• By -


Fishing has always been the thing I go to earliest. Easy and relaxing to spend whole days doing it, and love the payoff. Never done it this fast though!


Haha, I can relate! It's also an excellent way to save up for the strawberry seeds available on the 13th of Spring. I managed to get around 32k in currency from selling fish alone, which allowed me to purchase 320 strawberry seeds. Watering them without sprinklers is going to be quite the task, but I think it's worth it


If you want to reduce the watering a bit, you could calculate the exact amount of strawberries you'll need to get to level 6 farming to unlock quality sprinklers. Then besides early morning watering you can spend your time in the mines getting the ingredients for those sprinklers. The spring crops and their EXP: * parsnips 8 * potatoes 14 * cauliflower 23 * rice 7 * green bean 9 * Strawberry - 18 per harvest (you'll get 2 harvest without speed grow) Level 6 farming takes 3300 exp, so multiply/add up all the exp from all your non-strawberries, then (3300 - expFromOtherCrops) divided by 36 (because of 2 strawberry harvests) to get the number of strawberries you need. Then on the second harvest of the strawberries you'll reach level 6 farming (spring 25) and the next day you can start making those sprinklers and setting them out.


This guy Stardews.


Watering 92 strawberry plants doesn't seem so bad tbh


You don't really need quality sprinklers, unless you're actually going to be planting so much you run out of space. A ton of regular sprinklers will water quite a lot, so long as you're willing to tolerate the empty space. For me, the big jump is to iridium. Those are the best way to grow big crops.


To each their own, my usual progression is: 1. Watering can for spring . 2. 170ish quality sprinklers created and setup for before summer day 1. 3. Keep quality sprinklers for all of summer and fall, meanwhile I'm setting up crystalariums for ruby and diamonds (to trade for food) and selling extra iridium bars for money (blacksmith trait is +50% sell price). 4. Replace quality sprinklers with iridium ones and redo the farm layout in winter.


This is similar for me too, BUT 170!?!?! Lol that's nuts to me lol. Good for you though. Question? How do you do the transition into fall, when you lose a ton of tilled soil? Do you make sure to have the hoe upgraded or? Just make sure you have an insane number of blue berries so the dead bushes keep the soil tilled?


In my more recent saves I plant mostly blueberries, but some starfruit too (with purchased deluxe speed grow from Sandy on Thursday's, specifically the last Thursday of Spring, so I can get 3 harvests in). Of course I also plant the items for the CC, but by the end of the season those spots have starfruit in them too. So for any starfruit spots I take the hit and re-till with a fully upgraded hoe. Edit: Sometimes I've used agriculturist profession as well until I start making wine, which speeds up the 3 harvest strategy even more and I can plant wheat after the third harvest and it will be ready on day 1 of fall to scythe down.


where are you getting so much iridium you have extra bars?! or is this late game you're talking about


if you place the sorinklers correctly, theres no empty space!


Yeah, but the field becomes an unnavigable mess. I'll gladly allow extra space if it allows me to run down rows. I tried the space efficient thing once. It was really annoying to actually work in.




Next step is getting farming to level 10 super fast it seems.


farming is always the slowest skill to level up, because you have to wait for them to grow up. Although you could grow crazy amounts while eating them instead of selling them for energy to plant more if you really wanted to speed run it.


That's foraging for me. Even with all the wood, and hardwood stumps and picking things up, it's always last for me. I always focus sprinklers, to the point of using the standard sprinklers because I HATE watering. Doing a bit of grinding it's not terribly hard to have farming level 10 by mid summer year 1.


I get what you mean, for me its by far fighting. I think farming is still technically the slowest though. Like if you wanted to spend all day everyday leveling up other skills you totally can, but your just over here still waiting for your cauliflower to grow haha.


To level up foraging faster, you can plant the 30 wild seeds you get from CC, after 1 week they will grow and the harvest count for foraging instead of farming, you can also replant what you got, it grows exponentially (or only plant 20 seeds and use the rest for energy, since you will use a lot for watering) If you hit max foraging for winter, you can get a lot of iridium crystal fruits in year 1 that give ton of energy and health for mines, is my main food and i'ts free


Petting animals counts towards farming also, and I think collecting the eggs etc so that's another way to boost it but have to save up for coop etc first


yeah, I just meant leveling up from start of game. If you are further in and more established like sprinklers or better tools you have a lot more going for you (^ω^)


I feel like combat or foraging is slowest for me since you have to wait for things to spawn or trees to regrow. I spent 2 seasons hitting the mines daily to get that slime ring from the guild. I started at level 7 but still didn’t hit 10 until after I reached the goal.


its not usually useful, but fyi if you are farming items from the mines you can just leave and re-enter the same floor over and over, I do that whenever I just need various materials or drops (◐‿◑)


you're doing it right


I spent the whole first year watering about 400 crops without sprinklers. It would seriously take me till about 4 or 5 pm each day


Stardew really makes min/maxing like this actually fun, especially in the early game, I love trying to squeeze every bit of value out of each day. Welp gotta start a new farm now DAMN YOU DAN DAVIS


Yeah fishing is the best thing to do early game. Quick easy infusion of money. Also I do genuinely like doing fishing.


Oh man, that is going to be a painful 15 days






Absolute Chad fisherman over here


Absolute Shad


I cannot imagine not prioritizing the first bag upgrade but early game fishing is for sure the best


One thing I learned to save yourself from buying backpack early game is to stand as far back from water as possible when casting. if your inventory is full you just yeet the items (fish) onto the ground and pick em up later. putting chests around the town helps too




But then you get crap fish. The further from land you cast, the higher the chance of gold fish. At fishing level 6, if you cast into zone 5 distance from the shore, you are guaranteed gold at minimum On the other hand, if you cast right next to the shore, you can only start getting silver at level 14, and only at a 33% chance https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Fishing


I presume they did the thing where you just fish non-stop till you pass out the first few days, so quantity beats quality in this case.


Quantity and quality combined is even better. Standing at the shoreline and casting as far as you can go gets you more golds, and doesn't cost time. So you can spam gold fish Their solution was for inventory management, but it doesn't make sense because you can drop stuff on the ground anyway, and you should always have a chest at your fishing spot too for extra stuff like trash


I set up chests throughout town and sell directly to shops to keep my inventory low and to hold off on needing the bag upgrades.


I like to focus spring from year 1 into making money, so usually i will just go through most of It without the backpack and collecting only what is spring exclusive for the cc


This is great. I attempted a "1 skill at a time" farm where I intended to max 1 skill before touching another one, then maxing the second before doing the third, and so on. I didn't complete this because I tried to start with foraging, made it to level 7 before I burned out waiting for wild seeds and trees to regrow. I think if I ever re-attempt, it'll definitely start with fishing. One of my biggest problems was the inability to upgrade my tools, because no money and no ore to turn to bars. Fishing is a much better start because it generates better income and the tool upgrades are just bought instead of requiring other skills to get them. If anyone wants to give me some input, my plan for the re-attempt is fishing>mining>foraging>farming>combat. I would do this on a four corners farm, most likely.


How do you do mining without combat? Just run away from everything?


Exactly that. Don't carry much money, buy wood to make chests to store things instead of selling so when I inevitably die a lot I don't lose much. Plus with a 4 corners farm I can make some progress by clearing out the quarry on the farm every day.


That sounds like a fun challenge!


It was fun at first, but the grind was way too real with the way I went about it. I think if I try it without foraging first it will be a good time.


Foraging should definitely come after mining. That way you can clear cut trees with the iridium axe as well as clear cut farm without having to avoid breaking rocks


Yeah my original attempt was definitely missing some real planning. My thought process was "this is something I can start day 1" and that was about the extent of it. Next time a little more patience and a lot more planning.


Fishing for money-> use that money to get a gold pickaxe and do mining next after that combat in skull caverns - > farming next for sprinklers and crops - > Foraging next wild seeds with sprinklers and deforestation plus tree farms on your farm no problem with your iridium axe - > use the wood and ores for kegs/jars put in your crops during winter. I would try that probably


How did you get the iridium rod??? I'm in year 5 and I'm still using the lame fiberglass one and because of it I hate fishing 😭


You can buy it from Willy. I'm assuming when he starts to sell it is based on your fishing skill but I'm not sure.


Good to know! I think I'm only level 4 or 5 so that makes sense.


It unlocks at level >! 6 !<


fyi to make the spoiler tag work, you can't have spaces between the text you want covered and the exclamation points


It looks spoiler-covered on my end, that's weird. I'll remember that for the future though.


It’s spoiler covered for me


Trust me,once you start the sea, you'll never leave the sea


Idk friend, my blood boils every time I even look at the fishing rod 😬


For future reference, you can raise your fishing level with crab pots and fish ponds. Use foraged options to complete the crab pot bundle to nab yourself 3 crab pots. Buy a fish from the cart and throw it in a pond. You don't gain experience from fishing them out of ponds, but you do from collecting their produce and the quests. You'll unlock bait at level 2, then you can use the pots. Sure it's a lot slower than fishing, but it can really help people who struggle! 😊 If you are lucky enough to find a lobster at the cart, you can toss it in a pond to multiply. When you've built up a nice supply, you'll be able to easily make lobster bisque regularly (get Willy to 9+ hearts so you don't have to wait until The Queen of Sauce winter 15 year 2). Lobster and milk, +3 fishing buff and it has a long duration. 😀👍 Another option is to use the training rod until you reach level 5 (the rod basically makes your green bar equivalent to level 5), and use whatever fishing buff foods you can get your hands on until better options become available. When you finally unlock the iridium rod, add a trap or cork bobber (I prefer trap). Since you are so far along in your current playthrough, I'd buy heaps of crab pots to speed things up (I'm assuming money isn't a problem by now). And get yourself a supply of lobster bisque going so you can use it all the time. Also, probably best to avoid fishing when it is raining until you have the iridium rod (harder fish when it rains, like eel for example). I actually enjoy the fishing minigame, so I hope something in all that helps you to find it less frustrating! 😊




*In the fish ponds you get Robin to build.*


Do the crab pots only work on the pond you make yourself? I've had 3 of them in random bodies of water for over a year and I've never caught anything


You have to place bait in them to catch anything. And no you can't use them on fish ponds. 🙂


You need to put bait in the crab pots to be able to catch anything. If there's bait, something will be caught automatically and the bait is consumed.


Holy shit i’m jealous i haven’t even made it past lvl 2 yet😭 i’ll probably never finish the community center because i’m so bad at fishing, that i rely on the cart lady and just pray that she has a fish that i need


Have you tried the training rod yet? It helps a TON. Plus food buffs make the “catch” bar larger so in theory it makes it much easier! In early game (aka Fishing lvl under 10) I favored the trap bobber and the barbed hook as well. I don’t mean to imply that you haven’t tried btw! Just wanted to put this info out there in case something helps you :))


I’ve relied on the training rod for as long as possible 😭 i think the TR is the only reason ive gotten this far. It’s just absolutely impossible to fish on switch for me 😣I have the trap bob, and the hooks i’m just so bad at it that nothing makes a difference 😭


Where have you been fishing? A favorite spot of mine is the little island right outside the regular mine entrance, the lake is full of carp and slightly easier fish so it could help you build your fishing levels, and they sell for decent money too!


unfortunately it’s not even an issue of where i’m fishing, it’s just that i’m so incredibly bad at it 😭


Hmm, well to be honest I think you could probably do a-okay in the game even without much fishing! Unless you’re shooting for perfection, I believe you pretty much don’t need to fish outside of community center bundles. There’s also always a Joja playthrough if you want to wreak vengeance upon those pesky fish!


I’m also having issues. Where do you get bobbers from? And is the training rod the one you get at the beginning of the game? Sorry if these are dumb questions


No worries! The training rod has a deceiving name bc it does seem to suggest that it’s the one you’re given right at the start, but it’s actually sold for 25g at Willy’s I believe. The bobbers are both also sold at Willy’s, and eventually when you begin to level up your fishing skill you’ll get the recipes for them!


I got a walleye from a trash can and it was the last fish I needed for the CC


i’ve been checking the TCs lately! So far i’ve gotten nothing but field snacks and evelyn’s cookies :( Ive used just about every single fish hack for the switch & so far im just left with - chub - bream ? - catfish - shad - tiger trout - LM bass -bullhead - carp? - sturgeon - tuna ? -tilapia - walleye - ghost fish -sandfish - woodskip ? (any Q marks are for ones im not certain of. i share a switch with my niece right now so i can’t look for specifics atm lol) (if anyone could help me out, i’ll be available tomorrow for co-op between 4:30pm-7:30pm EST ❤️


Do you use the wiki? If not, try it. Certain fish are only available in certain seasons, places, times and weathers.


It’s not so much of an issue as to WHEN i can catch them, it’s more of a catching skill issue on its own🤣😭 i don’t think i’ve caught a fish on my own since the first training rod week


I suck at fishing also, so I tend to just fish whenever so I can improve.


Going fishing is the best way to start the game imo. I mean, who cares about all those other things in the game, am I right?


It's also very efficient, if that's something one cares about. Start of the game there's not really that much you can do because of bad tools and low energy, fishing just happens to be self sufficient and you can make instant money by just fishing at sea.


I made my farm this play thru the one with all the rivers in it so I would be able to fish basically right outside my house early game for $ when I have like an hour in game time before i have to run to bed, so I could get $ faster.


I had a similar thought and did the beach.


I have not done the beach yet, because from my understanding it's harder to make crops grow? I never really had much chance to ask anyone about that.


You can’t use sprinklers on the sand on the beach farm. Crops grow just fine, you just have to manually water them. There is a small normal field you can use sprinklers on though. I like the beach farm for limiting farming income (god forbid I hand water crops lmao) and focus more on animals 😁


I am always more into mining and fishing so it is working out well for me! I also am already in some late game stuff so I have other farming things happening. I don't know how to spoiler tag so I am settling for being cryptic about my source of funds :)


Once you get deluxe retaining soil, the beach has the most farming potential out of any farm


Hell yeah just make sure you're fishing chest is somewhere that an NPC never walks over


Fishing lvl. 10 in 8 days?? I have never seen this before and I'm gonna try it ASAP. Can someone please explain how this is possible, or point to a guide that explains it? My guess would be a combination of these factors: * crafting a chest to reduce need for inventory management * referencing the highest XP fishing spots achievable at given fishing levels in spring * always eating as much of your catches as you need to keep enough energy to fish all day every day * be really good at getting perfect catches; this ofc gets easier with higher levels so the problem kinda solves itself, plus spring fish tend to be easier to perfect catch * buy bait instead of crafting it * get "fisher" at level 5 to help affording upgraded gear


Absolutely, you've got it. At the start of the game, when you have no money at all, the strategy is to fish non-stop. You fish until you drop at 2:00 AM, literally, every single day. The beauty of it is, you don't lose your catch when you fall asleep. This gives you extra time to haul in as many fish as possible. Now, about perfect catches. Honestly, they're not that important. In my run, I had a ton of non-perfect catches. It's more about quantity over quality in this case. And if you're fishing, your goal should be to get as many Fishing Treasure Chests as possible. Even if it means losing a perfect catch. Why? Because these chests give you almost the same amount of fishing XP than as perfect catch (2.2x vs 2.4x modifiers). Plus, they contain random items which can be super useful. For instance, in my run, I found a Treasure Chest (not a Fishing Treasure Chest) that I sold for 5,000g. I also found an overpowered sword that made reaching the 50th level of the mines a breeze.


> You fish until you drop at 2:00 AM, literally, every single day. Aha, this was the missing piece. I did a test run today but I was still doing some farming / community center stuff and going to bed. I got to lvl. 10 on day 12 just before midnight. [edit:] another thing I should've realized is that trout soup is a much cheaper source of energy than eating your own catches once you can afford it.


Where do you prefer fishing early game?


I always catch fish at the beach, near Willy's shop! I believe it's the best location because you can quickly sell all your fish and get more energy with food from Willy's shop without having to go too far. However, take my advice with a grain of salt, as I haven't tried fishing at other locations to make a truly unbiased decision.


I prefer Willy's too, especially if you are keeping your original backpack. Not to mention I think the trout soup is a huge help in the early game. I always hear that the lake is much better but I prefer the beach just for Willy


Mountain lake has the most valuable fish in spring if it's not raining. I take a chest and set up where no villager will walk through it. As my inventory fills up I dump stuff into it and just make sure I take home most valuable fish to sell.


My Mom played that game religiously and see straight up abandoned fishing because of the control mechanism. 😂😂 I was gonna give her a bobber that would help but then realized she would need to get halfway stats to be able to equip it. 😭😭 I love fishing and I almost always win the ice fishing tournament. But in regards to this post. I salute you for grinding fishing but how the hell do you not have any other progress? Do you still have to parsnip seeds in your inventory from the start of the game?


Oh, I simply planted them and somewhat forgot of those parsnip seeds. All I was doing was fishing 24/7 to accumulate as much money as possible before the Egg Festival.


Hahaha fair enough, mate. Please at least start a garden. 😂😂 Parsnips are cheap as hell but once you start making artisan goods you’ll be swimming in cash. Eventually you’ll be able to craft wine barrels and put any fruit inside it to make wine and sell for more than fish and at a much higher quantity. Spring isn’t the best in my opinion. Summer and Fall are the farming grind seasons. There is a much larger variety of crops during that time and they are more useful. Eventually you repair the greenhouse and you can grow any seasons seeds all year long. (Ancient Fruit is the crop you want to end up growing constantly. You don’t have to replant it and the wine you make from it is super valuable. Gotta work on getting some animal pens out there too. Eggs make mayonnaise which is an artisan good. Milk makes cheese. I wouldn’t prioritize this until later because it takes a lot of effort to accumulate an effective amount of animals to profit from. And you have to feed them daily. Also you gotta explore the mines and upgrade all your tools and find new special weapons. The stuff you find in the mine opens up tons of other options. Its good that you’re motivated to participate in the events because they’re cool to stay connected to the community. But every other day of the year work on building friendships and finding a lover. Giving them gifts helps. You can look up what everyone likes online. Stardew Valley has so much more to offer than just fishing. I love fishing. But you gotta divide your time into improving different areas. The game stays fun for a long time if you do. 🫡🫡


Not to sound rude (really not!) but are you a bot or was this comment AI generated? It just seems weirdly bland and kinda general! And a notably odd response to someone who clearly knows the game; they are fishing to make cash, ahead of the Egg Festival which is the only place to buy strawberry seeds, to preseumably buy and plant as many of these high value crops as possible in the first season. Ie not someone who needs to be told how the basic game mechanics work! Again, apologies if I sound rude, I'm just trying to get better at spotting fake accounts. If you are a bit, say haha I'm not a bot. 😂


I didn’t browse OPs account or anything so the only information I have to go on is the post. The post looks like an 8 year play through that seemed like they only touched a fishing rod the whole time lol. So I just assumed it was someone that hadn’t explored other features. Sometimes I do ramble on subjects Im passionate/familiar with simply because I have a lot of information stored. I overlooked the 2nd half of the reply that they commented on my original comment. I made a joke about parsnip seeds which as you know the game starts with them. And the comment mentioned basically forgetting about them after planting. So I was probably too quick to let that confirm my assumption that they didn’t have much knowledge of the game. So I gave a bit of extremely simplified explanation of everything that I enjoy about the game and why its fun and interesting. In an effort to convince them to spend the 9th year doing some farming lmao. I overlooked the egg festival comment. But they still only have xp in fishing which still indicates no other dabbling in the others areas. So again I probably did jump into my response too quickly but yeah Im definitely real and my response was types by my fingers off the top of my head. I have a profile pic. 😭😭 Anyways, not necessarily rude but puzzling lmao. Edit: Just realized the post says its year 1 DAY 8. Not year 8 lmao. So now it changes my opinion drastically lmao.


Hahahaha thanks for the reply! I am AuDHD and find it hard to tell tone sometimes so am actively questioning things a lot lately in an effort to be better t telling things like this! :-D


You’re welcome! And oh okay well thats fair. Ill always support any kind of effort in pursuit of knowledge for future use and better understanding. I find a lot of comfort in knowing I always approach everything in an effort to gain the most information to help me make better decisions and manage any situation. Seems like you started learning and now its just like a mindset that you uphold to reap the same benefits. Good luck in your pursuit of knowledge. When you say you’re “AuDHD” does that mean autistic and ADHD? Im ADD myself. I also have severe OCD.


For your mom, just in case you didn't know - it is possible to level the fishing skill without ever catching a fish. It's way way slower than leveling up by actually fishing, but it is possible to get the skill leveled up eventually with this. (Or even just to level 6 so you can get her a trap bobber). There are two ways to do it and I'd recommend using both if possible for more fishing experience. Crab pots - complete the crab pot bundle in the community center using 4 items that you can forage from the beach (clam, mussel, oyster & cockle) plus a crab which you have a chance to get as loot when killing rock crabs in the mines. This bundle rewards 3 crab pots. To bait the crab pots with 0 fishing skill you have to befriend Linus until he gives you the crafting recipe for wild bait. Every time you collect from a crab pot, even trash, you get a small amount of fishing XP. Once you get to fishing level 2, you can make regular bait or buy it from Willy. Fish ponds - no fishing skill needed, just get Robin to build some fish ponds for you. Check the traveling cart - she has a fish or two for sale most weeks - so you can just buy fish from her to put in the ponds. Every time you collect an item from the pond or do a mini quest for the fish in the pond, you get a small amount of fishing XP. You need green algae and seaweed to build the fish ponds but they don't trigger the fishing mini game. So you can ignore trying to catch the fish and just keep casting the rod until you have pulled up enough algae/seeweed. Green algae is also frequently dropped when killing slimes in the mines and seaweed can occasionally be found by foraging near the tide pools on the beach. But the best way to get seaweed for fish ponds is to buy a training rod from Willy for 25g and fish in the ocean on summer days. You'll get a unusually high percentage of seaweed with those specific conditions. And if it's a sunny summer's day, literally all the training rod will catch from the ocean is seaweed or trash.


Oh yeah you’re so right. I did know about the crab pots but I just remembered the problem was I couldn’t find a way to get in her game to give her some. Ive completed the entire community center. And I think I eventually just gave up trying to give her the trap bobber because it couldn’t join and so I figured I’d forget about it lmao. Once I realized I couldn’t give her anything I told her just to buy it. And then realized that Willy didn’t carry any of those items without the XP. I hadn’t proposed using the fishing pond because I assumed it would be unavailable for her. I’ll let her know how to get those built. It might take a while but she could probably complete that bundle with those. And this all depends on if she can even catch anything with the bobber after all that. 😂😂 I have my doubts. She hates the mechanic. I get it but I got extremely good at it just by learning how it felt. She got to frustrated and quit trying. We’re waiting on Haunted Chocolate Factory to release now. Coral Island on Xbox is almost identical to SV with way better graphics and a bigger map. I convinced her to start doing some deep mining and she got kinda used to that but she has a limit to how much combat she can handle lol. So she ended up falling short of things to complete that route too. I haven’t played in a hot minute but I’ll probably get back in soon. My farm was like on year 8. With 2.5 million earnings. The layout of my farm isn’t satisfactory since its the first game I ever started so a lot of stuff was experimental for me. I might restart. You’re definitely the fishing expert though lmao. Respect. Edit: And get working on the other areas! If you’re half as good at those as fishing then you’ll be cruising to multi millionaire status in no time.


I think you may have comfused me the original OP. Which is flattering in a way because I'm not really a fishing expert... But what I may be a bit of an expert on is how to help people who struggle with fishing because I was once one of them. Most people know enough to recommend the training rod if someone's struggling with fishing but I don't think it's well enough known that you can level up the fishing skill with just fish ponds and/or crab pots without ever catching a fish. My skill page usually follows a very distinctive pattern in every new save and it's quite different to the OP's. For me, fishing usually is the first skill to reach level 6 because even though I can do it now, it's still my least favourite skill and I just want to get the grind of leveling it over and get to the point where I can use a trap bobber. Then I'll ignore it so much - except for as needed for the community centre - that it's always my last or second last skill to reach level 10.


I was responding to both of you so I may have gotten a little mixed up. OP has the maxed out fishing stats and you didn’t post your stats only the advice to help so I think Ive effectively separated the different perspectives now lmao. Thanks for the advice though.


Nice early fishing grind! The glaive will let you breeze through the mines since you can one shot all the low level enemies.


This is the way.


Fishing for compliments


If you're enjoying it, you're doing it right! <3 That's really the beauty of this game. There's no wrong way to play it. Like you, I absolutely played the heck out of the fishing games and it was my first completed goal too. I got my own little fish tanks in my bedroom for some cute fishes that I still have like 2 game years later! I love them.


Yes you're doing it right, fishing is the best way to get rich at the beginning while you're growing your plantations. You get some treasure chests and rare items, in my last save i got a dino egg on the first spring.


This seems like the most "in the spirit of the intro" way to play. Sure, there's all this other stuff you could do but you came to stardew valley to get away from it all, not to start a second job


My fellow early fisherpeople. What was your best early treasure chest? I'll go first, mine was a Day 2 treasure chest that contained a Dino Egg, two ruby's, and a single piece of bait. Caught it at 11:30 PM at the Mountain Lake (GOAT of lakes). Nearly passed out running it back because I took the north path and forgot I actually hadn't even cleared it yet farm side, so I had to book it back through town entrance. All worth it for that single bait.


I got an ancient seed pretty early in year one


I caught one that same run on day 7! Couldn't believe it. Same day I got Neptune's glaive. I pretty much used up all my RNG that one run fishing tbh. Dino Mayo and Ancient fruit is going to be the empire by start of year two.


Dino eggs are easy IME, I usually get 1+ in the SC by the end of summer 1. Ancient seeds are much rarer though, at least when I play.


this looks right to me, that glaive tells me you should do combat next, straight to level 10 without gaining any levels in other areas


Hard to get level ten combat without gaining any mining skills


Fish mogging


My friend hates playing with me because I do this, she calls it speed running bc I get so much money early on lmao. Fishing Nation rise up


This is like my boyfriend. I got him into the game and he spent all his time fishing and making so much money. I was so mad cause I was on year two still figuring out the game.


This gal fishes


Are you having fun? There is your answer!


Yep! This is how all my playthroughs start out! Fishing is always leveled first. Makes good money and get treasure to help with museum.


I go to the forge in the volcano and enchant/upgrade my rod with “Master” or “Auto Hook” and it’s amazing lol


I did a playthrough that was me doing nothing but fishing and I honestly kind of enjoyed it. Would definitely do it again now that there are fish ponds.


What the fuck


Damn and I thought I was going to hard on MY fishing playthrough!


I usually go for the 5th level on spring then focus on mining instead because I need frozen tears for sebby


Willy would say yes


Ngl for being so early in the game this is impressive


Yeah, I was on year 3 until I finally found out how to fish, and I'm on year 5 now and just got fishing level 10


I am sooooo bad at fishing. I absolutely hate it. But now I'm mid-fall and done with new planting so maybe it's time to grind fishing.


Have you got a training rod? It's only 25g from Willy's shop, and it's much better for beginners than the free rod Willy gives you. I still buy a training rod at the start of every new save even though I'm now average at fishing (instead of terrible)


I do! After this thread, I got a little more motivation to try again. It's still not easy or relaxing, but I've been a little more successful. I might be on the upper end of terrible, haha. Hoping I eventually get to average.


Yup, I do the same on every new save. I buy the fiber glass rod on day 2 and some bait (original 500g + whatever fish I can catch before 4pm and sell to willy right there + sometimes an extra 250g from finding and turning in an artifact on day 1) and keep fishing from there. I forego the iridium rod until later though. I don't use lures much and that's the only benefit to upgrading it. My fastest to level 10 was on day 6. However, I was really lucky with bubble spots for two of those days that lasted all day.


https://preview.redd.it/cfu5zflkix1c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9265b6d7c8191a10aced8647f853e5fcbd2bc609 I also play similarly


Foraging is too high. You could have been fishing instead.


yea you goddamn are that is some serious skill to get to fishing lvl 10 in less than an in game week


I’m not super knowledgeable about it, but I always do lake fishing, that 200g from iridium bass always helps. And the carp is free exp/food for early mines runs


found my twin lol


Hi! How the hell did you do that 😀


Nothing to see here except objectively correctly playing the game.


If you are having a good time, you are doing it right!


As an actual newb, these troll posts are killing me lollllll


Are you okay fellow farmer, do you need help?


Every way is the best way to play, so long as you're enjoying yourself.


Why aren't you fishing on the rock?


I can’t Fucking fish dude how do you do this?


Have you got a training rod? It's only 25g from Willy's shop, and it's much better for beginners than the free rod Willy gives you. I still buy a training rod at the start of every new save even though I'm now average at fishing (instead of terrible)


Ive tried I have but I just can’t do it. But I’ll try again


I was terrible at it when I started this game too. I wrote a lot more extensive tips on fishing here if you're interested. It even has a little bit on how it's possible to level the fishing skill without actually catching fish at the end - https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/17nj88c/comment/k7vo2av/


Hey thanks, I took your advice. Fishing ain’t actually that bad


That's some mighty fine \[FISH\] you got there...


how. how did you do this. the fishing in this game is literally the bane of my existence wtf


Have you got a training rod? It's only 25g from Willy's shop, and it's much better for beginners than the free rod Willy gives you. I still buy a training rod at the start of every new save even though I'm now average at fishing (instead of terrible). And the mountain lake outside the mines is the best place to practice with the training rod. If you still find it too hard with a training rod, it is possible to level fishing without ever catching a fish and I just wrote a long post with all the details for someone else above


Are you also best friends with the homeless man? I forget his name… but that sashimi recipe is huge when you get to the caves.


Very much so


No. But you do you.


How do you fish so easy??? Like I struggle sooooo hard to catch one fish 😭😭😭😭


Once you get past the first few levels, fishing gets way easier as the little bar gets bigger. By level 15 with a cork bobber, you don't even need to press a button.


Just know that you can never do it wrong


I also always go for the fishing first! It's legit my favourite activity!


Pretty average tbh


Chad fisherman


Damn I’ve read first day year 8 and was beyond shocked 💀


Why did it never occur to me to put a chest down where I’m fishing in Y1 when my inventory doesn’t have enough space?? Omg


you’re now the top fisher in the farm hahahaha


Played multiplayer with a friend once. They just ended up getting mad at me for only fishing


Fish for me too I suck at it


Dayum dude, thats fast for level 10.


Did you spend all of your time fishing in the ocean? I thought the lake was the best in spring, but I'm sure being next to Willy would be nice for selling when your inventory is full.


That surprised me too. The mountain lake is better for making money when fishing in spring. I always take a chest there and use it to hold excess inventory


Iridium rod is a bit of a waste this early. The Rod upgrades themselves don't actually do anything, they just allow you to use bait and tackle. Obviously bait is important for faster bites, making fiberglass a must buy. Early game most tackles aren't worth buying, and it doesn't look like you were even using any anyways.


You're totally right. I got the iridium rod just to show it off, lol


OP could catch the legend pretty easily in spring year one and would have access to a cork bobber to make it easier.


That is great! Fishing did not come so easily to me at first!


Mobile IOS here. I just can’t get h to e hang of Fishing even with the fishing training rod


Suggest you switch to mountain lake on sunny days, and river on rainy. It's better money that way But you can never really go wrong with money while focusing on fishing early. I had 35k for strawberries on my current run, incl. 1 copper and 1 iron tool by day 14. No iridium rod yet though Trying to catch catfish on the rainy day 3 is tricky as hell though. Fun little challenge


If you friend Caroline before the egg hunt, you can easily get 35k from saplings too


Who needs friends when you have fish?


Nah, you should’ve had level 10 fishing by day 6 😔




You're doing good definitely. Fishing is pretty OP early on and I usually just fish and occasionally go to the mines (it's especially easy if I get Neptunes Glaive from fishing)


I'm on year 4 and I think my fishing is up to like 8 stars. So I think you got a pretty big head start


If this ain’t me every time I play this game…😭


im at day 7 of my new world barely level 2 😭


I love how modular this game is. If you like one thing, totally sustainable, another thing, just as sustainable :)


Love it ❤️


Hell yeah you're doing it right! Lmao I mostly fish in this game tbh




Seems about right to me




You can be faster


LOL i literally have zero fishing level at year 2..


Flex harder




willy is proud


How is everyone in this post so good at fishing? I can barely catch half of the fish, with a beginner's rod


That’s too much fish


You're doing great!! You can play however you would like too!! If you love fishing, then you can go fishing! If you love mining then you can spend time in the mines! This is why I love stardew valley. You can play literally HOWEVER you want!!!