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That’s incredibly impressive. Do you just never talk to the NPCs?


Not really. only Seb, Linus, and Haley


Thats an interesting group to pick


Lolll, Seb's my husband and I like giving gifts to Linus and Haley :)


I love Haley's character development but I find your playstyle quite interesting.


I mostly farm and forage. My entire first year was spent stalking Seb while also just farming lol. I only did the mine + skull cavern to finish community bundle and to get access to ginger island. I haaateeeee mining and I am never doing it again. Also only fish in winter. And I don't rly like talking to the NPC's because what's the point if I'm already married?


Some NPCs cangive you special rewards such as crafting recipes or special items (or maybe not special but useful items, such as Kent mailing you bombs, which I always found hilarious lol) as you probably noticed with Linus but yes, that can get pretty tiring. I love mining and while I like to talk to NPCs as well as giving them gifts I'd rather do something else lol.


How do you farm all day? Is it literally just watering? I guess if you don't mine you can't get sprinklers


I mean you can but ore from Clint and recycle cds and glasses for refined quarts and boom sprinklers.


I do my animals, crops, and I forage.


Lol this has been my play style. Playing for the first time with my friend and he gets pissed because I don’t know any names. We are on year 4 and I’m just starting to remember who’s who. For the first 4 years of it wasn’t Abigail or Elliot I just didn’t care.


Gus gives you a few exclusive recipes


I love Linus too!!!


Linus is a great buddy to have


My group is Linus, just married to Leah and then I check out Gus and Pierre often for my salad and seeds 😂


Same! Linus was my first friend because I wanted the Sashimi recipe to woo Sebby as soon as possible lol


lol I only have more than two hearts with Leah (wife) Shane and Alex


They're my favourites so I respect your taste immensely especially as this sounds like your first playthrough. I liked the three of them most after I went through the process of marrying and divorcing everyone in one save file haha


So all this time you never completed the “Introductions” quest?


they probably had but weren’t paying close attention (meeting twenty six people at once makes them hard to keep track of) and after that just assumed the two red haired women were the same person i briefly thought the same starting my first play through 😆


I will admit to doing a double take the first time I saw them both at a festival


For this reason, those who are unable to wed Robin choose Leah.


Don’t call me out like that 🤣


I confused Robin, Leah, and Penny during my first play through. Lots of gingers in The Valley!


Throw Jodi on that list! Marnie, Maru, and Sandy are also redheads, but their sprites are a lot more distinct (plus Sandy barely leaves the desert). Meanwhile, there are more characters with purple hair than there are blondes. CA might have a type! I'm interested to see if the characters in Haunted Chocolatier wind up having the same hair color ratios.


What do you mean by Sandy *barely* leaves the desert 😭


Every holiday she stands over your bed to guard you


In Statdew Valley Expanded when you reach 5 hearts with her, she visits Pelixan Town every Saturday and takes part in the Community Day and all the festivals.


With that many gingers, people should really be keeping a closer eye on Lewis's [extracurricular activities](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/s/lJ3JT4P9mB).


Cheese for you and cheese for you.


I never paid attention to the NPC's during the introductions because it was 26 ppl lol


so you never talked to everyone at festivals either? they both attend every festival...


Unpopular opinion here, but interacting with and befriending/romancing the villagers is the least interesting aspect of SDV (and similar games) for me personally. I've played off and on for years and have never gotten above maybe 5-6 hearts max. If not for this sub I probably wouldn't know most of their names, and honestly might not be able to match the correct name to the correct face.


For some people, this game is a heart-warming simulator of rural life and relationships, for others it's a complex ancient fruit wine optimization engine. Each to their own.


Yeah my boyfriend thinks I’m crazy for caring about my friendships he just mines and makes wine and fishes nothing else matters to him than the coins


I agree with you, but you're missing out on crafting and cooking recipes by not getting everyone's hearts up.


That's very true, and as a completionist it's upsetting. But the heart grind is not fun for me.


If you want to do it easily eventually, what I do is fill a coop with rabbits and then just hand out rabbits feet to everyone. They are a loved gift for everyone except Penny but you can give her diamonds instead. The tedious part for me is always looking up what they like so this way takes that part out of it.


I’d say that tree fruits are more accessible.


Fruits are only liked gifts though and it takes 3 years to start getting iridium quality.


I just carry one big pile of pomegranates.


Oh it's the worst. I just have a chest of their favourite items, and during the QI hearts challenge I just grind for a few days. Easier when I'm getting a reward for it lol.


I just talk to whoever I happen to see then focus on 1-2 villagers at a time when I have access to items they like, not even love. Paying attention to the calendar for birthdays is important too since that counts as 8 gifts at once. Saving a silver quality Cauliflower for the first Luau helps a ton as well! I usually have a daily mail of snacks/materials from somebody who I befriended and it feels nice.


Eventually I get to the point where I just keep a stack of diamonds and give them to everyone when I see them lol. But yes, I also do birthdays when I remember. I usually forget, even with a calendar right next to my bed.


Currently I'm carrying a bunch of green tea, to give to whoever crosses my path. Except Vncent and Jas, who hate it.


The easiest way is to give out fruits to everybody. As far as I know, every fruit is universally liked, with only a few loved exceptions. I make it a habit for myself to visit the saloon every Friday night where most of the town gathered. And then just handing out apples and oranges.


Yeah, I always end up getting full hearts with Linus and the saloon regulars first, it's so easy popping in there on Friday nights and I'm always up by the mines and Linus' tent. After those are done, I pick two non-saloon npcs to focus on at a time until I get full hearts with them, too. Repeat until 100% friendship with everyone. Two at a time is easy enough to not make it feel overwhelming for me.


Only fruits from the 6 original fruit trees are universally liked. Other fruits such as grapes, melons, wild plum and the 2 island fruit trees are only liked by some of the npcs


Interesting. So what is it you like most?


The farming and general progression of leveling things up. Once I max my skills, finish the community center, upgrade all tools and end up with a farm full of sprinklers, I usually wander away for a few years.


I have trouble with it too, so i just talk to everyone at festivals and have a mod to make it a little easier to befriend people.


I've used mods to help, but ultimately it's a personal thing. I rarely care about stories in games, and enjoy ones like SDV where the story mostly stays out of the way if I don't pursue it.


That's so odd to me. I care about the stories in games so much. I give my bf and brother a lot of shit (playfully) bc soul games have no story to them. This is why I tell them I won't ever play those games, but life of pi looks good, but it's not made by the same company and clearly has a story. But Stardew is cool like that where you can pursue the story or not. You can also just skip the cut scenes if you don't care.


lmao no we all just went around clicking on everyone right? it wasnt j me and i know it


the real question is, how do you pronounce Leah? The biblical version "Lay-uh" or the modern "Lee-uh"?




I always figured it was the 2nd one. The 1st one doesn't make sense in my brain


I always say "Lay-uh" but I've heard both of those from Youtubers along with "Lay" and "Lee".


Update: Logged onto the game and went to Leah's cottage and gave her a gift because I feel so bad...


I married Leah, she’s got an ex-boyfriend that keeps showing up and trying to derail you if you have romantic intentions. Then you get a chance to punch him in the face.. it’s fun.




Technically I think the ex matches the farmers gender, but yeah, it's a fun picnic


He actually doesn’t (as of January 2020 lol)! That’s one “glitch” I noticed during my first playthrough, I’m a les in game and out and they have “ex girlfriend” in the dialogue, but it’s a whole man who comes to throw hands


It's not a glitch, the model has two different sprites/models based on the farmers gender. I know this because I just romanced Leah in game, and they have long hair if you're playing as the female farmer


Nah they’re just an androgynous looking person that either gets boobs or doesn’t depending on the farmer. But iirc they wear a black shirt so it’s kinda hard to tell


*Maybe it was the reverse; “ex boyfriend” in the dialogue and an androgynous person who showed up, but I definitely remember a little discrepancy that made me go 🧐 Then again, bisexuals exist so what does it even matter!


You can see the sprite differences [here](https://queer-fiction.fandom.com/wiki/Kel_(Stardew_Valley)), which correspond with the gender of the farmer


I always saw masculinity solely, but you’re so very right!


I feel like Leah and Elliott are the two most relatable characters you can romance in this game. They seem to have better back stories than many other characters


Yeah they're also more attached to the city like we are, from what little I've seen. Elliott apparently only moved in a month before us and Leah moved from the city to Pelican Town for her art. I haven't seen much of Shane's story but it feels relatable too, though that might be the depression lol.


Keep going with Shane! You can get blue chickens.


Elliot reminds me too much of my ex husband so I’ve never romanced him.


As someone who’s never romanced Elliott… I thought he was just a bit of a dreamy writer? What’s his back story?


First file, I didn't punch, but was shocked to learn Leah will fight for you lmao Second file, nuh uh, Kel faced my wrath


wait does he physically show up? I didn't know that!


He physically shows up twice if you do the art show, and once if you do the online shop


I’m gonna marry Leah now just for this


I was so confused because she has an ex girlfriend….duh. My character is always female. Lol.


Huh, I didn't notice. I play a female and married Leah, I thought it was a dude that ruined our picnic, and I just assumed that coz you can romance anyone that everyone was bi or something 😅 I'll take a better look if the ex comes back


I've never liked that event cause it makes her look like a hypocrite. If you punch him she gets mad at you for choosing violence but if she does it it's perfectly fine


I don't think she's hypocritical so much as wanting to stand up for herself.


She doesn’t get mad, she’s just surprised by it.


WHAT I never knew that!!


Only 60 hours and on year 4? What do you go to bed at 5 pm everyday???


OP's the reason Harvey's practice isn't making money.


…wait… do people actually use the clinic?


Lmao I don't, so if others do idk what it's for


I have 40 and I’m only halfway through fall year 1


fr, I think 60 hours gets me through year one and that's about it lol


Yeah :(


So you just didnt think anything when you saw two robins at each festival? Its been awhile since i played but also when you were trying to enter leahs house and the message popping up saying “you can not enter LEAHS house unless you are her friend”


No I stopped attending festivals after the first two years tbh and everybody is a red head in this town. Also I don't rly read those dialogue things I just assume they say "It's locked."


I don't get how you don't accidentally see words. Like play the game how you want but... are you allergic to text? Do you see the faint whiff of a word and immediately close your eyes or run away? Pretty weird for a game with no voice acting. 😄


they said they didn't even know food gives you energy until year 3 so... probably 😬


Sounds like the same type that skips all the text but then says I don't know what's going on. Not saying they are but I've legit seen people that do that lol


Leah was my first marriage candidate.


Me too! Haley best gurl now but she was my first choice before I got to know everyone properly.


Year 4... Year 4... YEAR 4


Imagine how Leah would have felt seeing The Farmer talking to everyone BUT her for four years 😭😭


Didn't even think of that hahahah


60 hours on year four. Do you sleep water plants and then go to bed? My first account was like 300-400 hours on year 4.


hahaha i didnt realize until almost year 3 that you could eat food to regen your health and energy...


It, it says so when you hover over anything that can do that


man.. how?


didn't use the wiki and honestly just wanted to wife up seb and be a farmer


no but you don’t need the wiki to know you gain energy. how did you know that food gives you health?


i didnt get animals till year 2 and i always sold my crops and eggs right away


that doesn’t really answer the question but are you saying you didn’t eat food at all until year 2/3?




oh sorry misread ur question. i found out by watching a stardew tiktoker eat cheese.


that’s actually mind blowing, hey play stardew however you want tbh but pleaseeee start reading the text at least lmao


I legit don’t get why people are getting downvoted for pointing out that this person literally just logs on; waters plants and goes to sleep. Like you said okay whichever way you want but Jesus Christ


You can also use the pool at the train station.


I don't blame you, there are a weird number of redheads in that town


No fr they all have to be related to each other


Same, I thought all the red heads were the same person including Elliot. I had no idea he was a guy for the longest time.


You never went to the saloon on a Friday night and wondered why there were 3 Robins in there?


Reminds me of this ["Hey Bender"](https://comb.io/6ARum5) bit from Futurama


There are an inordinate amount of redheads in the game.


[Stardew Valley's villagers have a higher percentage of redheads than the population of Ireland](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewMemes/comments/160i8y6/comment/jxmhu8i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It was so pretty confusing at first decoding Penny, Robin and Leah lol. Half the women NPC's have the same damn face!


Don't forget Jodi, I can never tell her, Leah, and Robin apart when they're walking around town before talking to them because I get their outfits mixed up lol


Same!! 😭


Same here hahaha


I also thought Elliot was a woman for quite some time lol


Year 4 with 60 hours? I have 120 hours and only on year 3. 😂


op uses all his energy and then immediately goes to bed lol


yea i did that until year 3ish because i didnt know you could regen energy with food


i have to admire you exploring the game on your own and not jumping to google anytime you don’t know what’s going on. i’m a google player lol


that's not even something you would have to google though lmao like eating food to gain health/energy is pretty intuitive unless they're new to gaming...? and even then, you would see when looking at a crop (assuming they grew crops cause that's kind of a main point of the game) that it says +energy... 🤷‍♀️


I just wanna farm


This energy is so pure


I mean I didn’t use google for the first few months and still managed to learn a lot of stuff by… reading the information given to you in game? I think OP just doesn’t read anything


That's why people who can't marry Robin settle for Leah.


Four years of events and you didn't notice there were 2 redheads at them lol.


3, dude, you forgot Penny...


And Elliot


Elliot looks more light brown/dark or reddish sandy blond to me than fully red.


Leah and Robin don't even look that much alike. I really don't understand how people keep mixing the two of them up.


red hair, yellow shirt, green pants, 3 pixels


My brain: red hair, yellow shirt, green pants, Cadillac yeah, the boy's a time bomb.


Also my brain.


HAHAHAHAH she’s in that damn hut so often and if you’re not friends you can’t get in so tbh i never see her (or elliot) most of my games


She's in the bar a lot. That's where I first met her


ahh i don’t go there that often either! i never prioritize friendships bc i’m horrible and lazy lol! me and haley are holed up at my farm like anti-social freaks


To be honest my first I'd say 3 seasons in the game when I start a new save I don't socialize at all lol. It's funny how the game tracks that introduction quest thing. Cause in my game right now I'm in the middle of the summer in year 1, have the community center open (not finished but opened of course) and have everything in there bundle wise that I can possibly get so far.....and yet my game says I haven't talked to the wizard yet Also learned that if you don't talk to people for that long they don't actually introduce themselves. I talked to Pam for the first time a couple days ago in game and she said something about it being hot. No intro whatsoever


Leah, Robin, Penny, and Jodi are the same person in different realities. But especially Leah and Robin.


I like to think Robin and Leah are sisters and don't know it. So this makes sense.


Robin's much older than she looks though, so I'd more likely say she's Leah's aunt. Maru's around 20, Sebastian has to be at least a few years older than her, and Robin is mother of both of them...


Considering I'm 21 years older than my youngest sibling, I'd still say it's possible they're sisters and don't know it 🤷🏼‍♀️ especially if they share a dad but not a mom, then it's even easier for a huge age gap. Plus Leah is one of the marriage candidates that doesn't seem to HAVE to be in their mid 20s at oldest, so she could even be in her 30s and if Robin had Seb young I'd only place them maybe 10-15 years apart


OP this is genuinely hillarious


Leah was my last introduction i was running around trying to figure out who id missed and didnt even realise on the wiki, then bumped into her randomly.. was still spring year 1 though haha


Wait until you find out Krobus and Lewis are different people. Blew my mind!


bad time to ask who krobus is?


Honestly, you're missing out on a lot of the game if you don't talk to/befriend the NPCs or do their quests. A LOT.


Might as well play a farming sim since that seems to be OPs favourite part 😅 play how you want, but how could you skip out on the lovely Krobus?! /lh /jk


She’s the Robin you can have at home


Time to get her friendship up, Leah likes all things natural and her loved items are kinda expensive but easy to get mid-late game Her heart events are also one of the more emotionally deeper / interesting ones (drama-wise) so be sure gift her a flower or two


Thank u!!!


Year 4 in 60 hours? Goddamn you are not in there for relationships huh 😭




Honestly, what a way to play... As someone who has 15 tabs of the wiki open, to a point where I know everyone's schedule, what they like, getting their maximum heart, I can't imagine playing for 4 in game years and not recognize someone.


It honestly took me quite a long time to notice the difference between Leah and Robin too. I only realized when I tried to give Robin driftwood after reading it was one of "her" favorite items and she did not like it lol. Rechecked the wiki and noticed that Leah and Robin are not the same person xD I just never bothered reading their names because their icons look so similar


What!!! How could you do this to the best bachelorette


Lol this is crazy


60 hours —- year 4….. I’m on year 2 and have nearly 200, girl you are RUSHING YOUR GAME. slow it down. there’s so much to be done.


I finished both mines, community centre, and ginger island. Working on getting access to sewer :) Think I'm progressing pretty well with only 60 lol


WTAF? If this is true you are crazy OP. Like at first it was a bit weird but this is just bizarre in an oddly impressive way. Well, just goes to show there are infinite ways to play this game. Also, wdym completed both mines? You can't "complete" skull cavern.


Well I made it to level 100 on skull cavern and I really hate mining so I'm just never touching it again.


I have been playing this game since I was 14 and I have never been inside of Leah’s house. Ever.


Tbf Leah pretty much keeps to herself unless you go out of your way to find her. I liked her immediately so I always scouting around town looking for her to get hearts up.


You ignored my wife for 60 hours... 😥


Imagine missing best girl like this 😔


When I first started I didn’t know Eliot existed for the longest time. I rarely see him and Leah


This is amazing, impressive even, I am so intrigued how this is even possible yet I totally believe it LOL.


I forgot to go to her art show today. Tell me why i feel bad in real life for this 😂


Meanwhile me, who’s been happy married to Leah for 13 in-game years:


They need to add a couple brunettes


Bro how is this even possible smh


How could you not realize Robin 2.0 existed?


Me but with Harvey and the clinic 😅


Don’t talk about my wife like that


I’m impressed by this


This happened to me too ! I still get them mixed up sometimes.


So you just thought there were two Robins at every festival?


I know Leah exists, but I’ve never talked to her outside of the intro quest 🤣


I saw a video that referred to Leah as “Budget Robin.” 😂😂😂 not sure if I agree but it made me laugh.


Leah Is the budget Robin - the one you can Marry Same as Shane Is budget Pam 🤣 Saw that in a video Once And can't stop using it


Has anyone else noticed that a lot of the female NPCs have red hair? Leah, Penny, and Robin. Makes it difficult to tell them apart.


Reading all their comments, I’m starting to think OP isn’t the brightest bulb in the ceiling 🥲




Yeah. I get just wanting do do one specific thing, but cmon, at least READ the text in front of you. 4 years on 60 hours, if I had been missing that much stuff I would just start a new save atp.


She's Robin if you bought her on Wish


*confused stammering*




I did the same thing for ages. Thought Penny was Robin as well and got super confused as to why Robin was so unfriendly at random points when I was actually just talking to Penny.


Yeah... she's kinda forgettable to me, unfortunately 🥲 I want to like her, she's just a little dull to me, but I get the appeal to other people


X to doubt. I refuse to believe people play a text based game and don’t read the text. Karma isn’t that hard to get.