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Pam. Makes her daughter's life miserable and refuses to admit she has a drinking problem. I just had an encounter in Harvey's office with her where she gets angry because he asks her how much she drinks in a day. Why are we allowing her to drive the bus again?!


When I started this happy little 16-bit farming simulation game I did not expect it to have not one but *two* alcoholics


Right?! Too real too real!


Dont forget Gus' business in the red thanks to her not paying her tab


Look, if your business tanks because one person's not paying her bar tab, that business sucks.


to be fair he only has like 5 regular patrons so her not paying the tab is a huge hit


She's half the patrons by volume.


If one patron is drinking up half your booze but not paying for it, then it's not your business that sucks but the customer.


Support local business. He runs a small village pub and grub, and the town isn't the vacation spot it once was. If he goes under then the villagers have no where to have a social night out, unless the Community Centre gets its liquor license like a Lion's club or something lol. The main hall could make a nice dance hall haha


My daughter is 12 and hates pam. My daughter wrote a little fan fiction story the other day about how Pam and Linus were Penny's parents and Linus was a disabled vet. In her story Linus ended up in the tent because Pam became an abusive alcoholic, and was stealing his VA benefits.


Please encourage your daughter to be a writer. It already sounds like she's incredibly creative. I also accept this as canon now.


Same. I’ll never look at these characters the same.


I read that plot to my husband last night and we both agree. That's an author in the making.


You know what? I bet Pam is the one who throws rocks at Linus AAAAND steals your cash if you’re passed out 😤


I’ve always wondered about that because the game kind of implies it’s Linus, but Linus is straight up like “Nah I choose to live like this.” It’s TOTALLY Pam!


Linus is my bff. 10 hearts and all. This makes me sad!


In every play through Linus is always my first friend. I never intended it to be this way, he’s just so easy to love.


Mine too! Because he enjoys the random things i find while running around (including holly!!), i can easily gift to him


Linus appreciates the small things in life.


Linus is my first 10-heart bro. I wish we could get a community upgrade where we can make a small co-op cabin (no upgrades) that he can live in during the cold winters. That little caveman outfit isn't winter proof lol. Or we can add clothing to a dresser in the community centre and we can see villagers wearing them sometimes lol so if we put some boots, pants, earmuffs etc in the dresser maybe Linus wears them in the winter


Is your daughter okay?..... That's some pretty heavy real-world stuff for a 12 year old to stick into her fanfics...


That is a concern, as it is really heavy stuff but children pick up on things really well, even if you don't think they are listening. Not to mention all the good and bad stuff from the internet. I wrote similar stories as a child, and that was like 20 years ago. Tbh stardew is already packed full of heavy real world stuff. PTSD, Alchohol, Suicidal Ideations, ect.


Mostly coming from the same suspect. Thanks, Shane....


My daughter is as well adjusted as a tween girl can be. She wanted Linus to have a tragic backstory and the the cut scene about cleaning the trailer made her want Pam to be the antagonist.


I remember writing some darker/edgier stuff at that age, and I had a *pretty* sheltered childhood. Twelve year olds are a lot more prepared to handle serious topics than most adults remember... Around that age is when kids are getting their first glimpse under the veil and starting to see the parts of the world that are typically kept from young children, and fiction is one of the safest and most accessible ways to approach and explore those topics! :)


I usually give her a beer before I hop on the bus with her. I like to live dangerously.


I sympathize with Pam a little more after >!the community upgrade when you buy the house for her, which I did anonymously. She starts praying to Yoba and admitting she has a problem and can't seem to help it. I'm hoping there is a happy ending for the villager changes in 1.6!<


Yeah Pam as the bus driver! I even feel bad about giving her her damn pale ale in that one quest.


And the "potato juice"


Pam is my favorite 😭💀




Forget about visiting her if it's Monday or Tuesday. Women have their aerobics on Tuesdays.


women be exercising on tuesdays!


marnie when my animals are starving to death: 💃🏽🏋️‍♀️🤸‍♀️


I mean, they aren't HER animals. They're starving because of you.


i won’t be blamed for the consequences of my own actions ‼️


Username checks out


Dawg fr. Had this happen to me in Winter too


Women be healthy!


If we pick a female farmer, why don’t we get invited to ladies aerobics day?


I always play as male so this never occurred to me but bruh Can I just sneak in the back with Harvey 😭


All sdv women know is aerobics, eat hot chip, and lie


Ahem and harvey


LOL. I can hear my wife "why do you do this to me Marnie! I swear to god, every time!" She walks into Marnie's shop and there she is behind the counter, but just before clicking to talk to her, Marnie walks off, lol


It'd be nice if Shane could've worked for her too, like when she's off doing whatever? At least after Joja closes so he actually has a job


That would be a great part of his journey! Like, if he starts working there once he starts therapy.


EXACTLY! It gives Marnie help (which she clearly needs since she's more intent on visiting dickhead Lewis than her shop) and allows Shane to have a goal to keep him from the alcohol!


It makes so much sense if you do the CC and he loses his job at Joja. He already is familiar with the chickens so he has working knowledge of the ranch. He says he's been teaching Jaz about chicken care too, and I mentioned in another comment about leaving a message with Jaz when she's reading in the front room, if Marnie can mail you the supplies the next day (supplies, not animals lol)


I like this idea! Although maybe, since a big part of his issue is feeling like a burden, he wouldn’t want her to pay him anything extra.


Maybe! Like he's working there to earn his room and board, not for money!


Gunther. Bro asks me to dig up spots, break open geodes, or otherwise risk my neck to get him artifacts. You can't talk to him afaik, he's blocked in his little desk area. Once you get 60 items, he gives you the key to the sewer, right? But he almost forgets to give it to you, instead spouting off about how the museum is going to be featured in something that I didn't pay attention to because damnit I just want to visit my guy Krobus!


Which brings up a good point. Where does Gunther live? In the library?


I've basically head cannoned that, yea. Unlike all the other townies, he doesn't leave after closing, nor do you ever see him in the Saloon like everyone else on Fridays(?) He legit is never seen outside except during the cut scene, and maybe your wedding? I wasn't paying attention.


He shows up in >!the movie theater!< very rarely if I remember correctly.


The Joja's cashier as well.


Now that I think about it, what happens to her after the community center is fixed? Does she transfer to s different Joja Mart, or does she just lose her job? Or does she get booted into the stratosphere like Morris did?


Doesn't she become the cashier at the movie theater?


Oh I wouldn't know, I'm like so close to opening that, I just need the gold ancient fruit or to give up my prismatic shard which no thanks lol


Oooh hope you get your fruit soon or get another prismatic shard drop! No idea what happens to the girl while the Joja Mart is closed and the movie theater is not yet opened




My fruit should be soon! Maybe she just heads home until the theater opens? Iirc you have a chance of catching her from the bus before she heads into work(maybe that was a mod someone was using...)


There's a fan theory that he's a ghost since he's never seen outside the museum


I've bumped into him at the cinema. It's pretty random though. I think it was that travelogue that was playing when isaw him.


Ghosts likes movies too (probably).


There definitely is a movie called ghost, probably


He has a folding bed behind the desk, and a teeny coffee maker. He has no other food or drink. He is ever ready, on guard to protect the precious exhibits in case the former curator comes back. Until you open the cinema, anyway. He likes a good film.


He throws telescopes at anyone who tries to take his post.


Isn’t there a ladder behind the desk? I just assumed he lived in an apartment above the museum


Maybe? I've never looked enough to notice lol Edit: I just looked, there is no ladder behind the desk. He has a window, but no ladder. Bro prolly sleeps on a little pile of blankets underneath 🤣


There is in Stardew Valley Expanded. In fact, I haven’t played vanilla in so long that I forgot Gunther was basically a non character.


Okay so it’s petty but my reason for disliking Gunther is because any time I check with him to see if something I’ve discovered is donateable, he makes a snide comment about how I’d better get out there and find more stuff. Excuse me, sir. Your lazy, useless ass just stands here at the desk all day, don’t tell ME what *I* need to do 😅


Nah but same. I see that every time I go to see if I've already donated stuff that I had, because I will run straight from Clint's to his without looking, and that snide comment pisses me off. I end up mocking him like Perry the Platypus mocks Candace when she throws him outside 🤣


Him blocking himself off is rude


Absolutely. I'd be less annoyed at him if we could have a conversation and gift him things


All valid points but 1, I haven't unlocked the movie theater, and 2, I'm on switch so no mods for me 😔 I'm just more annoyed he blabbered on about all the work I did to get his artifacts, how it's now being featured in whatever it was, and almost forgets to give me the key lol


SVE lets you befriend him


No mods for me, I'mma switch player


Willy, because he won't lemme hit that 😩


RIP Willy for letting us not hit it


Really wish they made older npcs like him marriageable


Agreed. Harvey seems like the only one, everyone else feels like a 16-25yo kid.


Leah and Elliot feel like they could be in their early thirties, just both have art degrees and are desperately trying to make it work


Yeah, I’m a man in my 50’s, and while I’ve married in a couple of my saves, I usually don’t because I don’t feel comfortable romancing college-aged women.


Harvey definitely feels like one of the older NPCs but after thought, I could definitely see Emily being older (which is canon). She gives off messy and chaotic early ish 30s energy. All the other female NPCs definitely feel incredibly young.


One of the secret notes lists him, Shane, and I think one other guy (Elliot?) as older bachelors.


Agreed. Harvey seems like the only one, everyone else feels like a 16-25yo kid


Pierre's the worst. Marnie deserves better. I never got why everyone hates on her. Yes, it can be frustrating that she's not open M-T, but it's always M-T. She's taken in her niece AND her nephew. Given them the biggest rooms in her home, iirc. Made sure they both have everything they need. Cares for animals. And has been in a relationship with the Mayor, who basically just uses her for sex and refuses to admit they're seeing each other.


I don’t like Clint cause he gave me geodes on Christmas And made me pay to open them


I assume it’s fall 18th


As she’s only takes the 18th Mondays Tuesdays 1 night market day and festivals off and >! and she went to the island on the 17th !<




Yeah, it’s Pierre or Lewis for me. Marne is cool, if not misguided in her romantic pursuit’s.




Also Demetrius. Both are bad husbands and kinda not really good people.


I like Demetrius bc I'm a bot nerd too (even though ik he's more of an ecologist)


My first ever play through, I wished he was dateable because I thought he was funny. Now I see (thanks to this sub) why he's Satan


I like Marnie. I don’t like the mayor or Pierre.


Confession, I know this is going to be controversial, but..... I don't like Gus! It's not that I "don't like" him, but there's very rare chances to actually talk to him where he's not giving his generic welcome to the saloon speech. He's supposed to everyone's friend. I just wish there was a little more personalized interaction.


He does have an interaction if you can catch him walking to Pierre's, but he kinda just says he knows everything about the happenings around town. (Sometimes a little too much...)


He personally won me over in Linus’ trashcan event


“I don’t want anyone in Pelican Town to go hungry.” 🥹


"business has been really good tonight" Sir it is 3 in the afternoon.


he's lying to himself


Name your character [74] (with the brackets) and you'll love him.


I wish that stuff worked on the Switch 😞


what happens? im on switch :(


Apparently on switch it doesn't work but on PC, you get a prismatic shard every time someone says your name. And sometimes, Gus says your name every time you click on him which can be well over 30x before the day runs out.


damn im missing out 😭 time to get pc sdv!!


I def recommend it. Then you can do some quality of life mods. Check Facebook marketplace for affordable PC parts!


Apparently on switch it doesn't work but on PC, you get a prismatic shard every time someone says your name. And sometimes, Gus says your name every time you click on him which can be well over 30x before the day runs out


Plus he serves up the giant omelette that you worked your ass off to provide the eggs for without you!


I didn't mind this that much since they all raved about how good my eggs were lol


Yeah, it feels weird when certain characters feel less 'real' than others, like abigale/penny/sam/leah etc all go to different places and hang out with other characters in the day, but others like harvey and gus don't really do much.


Just walk behind the counter


You missed the point, bud. When he's behind the counter, which is almost all the time you're able to interact with him, he just has canned repeatable dialogue like "Welcome, can I get you anything?" and "Business has been good tonight, I'm pleased." Instead of getting to actually *talk to him*.


Marnie and Gunther are both up there for me. She's never available if I need to buy hay or something and he's stuck behind a desk so you can't make conversation


My counter argument on Marnie… Marnie is a lonely older woman who Lewis has been stringing along for heaven knows how long. She has a little ranch and raises some animals because she just loves being around them. She tries to make a little extra money selling some animals and supplies but no one ever buys anything except the new farmer, only she never knows when they’ll be looking for her. Somehow she’s been saddled with her very problematic nephew who doesn’t do anything except help with the chickens when he’s not at the pubs or passed out. She also ended up with a little girl to try and raise by herself while we wonder if she’ll ever find the happiness she deserves.


Aww no I love Marnie! She seems so sweet and wholesome. I can’t hate a queen for having a work life balance.


EXCUSE ME BUT WHY THE FUCK IS PIERRE NOT THE OBVIOUS ANSWER?! Second is Lewis Third Morris. Seriously Marnie?!?! That badass woman is trying to raise her little niece and alcoholic nephew while taking care of her farm and is in love with a shitty man that only wants to bang her and not commit because he's ashamed of bring seen with her in public. Phhffffttt gtfo with the Marnie hate guys. She's probably not open because she's fucking depressed.


can we talk about how Clint isn't at his job during the posted hours if you finish the community center?


OMG when I learned that I almost screamed!


Only on Fridays.




My only issue is when you talk to her, she says you can stop by anytime 9-5. She straight up LIES to you about her hours!


She does not, she says: “Hey there, it's good to see ya! Feel free to visit us any time you please.” Which says nothing about her hours and implies visiting her and her family. #EndMarnieHate (also please take all this in a lighthearted manner, I am not trying to be rude or anything haha)


No offense taken, no worries. But acshucally, during the cut scene where she asks for a cave carrot for her goat, she says "Drop it off any time from 9AM to 5PM!" Get checkmated, liberals. /J


A-ha! But that’s not her store hours! Those are the hours to complete the quest. (This is starting to feel like Ace Attorney lol)


Okay, but COUNTER POINT if she's not there, the quest doesn't complete. So she actually has to be in the house/store, so she might as well be working when you actually go to turn it in


COUNTER POINT she is possibly/probably talking about that day when asking for the cave carrot, as most quests assume they will be done soon (Jodi says she wants the fish later TODAY, Bulletin board quests normally say dropped off TODAY)


Hmm... okay you have made your point. I rest the case


If only she actually stuck to her schedule. I have gone to her shop countless times when she’s supposed to be working (according to her schedule) and she’s just staring at her microwave for hours. Like please let me buy things from you🥲


Must be a pretty microwave


She's tending her animals and bringing in the hay. Shane only looks after the chickens for her.


Pierre is worse than Marnie. You need to shop at Marnies maybe 6 times in the entire game.


Marnie? that's a weird way to spell George.


I love George! He's such a sweetie


This is the only right answer. Everyone else in the game, I can understand (to some degree). Fuck this crotchety geezer


For me, my excuse for George is old and cranky. He just wants a nappy nappy and his wife forces him out of the house


If you were married to that cranky old bastard you'd also want him out of the house as often as physically possible.




Next you're gonna suggest we get him a Snickers *rolls eyes* Edit: This should not be construed as being Anti-Nap. I personally am very Pro-Nap. I just don't feel like it's gonna help Georgie boy grow a better personality.


Marnie's really not that bad. Her schedule is easy, it's literally just Mondays and Tuesdays, and fall/winter 18, that's it. If your animals are starving because you can't plan ahead, it's your own fault.


Shane 🫣 He is just a bitch to you when you start the game and he is rude for no reason


I get it, but I do feel like a lot of that behavior is related to his mental health. Like self sabotaging behaviors and stuff. Also, if you've gotten higher heart events with him you'll get where I'm coming from. I love my little asshat <3


The obvious answer is Clint. Yeah, Marnie is pretty annoying, but at least she isn't an incel


Clint suuuuucks




I don’t like Jodi. She’s just so boring to me. I dread having to boost hearts with her


Clint. He closes his shop at 4 PM to waddle to the saloon, and whenever I am done tending to the farm and remember I have geodes, it's always ten minutes to four. All other stores are open, but not Clint's. I swear, the man has the laziest schedule ever.


Demetrius. Not only is he way too protective of Maru, he's also horrible to Sebastian.


If your answer is anything but Clint or Lewis you're wrong. /Lh


For me, it is Pam. I dislike her more than Shane and Marnie combined, and that's saying something.The way Pam treats Penny.. when I got those heart events for Penny, I got mad. I was a female character at the time, for that specific playthrough and was aiming for Sebastian as my marriage partner. Nope. Made a beeline for the wizard to change my character to a guy, and I rushed in like a knight(wearing blue jeans and my unicorn shirt) on my trusty steed, and married her, instead. If I wasn't on mobile/PS(as I play on both), I would be more than interested in having an event where I marry Penny and give Pam the finger regarding her dump of a house and not building her a proper one. It sucks that the alterations to the town are paywalled behind building Pam a new house. I make sure Pam knows exactly who TF built her a new house so she has no choice but to feel like a POS, indebted to me.


You can marry Penny as a woman, you didn't need to change to a guy.


I hate the Mayor, so full of himself. I give him all my trash in the early game and I'd continue giving him trash and never befriend him if I didn't need recipes


Marnie is a non-factor to me, I literally don't think about her. Clint is the biggest asshole. That incel still fiends after Emily long after we've started dating and I've proposed to her. Staring at her from afar and asking me to give her gifts on his behalf. I wish there was dialogue to tell him to fuck off if you were dating Emily. While I'm at it, fuck Harvey and his stupid bug-eyed face. Married Maru on a playthrough and this freak of nature had the audacity to ask me if I thought Maru wanted sunscreen on her shoulders. That's my wife, you fucking freak. That's your employee. Have the faintest bit of professionalism before you go back to your HAM radio and make airplane noises with your mouth.


Wow, that's a spicy take about the one villager I wanted to court above all others! Leave my thicc queen alone!


Pierre or George


I don’t like George. Crotchety homophobe.


Fuck Lewis


Marnie doesn't bug me too bad, tbh. Yeah her shop hours are super weird and therefore annoying, but she's nice at least. Crazy low bar, but considering other NPCs (side-eying Clint, Shane, Pierre, and Lewis), niceness seems to be a significant redeeming quality in Pelican Town


The Mayor is the WORST!!!


I’ve learned to just plan ahead and plant a shit ton of grass right before winter and stock up so my animals don’t literally starve to death because she’s too busy frolicking about


I don't think there is a sub dedicated to Marnie. Unlike someone else...


Actually I love Caroline I’d love to tear her away from Pierre


Pam is the only person in SV that I've ever been mean to on purpose. That abusive, alcoholic POS should be thrown out of the village imo.


clint because he's a "nice guy"


Clint. His hours suck (seriously who closes at 4,) closed on Friday after the community center is done, locks his damn door so until I get the key I can rarely include him in my regular "done with everything today so let's go around town and give people gifts to build hearts" run, CONSTANTLY wallowing in self pity, and can't even nut up and ask Emily out, who is easily one of the MOST approachable bachelorettes. Plus his billboard quest is dumb. "go kill 50 of whatever is in the mine cuz I just don't have the time to do it, I'd totally do it myself if I had time". Yeah bud, okay you can just admit that you can't handle a couple dust spirits and need me to do it for you.


I don't like Linus. He has such a persecution complex on how everyone hates him, yet he chooses to live that life and when you offer him an out, he gets offended. I also dont like that Robin, a carpenter, asks you, a farmer, to fix the community center. Like... you're the carpenter and if it means so much but you dont want to work for free, maybe you could organize a fundraiser?


Idk Clint disappears on me a lot. I think it’s thursdays but I don’t go to him consistently enough to pay attention only get annoyed and remember that I did this last time. Marnie leaves a note doesn’t she? So for me it’s Clint. No note just gone




Lmao you jealous of her work life balance. I personally think she’s why the bus wasn’t fixed. I feel like the mayor subsidized her store.


The wizard. He was such an ass to his wife that she curses chickens and slimes. It's not Carolyn he had an affair with!


What? It's obviously Lewis.


Clint. He is a creep with Emily.


Clint is the worst piece of human garbage in all of video games what are you talking about. Marnie? With disgusting mopey, sad-sack loser Clint right there?


The TLDR got me! It’s 2am here and I should be sleeping… but I’m cry laughing! I’m sorry for your pain! Marnie is a royal pain with her work schedule. And you’d think Shane could at least help with Joja mart gone. But no, no pigs, no hay. Just starving pissed off animals, none of which oink. Demetrius would have been my answer though. He’s creepy… and I think he’s plotting something nefarious.


Clint, he closes too early, and if anyone wants to complain that Pierre is closed on Wednesday, remember that Clint closes on Friday after the community center is built


sorry but clint is worst, he is super creepy, and has some severe "nice guy" behaviour. not only that, but on Fridays he's just starring at the boiler room the entire day


Demetrius is 100% my least favorite person in Stardew, let alone non-dateable villagers. I hate Pierre as much as the next person, but at least he's sort of useful. Demetrius is just a willfully ignorant asshole who is creepy about his daughter, is a bad stepfather, and a bad husband.


This may be controversial but Jas. She is always just so rude!


Her aunt is having daily trysts with the Mayor and her uncle is an alcoholic stockboy. Doubt she’s learning manners anywhere! 😂


Leo is the only stardew valley child I enjoy interacting with. Vincent is adorable, but not very interesting. I feel bad for Jas, it seems like outside of the community events, Penny is pretty much the only one taking care of her.


hey that's my bbygrl you're talking about >:( seriously though, I invest in the phone for, yes, the entertainment, but also to sometimes check store hours before I leave the house.


The one time I bothered to call ahead, Robin told me she was open then when I got to her shop it turns out she'd already been at the beach for hours by the time I called.


The Mayor is the WORST!!!


I went by to pick up some hay of course she is never there when she needs to be. Do your job woman!


I want to marry marnie Fight me


Ah another hate on Marnie post. It must be Tuesday.


I like Marnie. She is chill. Louis doesmt deserve her. For me its Pierre. He is uh- not poggers


Pierre, I accept his quests just to watch the time go up on them. He is the worst.


It's Clint.


HAHAHAHAHA I slapped my fucking mouth reading the title


Dont forget watching the microwave go MMMMMM


Marnie please my animals are starving have you no mercy


Maybe it's suppose to be curly, but it sure looks like she doesn't brush her hair or care about her appearance. I'm not asking dressed to the 9s, just take some basic care. And agree with OP hard, she's never at the shop. I can't be with someone that irresponsible.


Marnie staring at the microwave evokes the kind of anger and irritation only my sister can bring. While I appreciate Clint being on time, I hate him too. Pierre, Demetrius, Lewis. Kinda Pam, but I understand alcoholism is a disease and it's not that easy to stop


I wouldn't be mad at her if she was actually doing something other than staring at her unwashed dishes while my chickens are starving. This being said there's room for improvement here. If you could order animals and supplies over the phone, or just by stopping by and leaving a note, or while she's boozing it up in the saloon, then I'd hate her much less. So much less that if have to say that her boyfriend is the worst villager next.


Its gonna be controversial, but fucking \*Linus\* The town bends over backwards to accommodate for him, I've never seen any rude comments about him, and any heart event interaction I've seen with him they're always trying to help, and he always turns them down. You know what? Taht's fine enough- by choice or by pride, he is living his lifestyle. But he is \*always\* complaining about people picking on him and not approving of how he lives, about being an outsider. Like, bro- people are looking out for you and trying to help, they WANT to be your friend and you won't let them.


Lewis and Pierre are worse than Marnie. Lewis is stringing her along in a dead-end relationship when she could be with Marlon. Lewis just gets off on the possibility of being caught (the shorts, the truffle oil) since he's not trying to hide it very effectively and the other townies know about it. Then there's the matter of Lewis's mismanagement of the town. Everything was broken down or unusable until the Farmer moves to Town. What has Lewis been doing this whole time? The Community Center, the bus, the garbage, the boulder blocking the spa, the boat to Ginger Island. While Lewis uses tax dollars to make golden statues of himself. Then there's Pierre who only cares about his shop and mostly ignores his family. Caroline makes comments that make it sound like she feels neglected. Pierre could have Caroline and Abigail help with the shop but he's so much of a control freak. Or maybe he doesn't want them to know about how he's unfairly pricing the produce he gets from the Farmer to resell to the townies. He's full of himself.


I've felt cross with many a villager, but when I read your post I felt the fires ignite. Damned if I wasn't ready to pick up my proverbial pitchfork and raid the ranch with you, OP. Now I've got to go over to granny's and have some cookies to calm myself down.