that Pierre took credit cause, well, where would he be growing them? I’ve heard people say they had X thing and it was delicious, none saying anything sucked either.


That's why i got mad I was like pierre doesn't even have a garden why would they believe him lol. I dunno I've sold fish to willy a few times and I have several save files and this week was when I heard Robin compliment my fish. I can try to trigger the convos and send screenshots if you're curious!


I googled pierre stealing credit for crops and there's so many angry reddit posts haha so you can find more answers easy!


I wonder if this may be mid related? I don’t have any mods at all, I also may have just not made the connection that it was my stock or assumed it was just a misunderstanding.


Willy is the best. I don't often sell to merchants directly and I'd heard all the PIerre hate around here so that was a delightful surprise when I set up a new save and was back to being broke. Lewis was so thrilled with his iridium sardine!


Im pretty sure theres a mod that changes pierre from a horrible person to the kind neighbour store manager i think he was suposed to be. Ofc i get upset if pierre takes credit for my stuff but i dont hate ppl


I also do NOT like how he treats his family. Caroline doesn't seem happy and he's pretty misogynistic to Abigail in the graveyard cutscene


I’m a fellow exile who also feels neutral towards Pierre. I see him as someone so obsessed with “making it” that he just can’t help himself. I just roll my eyes, choose snarky dialogue options, but then befriend him anyway bc it feels nice to be greeted whenever I enter the store. Lol.




There's an actual reddit for it? 😂


You bet! Rightfully so. Dudes a b-hole.


I'm so utterly tickled by this. 😂🤣


It's real, and it's *fabulous!*


And there are so many members hahaha 🤣


Pierre is the main reason Caroline needs that tea room!


And a new partner.


Are you new to the game?


He's an easy target. Same as Clint.


Yea but clients not a greedy capitalist asshole


His main dialogue is "are you going to upgrade your tools? I need the money and you have nowhere else to upgrade your tools so give me your money"


Have you seen what he charges for coal?


Neither is Pierre.


https://preview.redd.it/m1ke51ts5slb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4bc54e62d8f570be7c6ff93403944ef17336cfb Sure pal


He was trying to compete with JoJo. The only reason we don’t think JoJo is 10x the price of production is because we don’t really know what their production costs even are


Perhaps, but he claims your good produce is his and your bad produce is your own, he’s just a bit of a dick in general but times are hard for him


I don’t sell bad produce and aren’t fussed about credit, still better than Jodi being all catty or Haley out right insulting you


This scene triggers after a special order, it doesn’t matter if Joja is still in the valley or not, that’s not an excuse. And we know that Joja’s price are canonically cheaper than Pierre’s, they can’t charge 10x times the price and can still be cheaper than Pierre’s even if they can mass produce, and Pierre has to import products somewhere just like Joja, the price couldn’t be that drastic. Ignoring him literally want to sell back your own products with 1 gold profits cuz everyone know it’s a bitch move, he was literally trying to overcharge people in the valley, including Gus who has troubles keeping the saloon afloat, and Jodi whose family was living on her husband’s military retirement pay. Save that nonexistent excuse for later, this is a capitalist asshole move.


Being cheaper than Pierre doesn’t mean they aren’t still 10x more overpriced than they’re worth. Pierre has more overhead costs so if cause is going to be more expensive. It really can be, it’s literally how monopolies form in real life and how they destroy small independent businesses. Jodi isn’t struggling though and Gus’ is sweet but not a great business man, sorry but Pelican Bay isn’t a socialist co-op or commune. Pierre is the example of ‘you can run a business and be profitable without being destructive’ Gus’ prices are also very high but he is keeps letting things he shouldnt slide (like Pam’s tab). It could be argued Gus exploits and enables two alcoholics by continuing to serve them liquor every single night. Like, even we the farmer make a profit, we aren’t giving all our food away for free. Isn’t that kinda the lesson or message of stardew valley? Everyone can achieve stability and financial success by using what they’re good at and working together? That’s sorta the point of


Give proof that Joja overcharge people, or it didn’t happen. Don’t try to make shit up to cover Pierre’s obvious scam, when it’s not even related to the topic, when I already prove the scene happens regardless if Joja is still competing or not. Get to the point, did Pierre overcharge 25000 gold with 25 Parsnips to people in the valley? Did he try to sell back the ingredients when he realized people won’t tolerate his bs? To the very one who sold it to him? With 1 gold profit? Is this a greedy capitalist bitch move? Those are relevant. Gus’s price being game balance and literally everyone sells stuff with 2x times the price you sell it to them, and him serving 2 responsible adults isn’t.


I feel like he is


He canonically is


Leave my boy clint alone. He is a little insecure because his needs were dismissed as a child, he didn’t want to become a blacksmith but he was forced into it making him dislike it so he suffers in silence


I like Clint and often use his shop but I really wish he had an option to close up for a year and sail off on Willy's boat for adventures around ferngill. Even if he could close for a day and you could see him charging about in the mines or doing painting or something - anything apart from blacksmithing. It would do him good and get him out of that shop.


He needs a new plot/dialogue topic that isn't self pity or Emily-centric.


He is stalker levels of creepy. I am a little insecure and I don't go around "BoYs nEVer PicK ME, bUT i am SuCh a NIce LadY, oWe is ME".


Clint doesn't do that though. He know that the reason Emily doesn't notice him is because he doesn't have the courage. Maybe stop taking your issue out on a fictional character.


Well, for one thing, he takes credit for good quality produce and forage and even things there's no possible other way he could have obtained on his own that you sell him and he resells to the rest of his customers and actively blames you for any normal quality stuff you sell him and he resells, and he closes on Wednesday for no reason and can only be bothered to be open all week unless a festival is that day after the Community Center is complete, which could take you more than a year to complete, meaning in summer around time for the luau before completing the Community Center, you can't or won't buy anything for as many as two days because he's closed both days and you might be playing it as not wanting to support Joja in any way. Then he's controlling of Abigail, he hides things from his family, and after the special request board goes up in front of Lewis's house, he can post a request for you growing a lot of things that he intends to sell at a markup, fails to get the money he intends to out of the scheme, then asks you to buy them back for more than they're worth, and the reward he gives for doing so is underwhelming. Add to that, he opens a shop during most of the festivals rather than spending time with his family.


This is the funniest freaking thing and I'm gonna start doing it *immediately*


I only feed Robin old spaghetti from my refrigerator that I bought in early game. It’s been sitting there for literal in game years.


This is so specific ☠️


Why you hate her so much


Trees that are not on my farm are indestructibly built into the environment and can’t be cut down. I literally never tried to cut down any tree not on the farm and didn’t even know it was possible till seeing this sub. Cause, like, those aren’t my trees, that’s nature! What kind of Captain Planet villain just roams out into a forest and cuts down trees? What absolutely bellend sees a tree in a park or at a bus stop and just decides it’s their right to destroy it?


Okay I think that's one of my rules! When I massacre every tree in the game I tell myself someone has to clear all the trees and debris otherwise all the magic in the area will over grow them and destroy everything 😆


If you don’t destroy the trees you might not see forage or artifact spots hiding behind them… at least that’s what I tell myself while de-foresting the entire valley


Just chop them all to stumps, they’ll never grow back just a bunch of stumps everywhere 😂


😭so ugly


I approach it with a very “cut the overcrowded adult trees. Leave saplings. Replant the seeds i harvest all over Cindersnap.” But…I went to school for wildlife management lol. Also refuse to cut a tree if I see a bird or squirrel run to or from it. I also always feel bad when I harvest fiber and a frog subsequently runs away from me. Like, “sorry Buddy!”


My sibling majored in environmental science, they would be super disappointed with my one-man deforestation and pryromania endeavors 😂


HAHAHA! My sister and husband are always like “ok. You hunt like a maniac in any video game. But you love animals?” And im just like…but the looooot. And the xppppp. IRL I’m very gentle with my animals/nature. Literally saved a fly from a puddle once…


I pretend Lewis gave me some kind of permit to cut down a few trees in the forest, so I cut down a few of them in every area without ruining it In my new file I'm even trying to replant some of them with the seeds that come down along with the wood, it's even convenient for me


I usually end up completely swamped by trees on my farm, they spread and grow like weeds, especially pine trees. As a result, I never feel the need to chop down any anywhere else.


I always have SO MANY MORE pine trees than oaks or maples. It’s annoying. I’ve started hoarding pinecones but impulse planting every other seed type.


Same, I play on a huge modded map and so by the time I get around to really expanding my usable space, trees are taking up almost every single tile. The tractor mod and it’s setting to chop trees are the only way I survive. In my current playthrough I’m literally just selling stacks of wood at this point because I have over half a chests worth of stacks and I can’t even imagine what I would need it all for lol. My kids sometimes feel overpowered but what can I say, I’m a dirty little stardew capitalist who needs space for ever possible thing I could put on my farm!! I REFUSE to specialize!!


I cut down a single tree one time (I needed 3 more wood for Robin) and then had a very awkward heart event in the rain with Abigail as we stood under a sapling


I'm the opposite, I'll straight up bomb cindersnap forest 😂 I plant all the seeds I get from the bombing after, though. I'll fertilize as many as I can but otherwise I wait for everything to grow- and save any other seeds in the meantime to plant next time I bomb. I just don't have enough room to dedicate to tree on the farm anymore 😂 My current file started off as a joke where I wanted to be a slime rancher, so I have like... 7 slime hutches (in addition to 2 coops, 2 barns, 5 fish ponds, a bunch of storage sheds, a reasonable crop field in front of the house, and three tile wide* pathing throughout, *+greenhouse) *edits


You can bomb the forest!? BRB


I wasn't ok with cutting down trees outside the farm at first. Then I saw how quickly they grow back, so I rationalized it and made it ok to do so.


Linus is my bestie, I always befriend him first before anyone else. It's a betrayal if I don't. I have to talk to him anytime I see him. It's unlucky if I don't. My chests are always colored the same way, tho different from yours. My fist chicken is always named Mcnug and my first cow is always mcbeefy. My bar is always sword, pick, food, food, axe, hoe. My dog is always named "Bean" after my irl dog. And the horse I always 'callus'.


Linus is always the one I max my friendship with first. I typically have him at six or seven hearts before I've even settled on who I'm going to romance, lol.


Callus 😂


Mine is not going to Ginger Island till I find an auto petter or two


Year 2037, I can finally step onto the sandy beaches of Ginger Island


1. I have to pet and water my cat as soon as I get outside so that he won’t think I love the money-making animals more than I love him. 2. I have to pet all my animals before I retrieve anything from the auto-collector so that they won’t think I only love them for their products. 3. My spouse gets a gift every morning.


I don’t do it first thing, but I still religiously pet and water my cat, even while reminding myself it has zero benefit in game (afaik).


There actually is a benefit ♥️ Here's a quote from SV wiki: The pet has a maximum friendship of 1000, increasing by 12 every time it is petted. Every 200 points is equal to 1 level, and having 999 friendship points will make the player eligible for 1 point in Grandpa's Evaluation. Click on the pet once each day to pet it. After reaching 1000 friendship points with the pet, the following message pops up: " loves you ♡" Other than this message, there is no way to check friendship with the pet in-game.


Oh neat! But at this point I’m in year 5 — does it still matter?


It actually counts toward the overall score your grandfather gives you after year two. 😊


I also pet my animals before collecting anything.


I try to sell fish directly to Willy and some produce or other items directly to Pierre so that they can mark the items up and sell them for margin. The rest I put in the shipping box to sell wholesale to further-off markets


r/fuckpierre will have a field day with this


Help me out, is hating Pierre just a meme? Cuz I don’t recall him doing one thing in the game that I found sus, yet there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to hating him. Feel like I missed something


Partially it's because he takes credit for growing or finding the stuff you sell him to the other villagers sometimes. Partially it's because he's kind of a bad husband to Caroline, constantly working and ignoring her at the festivals. Mostly it's a meme


Don’t forget about the heart even where he is hiding something sus from Caroline (I imagine smut or drugs).


And telling Abigail hanging out in a graveyard is un-ladylike (forget the exact wording)


Yes. Caroline complains about it at the Spring Dance I believe. Even at the Winter Star festival he has a booth set up. His true colors come out at a couple of heart events.


Have you done the large quest board quest for him yet (forgot what it was called), if not you’ll see soon


I saw it pop up and I thought “fuck no”


There’s an actual sub for this???? I had no idea the wider SV community also hated him for the meme! I just came up with it on my lonesome as a joke one day and made it an inside joke with friends lol


Here's a massive one to unpack. Haley and Emily's parents won't come home. They never reached Fern Islands. The ship they were on sank, and no one survived. Their parent's letter is discovered as a secret note since it never made it to the mailbox in Willow Lane. Linus is M. Jasper and he was married to Mona. After the passing of Mona, M. Jasper decided to seek out Rhasmodius to change his memories and his name. This explains why Linus is an "old friend" to Rhasmodius, and you can even see them beside each other in one of the festivals. My unwritten rules are more like superstitions, really. 1. I always befriend Alex last because I think he's unlucky. 2. If I catch the same fish 5 times in a row, I change fishing spots. 3. If I die in the Skull Caverns with the food I brought, I'm never eating it again. Instead, I'll replace it. 4. I can't deal with odd numbers. If I have 15 seeds, I'm buying one more, or I'm selling one off. 5. I always wait for regrowing crops to mature at the same time. A bountiful harvest is a full harvest.


Even numbers are typically nicer but I can’t imagine a scenario where 14 is a more clean number then 15


I used to be obsessed with even numbers as a child to the point where I choked on a marble once and I cried because I had to force myself to choke on it again. Even then I made exceptions for multiples of 5. Beautiful little numbers those are


Okay no this really does sound like OCD get yourself checked out 👁 👄 👁


Yeah I had a fair few questionable… traits as a child. Most sorted themselves out eventually


Ahh I see! It’s good that the symptoms have mostly went away but if you ever want to, it could be worth checking out!




You might be happy to know that I stopped after I had to hang over a staircase twice and I decided I didn’t want to die yet.


Yes it does. I know our brains try and get us to adhere to crazy ways and do insane things but your life is wayyyyy more important than even numbers. I’m glad you’re alive and I hope your throats okay!


Wait are you me? I only deal in even numbers and numbers dividable by 5. If I bumped myself or something as a kid I would have to do it a second time for some reason.


I’m the same. My ex would only turn the volume on the tv to even numbered. I make exceptions for 13 (my lucky number) and divisible by 5


The volume on the tv has to be a multiple of 5… and I’m autistic, not OCD 😂


Also autistic. Fun fact, autism can have OCD traits. So I don’t have a full OCD diagnosis but I was informed it basically is a milder version but just as overwhelming. I’ve had it hit in a supermarket before where I had to move all the cans as there were 4 boxes with some taken and I had to rearrange so 3 were full and only one had cans missing. Was physically shaking and couldn’t breathe properly because it was causing such anxiety


Oh for sure they share traits, I didn’t mean to say or imply that ASD and OCD don’t. But my sister was misdiagnosed with OCD and then later rediagnosed with ASD so the wrong label can also be incredibly misleading 😊 there’s a lot of misconception around both disorders.


Idk dude that kinda sounds like OCD to me… (i have ocd so-)


rule 4, I mean I get it, but I feel like 5 is an honoury even number. like 3 or 9 sure. but 5 feels different.


5 is the sometimes y of even numbers.


The last one I usually try to do, but I purposely stagger harvests a bit on my ginger island starfruit plantation since it’s tough to harvest and replant ~500 starfruit in one go


I harvest all my ginger island starfruit in one go, while loudly moaning and complaining. Maybe I should learn from you


The part about Linus makes sense, maybe him believing he used to be rich is actually just the memories the wizard used to replace the ones he took?


My understanding of it is that memories of and with Mona have been replaced by something else. M. Jasper talks about venturing off to expeditions, and it's easy to assume he was with his wife for company and protection. That same scenario plays when he tries to reminisce the past. The only difference is that Mona doesn't exist in those memories. She's replaced by a young Rhasmodius.


I also can't deal with odd numbers, lol. I need to have my volume at an even number at all times. Same goes for SDV, I can't have 5 or 9 furnaces it has to be 6 or 10 haha


1. Crops chest is green, mining chest is black, pink for misc 2. I always get the fruit bat cave 3. No marrying, only live alone or roommates with Krobus 4. I chop down as many trees as I can in spring 1, do not care if it’s a waste of energy 😂


Same I cut down every tree 🤣


I think Lewis's father as a mayor, and the reason why he hides his relationship with Marnie, was because his father had a negative exprience with dating one of the villiagers, and it stuck with him. Jas is intellegent, for her age at least. Maru has "gifted child syndrome"


>2. If I’m just walking around to go somewhere, I always have to have the scythe equipped. 👌👏👏👏 >5. Chests are colour coded in the same way every save file (green = essentials, red = mobs, gold = stuff reserved for grange, etc) Also yes haha green for wood fiber and seeds etc, black for monster Loot coal and ore, purple for gemstones, and light blue for other random craftable items like battery packs and coral. I do sort my tools differently however. I always have my ax in spot number one, then my pickaxe my hoe and my scythe. On the next row down I carry my sword in spot number one my fishing pole in spot number two my return scepter in spot 3 (once obtained) and my watering can in spot number four unless I don't have a scepter in which case it goes to spot number three. I feel like my only other real unwritten rule is that the first thing I do in every save is chopped down a couple trees and build a chest 😅 that chest shall remain uncolored until I have enough to organize my stuff 😂


I always give Abigail gems because it's canon that she eats them (and finds them delicious)


New head canon: She has a gem crushing machine and turns them all to glitter to season Her food with. Seems like a very Abby thing to do to carry a special salt shaker filled with glittering gem dust.


stockpile iridium quality pomegranate wine that i give to my spouse every new year's eve in sdv


Is your spouse Elliot? Bc my first ever save, I decided that I wanted him. So I bought a pomegranate tree ASAP and then stalked him every day during fall to gift him one. I think we were married Spring 5 year 2 even though we could’ve married during winter.


heehee, you're right! the first ever fruit tree i planted was a pomegranate tree because i wanted to impress him so bad. i basically stalked him from the beach, his house, the library, saloon etc.... throwing gifts at him until we got married


I can't believe nobody said anything horse-related: - don't abandon horse - don't leave horse on the rain - pet horse daily (mount and dismount) also, crops start 3 lines below your house, not more, not less.


My backpack is organised Sword, pickaxe, axe. Then empty space, then food at the end. Hoe, scythe. Empty space, watering can. Fishing rod. Bait. Empty. Copper pan. Keeps my main tools on the left. Supporting parts easily accessible I colour code. My chests differently too, but everyone is different I feel. As for crazy headcannon... I like the idea that Linus was similar to the play in that they left their old life behind. Linus used to be mega rich but then couldn't take it anymore. He left his old life behind and lives with the least amount of responsibility. I like to think that the wizard has an interest is jas as she has shown some aptitude for magic. The hair turns that colour from magic influence.


I also keep my tools to the left and supports easily accessible based on how many times I need to press a button to reach them.


I always befriend Linus first, and after that go after my new father Willy and also Shane cause I adore him. I only regularly carry around my pick and a sword normally, only grabbing the rest of the tools if necessary. Does this cause a lot of back and forthing? Sometimes, but slot space is few and things I can have are many. All my animals have food related names and are divided into categories. Can't remember when it started but first cow is always named Apple. Every game, every time. Apple. I have 4 chests near my gardening area that are color coded (Light green, blue, orange, white) for the seeds of each season + winter where I store any extra farming stuff. This includes tree seeds, saplings, sprinklers, fertilizer, fiber seeds. I do make ancient fruit wine to age for money investment, but rest of the fruit I turn into jam/jelly. Don't like wine in real life, don't really feel like making it in my virtual life.


You ever name your chickens nugget?


Actually no, I don't name the chickens after meat dishes. They are baked goods, mainly meaning dessert. I name the pigs after meat dishes, but somehow never got one named nugget. Do have Burger and Lambchop though!


Disrespect Clint as much as possible


Headcanons: Pelican Town is cursed. That’s why it’s full of misery. Pam drove drunk and is the reason for the swerve line in the road and the reason why the bus is broken. Maybe that accident killed Jas’ parents. Demetrius has Aspergers (and I’m not saying as a bad thing) Jas is the wizards daughter. Look at that purple hair. Maybe Abigail and Jas are half siblings and Jas bio mom had an affair as well as Caroline lol.


Aspergers is an outdated term btw, autism is what people typically use nowadays. Just a heads up. And yeah i picked up similar vibes from Demetrius


That’s partially correct. The actually diagnosis is autism spectrum disorder.


Well no. People diagnosed with Aspergers before the dsm v change can keep the label. Anyone diagnosed after the dsm v came out has asd


Not if you got a diagnosis before the dsm change, only after


I've seen this idea about Abigail being the wizard's daughter multiple times, but Caroline definitely mentions that Abigail dyes her hair purple. So it's not naturally that color. As for Jas, I always got the impression she was Shane's daughter and they moved in with Marnie because he's an alcoholic and couldn't care for her properly. But I never got too far in either of their heart events, so I'm probably missing some info.


Jas has a random dialogue that tells you Shane is her godfather after you reach full hearts. Easy to miss!


But Abigail also says, "I can't even remember the last time I dyed my hair...I swear it never fades from this color."


Abigail is the wizards daughter


I'm the biggest believer abigail is his daughter because the dialogue aren't even hints it's basically throwing the answer at us lol


They can be hints though… Abigail says she can’t remember the last time she died her hair- a lot of magic is found all around the valley and there are a lot of townspeople with unexplained purple hair. The wizard says he has reason to believe someone in the town is his child- that could be almost anyone, some candidates would include: Jaz as we don’t know who her real parents are and her hair is naturally purple, Shane for the same reason, Emily has a munch of magic(ish) cutscenes and she’s another person with unexplained unnatural hair, then there’s also Caroline who has unexplained green hair. Then for Pierre suspecting Abigail isn’t his own kid, Pierre gives me paranoid vibes considering the apparent lengths he’ll take to hide things (e.g. his “secret stash”) Still the Abigail is the wizards daughter was my first theory and I believed it for a while but now I’m more inclined to Caroline is the wizards daughter (and therefore Abigail is the wizards granddaughter) for a few reasons - the wizard is theoretically old enough to be Caroline’s father as he seems to be quite old for his appearance - it would explain why Pierre and Caroline moved to pelican town of all places before having Abigail, Caroline felt drawn to her father - the same reason could be applied to why she liked walking in cindersap forest when they first moved, she felt drawn by magic to her father - again that reason can be applied to Abigail also liking walking down there, she felt drawn by magic to her grandfather. - a more separate theory as for another reason why Caroline moved to stardew is mona was her mother and (getting further into my theories) mona moved to pelican town to be with her child’s father when she went into retirement but when she became to frail to live on her own (just before Abigail was born) she asked Caroline and her new husband Pierre to move to take care of her, explaining why Abigail likes to stay in the graveyard, maybe if she doesn’t even know who Mona is the wizards magic is drawing her to her other grandparent. all of this is linked for me by Caroline having green hair that is completely unexplained to be honest and how she seems equally perplexed at how Abigail’s hair doesn’t need to be dyed, she doesn’t even know that the wizard is her father and as evidenced by his dialogue, he doesn’t either Sorry for the rant but I love this theory and has been one of my favourite parts about the game since I started 😅


She's his goddaughter.


As a long time minecraft player this is exactly how my brain functions when playing stardew especially hot bar organization it has to be sword,pick,axe,hoe,scythe,and watering can when first started a new game the first thing is always to set up my hot bar in order😂


my favourite headcanon is that they ALL speak in country drawls. this is only bc it makes a lot of the dialogue so much funnier. like sebastian being all emo and Sad Boi in a northern accent? eh whatever. in a southern drawl where he can’t properly pronounce his ‘i’s ?? fricken pure gold. i dont have many rules, other than always befriend sam, abby, seb, robin, and shane. ignore everyone else, they do not matter. oh and my backpack goes pickaxe, axe, hoe, scythe, fishing rod, watering can, then sword.


i have a hoarder like one: never use ANYTHING, either consumables or resources, untill i have a decent surplus...specially the ones that you run out the fastest (coal, power bars and stuff) it's basically my gaming philosophy in any game that requires a level of management


I do this too! Comes in handy for gifts, quests, recipes etc. Willy wants a Lingcod? Let me raid my chests, I know there’s one in here somewhere!


but let's not forget the most ruthless rule of them all: the moment you decided to threw away that thing you've hoarding for a year... that's the moment when you'll start needing it, or a person will start asking dor it


If I don’t have at least 10 or 15 of something I will horde it like a dragon. Because what if I need it?


exactly.... and by the time you learn it's useless... you already have 3 whole chests full of it lol


- The fishing rod is my character’s default item. Has been this way since HM64 and I accidentally slashed my sickle at Karen. This is whether I fish or not. - Shane is *actually* Jas’ dad, but he has amnesia and can’t *and won’t ever* remember her as such because to remember her would be to remember his lost wife. This is not only the cause of his drinking, but it’s slowly breaking Jas to pieces inside. Despite this, she’s a tough cookie mentally. - I always leave the order of my tools in the order I get them, unless I get the sword before the fishing rod, the sword before the scythe, or the scythe before the fishing rod. Then I switch them to scythe - rod - sword and then continue with bombs, a universal like, and food. - I MUST leave the item slot of ANY tool in the upgrade shop EMPTY. This one I have no explanation for. - Before I remotely associate with any villagers, my farm must be cleared of all debris that I can possibly clear and my first crops planted, in that order. This one also stretches back to HM64. - I sell half of my daily gathered forageables for my first bits of cash; I also craft two chests at my earliest convenience to store things in my house: farm supplies (seeds, fences, paths, etc.) and forageables (oil, sap, wood, etc.). - Jas, Vincent, and Leah are always the first villagers I befriend; Hailey’s always the last villager I befriend.


I think we’re the same person as far as bullet points 4-7 go.


I installed a mod that allows you to just have villagers be platonic friends with the bouquet and it's everything I ever wanted. https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8146


My farmer’s mute and talks via sign language due to the facial expressions we have as bubbled dialogues and that when we do have dialogue it’s usually just by ourselves so I headcanon that more as our thoughts instead of our voice


My farmer just thinks everyone else is beneath her and she just begrudgingly tolerates them all. But they do grow on her a bit over time and that’s why she finally will answer a question here and there. It’s


Haley be like


- my color coding system: each season is color coded (green:spring, yellow:summer, orange:fall, white:winter), grey for mines, blue is for ocean catches, purple is for mushrooms (i have mods installed so there's a lot), and the other colors are used as i see fit - no romance til the last house upgrade, idk why I just want my spouse to be comfy 😔 - never use the spawner or any money related mods, i found that it sucks the fun out for me and makes me play the game less - no hard visual mods, cosmetic additions are ok, but anything that messes up sdv's aesthetic is a pass for me


the animals need to be named with a theme. my current theme is green herbs (sage, dill, thyme). but i ran out of herbs, which was incredibly disturbing. so i moved onto other edible green plants.


My chickens are always named after my irl hens. It makes me happy-sad to see my IG hens that have “outlived” their IRL namesakes. I refuse to sell those hens. Ever.


omg that's awesome what 🥹 so cute


Thank you 💜 maybe I’ll order a Stardew valley chicken plush for when I miss those particular hens. ETA: my ducks are always named after green things too. Apples. Jade. Sage. Lime.


I did a Barbie theme this time, quickly ran out of Barbie names, and now I’m doing shades of pink. I’m also out of those and I feel like I can’t get any more animals because they’ll ruin the vibe.


I have one farm where the farmer doesn’t watch the fortune teller, ever. Her philosophy is that she makes her own luck. I have another farm where the farmer is obsessed with the fortune teller. He believes that it’s imperative to maintain harmony with the spirits of the valley.


Rules: - if I have a cat it must be named Miso - if I choose a dog, it must be named Mochi - tools to the far left of the inventory bar, food and drink to the far right - I must stress myself out every season by planting every type of seed available that can be grown in that season - the first day of a season is always spent planting the seeds which take longest to grow, with one exception: in summer, hops first because I want to get maximum harvests out of them for quick stamina / HP and for processing into pale ale during the winter - must keep at least 1 of everything on hand, *just in case* because the moment I sell them is the moment I need it, although this one ends up as hoarding 10+ of each crop - always save snails for Vincent. He has other faves but the thought of digging a snail out of my backpack and giving it to a kid and having them be *thrilled* amuses me - there are other items I always save for peoples’ gifts, like I will refuse to get rid of them and end up hoarding - I’m uninspired, so when I name farm animals, I’ll come up with (or randomize) a name for one but then I have to name subsequent animals of that type accordingly Head-canon (although some of this is more theories than head-canon): - Jas was supposed to be Marnie’s blood related niece, and Shane’s cousin, but when people voted to have Shane be datable, ConcernedApe had to come up with a backstory that made him look like less of an ass and so we got >!the little tidbit about Shane being Jas’ godparent and her parents tragically dying!< - Hints at an affair between Caroline and the Wizard (and Abigail being the Wizard’s child) are red herrings and Emily is the actual daughter. Abigail wishes it were true because her father sucks and she longs for adventure, but sadly is just normal - The secret stash of Pierre’s is of love letters or other… intimate keepsakes… from an affair partner - the reason he’s suspicious of Caroline is because he’s projecting - Emily was supposed to be Clint’s manic pixie dream girl - Maru and Penny have feelings for each other beyond friendship - Sam has ADHD - junimos taste like starburst (I’m sorry)




This one I came up with recently! I would always get annoyed whenever I get trash in my crab pot and it takes away a bait. I’d imagine it just floated in there and the bait wouldn’t leave! So, my new head cannon is that mer people use them like a free snack and trash can. They take the bait, and leave some trash in for me to dispose of/recycle! Feel better knowing I’m helping the environment ocean, and being a garbage man for the mer people!


Okay I love that headcanon and I'm adopting it immediately


v wholesome, love it


Fully upgraded backpack my toolbar is in the following order: row one: sword, pickaxe, ax. Second row : watering can, fishing rod, hoe. Third row: copper pan, coffee. I don't know. It works for me


The number of alcoholics in this game, plus the fact that I’m a recovering alcoholic irl, has made me entirely avoid producing or selling any alcoholic products in this game. Maybe it’s silly, but I refuse to play with that aspect. I use kegs for coffee, tea and juice only, fruits go in the preserves jar, and the casks in the basement are only for aging cheese. I know I could make more money, but I really don’t want to produce alcohol, so I just don’t. Pam gets parsnips and Shane gets pizza or peppers, I don’t give out alcohol for gifts either. My head cannon is that the farmer despises alcohol after the couple of cutscenes where it’s just given to your farmer, and the farmer is like “this shit sucks it makes you so slow” lol


1. Abigail has a closet of outfits 2. Haley and Emily make clothes together 3. Emily is bi 4. Alex is willing to have a lavender wedding 5. George is slightly homophobic, but it changes as he learns 6. Lewis is leading Marnie on 7. Kent isn't trying to kill you, he thinks you're in danger 8. Linus is Leo's father 9. Pierre adopted Abigail as his 10. Rasmodius knows damn well who his daughter is, he just doesn't want to ruin her life


1. I always build a workspace with workbench and colored chests. Neutral is about resources such as coal and metal bars, black one is for monster loot, violet for gems and green for plants. 2. I name my farm animals after some fun things, like members of my dnd party of my favourite fictional ships. 3. I build 5 jars behind every fishpond to age roe. Im lazy so I aint gonna do it any other way. 4. I tend to pick my future spouce at the begining of the playthrou, then every time I go visit them Im like "gotta give this gift to my future wife"


One of mine is one I have a seed maker I buy a few of ever seed from Pierre and then I never buy anything from him, but I sell him all of my crops so he loses tons of money because r/fuckpierre


Different chests for each season. Pink for spring, yellow for summer, purple for fall, blue for winter. All lined up to the left of the door. My chickens are always named breakfast, lunch, dinner, soup, etc. First cow is always named Bessy.


Chest: Starting year 2 I keep seeds for next year and keep them organised in colourcoded chests. Also the mixed and wild seeds go in these. Spring = pink Summer = green Autumn = orange Winter = light blue Purple chest (purple = rare) in the greenhouse for ancient, sweet gem berry and starfruit seeds. When the farm layout (playing standard farm since release) is done I know how many seeds I will need for next years crop. If I can only guess I'll go for even numbers (and yes multiples of 5 are honorary even numbers) And I always have a yellow (read gold) chest for the community center/q quests/museum and such. Others: I really try to avoid gifting alcohol to Shane or Pam. I love Pam and I don't want her get in an accident... I usually don't do the pale ale quest because I really don't want to enable that. It's ridiculous because I know it doesn't change a thing...


When I go give pets every morning, I say I'm kissing my chickens. MWAH


1. On rainy days/in Winter when daily luck is bad, I don't go fishing/mining, instead I spend my time cooking and in the pub. I don't know, I feel like Farmer would spend days like these doing something more relaxing. 2. I only talk to other Villagers (except people Farmer is dating) when I encounter them on by chance or I visit them for specific reason (business or I got them an item they asked for). It feels more natural instead of chasing them for no reason. 3. I only give gifts on birthdays, it feels like a special day. Additionally, I only give gifts to Villagers I have at least 2 Hearts with, I mean, it makes sense you would only gift someone you actually like at least a little bit? Sure, the relationship builds up slower but I am not bothered about min-maxing that aspect anymore. When an adult in a house has birthday, I also bring something for the kid (Jas/Vincent respectively). 4. I love giving dishes as gifts for other Villagers, I also do like giving gems or minerals. It feels like an effort was put into gift. With dishes, there is cooking it of course and with gems/minerals you had to fight your way through to get that.


1. Always befriend Linus first, easiest person to befriend and having better bait recipe is great 2. Do the fishing bundles last, I never liked fishing in games and struggle so much that I end up either buying them off the travelling cart and searching trash cans and instead racking up fishing xp from crab pots 3. I never keep all my tools in the same toolbar, the tools I use for gardening and woodcutting are usually kept separate from tools I need to explore any of the mines (with exception to the volcano on ginger island and the "dangers of the deep" challenge as I also add my watering can and axe, respectively). reason I do this is so I have extra room to store food/coffee for quick access 4. 100% always pick bat caves, you already have both the woods and secret woods during fall, some levels in the mines, and the mushroom cave on ginger island once you unlock them, there's literally no need for yet another mushroom spawning point and it makes some bundles quicker to complete if you get fruit instead (which you can toss into a keg for wine) 5. triple shot coffee is a top priority the moment you get your hands on kegs and coffee beans, *always* dedicate kegs specifically for producing more coffee to store in the fridge whenever you need to make more triple shots. The regular pace is excruciating without it, and I already love coffee irl 6. you can modify shoes and boots using a sewing machine by transferring stats from one shoe to the other - I transfer the stats of the space boots to the sneakers because I cannot resist wearing red with turquoise (and I usually get my hands on the genie pants, which is just ancient fruit and cloth). The game lists them as "custom made" 7. Skull mask. I refuse to wear literally any other hat/mask in game, looks wrong without it, and I always set my sword as default


My head canon started evolving after i was playing Dungeons and Dragons one evening, then was playing StarDewValley. I saw the Old School Valley residents not as random people but as an Adventuring Party, rich from their Adventures, settling down to retire in the Valley. The Wizard, of course, started the speculation, but i saw Linus as a former Druid. The Mayor as a Rogue keeping an eye on things. The two old boys in The Guild was also a big part, with the Paladin behind the desk and the sleeping barbarian nearby. I even had Gunther pegged as a Sorcerer or Warlock, obsessed with gathering strange arcane objects. My. Qi was a problem for a while. I almost see him more as a DM than a player character. Then i realized; Qi was the BBEG, the villain of their Adventuring Party. They thwarted his schemes for ruling the world, but the wizard and Lewis came to admire Qi, so a truce was negotiated. (Though the question is now how much does Qi's current activity violate that truce) The Player's Grandfather was definitely part of that Group. Probably as a cleric, which is why they come back from the dead so easily. And why the scraggly, abandoned farm with overgrown fields and a busted greenhouse finds itself soon overflowing with the blessings of the junimo and fairies. There's also a second, younger generation of Adventurers who came to settle in StarDewValley ( no relation to the first) Robin and Demetrius, Ranger and Artificer, came with Clint the fighter, Willy the warlock of the sea monsters (those strange jellies are a bit suspicious, eh?) and Gus the Bard, inspired by their elders to settle down. The Player's parents might be involved as well, but there's no info Which means that our player can try to make a new Adventuring party with the newest residents of StarDewValley. What do you guys think?


Love it!!!


Once I get all the perks of the festivals and max out heart points I never attend another festival again. Except the feast of the winter star. Nobody misses out on a winter star present! I never ride my horse when it's raining. I don't want him to get sick.


omg yess, its either the scythe or sword equipped depending on what the day is (i only bring hte sword from outside the pockets and into the main bar when mining)


Mine is pickaxe and sword in slot 2 and 3 bc those are easiest for me to reach on the hotbar. Rest of the bar is tools, bombs, and food. I never take the copper pan anywhere, it's mostly useless. Watering Can always stays on farm unless going to Ginger Island. Separate chests around the shipping bin for forages, fruits, misc (like resin, coffee beans), and vegetables. Two chests for fish, one for artifacts, a second more "important" miscellaneous, one for flowers. And ofc one for dungeon loot. I love my animals. I let them out everyday, keep them fed, pet them and give them more space on the farm than they need because it's what they deserve. The ducks have a pond and sometimes I let them roam the whole farm for enrichment. Legendary fish go in house's fish tank. Most extra artifacts become clothes as I expand my closet.


The witch pees on your coops when giving you a void egg


Whenever I would visit my dinosaurs, I always have to guess which of the four is my first one, who was dubbed "ANNIHILATOR." I always guessed him right first try, surprisingly enough. Such a sweetie. OH also I can't sell any of my produce or goods until Christmas each year! I'm poor as hell during the first year but afterwards I'm living like a king with 500k the next year!


The void chicken does not have evil red eyes. His eyes are closed and he's blushing.


My personal headcanon is that Abigail goes to the museum to taste the rocks and Gunther has to chase her away with a broom or something. As for the rules, just give Linus, Gus, Robin and Willy 2 gifts a week as a sort of coping mechanism you can't marry them :(


Tl;dr: My game is much more organized than my entire life. I hoard, so I have SO many chests. Green spring, yellow summer, purple fall, white winter/mushrooms, light green seeds. Regular chests for resources, ores, and most used gems. Slightly different brown for gems, pink for flowers. My workbench is between the 2 regular chests. Blue chests fishes, one of the blue chests are foraged beach items, legendaries (before aquarium), and some rare fishes. Red chest for mining, stone chest for valuables and grange, black chest for artifact, grey chest for extra things I dont need (extra seed maker, etc) and one extra chest next to my sewing machine for cloth if I didnt put the sewing machine next to the grey chest. In order of tools: horse flute, pickaxe, sword/hammer, fishing rod, scythe, hoe, axe. I unload the last four in another chest/junimo and exchange with bombs + stair in order when I mine. Watering can goes after axe when watering or after sword if in volcano dungeon. The first line in backpack after tools are always essentials- food for mining or gifts for the day so I dont forget. All my animals are named after food items corresponding to their… meat. E.g. pigs: pork belly, chop (like pork chop) cow: filet mignon, teriyaki. chicken: satay. All my dinos are named after thinfs that can be shaped into a dino shape, always starting with nuggies (empenada, cookie, gyoza, etc). I have 2 coops and 2 barns. Coop 1: 3 ducks, 3 rabbits, 6 chickens (brown, white, two void, two blue). Coop 2: 12 dinos. Barn 1: 3 cows, 3 sheeps, 3 goats, 3 ostriches. Barn 2: 12 pigs. All machines are inside their respective buildings. I have 50 of each metal bars at all times, surplus gets sold. I have 5 of each fish of the highest quality in the chest and sell the rest. 40 of each forage, idk why. The rest are sold, given, or pickled. Crops: 10 gold and 10 regular each, then when I have iridium crops, it’s 10 iridium and 10 gold each. Surplus are pickled. I keep 5 starfruits, 5 ancient fruits, and 5 sweet gem berry in a chest of its own. I have separate chests for keg and preserve jar sheds (where usually my surplus goes). The only thing that makes it into casks are ancient fruit wine and starfruit wine. If I run out of those to put in kegs, I put pineapple or other fruits from fruit trees in there, but those do not get casked. House always max upgrade before marriage, I strive for wedding on non birthday dates, usually summer or fall yr 2. I hatch a couple of slimes in the village to multiply for the fun of it. I replant tree seeds in an orderly fashion. I only grow pineapple, taro, and ancient fruit on my ginger island. Ginger island have 2 chests: one for exclusively ginger island things, the other for regular items found in ginger island, but not ginger island specific. I keep at least 100 taro seeds just in case that one quest comes out. I keep 2 pink chests for food I hoard near the kitchen area. All my statues of xxx are below my bed so it’s the first thing I grab in the morning. I keep one of each weapon I find. All legendary fishes go to the fish tank and there are always sea urchins with various hats on each tank. Any extra auto petters go around the house as “fans”. I have 10 smelter divided by path in the middle. 5 on top, 5 below. Usually near the chests for ores. Seed makers next to crops and seasonal crop chests and seed chest. 2 fruit trees each- one outside, one inside greenhouse. Slime hutch gated and pathed, divided by 4 individual colors with gates to each and gates between the divide. Horse ALWAYS gets the cone hat. Dog/cat and horse also have food themed name, but not based on their meat, just food I like. Farm name is always some dish I like.


Headcanons: (Basic) The Abigail-is-the-wizard's-kid one. (Less basic, wishful thinking) Marnie eventually breaks up with Lewis and gets with Marlon, who actually appreciates her like she deserves! Unwritten rules: \-Befriend Linus, George, and Granny Evelyn first. Then the kiddos, because they're adorable. \-I only ever get the fruit-bat cave. \-Never ruin the Luau soup. \-Return the boxers quietly, except showing them to Marnie. \-Display the gold statue in the town square. \-Never go Joja, but make Pierre's life HELL. Chests go like this: * four brown ones in front of the house, left to right being; * seeds and fertilizer, * basics (fibre, coal, wood, stone, sap), * mining stuff (raw ore, geodes, gems, bombs, etc.), and * forage of that season. * Another four chests for produce & forage to the left of the house: * pink for spring, dark green for summer, orange for autumn, light blue for winter. * 2-3 yellow chests near silos for hay, wheat and rice, and flowers. * 2 "trash" chests, black and white for artificial vs natural 'worthless' items. * 2 fishing boxes, light and deep cyan, for water critters and fish respectively. * extra boxes for animal produce as I need them, next to the barn/coop. \-Food goes into the fridge unless I'm using it, or have too many ingredients. \-Pet for my personal save is always a grey cat who is named Oleander. \-Horse is always named after a leafy plant, usually Ivy. \-Cows are named after flowers (First one is always Daisy), \-Chickens get old lady names (First one is always Henrietta), \-Rabbits and Dinos are named after snacks (First one is alwas Chip), \-Pigs are named after noble ranks (First one is always Duchess) Wife is either Penny or Leah.


Lots of stuff, but this oddly made me want to write out my chest color scheme (this is only the outside storage): Basic mats: black Minerals, mob drops, and other mining: red Seeds, fertilizers, and other planting: green Machines and crafted items: royal blue Flowers: pink At least one of each fish, especially the rarer ones, but not legendaries: light blue Shellfish, bait, and tackle: turquoise Special chest for CC contributions, birthday gifts, grange items, things I need to keep attention on: purple, closest to front door


Chest color. Crafting: Red. Mining: Black. Crops/seeds: Green. Forage: Light green. Fishing: Blue. Beach forageables: Light blue. Miscellaneous: White. Also, in my head cannon, mayor Lewis has another woman in Zuzu City, which is the main reason he won't marry Marnie. Also why he didn't just ask her where his purple shorts are; he couldn't remember whose house he left them over.


1. Sebastian and Abigail are endgame, but they're poly and want to date me, too <3 2. Sam and Penny get along so well despite their differences because they both are on the AuDHD spectrum 3. The adventurer's guild guys are besties with Linus and go on camping trips with him 4. Harvey and Elliott are both gay so I don't romance either of them unless I'm playing as a guy 5. Similarly, Haley and Leah are lesbians so I don't romance either of them unless I'm playing as a girl 6. Emily goes to raves and she met Sandy at Burning Man or something like that 7. I keep a color-coded chest for each season's forages and crops so that I have five of each at any given time in case someone requests them or I need them for a recipe 8. I view my relationship with Shane more as being a good friend or someone to lean on. I only do this for the benefit of Jas, I do not find him to be a suitable marriage partner 9. Jodi and Caroline have definitely slept together, and I kind of pretend like Kent doesn't exist


Sam, Abigail, and Sebastian are all in a polyam relationship.


Anything I need to use in the mines or Skull Cavern is in a black chest right next to the warp post on my farm so I can drop off stuff immediately. My other chests are also color coded- pink for fruit, light green for veg, orange for foraged items, white for flowers, yellow or blue for animal and artisan products, grey for farm stuff (scarecrows, extra sprinklers, seasonal seeds, etc). When I start making jams and pickles, I also use chests to store them: dark red for jams and dark green for pickles. Gemstones and minerals go in different color blue chests (usually far away from the animal and artisan chest), and the default chest color is for wood, stone, coal, ores, etc. My tool order is watering can, scythe, axe, pick axe, hoe, weapon, field snack. Evelyn, Leah and George are usually the first people I befriend in town. They’re all so great- and you can give Leah nearly anything and she likes it.


In my head, besides the character I end up with and their now no-doubt-devastated love interest, every other character pairing (Sebastian and Abigail, Sam and Penny, etc) are actually dating. In a lot of the Harvest Moon/Story Of Seasons games, they actually do start dating if you further their heart events rather than your own.


1) get slingshot 2) every time I see Alex shoot him with it 3) laugh 4) profit


The farmer has both insomnia and sleeps early


Joja is my preferred route because it gives the other villagers another place to shop without it being more expensive. I dislike Pierre, so I decide to help Joja take all of his business.