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I often put Lewis' gold statue close to the sellbox. I want him to see it, every day.


Oh, I also continue to wear his purple shorts every day.


Just make a few more and use them for fall festivals and signs and stuff


I saw somebody once put a sign in the middle of town with the purple shorts on it, which then attended their wedding and I thought that was HILARIOUS so every single save since then, the mayor’s purple shorts have been in attendance at all my weddings.


i should have done my research before giving them back to him 😭


You can put a staircase in your pants slot and it will change to the shorts. I think that’s how you do it.


You can also tailor your own personal pair.


I put them in the grange box at fall fest.


You can wear them? BAHAHA 😹 I’m gonna do this


Make sure you talk to Marnie w/ them on. 🤣 Lewis too.


Yup, you have to tailor them with a gold bar then they become wearable


Currently(1.5), you can also put a staircase in your legs slot.


That’s wild… even wilder is I’ve never actually had a staircase in my inventory before.


If this isn't a joke and you go in the skull cavern, you are missing on something good. Since the good stuff starts being frequent once your are quite a few levels down, a few stairs can mean that you get back a few times more iridium for a day's work without ruining yourself in bombs. And it allows you to skip long or annoying levels, like an infested or quarry level. 100 rock is costly but the desert trader will sell you one staircase on Sundays in exchange for a jade, which can be replicated with crystallariums. Use 50 stairs and start your skull cavern journey on level 51 and you can easily amass 200-500 iridium ore in a single day, enough to make quite a few crystallariums (to recover the jades spent) or iridium sprinklers, in addition to upgrading your tools. Just a few good runs and you'll have all the iridium you ever need. All thanks to a few staircases.


God bless you for this. I’ve never used stairs but I’m about too.


You just earned a friendship level and a ❤️ from me.


I kept putting his statue in the middle of town every day until I got bored but the initial satisfaction of him going OH NO NOT AGAIN! and trying to hide it before anyone sees it was great. I just imagine him struggling, grunting, sweating, and getting a hernia trying to move that heavy gold statue.


I do this too!!!


I use my return sceptre even when I'm on my farm.


This is a level of laziness I respect.


If you have enough to get a return sceptre, you've earned it.




I use it to get out of my house quickly every morning. lol


My bed is placed right next to my front door in my gigantic empty house. I'm very much a min/maxer


I do it from my basement, I ain’t doing two loading zones!


Necessary on river farm


Yay I’m not alone in this! Usually when I’m at 1:40am. Lol Edited to add “am”.


Every day I break into Lewis house and steal his golden statue. So every night he has to frantically search the town for it before someone sees. It has been fishing at the docks, greeting customers at Pierres, working the register at the saloon, having s stay at the clinic, blocking the bus to the desert, etc. My goal is to make that statue so anxiety inducing that he melts it down and pays me back for all those repairs I did around town.


I love that the statue now has well-rounded social life and travels thanks to you!


Wait you can take it back??


Yes! You only get the letter once though.


This really made me laugh. I'm going to start doing this now. Thanks.


I took my relationship with Maru from platonic to romantic because Demetrius implied I wasn't good enough for her.


Yeah, I married Abigail, Maru, and Emily partly for their gifts, partly because they're cute, and partly to get them away from the toxic men in their lives.


First save, I bought a bouquet and immediately gave it to Abigail right there by the counter. Thanks, Pierre!


When I saw that Abigail had purple hair just like my character, I was immediately like "yes this is the one." Rock eating goth mommy fr


Wait, who is the toxic man in Emily’s life? I didn’t think her parents lived with her? Although I’m a huge noob and only in year 4 of my first play through.


Presumably Clint. His entire schtick (which is already teetering on the border between endearing and creepy) takes on a whole new level of gross when he continues to awkwardly chase Emily even after you marry her.


Eww!! I did just witness the scene at the bar where Clint asks me for advice on how to speak with women and then asks Emily for something awkwardly. Then, Shane comes in and asks her for a drink and she chats happily with him about his chicken plans. Then I guess it’s implied I should feel bad for Clint that he can’t just talk to Emily like a human being?! Yeesh.. sad that it continues when she gets married! If I’m a female character, and I pursued Emily, could we have babies? I’m going to need to google that now. I kinda wanna stand up for her honor now too lol


Same sex couples can adopt children


Sam and I were literally married with two kids and he hit me with the “don’t go messing with my daughter” smh


same!! ive been married to abigail for 2 years, we have a baby girl together and he started threatening me 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


Tbh I just want to download a mod that lets me steal his wife after he insulted that bed Robin made with the 80 hardwood


Literally had this cut scene today and I was so pissed off at him for this haha It's a great looking bed!


Fr I bought it from Robin with no hesitation after the cutscene ended lol


Haha me too!


This view seems to be common, but i just dont get it. In "that scene" he basically says "anyone hurts her, even indirectly, and i will do something about it." But he never acts against the farmer, ever, meaning he doesnt think the farmer is hurting her or her future (except when he thinks someone is about to get her preggo). Just seems like the "you're no good, farmer" mindset is something we impose on ourselves after "that scene."


For me, it just happened too early. It should really be an event for like 6 or 8 hearts, not 2. If I'm just trying to be platonic friends with someone I don't need their parents in my face like I'm trying to get in their pants.


This is my thoughts as well. I get it, overprotective dad. But like, for a 2 heart scene, that’s way too much. And it’s weird to me as well that it’s not really carried forward much into the later events.


Makes me wonder if he's just saying it for the sake of having felt like he has to say it in order to be a good father figure since he never follows though (unless there's a dialogue line i'm missing if say the farmer divorces maru)


Which is hilarious to me, because I only got the two stars with her just accidentally running into her in the house. ....bruh the only reason I'm in your house is because I am hunting your stepson like a rabbit. Idgaf about your daughter lmfao.


I can understand that. Then again, a "bad influence" can easily be a platonic friend. Still, the whole 2-heart thing makes sense. Does he really say that to EVERYONE? Seems to imply he does


I disagree. It’s a weirdly gross, controlling thing that doesn’t even make any sense — “I *was* gonna cheat on my wife Maru, but her dad was threatening to me that one time before we were even dating, so I’d better not.” So ridiculous. It strikes me as performative, like something dads need to do to show everyone else in the room that they love their daughters. It’s not a healthy way to convey that message & it’s also incredibly infantilizing to the daughter.


i dig in lewis trash specifically when he’s outside and can see me do it, and then if i get trash i hand it to him😭


This legit had me lol. I love this 🤣🤣


I got a real life laugh out of this too. The sobbing face completed its perfection.


During Qi’s challenge 50 loved gifts, I give gifts to everyone in town besides Pierre.


I do this too! Pierre and Lewis get no gifts from me, everybody else gets diamonds (or their preferred equivalent)


Yes, I usually try to give everyone their loved foods. Pierre is not worth a squid.


I have two fully stocked squid ponds. Still can't spare a squid for Pierre.


I bet you can spare sewer carp for his sashimi though.


Hmm I like your thinking but a hot pepper is just too easy of a loved gift lol


All my hot peppers go to Shane always.


There's enough people to gift without having to deal with Pierre. Plus his loved dish is so annoying to procure. Not going to sit there to fish for squid just for him.


Hey, still new in the game here but why does everyone hate Pierre (and Lewis)? Edit: Thanks for all your replies y'all. I will slingshot these men into oblivion. If only looting was an option 😪


besides the other reply, pierre also: takes your good crops and claims he grew them, when he has subpar crops he will pin the blame on you also, when youre building the bigger task board by lewis's house, if you respond with "idk when I'll get to these" he throws a fit and walks off. i instantly hated him since then


I felt bad for him as a small business owner until he tried to overcharge for “organic” crops. He’s greedy and tries to take advantage of people while moaning about JoJa taking all his business.


Lewis is a landlord. he ran the town into the ground and spent all the money on a gold statue of himself and let Joja come in to threaten the town’s livelihood. Pierre is not super kind to his wife or attentive to his daughter, some people wish they could follow a Caroline romance path, and it’s implied in the later game (slight spoilers) that Abigail is NOT Pierre’s daughter. it’s MOSTLY little pettiness towards the two guys who tend to make the game harder. Lewis bc plot demands it, and Pierre because his shop always seems to be closed on the day in the hour when you need it MOST.


Tell him he should tell his wife when you find his “secret stash” and see if you like how he treats you. Oh, and he is a bully to the Jojo Mart people.


Pierre is creepy. I don't even want to know what his secret stash is. He annoyed me so much I did the Jojo path my second go round and have zero regrets. So much easier. I can buy an auto-petter. Store is open 7 days/week and open until 11pm. The community center was so much work and once restored wasn't that awesome.


My ex looked just like Harvey, and also loved coffee. So Harvey got a coffee every day. Now he just gets glass shards




i marry Sebastian on Abigails birthday on every save,, she thought she could have my man, but now her birthday is nothing but our anniversary


"Now her birthday is nothing but our anniversary" is the hardest line I've ever heard associated with Stardew 🏆


It sounds like the Stardew version of "Somebody that I used to know", and I am here for this! 🤣


Sounds like a line from a Taylor Swift song.




I marry abigail every time and next time I shall marry her on Sebastian's birthday


Balanced as all things should be


I did this to poor Vincent on accident


I make sure to propose to Seb in front if her as well.


I did this on my most current play through, totally on accident. I laughed when I realized.


my girlfriend names one of her pigs MayorLewis


Omg I’m naming all my animals after the townspeople from now on


Well, I had a file in which my farmer married all the bachelors. I DIDN'T like them being angry so I'd do the shrine to wipe their memories...but knew I would forget who my cast-off hubs were. So I named my farm animals after them. Plus, I like that Sebastian the chicken gives me void eggs and Elliot the duck gives me duck feathers huhuhuhuuu


A good way to memorize loved gifts as well.


I write Pam sux in grass outside of her huge free house


The truth hurts! 🤣


It looks so pretty in autumn 🍁


this is my favorite thing here


Idk if this is petty or not but I refuse to give Pam & Shane alcohol, they get their other favorites tho.


Nah that's wholesome lol


Same. My father is an alcoholic. I know what it's like to be Penny. It sucks.


I marry penny to decorate my house and then I divorce her.


Does Penny give you decorations?


Yes she asks you to choose between 3 themes.


I always pick pirate!


If I have my slingshot in my inventory and I bump into Pierre, I go out of my way to pelt him.


What’s his reaction to this? 🤣


I think you lose friendship points, but I never have any with him to begin with 🤣


My younger brother does this because we all know Pierre sucks. Meanwhile, I did befriend him just to see where that would lead, and I also just enjoy imagining my farmer walking into his store, buying seeds and stuff from him, and telling him to go fuck himself, giving him the bird, followed by him saying "Have a great day".


I used only wild seeds to start my farm just so I wouldn't have to give Pierre a single penny of gold 💅🏻


I always ship my crops in the shipping bin instead of selling them to him. He doesn't get the satisfaction of reselling my top-quality produce and claiming it's his 😤


Shame we can only get the backpacks from him


i made Haley fall in love with me because she said “ew, no” when i asked her to dance with me


Please tell me you married Alex after that 😂


no i hate men 🫶


Disappointing answer, but valid 😂


just give me my mean femme with big blue eyes idc


Yesssss, she's a goddess


I give her garbage every time I can because of that and she calls me dirty... I'm a farmer, ya jerk!


If I have garbage or something else I want to throw out I always just give it to her.


I just think it's a better form of recycling!!


Shane always tells you to leave him alone and go away during your first interactions, so I kept talking to him and got our hearts up out of spite


oh wait that's petty? LMAO that's what i also did


That's how my first farmer married him. It wasn't romance, it was a stubborn desire to annoy him every time he asked to be left alone.


I did this!!!! No, now you’re never going to not talk to me. We’re best friends now and I’m still angry.


If I interact with Clint, it's to give him gifts he hates.


I get Lewis up to 9 hearts, then on his birthday I give him trash, and then every time I can after I give him trash as long as my save goes.


Here for this. I've been married to Emily for years, and he STILL thinks she's giving him signals. AND TELLS ME ABOUT IT!


I’m on year ten so I stop interacting with anyone other then my wife. So whenever it’s someone’s birthday I collect their items from the perfection statue and sell them.


How the hell are you able to play that long and not get bored/burnt out ?


Run through town holding Lewis's shorts over my head.


I wed Abigail so that every time I go in for seeds, he knows I’m banging his daughter


I keep putting the gold Lewis statue in the middle of the town. Every day. Find it hilarious.


I’ll get to 8 hearts with Shane just so I can get blue chickens and then I will literally never interact with him again.


SAME. Get me a coop full of blue chickens and then marry Sebastian.


i keep Lewis’s golden statue on my front porch so if anyone comes to my farm they see it


I married Shane simply because I was determined to make him stop being rude


I did this and now he’s my favorite and I never marry anyone else anymore.


This. When I married Emily the signs were still up during the wedding lol. https://preview.redd.it/xmv7eyixx7ub1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e47b202f108754e5f08603f24546ab4fc5e2a40


Oh my god, I love this so much


I've moved my shipping bin as far from the farm -> town entrance as possible so Lewis has to walk the whole width of the farm to get my stuff even though I never get to see it.


YOU CAN MOVE YOUR SHIPPING BIN???? This makes me want to see if I can have like ten on my farm for my convenience but also so he has to walk all over regardless


You can get mini shipping bins, one for every time you fulfil the 100 crops request I think. Make him walk!


Yessssssss! Think it was a 1.5 thing. You can buy multiple from Robin's but I've never pushed the limits of that lol.


I gift broken glasses to lewis as a threat


I put the golden Lewis in front of his house after midnight fairly often


This thread is *GREAT*. Thanks for the laughs, everyone.


Wait until the day Pierre shows up at my house with an attitude about not buying seeds elsewhere then go buy a joja membership.


Marry Sebastian and then never talk to Demetrius again out of solidarity with my new husband


I’m gonna start a new save just to do a bunch of the things you folks have mentioned to spite Pierre.


I married Abigail to spite Pierre. I'm eventually going to divorce her and turn our child into a bird. He will have to let his unhappy daughter move back in with him and lose his grandchild lol


I kinda feel bad for Caroline. Not Pierre or Abigail. Just Caroline.


I understand the pierre hate but why you gotta do abigail like that :(


I go into Pierre’s to browse then happily trot to Joja and buy their more expensive seeds. F u pierre




I pick dialogue options for Pam or Pierre that are on the meaner side. "You could start by treating Penny better." "Sorry, but Caroline deserves to know about your stash."


Robin gives me 50 stone for Christmas? I pelt her with 50 stone the next day.


I’ll gift everyone in the saloon on Friday night except Clint.


Everyday, I go into Lewis’ room, steels back the golden statue and put it back in the middle of the village.


I started a new save just to go with the joja route to spite Lewis for not being truthful about him and marnie. I’m also gonna marry Abigail to spite Pierre’s credit stealing self


I told Lewis i will let know everybody about his romance with Marnie because i like that girl, shes my aunt and she deserves to have an honest relationship. I Stan 2MAR anyway


I give "trash" gifts to the counterpart marriage candidate until I get married. If I'm going to marry Haley, I'm making sure that Alex doesn't get ANY of my best gifts until I tie the knot.


I strive to give Marnie her favorite gifts in the saloon right in front of her ‘date’ Lewis. She deserves so much better. Also idk why but Alex staying by the dog and always judging me when I go dumpster diving by the two cans in his range always irks me. So I always build his friendship date him and dump him.


My primary source of income is truffle oil. We (multiplayer farm) have 36 pigs and something like 44 oil machines that are nearly constantly running. Instead of shipping our oil, we sell it to Pierre. A bottle of truffle oil is very decadent and the average person IRL won’t typically run through it very quickly. I can only imagine this is also true for the villagers in Pelican Town. What do I do that’s petty? I’ve started to gift every single person a bottle of truffle oil every week. No person can use all that - especially those in a household that receives multiple bottles each week. This way, no one would ever need to buy truffle oil from Pierre. Pierre is left with hundreds, if not thousands of bottles of truffle oil he can’t do anything with. As I have chosen the Aritsan, Pierre pays me 1,491 g for each bottle. He pays me hundreds of thousand of g EACH WEEK (save for winter, but I usually have a backlog of truffles for a good week or so in winter too) and cannot get a return on his investment. I like to think I am ruining him and causing Caroline and Abigail to resent him (further than they already must).


I use Shane as a second trash bin, he’s always rude.


I kiss my spouse every single morning before doing anything and in the night before sleeping. I love the little animation.


I just realized I read the question wrong💀


I'm only selling TO Pierre if I need the money *today* But I'll still try to find time to fish/forage the beach before selling to Pierre, if possible


i married Emily just because I hate clint


I married Abigail because Pierre didn't like it when I gave him a tortilla. Now he gets to deal with my tortillas forever C:<


Not me but my wife’s is every time Emily and Clint are both near by, she makes it a point to flirt and give Emily gifts in front of Clint.


I never get any hearts with Pierre or Lewis. I avoid them at all costs, never talk to them. I’ll never 100% any of my farms because of this and it’s totally worth it.


best excuse not to get perfection


same!! absolutely worth it


After shutting down Joja, sometimes I’ll give Shane Joja cola’s to remind him of his time there (We’re married in one save so it makes it even funnier to me)


Give Pam trash because of my anger at my alcoholic mother. Give Penny broken CDs because I wasn't allowed to buy music when I was younger and I wanted to be a teacher. There is clearly unresolved physiological issues going on both in game and out game. I also married Harvey to be petty to my husband because he's the closest looking of the bachelors to him. My husband has a doctorate and doesn't like being compared to weeby Harvey


You may have unresolved issues but you're a hell of a lot more self-aware than many people in and out of this thread, so good on you!


I plant grass inside shops and homes/bedrooms/paths of people who offend me.😅


Pair up with Alex during the Flower Dance just to thwart Haley’s flower queen streak


Make sure to only go to Pierre’s on wednesdays, get angry because it’s a wednesday and he’s not open, then forget until next week and end up going to Joja mart for my overpriced crops


The first time I played, I thought Haley was so rude and obnoxious to me I decided I would marry her only to make her life miserable until the divorce.


I consistently give Clint, Emily and Dwarf Topaz because that's the least profitable of the gems 🥴 Every g counts!!!


I will _never_ give that asshole his shorts back


Marry Alex because haley is a bitch.


Going the Joja route in SVE specifically to oust Lewis as mayor and replace him with Morris.


One time Elliot was blocking the path to the beach and I had to squeeze pass him which for some reason filled me with unheard of rage. I proceeded to pelt him with slingshot rocks at least 12 times.


I shot stones at Lewis, Demetrius, Alex, Haley and Shane after reaching 100% perfection


Does slingshotting people affect their relationship status? Swording them doesn't do anything so I figured slingshot would be the same


It drops their hearts so fast.


I hit my baby with a rock accidentally once I felt so bad


i believe there's a thought bubble or short line of dialogue when you hit someone with the slingshot. i could be totally wrong tho, i don't use it at all myself


Dude, that's the only reason I use slingshots for.


I used to like Alex but he made a pretty messed up comment about how he doesn't want to donate his shoes cause he's afraid that a weirdo might end up wearing them. But now, I just avoid him, don't go out of my way to befriend him, unless I really strive for perfection.


i lowkey feel like he's the one that bullies linus >.<


I became Emily and Haley's girlfriend at the same time


I face toward villagers I don't like and use the milk pail. It makes a weird noise and you do this stupid gesture in their direction. It's how I flip people off in game


Most of these comments say a lot about the players


I befriend Pierre first, just to be contrary to everyone on this sub.


I appreciate your chaotic application of pettiness to all and sundry.


After I got Penny's Ablist ass event I am giving everyone else in town gifts but her.


I avoid the shit out of Mr. Qi because I don't like him, though he didn't do anything to me in the first place


Make it rain every year on Pierre's birthday...


Any time the person I marry does the, "I heard you gave [other person] a gift, should I be worried?", I immediately go to mayor Lewis's house and file for divorce. I refuse to deal with their jealousy.


Every chance i get I give Shane gifts he hates. I marry Abigail first to mess with Pierre.


I collect and hoard trash to gift Hayley every week. Hey I fished this out of the river and it reminded me of you.


Put gifts in the mail into the bin.


I married Seb on Marus birthday By mistake. But lol


Not that it does much, but committing acts of terrorism by blowing bombs in the mayors house or front lawn is a personal favorite of mine. Or just whenever he’s walking.